Ecology of Bird Introduction
Ecology of Bird Introduction
Ecology of Bird Introduction
P.O. Box 84, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand; email: [email protected]
School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT,
Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 2003.34:71-98. Downloaded from
As humans have spread around the globe, they have deliberately or accidentally
transported a huge variety of plant and animal species to locations beyond their
natural ranges (Elton 1958; Lodge 1993; Williamson 1996, 1999). By design or
accident many of these introduced species have established self-sustaining wild
populations, which have subsequently increased and spread to varying degrees.
Many of these species have profoundly affected the ecosystems they have in-
vaded, and some have imposed substantial economic and health costs on human
societies (Elton 1958, Ebenhard 1988, Lever 1994, Simberloff 1995, Williamson
1996, Vitousek et al. 1997, Parker et al. 1999, Dalmazzone 2000, Mack et al.
2000, Perrings et al. 2000, McNeely 2001). Thus, the establishment and spread
of introduced species is currently recognized as a major risk worldwide. This risk
is likely to increase as greater volumes of transport and trade increase the rate at
which novel species are introduced to new locations (Ricciardi et al. 2000).
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can identify situations where invasion risk is high. Specifically, what are the fac-
tors that allow certain species to establish and spread when introduced to locations
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of birds (Long 1981, Lever 1987, Lockwood 1999, Blackburn & Duncan 2001b,
Cassey 2002).
Third, birds in general are a well-studied group. Thus, we can supplement
data on bird introductions with published information on the phylogeny, life his-
tory, ecology, and natural distribution of these species (e.g., Sibley & Ahlquist
1990; Sibley & Monroe 1990, 1993; Dunning 1993; Bennett & Owens 2002). The
availability of these data is central to testing some key hypotheses about factors
underlying invasion success.
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Despite these advantages, there are two difficulties associated with using the
historical record of bird introductions in quantitative studies. First, the historical
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record is incomplete, and the quality of the data varies from location to location. In
New Zealand, which has perhaps the most complete and detailed historical record,
at least seven birds were introduced that cannot be identified to species (Thomson
1922) and have therefore been excluded from analyses of introduction outcomes.
The record of failed introductions will invariably be less complete than the record
of successful introductions because species that failed to establish leave no further
trace of their presence. We do not know the extent of this bias in historical data.
Second, the choice of which birds to introduce to which locations was not made at
random but was the result of historical circumstances. The resulting pattern of intro-
ductions is itself informative but raises important issues for statistical analysis and
interpretation. We consider these issues and ways to deal with them in this review.
term these stages transport, introduction, establishment, and spread (see also Lock-
wood 1999, Kolar & Lodge 2001, Sakai et al. 2001). For a species to have reached
a given stage in the invasion process, it must have passed through all prior stages.
An introduced species is one that passes through the first two stages and is
released (or escapes) into a new environment. An established species is one that
establishes a self-sustaining wild population following introduction (also termed
naturalized). An established species that succeeds in spreading beyond the site
of introduction is termed invasive. The introduction of a species to a location
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established species. This fact implies that a major cause of taxonomic selectivity
among established species is taxonomic selectivity in the species chosen for intro-
duction. Two thirds of all species chosen for introduction belong to just 6 of the
145 bird families: Anatidae, Columbidae, Fringillidae, Passeridae, Phasianidae,
and Psittacidae (Blackburn & Duncan 2001b). The over-representation of species
in these families almost certainly reflects two of the major motivations behind
introducing birds. Species in the families Anatidae and Phasianidae were primar-
ily introduced for hunting, while species in the families Fringillidae, Passeridae,
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and Psittacidae are frequently kept as cage birds, and many were introduced for
aesthetic reasons (see Long 1981, Lever 1987). Nevertheless, between 69% and
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94% of the species in these families have never been the subject of an introduction
event (Blackburn & Duncan 2001b).
species are also larger-bodied, on average, than would be expected if they were a
random sample of bird species (116.6 g versus 50.5 g for introduced and all bird
species, respectively; Blackburn & Gaston 1994, Cassey 2001a).
Character selectivity also occurs independently of taxonomic and geographical
selectivity. For both a geographic (species in the British avifauna) and a taxonomic
(order Anseriformes; wildfowl) subset of the world’s birds, species with larger
population sizes were significantly more likely to have been chosen for introduction
(Blackburn & Duncan 2001b). In addition, larger-bodied wildfowl and resident
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British birds that were widely distributed had a higher probability of selection.
