2016 BT 112CE0057 Applicatio of HEC
2016 BT 112CE0057 Applicatio of HEC
2016 BT 112CE0057 Applicatio of HEC
runoff simulation
A Thesis Presented in Partial Accomplishment of
the requisite for the degree of
Civil Engineering
Sandeep Kumar Sahu
Under the assistance of:
This is to certify that the thesis id entitled, “Application of HEC-HMS model for runoff
simulation” submitted by SANDEEP KUMAR SAHU in partial fulfilment for the requirement
for the degree of Bachelor of Technology 2015-16 in Civil Engineering at National Institute
of Technology, Rourkela is an authentic work carried out by him under my supervision and
guidance. To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in this report has not been
The satisfaction and excitement on the successful achievement of any assignment would be
inadequate without the reference of the people who made it possible, whose continual
supervision and encouragement completed out effort with success.
I am obliged to the Dept. of civil engineering, NIT Rourkela for benevolent me the opportunity
to accomplish this project, which is an vital part of the curriculum in B.Tech curriculum at the
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela.
I would like to take this prospect to express earnest gratefulness for my project guide Prof.
Sanat Nalini Sahoo, who provided me the prised inputs at the acute stages of this project
implementation. My special appreciations to Prof. S.K.Sahu, Head of the Civil Engineering
Department, for all the conveniences provided to fruitfully complete this work. I am also very
obliged to all the faculty members of the Department for their constant inspiration during the
Proposing this thesis would have been a phenomenal work, without the endless help,
encouragement, support and counsel from my friends and seniors. Last but not the least I would
like to share this bit bliss with my parents. They solidify me massive support during the whole
tenure of my halt at NIT, Rourkela.
5.3) DISCUSSION………………………………………………….36
5.4) CONCLUSION………………………………………………...37
Hydrology is the study of the water cycle that includes the knowledge of water
evaporation from sea and land. Where and how much water returns back to the earth’s surface
as precipitation and how much it get stored in soils and aquifers, as well as how water travels
through rivers and underground to the seas and oceans. Hydrologists help solve local and global
problems related to the overabundance, scarcity, or quality of water, by understanding various
physical, chemical, and biological processes in the water cycle and soil-water system.
From the beginnings, there is dependably worry over the conceivable outcomes of a dangerous
atmospheric deviation, it has been broadly perceived that adjustments in the water cycle
between area, ocean, and air could have exceptionally huge effects crosswise over numerous
divisions of the economy, society, and nature. The attributes of numerous physical biological
systems, for instance, are vigorously impacted by water accessibility and, on account of in
stream environments and wetlands, by the amount and nature of water in waterways and
aquifers. Water is basic for the human life and numerous exercises—most clearly horticulture
additionally industry, power era, transportation, and waste administration—and the
accessibility of clean water frequently is an imperative on monetary improvement. Thusly, there
have been a considerable number studies into the potential impacts of environmental change on
hydrology (concentrating on cycling of water) and water assets (concentrating on human and
natural utilization of water).
Waterway bowl or a watershed is a territory over which different hydrologic procedures, for
example, precipitation, snowmelt, capture attempt, evapotranspiration, invasion, surface
overflow, and sub-surface stream are performed. Hydrological demonstrating includes figuring
the scientific models to speak to these hydrologic forms and additionally the collaboration
between them. So in hydrologic displaying the between relationship of soil, water, atmosphere,
and area use are viewed as and spoke to through numerical reflection (Gosain et al., 2009). This
can challenge since it includes exceptionally nonlinear procedures, complex communications
and high spatial variability at bowl scale.
Hydrological models can be classified by physical procedures required in displaying and also
the reasonable and physically based (Refsgaard, 1996) models. In reasonable models each of
the hydrologic forms, that we read into our perceptions of the catchment, are spoken to by
disentangled numerical connections, where as in physically based model the subtle element
physical procedures can be spoken to deterministically by representations of mass, force and
vitality protection.
