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This is the published version of a paper published in Child and Youth Care Forum.

Citation for the original published paper (version of record):

Giannotta, F., Özdemir, M., Stattin, H. (2019)

The Implementation Integrity of Parenting Programs: Which Aspects Are Most
Child and Youth Care Forum, 48(6): 917-933

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N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper.

Permanent link to this version:
Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933


The Implementation Integrity of Parenting Programs: Which

Aspects Are Most Important?

Fabrizia Giannotta1 · Metin Özdemir2 · Håkan Stattin3

Published online: 24 July 2019

© The Author(s) 2019

Background The implementation of preventive interventions is considered a crucial aspect
of their success. However, few studies have investigated which components of implementa-
tion are most important.
Objective We aimed to understand whether the components of implementation integ-
rity—adherence, quality of delivery, dose, and participants’ involvement—influenced the
effectiveness of four parenting programs. We also investigated factors associated with these
Method Data come from a national evaluation of parenting programs in Sweden. The
study was a randomised controlled effectiveness trial, with a sample of 535 parents with
3–12-year-old children. Measures included parenting behaviors (angry outbursts, harsh
parenting, attempts to understand, rewarding, and praising), child conduct problems (ECBI
and SNAP-V), and measures tapping into the four components (adherence, quality of deliv-
ery, dose, and participant involvement).
Results We ran multilevel models and found that implementation quality (adherence and
quality of delivery) did not influence the effects on parents and children. Conversely, par-
ticipant involvement was associated with improvements in parenting and child conduct.
Finally, parents’ perceptions of their leaders as supportive and understanding were associ-
ated with parents’ responsiveness and attendance.
Conclusions Our study highlights the importance of having actively engaged parents to
maximise intervention effects.

Keywords Parenting programs · Implementation quality · Adherence · Quality of delivery ·


* Fabrizia Giannotta
[email protected]
Division of Public Health Sciences, School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Mälardarens
University, Högskoleplan 1, 72123 Västerås, Sweden
School of Law, Psychology and Social Work (JPS), Center for Developmental Research, Örebro
University, Örebro, Sweden
Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

918 Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933


High-quality implementation of prevention programs has commonly been assumed to be a

precondition of their effectiveness. The idea is that the recipients of a program can change
and get better only if they are provided with exactly what the program promises. Never-
theless, very few studies have empirically examined this assumption. Existing studies are
limited regarding evidence on which components of the implementation process are most
important in ensuring the success of parenting programs delivered in ordinary service set-
tings. In addition, the studies to date have focused on only one program at a time, provid-
ing insight into the role of implementation fidelity, but with limited generalizability across
programs. Using data from an effectiveness trial encompassing four different programs, the
present study attempts to examine which aspects of implementation integrity are associated
with changes in parents’ and children’s behaviors. Also, the study attempts to elucidate the
factors likely to be associated with implementation integrity.
Implementation integrity refers to “the degree to which treatment is delivered as
intended” (Yeaton and Sechrest 1981). We adopted a definition of implementation integ-
rity based on Dane and Schneider’s (1998) conceptualization, according to which it has
four components: (1) adherence or fidelity (the degree to which program components are
delivered as prescribed); (2) dose (the frequency and quantity of program administration);
(3) quality of delivery (the extent to which facilitators approach a theoretical ideal in trans-
mitting the core components); and (4) participant involvement (the levels of participation
and enthusiasm). Altogether, the four components ensure that a program is implemented
as intended, which reduces what has been called Type-III error (Dobson and Cook 1980),
which refers to the error of attributing the failure of a program to its components or theory,
when it is due to defective implementation.
Parenting programs aim at improving parenting in order to ameliorate the relationship
between parents and children and are widely recognized as effective in reducing children
problems (for a review see Furlong et al. 2012). However, very few studies have inves-
tigated the effects of the components of implementation integrity on parenting program
effectiveness. Among the few available, adherence to the program manual has been associ-
ated with intervention’ effectiveness (for a review, see Durlak and DuPre 2008), but not
always (Breitenstein et al. 2010). Quality of delivery and participant involvement have
been associated with better outcomes in parents and children (Eames et al. 2009; Forgatch
et al. 2005), while dose has shown contradictory results (Dane and Schneider 1998). Over-
all, there is evidence that the different aspects of implementation integrity are related to
parenting program effects to varying extents.
There are some major limitations in the field. First, there are few studies that have
investigated all the components of implementation integrity together. As Domitrovich and
Greenberg (2000), Dusenbury et al. (2003), and Durlak and DuPre (2008) have pointed
out in their reviews, few intervention studies adopt more than two components of imple-
mentation integrity (usually adherence and dose), and even fewer have linked these com-
ponents to program effects. Berkel et al. (2011) have called for an integrative approach
that accounts for the components in order to understand which are most important for pro-
gram effectiveness. Thus, studies distinguishing and evaluating the effects of each aspect of
implementation integrity on program outcomes are needed.
Moreover, the factors predicting high implementation integrity are not completely
clear. Some authors have investigated the association between adherence and group lead-
ers’ training, concluding that the more precisely group leaders are trained, the more likely

Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933 919

they will implement a program with high fidelity (Rohrbach et al. 2010; Seng et al. 2006).
Also, some characteristics of group leaders have been shown to be related to participants’
attendance (dose). For instance, racial and socioeconomic similarity between participants
and group leaders is associated with leaders’ therapeutic engagement (Orrell-Valente et al.
1999), which in turn is related to higher rates of retention. Finally, although some studies
have associated parental involvement with program adherence (Breitenstein et al. 2010),
they have considered the influence of just one component at a time. A narrow approach
limits knowledge of the relative predictive role of each factor, so a more comprehensive
approach is required.

The Current Study

The aims of this study are twofold. First, we aimed to understand whether the components
of implementation integrity—adherence, quality of implementation, dose, and participant
involvement—affect the effectiveness of parenting programs. To achieve this goal, we used
the four most common programs in Sweden when the present evaluation started. Three of
these programs are, to some extent, behaviorally based (Comet, Cope, Incredible Years),
while one is non-behavioral (Connect). Finding effects of implementation integrity across
different types of programs permits drawing conclusions that are not limited to a specific
program but are applicable to parenting programs in general. By contrast with previous
studies, we assessed the dimensions of implementation integrity at both group and indi-
vidual level. Moreover, we adopted a multi-informant approach, combing observational
data, team-leader reports, and parent-reports, rather than focusing solely on leader reports,
which have been shown to overestimate implementation integrity (Dusenbury et al. 2005).
Next, we examined the role of implementation integrity for the program outcomes using
data from an effectiveness trial. Some researchers have argued that the programs found to
be effective in efficacy trials may fail to function as well when they are delivered in regular
service settings (effectiveness trials) due to poor implementation integrity (Bumbarger and
Perkins 2008). Nevertheless, since most studies focusing on implementation integrity have
been based on efficacy trials, we chose to test our research questions in an effectiveness
trial. Second, we investigated factors thought to be related to good implementation integ-
rity. In keeping with Berkel et al.’s propositions (2011), we examined both leader-related
aspects (adherence, quality of delivery) and participant-related aspects (participant involve-
ment, dose). The former are likely to be dependent on features of the facilitators, such as
gender, age, education, and experience, whereas the latter may be primarily dependent on
participants’ perceptions of their facilitators and program.


Design and Procedure

The present study is part of a larger project, The National Comparison of Parenting Pro-
grams, which aims to evaluate the effects on disruptive child behaviors of the most com-
monly used, manual-based parenting programs in Sweden. The study was designed as a
randomized controlled effectiveness trial with pre- and post-test, one two-year follow up
after post-test. Given the focus on implementation, the current paper is based on the meas-
urements at pre- and post-test. The behavioral parenting programs considered were Cope

920 Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933

(Cunningham 2006), Incredible Years (Webster-Stratton et al. 2004), and Comet (Kling
et al. 2006), a Swedish program similar to Patterson’s Parent Management Training—
Oregon Model, and one non-behavioral, attachment-based program, Connect (Moretti and
Obsuth 2009), was also included (see Table 1). Parents were randomly assigned to a pro-
gram or a control condition and they were unaware that different programs were available.
In order to reduce barriers to participation, in each administrative region, the programs
were offered by the human services units (e.g., schools, social welfare agencies, and child
and adolescent psychiatry clinics) to all the parents in need. Most parents had contacted
a unit on their own, but a few were recruited through advertisements about the availabil-
ity of parenting programs in their communities (which was also a part of normal routine
in these communities). However, fewer parents started on the Incredible Years program
(75.4%) than on the other programs. This was because of organizational problems as some
of the parents recruited for Incredible Years had to travel long distances to take part in the
program, and as a result, many chose not to attend. The procedures have been described in
detail elsewhere (blind for review). A total of 104 parenting groups were run by 76 pairs of
team leaders. Parents completed a questionnaire before and immediately after the interven-
tion. After program completion, they were asked questions concerning their commitment,
their satisfaction, and the competence of the group leaders.