Species with large population size, wide distribution, and resident status would
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have been the most readily available for capture and transport to new locations.
While most species were released at very few locations, a few species, typically
widely distributed and abundant in their native ranges, were widely introduced
(Long 1981, Lever 1987, Cassey 2002).
Together, these results suggest a general hierarchy of causes that have con-
tributed to the selective introduction of certain birds. First, the species chosen
for introduction were concentrated in geographic regions that in large part re-
flect the origin of European settlers and their subsequent patterns of settlement
and trade. Second, from within geographic regions, people chose certain kinds of
bird for introduction for a variety of reasons. An emphasis on birds for hunting
and aesthetic purposes has resulted in birds from five families being significantly
over-represented among those chosen. Finally, given that birds were chosen for
particular purposes and from certain regions, the species that were finally caught,
transported, and introduced tend to be those that were common in the source lo-
cations. People preferentially selected abundant, widely distributed species, either
because they were most readily available for capture or because they were species
with which they were most familiar, and therefore most desired to introduce.
A species introduced to a new location will either succeed or fail to establish a self-
sustaining population. There are numerous reasons why introductions could fail,
making it unlikely that we will ever be able to predict with certainty the outcome
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of any one introduction event (Ehrlich 1989, Gilpin 1990). Nevertheless, a major
goal of invasion ecology is to identify factors that have some ability to explain the
outcome of introduction events, to rank factors in terms of their importance, and to
determine whether different factors are important under different circumstances,
and why (Williamson 1999).
Factors hypothesized to influence establishment can be grouped into three cat-
egories: (a) characteristics of the species introduced, such as their population
growth rate or migratory strategy; (b) features of the introduction location, such as
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its environment or insularity; and (c) factors associated with, and often unique to,
each introduction event, such as the number of individuals released. We term these
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cluster into higher-level units. In particular, closely related species are more likely
to share life-history, morphological, and behavioral traits than are more distantly
related species. If these shared traits affect the likelihood of establishment, then
introduction outcomes will be clustered by phylogenetic or taxonomic relatedness.
Clustering, leading to correlated responses in groups of observations, typically
violates a core assumption of standard statistical models: that the error terms in the
model are independent (i.e., uncorrelated). This leads to standard error estimates
that are smaller than the true values, resulting in overestimates of the significance
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& Duncan (2001a) did not result in establishment, and this success rate is high
relative to other taxa (Williamson 1996, Williamson & Fitter 1996).
A straightforward explanation for the success of some introductions is that they
involved the release of a greater number of individuals and so were more likely
to escape the threats facing small founding populations. That is, establishment
success increases with greater introduction effort, or propagule pressure. Because
information on release sizes has been recorded in many cases, it is possible to use
historical bird introductions to test this hypothesis. All studies that have addressed
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this question so far have shown that species introduced with greater effort (typically
measured as the total number of individuals released) have a higher probability
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Green (1997) also suggested that the link between introduction effort and estab-
lishment success could arise indirectly if, for example, people directed more effort
toward releasing species that seemed pre-adapted to the conditions they would
encounter at their location of introduction. Similarly, introduction effort could be
related to establishment success indirectly through relationships with abundance
in the source location and associated species traits. Nevertheless, studies that have
attempted to control for these indirect relationships by including species traits, en-
vironmental tolerances, and overseas range size in multiple regression models have
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consistently found that introduction effort remains by far the strongest independent
explanation for establishment success in birds (e.g., Duncan et al. 2001).
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the environment that ought to be correlated with these characteristics. For exam-
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ple, species richness is commonly used as a surrogate for the number of enemies,
competitors or vacant niches likely to be present at a location (Shea & Chesson
2002). Species richness itself tends to co-vary with latitude and whether or not the
location is an island (Elton 1958).
In fact, there is little evidence from bird introductions to support the hypothesis
(Elton 1958) that species-poor locations are easier to invade than species-rich lo-
cations. Case (1996) showed that the number of established bird species does not
vary significantly with the richness of the native avifauna nor the variety of poten-
tial mammalian predators. Whereas New Zealand has fewer native but a greater
number of exotic bird species than Australia, there is no difference in establish-
ment probability for birds introduced to these locations (Sol 2000a). Likewise, a
global analysis of bird introductions failed to find a relationship between estab-
lishment success and latitude of introduction, implying no significant effect of
resident species richness on establishment (Blackburn & Duncan 2001a).