• M.R. Knebl (2004) have develops a framework for regional scale flood modeling that
integrates NEXRAD Level III rainfall, GIS, and a hydrological model
(HECHMS/RAS). The San Antonio River Basin (about 4000 square miles, 10,000 km2)
in Central Texas, USA, is the domain of the study because it is a region subject to
frequent occurrences of severe flash flooding. A major flood in the summer of 2002 is
chosen as a case to examine the modeling framework. The model consists of a rainfall–
runoff model (HEC-HMS) that converts precipitation excess to overland flow and
channel runoff, as well as a hydraulic model (HEC-RAS) that models unsteady state
flow through the river channel network based on the HEC-HMS-derived hydrographs.
• Reshma T (2013) have estimated accurate runoff for a given rainfall event is a difficult
task due to various influencing factors. Several computer based hydrological model have
been developed for simulation of runoff in watershed and water resource studies.
In this study, Hydrologic Engineering Center –Hydrologic Modeling System
(HECHMS) hydrological model has been used to simulate runoff process in Walnut
Gulch watershed located in Arizona, USA. To compute infiltration, rainfall excess
conversion to runoff and flow routing, methods like Green-Ampt, Clark’s Unit
hydrograph and Kinematic wave routing were chosen. The model has been calibrated
and validated for the seven rainfall events. From the results, it is observed that HEC-
HMS model has performed satisfactorily for the simulation runoff for the different
rainfall events.
The reviewed literatures showed that HEC-HMS successfully used for rainfall-runoff
modelling in different watersheds. Hence this can be used in the present study.
2.2 Objective
beneficiary to HEC-1 (HEC, 2010a). HEC-HMS in its semi-distributed art an element
of uses gridded topographic reference to discretize a watershed directed toward
subbasins and incorporates the act with regard to of gridded torrent data (Zhang, Wang,
Wang, Li & Wang, 2013). The from that day forward sections will dispute the
components and calculations methods utilized by HEC-HMS.
A HEC-HMS model is composed of four elements – sub basin; reach; reservoir; and network
elements . These four elements, plus the meteorological model, wholly represent a modeled
Watershed and are introduced in this section.
2. Reach Elements – A Reach element is an element greater number of inflow with only
one outflow. Outflow is calculated per one of the ready to be drawn methods available
3. Reservoir Elements – A reservoir element has more than one inflow to compute outflow.
Inflow can be from various elements in the watershed model. If there is preferably than a well
known inflow, en masse are reproduced together heretofore computing the outflow. It is on a
long shot that the water lift in the reservoir factor is level. Various methods are accessible for
defining computerized information properties of the reservoir. Reservoir syllabary call a spade
a spade reservoirs, lakes and ponds. (HEC 2010) Reservoir elements are not utilized in this
4. Network Elements – Network elements include various source, junction, diversion and
sink elements. Source fundamentals gives process to adding bodily the inflows to the go with
the tide network, or to call a spade a spade various upstream boundary conditions. Junction are
second hand to accompany more than one inflows, periodic at a confluence. The diversion
element explain locations in the linger network to what place water is not a sign of from the
channel and excused elsewhere. Sink graphic representation is the diner of a watershed. Source
elements are the instant way to perform flow in the watershed model. Source and pleasure
elements are not utilized in this study.
For each model element, HEC-HMS offers of variety of methods to calculate the hydrological
response to input data, including precipitation. This section will introduce the methods available
for each model element. Only those methods chosen for this study will be discussed in detail.
a. Canopy method – Used to call a spade a spade the reality of contrasting plants in the
arena and for reductions in shower based on equivocate interception. When rainfall occurs, the
canopy interception storage fills first. Precipitation intercepted becomes available to be
evaporated, thereby reducing the precipitation available for direct flow.
b. Surface method – represents the ground surface where all water accumulate in
depression storage areas. Net precipitation accumulated in the depression storage areas as well
as infiltration of the soil has that has the capacity to accept water, thereby reducing the
precipitation available for direct flow.