Parents of 749 children participated. The children’s ages ranged from 3 to 12 years, with
average age 7.70 years (SD = 2.60). They were randomly assigned to one of the four par-
enting programs or to a control condition (for the randomization procedures, see Stattin
et al. 2015). Only parents who participated in one of the programs were included, thereby
excluding the parents in a waitlist control condition or in a self-help condition (where par-
ents read a book). For the present study, we used the report of one parent for each fam-
ily. If both parents attended the meetings, we selected the parent who had participated in
most sessions of the program as the primary reporter. If the number of attendances was
equal between parents, we chose the mother. Overall, mothers were the primary report-
ers (85%). The final sample comprised 535 parents, with an average age of 37.7 years
(SD = 7.51), ranging from age 20, to age 60. About three out of four were married or
cohabiting (74%), and the rest were single parents. In most cases (89%), both parents were
born in one of the Scandinavian countries. The average monthly household income after
tax was 30,000–40,000 SEK ($3500–$4700). There were 6.1% whose monthly incomes
were as low as 0–10,000 SEK ($0–$1200), and 24.9% had an income higher than 50,000
SEK ($5900). Only the 6.3% of the parents acknowledged that their monthly income was
not fully adequate. Finally, 45.5% of the parents had completed some university-level edu-
cation, and 9% had only a compulsory-school education.
Parents attending the parenting programs did not differ with regard to marital status,
monthly income, economic strain, or educational level. Because Connect was only pro-
vided for parents of children older than 9, parents participating in Connect were older and
had older children than parents participating in the other programs (see Stattin et al. 2015).
One hundred and eleven team leaders, in 76 team-leader pairs, delivered the programs.
All leaders received specific pre-project training. Their mean age was 49 (SD = 8.5), and
80% (N = 94) were women. The majority had a university degree (95%, N = 106), the rest a
high-school diploma.

Table 1  Description of the parenting programs’ aims and format
Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933

Dimensions Comet Cope Incredible years Connect

Aims To decrease negative child behaviors, To decrease negative child behav- To decrease negative child To decrease negative preteens’ and teens’ behav-
including ADHD, ADD, and ODD iors, including ADHD, ADD, and behaviors, including ioral problems (CD, aggressiveness, violence,
ODD ODD antisocial behavior, delinquency) and mental
health issues (concurrent anxiety and depression,
substance use problems)
Age range 3–12 years 3–12 years 3–8 years 9–16 years
Sessions 11 2.5-h weekly sessions 10 1-h weekly sessions 12 2.5-h weekly sessions 10 1-h weekly sessions
Groups of 10–12 parents (6 families) Groups of maximum 25 parents Groups of 10–14 parents Groups of 12–14 parents

922 Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933


Outcomes of the Program

Parenting Competence The 17-item Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (PSOC, John-
ston and Mash 1989) was used to assess competence in parenting. Higher scores indicate
higher competence. Cronbach’s alphas for subscales were .81 and .95 at T1 and T2, respec-

Parents’ Reactions Parents’ reactions to child misbehavior were assessed on five scales:
Attempted to understand (5-item), Angry outbursts (5 item) (Stattin et al. 2011), Harsh par-
enting (7-item), Rewarding (2-item), and Praising (2-item) (Webster-Stratton et al. 2001).
Higher scores indicate higher frequency of parenting reactions. Cronbach’s alphas were
.69 for Attempted understanding, .79 for Angry outbursts, and .63 for Harsh parenting at
T1, and .68, .76, and .72 at T2, respectively. Correlations between the two items measuring
Praising were .64 (p < .001) at T1, and .58 (p < .001) at T2, while correlations between the
two items measuring Rewarding were .69 (p < .001) at T1, and .64 (p < .001) at T2.

