The Ultimate Push Pull Legs System (6X Week)
The Ultimate Push Pull Legs System (6X Week)
The Ultimate Push Pull Legs System (6X Week)
Week 1 - 6 Exercise
Larsen Press 0
A1. Press-Around 1
Push #1
A2. Pec Static Stretch 30s 0
EZ-Bar Curl 1
Squat 3-4
Pause Squat (Back off) 0
Barbell RDL 2
Legs #1
Walking Lunge 1
Kroc Row 2
Pull #2
Cable Shrug-In 1
Deadlift 3-4
Stiff-Leg Deadlift 0
1 3-5 55 8-9 min
2 10 50 8-9 min
3 8-10 12 8-9 min
3 12-15 9-10 min
3 8+8 9-10 min
2 10-12 10 min
1 10+5 10 min
3 10-12 60 8-9 min
3 12-15 15 9-10 min
3 6-8 25 9-10 min
2 10-12 20 10 min
1 2-4 8-9 min
2 5 8-9 min
3 8-10 8-9 min
2 10 8-9 min
3 10-12 9-10 min
4 10-12 9-10 min
3 10-12 9-10 min
3 8, 5, 12 8-9 min
3 10-12 8-9 min
3 6-8 8-9 min
3 10-12 9-10 min
3 5, 15 9-10 min
2 15-20 9-10 min
1 AMRAP 10 0 min
3 12-15 8-9 min
1 AMRAP 10 min
3 10-12 8-9 min
3 10-12 9-10 min
3 10-12 9-10 min
3 10-12 9-10 min
1 5 60 8-9 min
2 8 8-9 min
4 10-12 160 8-9 min
3 8-10 9-10 min
3 8-10 9-10 min
4 15-20 9-10 min
3 10-20 9-10 min
Mandatory Rest Day
Program - 6x/Week Spreadsheet
Triceps Pressdown(12-15
DB Skull
reps)Crusher(12-15 reps)
Single-Arm Tricep Pressdown
Single-Arm Cable Tricep Kickback
Incline Chest-SupportedCable
DB Row
Seated Row
Start with your elbows in front of you and palms facing in.
Rotate the dumbbells so that your palms face forward as you
Brace with your non-working arm, squeeze your pecs by
pressing the cable across your body
Hold a pec stretch for 30 seconds. The stretch should be held
at about a 7/10 intensity.
Think about swinging the cable out and up as if "drawing a
sword" from your side
Do the second half of the ROM for pressdowns ("the squeeze")
and the first half of the ROM for overhead extensions ("the
Extend your triceps with your arm more out to the side than a
regular pressdown. Feel the stretch as the cable moves across
your torso
Do preacher curls, but cut out the top half of the ROM (stay
entirely in the stretched aspect of the lift)
Sit back and down, keep your upper back tight to the bar
Drop the weight by ~25% from your top set. 2 second pause.
Sit back and down, keep your upper back tight to the bar
Maintain a neutral lower back, set your hips back, don't allow
your spine to round
Take medium strides, minimize the amount you push off your
rear leg
Press all the way up to your toes, stretch your calves at the
bottom, don't bounce
Use ~45° incline and a grip width just outside shoulder width
Turn one side up like a steering wheel as you lift the plate
Place your hands close together on the ground so that they
form a diamond shape and do as many pushups as possible
with a smooth tempo
Keep chest tall, keep elbow tucked in close to your torso, focus
on squeezing your lat to move the weight
Kroc rows are basically just a dumbbell row with mild cheating
and a slightly more upright posture. Don't be afraid to go
heavy and use straps if your grip is limiting
Set up two cable handles low and shrug up and in. Squeeze
your upper traps to move the weight.