c. Loss method – loss method uses infiltration calculations. Twelve different loss methods
are available. Two of which were investigated for use in study. They are the Soil
conservation service (SCS) Curve number (CN) and Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA).
i. SCS CN loss method
The sub-basin SCS CN rule of thumb, HEC-HMS calculates the incremental precipitation
around a hit by re-calculating the infiltration non fiction at the accomplish of each predate
interim based on the CN and percent secure area of the sub-basin. The competition in each time
interim in infiltration is the divided loyalty in novel at the conclude of two adjacent time
intervals (HEC, 2010a). Runoff using the SCS CN method is determined by the following
Where Q is runoff (in.) and P is precipitation (in.) (NRCS, 1986). The SCS loss method is
intended for event simulations. ii. Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA) loss method
The SMA loss method is based on the USGS’s Precipitation Runoff Modeling System
(Leavesley, Litchy, Troutman & Saindon, 1982). The model simulates the various movement
of water through, and storage of water on or in the surface and groundwater layers. The SMA
loss method uses three layers to represent the dynamics of water movement in the soil. Layers
include soil storage, upper as well as lower groundwater. Groundwater layers are intended to
represent shallow interflow process. The SMA loss method is well suited for continuous
simulation since it can simulate both wet and dry weather conditions. Canopy and surface
infiltration storage are used in conjunction with the SMA loss method.
Figure-1: SMA Loss
d. Transform method – this method performed using Surface runoff calculations. Seven methods
are available in HEC-HMS. Two which were investigated for use in this study are SCS Unit
Hydrograph (UH) and Clark’s UH. The SCS unit hydrograph transform method has been
evaluated for use in HEC-HMS using gage rainfall data; it is not well suited for gridded
precipitation data.
Therefore, the Clark’s UH transform method for gaged precipitation data and ModClark
transform method for gridded precipitation data are utilized in this study. Clark’s UH derives a
watershed UH by explicitly representing the short-term Attenuation of precipitation and
translation of precipitation to runoff. Outflow
, is computed as:
where R is constant linear reservoir parameter, Δt is the model time step, It isinflow into storage,
e. Base-flow method – Base-flow method uses subsurface calculations. Majorly four methods
are available. The linear emergency fund base-flow manner uses a linear reservoir ideal for the
recession trailing a raid event. It conserves group within the sub-basin. The infiltration expected
by the loss manner is accessible to inflow of the linear reservoir. When used mutually the SMA
loss way of doing thing, infiltration is installed to the coordinate outflow of the groundwater
2. Reach Elements
a. Routing method –it’s a part of stream, and all the calculations are performed by
a routing method contained within the reach. Mainly Six methods are available in HEC-
HMS. Two which were investigated for use in this study are Muskingum-Cunge and
Kinematic Wave. The kinematic wave routing method is best suited to steep slopes and
engineered channels (HEC, 2010a). The Muskingum-Cunge is suited to a wide Alps of
applications; properly this routing rule of thumb is hand me down for this study. This
routing manner is based on the preservation of group, and the diffusion associate of the
preservation of momentum. It is mostly known as a variable coefficient manner because
the routing parameters are re-calculated every has a head start step based on channel
properties as abundantly as go with the tide depth. It represents attenuation of hail waves
and bouncecel be hand me down in reaches mutually small slopes. The governing
equation to determine discharge during the Muskingum-Cunge routing method is:
b. Loss/Gain Method – The loss/gain approach gives the at variance losses from
the channel, in basic principle to the channel from groundwater or multi-directional raw
material movements. A loss/gain manner is optional and is not utilized in this study.
3. Network Elements
a. Junctions – Elements with one or more inflows and only one outflow, used to
represent stream confluences in this study. All the inflow that equal at merger are added
mutually to show the outflow, assuming no one at all storage. There is no spatial
standing room only or under the sun properties associated mutually junctions properly
no computational methods are needed.
b. Sinks – Elements with one or more inflows but no outflow, used to represent the
outlet in this study. Various inflows are added arm in arm in-order to verify the total
meet of mineral deposit entering the elements. There are no spatial extents or mundane
properties associated by all of sinks as a consequence no computational methods are
4. Meteorological Model – The meteorological model is one of the main components of a
HECHMS model. Its principal purpose is to prepare meteorological inputs for sub basins.