Children’s Externalizing Problems Eyberg’s Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) (Eyberg

and Ross 1978), which comprises an Intensity and a Problem Scale, was used to assess
children’s externalizing problems. The Intensity Scale assesses the frequency of 36 exter-
nalizing behaviors, and the Problem Scale the extent to which parents consider each of the
externalizing behaviors to be problematic. The alphas for the Intensity Scale were .93 at
T1 and .94 at T2, and for the Problem Scale .91 on both occasions. The Swanson, Nolan
and Pelham Rating Scale (SNAP-IV) (Swanson et al. 1992) was used to assess inattention,
hyperactivity/impulsivity and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) (Kazdin et al. 1989).
Cronbach’s alpha was .91 for inattention, .92 for hyperactivity/impulsivity, and .91 for ODD
at T1, and .92, .91, and .91, respectively, at T2. For all measures, higher scores indicate
greater child problems.

Dimensions of Implementation Integrity

Participants’ involvement was assessed through parent reports after program completion.
In keeping with Dane and Schneider’s suggestion that involvement represents “levels of
participation and enthusiasm”, we used an item indicating parents’ satisfaction with the
program and an item assessing the quantity of homework the parents completed at home
(see Table 2 for a description). These two items were analyzed separately because they
represent two different aspects of participants’ involvement, as it was confirmed by their
moderate correlation (r = .40).
Dose was assessed using the records of attendance kept by group leaders (see Table 2).
Because there were variations in the number of sessions for each program, we converted
attendance rates into an ordinal scale referring to the percentage of sessions attended by
parents (1 = less than 25%, 2 = 26–50%, 3 = 51–75%, 4 = more than 75%).
Adherence and quality of delivery were assessed through observations made by inde-
pendent raters following the definition of Dane and Schneider (1998). Three sessions per
group were randomly selected and video-recorded, resulting in 228 videotaped group ses-
sions. Of these, 56 (25%) were randomly extracted, stratified by program, and coded by

Table 2  Measures of implementation integrity
Dimensions Measures (source of information) Questions/items Answers M (SD)

Dose Attendance (group leaders’ records) How many times did you participate in 1 = less than 25% 3.40 (.81)
the program? 2 = 26–50%
3 = 51–75%
4 = more than 75%
Participants’ responsiveness Satisfaction with the program (parent What do you think about the parental 1 = very bad 4.46 (.74)
report) education you attended? 3 = bad
4 = neither good or bad
Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933

5 = good
6 = very good
Homework (parent report) How many exercises did you do at 1—I did no exercises 3.94 (1.26)
home? 3—I did 1–2 exercises
4—I did 3–4 exercises
5—I did more than 4 exercises
Adherence and quality of delivery Quality of the implementation (Observa- To what extent did the group leaders 10—points Likert scale: 1—very bad 7.65 (1.44)
tions) follow the manual? 10—very good
How would you rate the quality of the
group leaders’ work? Think here pri-
marily about how well the group lead-
ers managed to convey the theoretical
foundations of the program
To what extent was a clear agenda fol-
To what extent was there a clear descrip-
tion of the objectives of the sessions?
To what extent did group leaders show

924 Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933

independent experts with extensive experiences of being a group leader and trainer of other
leaders. To train the expert raters the following procedure was adopted. First, two raters
for each program rated five videotaped sessions together until they approached consensus
(these five sessions were not part of the tapes that were finally rated). Then, they inde-
pendently rated about half of the sessions. Next, to avoid drift, the experts together rated
another five videotapes to maintain consensus in their ratings. Finally, they independently
rated the rest of the videotapes. We used averaged scores across raters. The items used to
rate the video-recorded sessions are shown in Table 2.
Adherence (i.e., the extent to which the group leader followed the program manual)
was measured with one item, while quality of the delivery was assessed with 4 items (see
Table 2 for a description) that ranged from 1 (not at all) to 10 (totally). Interrater agree-
ment, as indicated by the correlation between the ratings of the independent assessors, was
high (r = .84). The number of coded sessions for Comet was 17, for Cope 14, for Incredible
Years 7, and for Connect 18. As the number of parents who started were 172 for Comet,
175 for Cope, 92 and 196 for Connect, the percentage of the coded sessions were about
equal for each of the programs.

Factors Related to Implementation Integrity

Parents’ Perceptions of Group Leaders Parents rated their leaders at the end of the pro-
gram. They reported the extent to which they could lead the group, support parents, and
understand parents’ problems, using one item for each behavior. Responses were rated on a
5-point scale ranging from 1, not at all, to 5, fully.

