Assets Liability Management
Assets Liability Management
Assets Liability Management
Components of a Bank Balance Sheet
Liabilities Assets
1. Capital 1. Cash & Balances
2. Reserve & Surplus with RBI
3. Deposits 2. Bal. With Banks &
4. Borrowings Money at Call and
Short Notices
5. Other Liabilities
3. Investments
4. Advances
5. Fixed Assets
6. Other Assets
Banks profit and loss account
ALM Organization
ALM Process
ALM Information Systems
Usage of Real Time information system to gather the
information about the maturity and behavior of loans and
advances made by all other branches of a bank
ABC Approach :
analysing the behaviour of asset and liability products in
the top branches as they account for significant business
then making rational assumptions about the way in which
assets and liabilities would behave in other branches
The data and assumptions can then be refined over time as
the bank management gain experience
ALM Organisation (Contd.)
ALM Process
Risk Parameters
Risk Identification
Risk Measurement
Risk Management
Liquidity risk
But under ALM risks that are typically
managed are….
Currency Risk
Banks can fix higher tolerance level for other maturity buckets.
Addressing the mismatches