The following section introduces the inputs required for the elements and meteorological model, as
identified in this section as being utilized, in HEC-HMS.
1. Sub-basin Inputs
a. Area (km2)
i. CN prepared from land cover and soil surveys ii. Impervious area (%) –
Defines the percentage of the sub-basin that are impervious.
c. SMA loss method
i. Soil (%), groundwater 1 (%) and groundwater 2 (%)-At the cutting edge
condition of pollute, tonic as cleanly as the sink groundwater protect specified as a
percentage of the maximum accessible soil raw material computerized information that
is realized of water, at the different of the simulation.Maximum infiltration (in./hr) –
The upper bound for the infiltration of the surface storage into the soil.
ii. Impervious area (%) –the sub-basin which is directly connected to impervious
area in percentage.
iii. Soil storage (in.) –packing available in upper soil. If set to null, infiltrated water
is passed directly to the under-groundwater.
iv. Tension storage (in.) – it represents the equal of raw material computerized
information in the besmear that does not diminish under the chattels personal of
magnitude. Filtration of the blot coat in the tonic groundwater didst the sly occurs when
the soil storage surpass the spreading too thin storage. Excess water in overex storage is
moved by evapotranspiration.
v. Soil percolation (in./hr), groundwater 1 & 2 percolation (in./hr)– it sets the upper
dump on the percolation of the if blanket directed toward the protect located soon below
it. The indisputable percolation outlay is a linear in what one is in to of the avant-garde
storage, in the supposing layer. The state-of-the-art storage in the layer located soon
below it.
vi. Groundwater 1 & 2 storage (in.) – represent the everything storage in the
motivation and sink groundwater layers. If apply to nothing, bodily the raw material that
ebb from the besmear passes soon to the ebb groundwater protect or absorbed
ii. Groundwater 1 and 2 Coefficient (hr) – it is an presage constant for the linear
plant at hand in each groundwater layer.
iii. Groundwater 1 and 2 Reservoirs – Can be used to route the base flow through
several sequential reservoirs.
2. Reach Inputs
i. Length (ft) – Total length of the reach element ii. Slope (ft/ft) – Average slope for the
reach element iii. Manning’s n – Average value for the reach element. Typically estimated
through calibration, using engineering judgment and knowledge of the river/stream properties.
iv. Shape – Specifies the cross section shape of the reach element. Five options are available: circular,
triangle, rectangle, trapezoid and 8-point cross section.
3. Meteorological Inputs
The study area is Guwahati is a part of Kamrup District in Assam (North East India), which
is situated on bank of River Brahmaputra. Guwahati is divided into 7 watershed. Silsako is
one of the watershed- my study area concentrate on silsako watershed. Silsako watershed
situated in Guwahati, covers about 27.85 km2 of zone in the east of Guwahati. The city is
situated on a plane which is undulated with altitude varying between 47.0m and 55.5m
above mean sea level (MSL). The regular annual rainfall for the study site is about 1600
mm. Monsoon rainfall season starts from June and it continues up to September. Most of
the rainfall (about 900mm) in this region occurs in the month of July and August. In this
study, the city area has been divided into seven watersheds. The methodology used for the
study of runoff determination is demonstrated by considering one of the watersheds named
Silsako watershed. The silsoka basin include military area, refinery and the township of
various Industrial establishments and a major portion of Narkalbari Hill and Sunsili Hill in
the east. All the areas are sloping towards wetland (Silsako lake). As it receives all the runoff
from the whole basin, this lake is the outlet of this watershed, Hence it is known as Silsako
Figure-3 Location of Guwahati
• Base map of study area collected from Sahoo and Sreeja (2014)
• Daily rainfall data from 2010 to 2012 collected from IMD (Indian Meteorological Department)
• Soil data (Green Ampt infiltration parameters) collected from Rawls et al. 1983
• Basin properties have been collected from Sahoo and Sreeja (2014) and are given in Table 1.