Team Leaders’ Characteristics The team leaders were asked to state their gender, age, and
level of education, and also asked whether they were specialized in a relevant area, such
as psychotherapy. Because each group had two team leaders, we used gender composi-
tion (both females, both males, or mixed gender), average age, and average education, and
aggregate specialization (i.e., none specialized, only one specialized, and both specialized)
to represent the team-leader pairs.

Statistical Analyses

First, we investigated whether adherence and quality of delivery represent two different
dimensions. The dimensions were highly correlated, and a confirmatory factor analysis
(CFA) showed that adherence and quality of delivery were parts of the same construct
[χ2(4) = 3.62, p > .05; CFI = 1.00; RMSEA = .00; SRMR = .01]. Therefore, we combined
these two dimensions into an implementation quality aggregate score by computing the
mean of the ratings of the five items.
We used two-level multilevel regression models to address the first study question—
how implementation fidelity is related to changes in parents’ behaviors and competence,
and children’s behavior problems. The observations are nested in parenting groups and
include the group-level implementation-quality measure. Clustering may lead to inflated
Type-I error if not treated properly (Duncan et al. 2006). Thus, we used multilevel mod-
eling with two levels in MPlus with the maximum likelihood robust (MLR) estimator
(Muthén and Muthén 1998–2012): group level (Level 2) and individual level (Level 1). In
all models, we controlled for pre-test levels of child and parent outcomes, type of program,
and child and parents’ age.

Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933 925

When an observation is missing at group level in nested data, the observations of the
individual are also considered missing for the cluster in question. Therefore, we imputed
missing data at group level using all available data external to the study models using a
multiple-imputation technique (Enders 2010). Implementation quality and team leader
characteristics were group level data. Because implementation quality was assessed by the
ratings of a subset of video recordings, data were available for 58% of the groups. Over-
all, 70% of the participants were attending these groups. Thus, 70% of the individual level
observations had also valid group level data on implementation quality. The main source
of missing data for individual level observations was longitudinal attrition. The rate of lon-
gitudinal attrition was between 14 and 18%. We imputed five data sets, and merged them
with the individual-level data. To examine the predictors of the dimensions of implemen-
tation fidelity, we fitted linear regression models using the TYPE = COMPLEX option in
MPlus and the MLR estimator (Muthén and Muthén 1998–2012). The TYPE = COMPLEX
option provides corrected standard-error estimates, reducing potential bias in test statistics
due to clustering. In these models, we entered dummy-coded variables to control for differ-
ences across the programs.


Descriptive Analyses

All programs were implemented with relatively high quality, with the lowest mean rating,
on a 10-point scale, of M = 7.03 for Incredible Years. Despite the high quality of imple-
mentation, there were some differences between the programs. Cope and Comet had the
highest quality, while Incredible Years had the lowest (see Table 3). Parents in Connect,
followed by Comet, showed less absenteeism than parents in Cope and Incredible Years.
Also, parents attending Comet completed their homework more often than those attend-
ing the other programs. Finally, Comet parents were more satisfied than parents attending
Cope, Connect and Incredible Years. In sum, implementation integrity was generally high
for all the programs. However, Cope and Comet were implemented to a higher standard
than the other programs, and Comet was most appreciated by parents.
Finally, we computed the correlations between attendance to program sessions and
family structure (1 = married and cohabiting 0 = single parent), and between attendance to
program sessions and child age. The correlations were r = .015, n.s., and r = − .009, n.s.,
respectively, suggesting that attendance to program was not associated to family structure
and child age.

Table 3  Comparisons between the parent-training programs on the dimensions of implementation integrity
Comet Connect IY Cope F (3, 573) p η2

Implementation quality 7.61a 7.15b 7.03b 8.65c 50.04 < .001 .21
a b a
Dose 3.60 3.80 3.44 3.24c 15.21 < .001 .08
Completion of homework 4.69a 3.40b 4.39b 4.19c 80.15 < .001 .30
Parent satisfaction 4.72a 4.36b 4.59b 4.36b 12.10 < .001 .06

Multiple F-test: F(12, 1716) = 36.81, p < .001, η2 = .21. Different subscripts refer to significant differences
between mean values, while same subscripts denote no significant difference

926 Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933

Is Implementation Integrity Associated with Changes in Parenting and Child

Problem Behaviors?

