11-4.8-Asset & Liability Management
11-4.8-Asset & Liability Management
11-4.8-Asset & Liability Management
2. During this year Vigilance Awareness chairmanship of MD (CB & GM) has positioning of outflows/inflows, in liquidity
Week was observed from 27th October been constituted. This Committee and interest rate sensitivity statements, that
2020 to 2nd November 2020, with the will review the progress of all cases arise due to off-balance sheet exposures,
theme “Satark Bharat, Samriddh being referred to ABBFF at bi-monthly impact of probable loan losses etc. The
Bharat (Vigilant India, Prosperous intervals. The reviewed status report prevailing assumptions relating to non-
India). As a part of observance of is being shared with all stakeholders contractual items of assets and liabilities are
Vigilance Awareness Week, “Integrity to initiate prompt action, as desired periodically reviewed and updated based
Pledge” has been administered to all at their end, so that the timelines on the outcomes of the latest studies.
staff members. All channels of Bank prescribed by ABBFF can be met.
such as SBI Times, ATMs, CDMs, The stock of High-Quality Liquid Assets
iii. To take holistic view in the disciplinary (HQLA) and cash outflows are effectively
Internet Banking, Facebook, Twitter,
cases and to ensure uniform decisions monitored on a daily basis under dynamic
Instagram, Linkedin are used to
and speedy disposal, centralized market environment to ensure maintenance
create awareness among employees
DAs have been created and 5 DAs (4 of LCR as prescribed by the Regulator as
and public on the theme of Vigilance
Hubs, 1 at CCG) have been posted / well as Bank’s ALM Policy benchmarks.
Awareness Week (VAW). During the
VAW, we held a conference of CVC
with the Top Management of the Bank. 4. Vigilance Department has conducted Your Bank has proactively implemented
The Commission was presented with 193 preventive vigilance programmes the NSFR guidelines of RBI measuring the
the elaborate Preventive Vigilance and trained 3735 officers. Suo-motu long-term resilience of the Bank in terms
measures taken by the Bank. investigations have been conducted of liquidity, which is coming into force
Commission appreciated various in 768 branches to ensure preventive effective from 1st October 2021.
measures taken by the Bank. During measures are made effective.
Your Bank identifies the inherent risks
this period, while strictly adhering to 5. During the financial year 2020-2021, associated with the changing interest
extant Covid-19 guidelines, actions a total of 1,716 cases (including rates on its on-balance sheet and off-
relating to internal house keeping 908 new cases) were taken up for balance sheet exposures from both a
were taken up in campaign mode. examination, out of which 1045 cases short-term and long-term perspective. For
A “Vigilance Bulletin” was published have since been closed. this purpose, impact on Earnings at Risk
incorporating case studies and
(EaR) and Market Value of Equity (MVE) is
other important guidelines to provide
awareness amongst employees. 7. Asset and Liability assessed with pre-defined tolerance limits
which enables the Management to initiate
3. During the financial year under review, Management appropriate preventive steps in a likely
the following measures were initiated Efficient Management of Assets and scenario of erosion in NII / Net Worth.
in order to improve the effectiveness Liabilities (ALM) is vital for sustainable and
of vigilance administration and timely qualitative growth of Banks. ALM aims to In order to encourage branches to garner
disposal of disciplinary cases. strengthen Balance Sheet by pro-actively stable funds and assess their profitability
reviewing the market dynamics, capturing based on cost of funds, a matched
i. DFS has appointed 6 Additional
the signals emanating therefrom and maturity-based Funds Transfer Pricing was
Chief Vigilance Officers (ACVOs) on
assessing the regulatory requirements to implemented by your Bank.
deputation basis, in the Bank, to
strengthen Vigilance Administration ensure value creation.
The Asset Liability Management Committee
and to support CVO. Out of 6 ACVOs, (ALCO) of your Bank monitors and
4 are posted at 4 Zones (North, South, As part of sound Risk Management
practices, your Bank has been constantly manages Liquidity and Interest Rate Risks
East and West) and 2 at Corporate by constantly modulating the asset-liability
Centre to handle cases of Corporate reviewing its Internal Policies on ‘Deposits’,
‘Asset and Liability Management’, ‘Stress mix in the Balance Sheet. ALCO, inter alia,
banking (CAG, CCG, IBG & SARG) reviews the Interest Rate scenarios, pattern
and Subsidiaries and RRBs. The roles Test on Liquidity and Interest Rate Risks’,
‘Contingency Funding Plan’ and adapting of growth of liability products, credit
and responsibilities of these ACVO are growth, competitive advantages, liquidity
finalised and required infrastructure is changes in the market conditions. Bank
has been carrying out Reverse Stress Test management, adherence to the regulatory
created for them. With appointment prescriptions and pricing of liabilities and
of ACVOs for Subsidiaries & RRBs, to take care of the eventual risk that may
crop up as a worst-case scenario. assets from time to time.
the vigilance administration of RRBs
& Subsidiaries is brought under direct Your Bank has been in the forefront of
Studies are conducted at regular intervals
supervision of CVO. monetary policy transmission, having
to assess the behavioral pattern of
ii. In order to put in place a mechanism customers (embedded options available to achieved adequate level of transmission
to monitor the progress of staff customers) in order to give proper treatment through its lending rates and has
accountability examination in respect to the non-contractual items of assets and taken additional steps to expedite the
of large value frauds of `50 crores liabilities while assessing liquidity position. transmission process by reducing its MCLR
and above, a Committee namely Behavioral analysis is being carried out reset frequency from 1 year to 6 months for
“ABBFF Review Committee” under at half-yearly intervals to ensure accurate eligible floating rate advances. The Bank