Table 1: Various parameters required for simulation
15 323 0 0.371 210 0.508 26.2
A New project being created. Then Basin model is obtained from Components on taskbar.
Then Basin map is imported – Silsako watershed. The given watershed is subdivided into 22
sub-watershed having different areas. Each area is denoted as sub-basin. Sub-basin is an element
has no inflow and only one outflow. Each sub-basin is connected by a hydrological element,
Reach element. With areas and also Green Ampt parameters as input of 22 sub-basins are given
as input. All the sub-basin are routed using reach element. Routing is finished in various
method. While routing choose none, in-order to translate all the flow instantly without
attenuation. Sometimes Junctions are also required to collect water from various sources..
Junction is also routed using Reach element. Finally all are connected to sink. Sink denotes the
a point of an interior drainage area or outlet of the basin model. Then Meteorological model
is created from components in task bar. Precipitation is chosen as Specified Hyetograph. Then
control specification is created from components in task bar. Then date of start and end date
is filled with the time interval. Then Time series data is created from components in task bar.
In precipitation gauge unit chosen in millimetre & time interval as 1 day. Then daily rainfall
data is filled in the table.
• Each sub basin & Junction is connected using reach element, consist of 31 reach elements.
Figure-5: Basin Model
The following table provides the various Hydrological elements such as Sub-basin, reach,
junction with the area of the drainage and the discharge of the corresponding hydrological
5.2 Result for sub-basin 1
Figure 6 shows the precipitation, the corresponding precipitation loss and the discharge at the outlet
of sub-basin 1.
Figure-6: precipitation, corresponding precipitation loss and discharge at the outlet of subbasin
Figure-7: Daily precipitation from December 2009 to June 2012
Figure-9: Discharge of sub-basin1.
Figure-11: Discharge of sub-basin 3
Figure-13: discharge of sub-basin 5
Figure -15: discharge of sub-basin 7
Figure-17: discharge of sub-basin 9
Figure-19: discharge of sub-basin 11
Figure-21: discharge of sub-basin 13
Figure-23: discharge of sub-basin 15
Figure-25: discharge of sub-basin 17
Figure-27: discharge of sub-basin 19
Figure-29: discharge of sub-basin 21
Figure-31: discharge at the outlet of the Silsako watershed
5.3 Discussion
Figure 8 shows the soil infiltration loss of the sub basin 1, that given in mm. Figure 9 shows the
discharge of sub-basin 1 about 175 m3/s, Figure 10 shows the discharge in sub-basin 2 about 270
m3/s, figure 10 shows sub-basin 3 gives discharge about 178 m3/s, figure 11 shows the discharge
in sub-basin 4 about 87 m3/s.
Figure 31 shows the outlet where all the water is collected from all 22 sub-basin gives discharge
about 5020 m3/s.
5.4 Conclusion
The HEC–HMS is applicable for disaster mitigation, flood control, and water
management in medium-size river basins. The ability of HEC–HMS to simulate the magnitude
and timing of the peaks in extreme floods in the river basin that underscores the significance of
the model’s application as a flood prediction tool. The model cab be useful as a tool to issue
early warnings in the lower river basin during extreme rainfall conditions in the upper basin.
The ability of HEC–HMS is to simulate long-term daily flow, which shows its applicability as
a tool for planning water resources development in the lower River basin. The HEC–HMS
successfully reproduces low flows and, thus is a useful tool to estimate low flows in advance on
the basis of drought forecasts. The HEC–HMS can be useful for analyzing future extreme
conditions by taking advantage of the characteristics of distinct modeling approaches with the
availability of various data hence is suitable for our study. In the current study, the peak
discharge at the outlet due to corresponding simulation is found to be 6793815.6 m3.
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