We examined the associations between the components of implementation integrity and

changes in the parent and child outcomes in multilevel models. Implementation quality
was entered as a group-level variable (Level 2), while parents’ involvement and attendance
were entered at individual level (Level 1).

Effects of Implementation Integrity on Parent Outcomes

Implementation quality at group level and attendance at individual level were not signifi-
cantly related to changes in parenting behaviors or parents’ sense of competence (Table 4).
By contrast, parents’ involvement was significantly related to positive changes in parent-
ing. Specifically, parents who completed their homework decreased most in angry out-
bursts (B = − .04, p < .05), and increased in their use of praise (B = .14, p < .01) and reward
(B = .18, p < .01), and in sense of parenting competence (Β = .08, p < .05). Finally, parents’
satisfaction with the program significantly predicted decreases in harsh parenting (B = –.07,
p < .01), and increases in sense of parenting competence (Β = .16, p < .01). In sum, parents’
involvement, i.e. satisfaction and homework completion, affected rates of change in parent
behaviors and competence due to participation, whereas group-level implementation qual-
ity did not.

Effects of Implementation Integrity on Child Outcomes

Implementation quality was not associated with changes in child problem behaviors and
ADHD symptoms (see Table 5). But, the more parents were satisfied with their program,
the more they reported reductions in their children’s ECBI intensity (Β = − .15, p < .001)
and problem (Β = − .04, p < .01) scores, inattention (Β = − .10, p < .001), and ODD symp-
toms (Β = − .09, p < .05). However, neither attendance nor homework completion predicted
changes in child problem behaviors or ADHD symptoms. In sum, parents’ satisfaction with
their program predicted changes in child outcomes, whereas dose, homework completion,
and group-level implementation quality did not predict program outcomes.

Which are the Factors Associated with the Components of Implementation


We examined predictors of the dimensions of implementation integrity. Specifically, we

investigated whether leaders’ characteristics (age, gender, education, specialization), and
parents’ perception of the leaders (leaders with good group management skills, support-
ive leaders, leaders that understand their problems) were predictors of dose, homework
completion, and satisfaction with the program (Table 6). To account for differences across
the programs, we entered dummy-coded variables into the models as controls. Thus, the
unique effect of each predictor variable refers to its impact beyond differences due to the
After controlling for differences across the programs, implementation quality seemed
to be higher when team leaders had specialized training relevant to prevention (β = .30,
p < .05), and lower when leaders were older (β = − .31, p < .001) and when the leadership
pair comprised two women (β = − .12, p < .05) rather than being of mixed gender. Also,

Table 4  Predicting changes in parental outcomes from implementation quality, dose, parental responsiveness (completion of homework and satisfaction): multilevel models
Angry outbursts Harsh parenting Attempted under- Praise Reward Parenting competence
Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933

Level 2
Implementation quality .01 (.05) − .02 (.13) − .01 (.01) − .04 (.18) − .08 (.11) − .02 (.03)
Residual .00 (.01) .00 (.02) .00 (.01) .00 (.03) .01 (.13) .00 (.01)
Level 1
Dose − .01 (.02) − .02 (.03) − .01 (.02) − .02 (.05) − .13 (.09) − .06 (.04)
Homework − .04 (.02)* − .01 (.03) .02 (.02) .14 (.05)** .18 (.06)** .08 (.04)*
Satisfaction with the program − .04 (.03) − .07 (.03)* .03 (.02) .06 (.06) − .03 (.08) .16 (.05)***
Residual .11 (.01) .16 (.01) .06 (.01) .52 (.03) .74 (.13) .25 (.02)

Values presented in the table are unstandardized regression estimates, and standard errors are in parenthesis. Pre-test measurements of the outcome variables were included in
the regression models. In addition, child age, parent age, and dummy-coded program variables were entered into the equations as control variables
*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001


Table 5  Predicting changes in child outcomes from implementation quality, dose, parental responsiveness (completion of homework and satisfaction). Multilevel models
ECBI ECBI problem Inattention Hyperactivity Oppositional defiance