Islands are often viewed as more vulnerable to invasion because of lower species
richness, but also owing to factors such as an absence of certain functional groups,
reduced competitive ability of island species, intensive human exploitation, or re-
duced habitat diversity (e.g., Vitousek 1988, Dalmazzone 2000). In support of this
notion, Newsome & Noble (1986) reported a higher failure rate for bird species
introduced to mainland Australia compared with bird species introduced to Aus-
tralia’s offshore islands. However, this result could be an artifact of differences in
invasive ability between the species introduced to mainlands and islands. A species-
by-species examination of introduced birds in two independent island-mainland
comparisons (New Zealand versus Australia, and Hawaiian Islands versus U.S.
mainland) found no evidence that islands were easier to invade (Sol 2000a). This
result has been generalized in global analyses of bird introductions that failed to
find a relationship between establishment success and whether the introduction
was to a mainland or island location (Blackburn & Duncan 2001a, Cassey 2003).
The high proportions of exotic bird species found on islands appears primarily to
be a consequence of the many attempts to introduce birds to islands (see above
To Which Locations Were Birds Introduced?) rather than any inherent feature of
islands that make them easy to invade (Sol 2000a, Blackburn & Duncan 2001a).
Correlative studies testing for a relationship between species richness and in-
vasion success have been criticized because variation in species richness may be
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(Diamond & Veitch 1981, Simberloff 1992, Smallwood 1994, Case 1996). Such
modified habitats may favor pre-adapted invaders through release of resources
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and enemy reduction (Mack et al. 2000, Shea & Chesson 2002). Thus, many in-
troduced birds may succeed because they exploit either vacant niches created by
human activities or existing niches that humans have expanded.
Some authors have suggested that establishment is more likely for species
that can exploit niche opportunities left by extinct or declining native species
(Herbold & Moyle 1986, Case 1996, Mack et al. 2000). This is less likely if native
and exotic species show strong habitat segregation. Nevertheless, Cassey (2001b)
showed that, whereas extinct bird species in New Zealand tend to be larger-bodied
than extant species, they do not differ in size from established exotic species. He
suggested that some established invaders could be occupying the niches of extinct
species. Case (1996) likewise reported a positive relationship between the numbers
of established and recently extinct bird species at locations around the world. This
relationship does not arise because introduced birds cause the extinction of native
species: Most extinctions occurred prior to bird introductions. More likely, high
extinction rates are associated with high levels of human disturbance, which in turn
creates habitat favorable for the establishment of introduced birds (Case 1996).
Habitat segregation suggests that competition between native and exotic species
has little role in determining whether or not introduced birds establish. However,
it leaves open the question as to whether interactions with native species can
prevent introduced species from spreading into more pristine habitats. Diamond
& Veitch (1981) reported that, in New Zealand, exotic birds that are abundant on
the main islands are virtually absent from unmodified forests on offshore islands,
despite having ample opportunities to colonize these. There is no evidence that this
segregation results from competitive interactions. More likely, introduced species
establish in habitats to which they are pre-adapted but to which many native species
are not, and vice versa (Case 1996, Sax & Brown 2000).
Whereas competition between exotic and native bird species does not appear
to influence establishment, it is possible that competition between the introduced
species may be important at locations with many introductions. In a series of
studies, Moulton and coworkers (e.g., Moulton & Pimm 1983; Moulton 1985,
1993; Lockwood et al. 1993; Lockwood & Moulton 1994; Brooke et al. 1995;
Moulton & Sanderson 1999; Moulton et al. 2001b) have used two lines of evidence
to argue that this is the case. First, for passerine introductions to Hawaii and
Saint Helena, the probability that a species will establish declines through time
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same patterns could arise through various artifacts (Simberloff & Boecklen 1991,
Duncan 1997, Duncan & Blackburn 2002). Whereas later introductions of passer-
ine birds to New Zealand faced a greater number of already established species
and were less likely to succeed, this relationship was confounded by introduction
effort (Duncan 1997). Later introductions tended to be of fewer individuals and
so were less likely to succeed for that reason. Similarly, Duncan & Blackburn
(2002) showed that significant morphological overdispersion among gamebirds
established in New Zealand (Moulton et al. 2001b) could not have resulted from
competition, but could be explained by greater effort being applied to the introduc-
tion of species that were morphologically different from one another. In addition
to facing a greater diversity of already established birds, later introductions to New
Zealand, and probably elsewhere, would also have faced a greater diversity and
abundance of introduced predators, making it impossible to isolate the effect of
competition (Duncan et al. 2003). These results for New Zealand do not rule out
the importance of inter-specific competition in other introduced bird assemblages,
but they do question the evidence presented in support of this mechanism. Overall,
there is little unequivocal support for the hypothesis that competition affects the
outcome of bird introductions.