Curl across your body with your arm out to the side at ~60°
Brace your lats, chest tall, pull the slack out of the bar before
Think about doing a high-hip conventional deadlift with a
slight bend in the knees
Medium width feet placement on the platform, don't allow
your lower back to round
Keep your hips straight, do Nordic ham curls if no GHR
Week 1 - 4 Exercise
Bench Press
Pendlay Row
Pull #1
Reverse Pec Deck
EZ-Bar Curl
Hammer Cheat Curl
Barbell RDL
Legs #1 Leg Extension
Seated Calf Raise
Cable Crunch
Weighted Dip
Push #2
Machine Lateral Raise
Triceps Pressdown
Wide-Grip Pull-Up
Alternating DB Curl
Hack Squat
2 2 4-6 10
2 2 6-8 10
2 2 4-6 10
1 2 6-8 10
3 3 4-6 10
3 2 4-6 10
2 2 6-8 10
2 2 4-6 10
1 1 4-6 10
3 2 4-6 10
2 2 6-8 10
2 2 4-6 10
2 2 6-8 10
3 2 6-8 10
3 2 4-6 10
2 2 6-8 10
2 2 4-6 10
3 2 4-6 10
3 2 4-6 10
2 2 4-6 10
2 2 4-6 10
1 1 6-8 10
3 2 4-6 10
2 2 4-6 10
2 2 6-8 10
2 2 6-8 10
Mandatory Rest D
L Program - 6x/Week Spreadsheet
Sit back and down, keep your upper back tight to the bar
Maintain a neutral lower back, set your hips back, don't allow
your spine to round
Focus on squeezing your quads to make the weight move.
Press all the way up to your toes, stretch your calves at the
bottom, don't bounce
Bring the dumbbells all the way down, keep your torso upright
Tuck your elbows at 45°, lean your torso forward 15°, shoulder
width or slightly wider grip
Focus on squeezing your lateral delt to move the weight
Focus on squeezing your triceps to move the weight
Here, do all 6-8 reps with one arm at a time (do not alternate)
Allow your knees to come forward (past your toes), focus the
tension on your quads
Do 4-6 reps with each leg (10-12 total strides). Straps may be
helpful if your grip becomes limiting.
Focus on squeezing your hamstrings to move the weight
Press all the way up to your toes, stretch your calves at the
bottom, don't bounce
Hold a plate or DB to your chest and crunch hard!
Week 1 - 3 Exercise
Push #1
A1: Lean-In Constant Tension DB Lateral Raise
Cable Shrug-In
Pull #1
Reverse Pec Deck
EZ-Bar Curl (Heavy)
A1: EZ-Bar Modified Bicep 21's
Front Squat
Dumbbell RDL
Walking Lunge
Legs #1
Slow Seated Leg Curl (3 up, 3 down)
LLPT Plank
Bench Press (Top Set)
Weighted Dip
Push #2
Triceps Pressdown
Rope Facepull
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Legs #2 Lying Leg Curl
Corpse Crunch
Jeff Nippard's Ultimate PPL Progr
2 3 20
2 3 15
1 3 20
1 3 15
0 3 30s HOLD
1 3 20
1 2 20
1 3 20
2 4 20
1 3 20
1 3 20
2 1 4-6
0 2 21
0 2 30s HOLD
2-3 3 15
1 3 20
1 3 10
1 3 8
1 3 20
0 2 30s
3-4 1 2-4
2 3 15
1 3 15-20
1 3 12-15
1 3 20
0 3 20-30
2 6 3
2 10 3
1 3 6
1 3 20
0 3 15
1 3 20
3-4 2 8
2-3 2 20
1 5 20
1 3 20
1 3 20
0 2 20
Mandatory Res
e PPL Program - 6x/Week Spreadsheet
Substitution Option 2
Pec Deck
DB French Press
Plate Shrug
Goblet Squat
45° Hyperextension
Goblet Squat
Machine Chest Press
DB Bench Press
DB Triceps Kickback
Machine Pulldown
Walking Lunge
Goblet Squat
Nordic Ham Curl
Cable Crunch
Copyright 2023 by Jeff Nippard. All rights reserved.
Set up two cable handles low and shrug up and in. Squeeze
your upper traps to move the weight.
Do overhead cable tricep extensions, but cut out the top half
of the ROM (stay entirely in the stretched aspect of the lift)
6 cluster sets: 3 reps, rest 15s, repeat 6x. Keep form smooth
and controlled.
10 cluster sets: 3 reps, rest 15s, repeat 10x. Keep form tight.
Press all the way up to your toes, stretch your calves at the
bottom, don't bounce
Clear your upper back off the floor when you crunch, hold for
1-2 seconds and then go back down. Don't yank with your