Level 2
Implementation quality − .01 (.02) .01 (.01) − .01 (.02) − .01 (.02) .02 (.02)
Residual .01 (.02) .01 (.01) .00 (.01) .00 (.01) .00 (.01)
Level 1
Dose − .05 (.05) − .00 (.01) .06 (.05) .05 (.03) .04 (.04)
Homework − .06 (.04) − .02 (.01) − .01 (.02) − .03 (.02) − .01 (.03)
Satisfaction with the program − .15 (.04)*** − .04 (.01)** − .10 (.03)*** − .07 (.04) − .09 (.04)*
Residual .27 (.02) .03 (.01) .15 (.01) .17 (.02) .21 (.03)

Values presented in the table are unstandardized regression estimates, and standard errors are in parenthesis. Pre-test measurements of the outcome variables were included in
the regression models. In addition, child age, parent age, and dummy-coded program variables were entered into the equations as control variables
p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001
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Table 6  Predictors of dose, homework completion, and satisfaction with the program
Implementation Dose Homework Satisfaction
quality with program

Age of team leaders − .31*** .03 .02 − .02

Gender of team leaders
Both women − .12** − .07 .01 .03
Both men − .06 .02 .03 .02
Educational background
Both have university education − .07 − .04 .02 .01
Have specialized training .30*** .05 .01 .01
Parents’ appreciation of the leaders
Group management skills .00 .07 .05 .34***
Understanding problems of parents .10 .15** .13** .04
Supportive of parents − .07 .10 .09 .30***
R-Sqr .31*** .16*** .37*** .39***

Dummy-coded program variables were entered into the equations to control for differences across the pro-
grams. Values presented in the table are standardized regression coefficients
*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001

dose was related to parents’ perceptions of their leaders. Specifically, parents perceiving
leaders as understanding of their problems (β = .15, p < .01) attended more. Homework
completion was positively predicted by parents perceiving their group leaders as under-
standing their problems (β = .13, p < .01). Finally, parents’ program satisfaction was pre-
dicted by having supportive team leaders (β = .30, p < .001), and leaders with good group
management skills (β = .34, p < .001). In sum, parents’ perceptions of leaders as compe-
tent, supportive, and sensitive to their problems seem to be promotive of implementation


The aim of this study was to examine whether parents in parenting programs benefited
more when their programs were well implemented. Specifically, we investigated the effects
of all aspects of implementation integrity, namely implementation quality (adherence
and quality of delivery), participant involvement (homework and satisfaction), and dose
(attendance). In general, we did not find a significant effect of group-level implementation
quality, neither an effect of dose, i.e. attendance, but we found an effect of parents’ involve-
ment, i.e. satisfaction with the program and homework completion. Independent of the
number of sessions they attended, the more participants were satisfied and practiced what
they learned during the sessions, the more they positively changed their way of parenting.
Thus, our study suggests that the key component for the success of a program is parents’
involvement during the sessions rather than simple attendance.
While the lack of effects of dose has been confirmed in other studies (e.g. Dane and
Schneider 1998), the lack of effect of implementation quality is quite unexpected. How-
ever, this finding should be interpreted with caution. Group-level implementation qual-
ity was rated very highly across all the programs, and there was low variability in these

930 Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933

ratings, which may have resulted in a non-significant effect of group-level implementa-

tion quality on how much parents and children changed. Therefore, we are cautious about
stating that implementation quality does not matter. Further studies are needed to test the
role of group-level implementation quality on program outcomes using data with greater
Contrary to the findings related to implementation quality, it emerges clearly that partic-
ipants’ involvement, which consists of homework completion and satisfaction with the pro-
gram, might influence how much parents and children benefit. Independent of the quality
of implementation, the parents who actively committed to and were satisfied with their pro-
gram displayed more changes, such as increased feelings of being competent in parenting,
improved parenting strategies, and decreased child problem behaviors. It does not come
as a surprise that active participation is associated with the benefits of participating in a
parenting program. Scholars have widely demonstrated, through reviews and meta-analy-
ses, that interactive delivery methods are one of the principle elements in effective preven-
tion (Nation et al. 2003; Tobler et al. 2000). The underlying assumption is that interactive
methods are effective because they favor active participation. However, the assumption that
active participation in a parenting program is related to higher program effectiveness has
rarely, if ever, been tested. This study contributes to the literature by demonstrating empiri-
cally that parents need to be actively involved, for example through keeping practicing at
home the techniques they learned during the program, if they want to obtain the maximum
How do parents become actively involved in a program? In our study, it emerged that
they were more likely to be satisfied, do their homework, and attend when they perceived
their group leaders as supportive and understanding. These qualities are among the require-
ments for a group leader to build up a “therapeutic alliance” with parents (for a review, see
Ackerman and Hilsenroth 2003). In both individual and family-therapy settings, therapeu-
tic alliance is an important predictor of both attendance (e.g. Orrell-Valente et al. 1999)
and improvements in clients (e.g. Hogue et al. 2006). Our results are in line with this, but
it is not clear why and how in a group of parents, some develop these views on their group
leaders while others do not. In the current study, socio-cultural characteristics of the group
leaders, such as sex and experience, did not seem to influence the association, as has been
found in some other studies (e.g., Orrell-Valente et al. 1999). Future studies should inves-
tigate further the reasons why some parents perceive their leaders as supportive and others
do not.
We also found some predictors of implementation quality. Our study suggests that
mixed gender pairs of team leaders, and those with a specialization, such as therapist train-
ing, implement programs better than female pairs, and team leaders without a specializa-
tion. Leaders’ age was negatively associated with quality of implementation. This result
is in contrast with a recent study showing that older leaders are more likely to understand
reasons for not changing the content of a program than younger and inexperienced lead-
ers (Hill et al. 2007). However, in this study, only attitudes toward implementation were
assessed. In our trial, in the majority of cases, group leaders delivered their programs in
the manner to which they were accustomed. Consequently, older group leaders might have
received training several years ago, by contrast with younger group leaders. For that rea-
son, younger leaders might have been more sensitive to the importance of delivery of the
programs without deviations from the program manual than the older leaders. However,
this hypothesis cannot be confirmed in our study, and should be tested in future studies.
This study has some limitations. The first is related to the timing of assessments.
Participants’ involvement was assessed by parent reports at post-test. Parents were also

Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933 931

asked to report on their and their children’s behaviors. It is possible that perceptions
of changes from pre- and post-test would have affected their satisfaction with, attend-
ance of, and commitment to the program, rather than the opposite. In other words, it is
equally possible that the parents of children who benefited were more likely to be satis-
fied with, keep attending, and be actively involved in the programs. It is not possible to
test the direction of effects in the current study. An ideal design to assess directionality
would encompass measurements about parents and leaders following each program ses-
sion. Nevertheless, such a measurement-intensive design would be difficult to imple-
ment in an effectiveness trial. Future studies may overcome this difficulty by using auto-
mated feedback technologies, with smart phones or tablet computers.
Another limitation is that we investigated only a limited set of the factors that might
explain implementation integrity. Durlak and DuPre (2008) point out that implementa-
tion might be affected by many factors at both macro level (community factors, organi-
zational factors) and micro level (characteristics of the innovation and the providers).
We focused solely on micro-level factors, i.e., provider characteristics. Moreover,
some of the measures, i.e. parents’ satisfaction and homework completion, were sin-
gle items and, as such, not ideal for the measurement of complex constructs, such as
parents’ involvement. Finally, because the participation was on a voluntary base and
there were some organizational problems with the implementation of one of the pro-
grams (i.e. Incredible Years), generalizability of the results to all the parents (e.g. high
and low-income families) cannot be guaranteed. However, we limited this problem by
offering the programs to all the parents and contacting directly some of them, as previ-
ously described. Future studies should use better measures for micro-levels factors and
account for the influences of macro-level factors on the different aspects of implementa-
tion integrity.
As well as limitations, this study has some strengths. It represents one of the first
attempts to assess the impact of each component of program integrity simultaneously,
which allowed us to understand the relative impact of each component. Moreover, the
components were examined across different types of parenting programs, which makes
our results likely to apply to parenting programs in general. Finally, it is one of the few
studies that have assessed the role of implementation fidelity within an effectiveness
trial, which allows us to draw conclusions that are applicable in real-life settings.
To conclude, our study highlights the importance of the active participation of par-
ents in maximizing the positive effects of parenting programs. Group leaders with good
training and empathic skills may be the key to promoting parents’ involvement.

Acknowledgements Open access funding provided by Mälardarens University. This study was funded by
The National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen, Sweden), n. 01-12,042/2008.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Ethical Approval All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with
the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki dec-
laration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.

Informed Consent Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.

932 Child & Youth Care Forum (2019) 48:917–933

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Interna-
tional License (http://creat​iveco​mmons​.org/licen​ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

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