The idea that establishment is affected by competitive and predatory interac-
tions has suggested at least three further hypotheses. First, social foraging species
should be better invaders than solitary species (Mayr 1965, Ehrlich 1989), because
social foraging can increase the probability of detecting predators, locating food,
and learning about new food sources. This hypothesis has not received empirical
support (Sol 2000b, Duncan et al. 2001). Second, ground-nesting birds should have
lower probabilities of establishing than canopy-, shrub-, or hole-nesters, because
nest predation is generally higher in ground-nesters (see Reed 1999). There is some
support for this hypothesis (Newsome & Noble 1986; McLain et al. 1999; but see
Sol et al. 2002). Third, herbivores have been predicted to invade new habitats more
easily than carnivores (Hairston et al. 1960, Crawley 1986), because competition
is thought to be less intense among herbivores than among carnivores. The hy-
pothesis has not received empirical support for birds (e.g., Veltman et al. 1996),
and its assumptions are questionable (Crawley 1986).
A further location-level factor proposed to influence establishment is the area
of suitable habitat (Smallwood 1994, Case 1996). Larger areas can support more
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individuals and are thus more likely to maintain self-sustaining populations in the
long-term. However, this fact may be of little relevance to establishment when pop-
ulations generally start out small. Indeed larger areas may result in more dispersed
founding populations and a lower probability of success owing, for example, to
greater difficulty finding mates. Case (1996) found a weak, but significant, posi-
tive correlation between island area and the number of species introduced, but no
correlation with establishment success. Site invasibility was not found to decrease
with area in California’s nature reserves (Smallwood 1994).
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having controlled for other confounding factors such as latitude. It is unclear what
underlies such large-scale geographic variation in establishment probability.
for location- and event-level factors likely to affect establishment, Blackburn &
Duncan (2001a) showed that there are highly significant differences among species
in establishment probability. Given this variation, do certain attributes of the species
themselves distinguish the good from the poor invaders?
cies attributes influence establishment success is supported by comparative studies
linking the outcome of historical bird introductions to behavioral, life history, and
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morphological traits (e.g., Newsome & Noble 1986, McLain et al. 1995, Veltman
et al. 1996, Green 1997, Cassey 2001a, Sol 2003). However, two problems make
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it difficult to draw firm general conclusions from the studies to date. First, some
studies present results from univariate statistical models while other studies present
results from multivariate models. Multivariate models are more powerful in cor-
relative studies because they reduce the likelihood that a significant relationship
between two variables results from their correlation with a third variable, assuming
that important confounding variables have been included in the analysis. Second,
some studies suffer from the problems of non-independence we discussed above.
In particular, the importance of traits in explaining establishment is often assessed
by fitting a generalized linear model with establishment included as either a binary
outcome (the result of each introduction event coded as success or failure) or a
binomial outcome (the number of successful events / the total number of intro-
duction events for each species). In either model, a species is represented in the
analysis as many times as it has been introduced. However, when the data include
multiple introductions of the same species to different locations, then each event
will not represent an independent data point because the outcomes of introductions
of the same species to different locations are almost certainly correlated. In these
circumstances, it is important to consider extensions of generalized linear models
(such as generalized linear mixed models or generalized estimating equations) that
take into account the clustering of events and minimize the problem of inflated
type I error rates.
The traits identified as influencing establishment success are of three types:
(a) traits that preadapt species to the new environment, (b) traits that favor popula-
tion increase from a low level, and (c) traits that constrain establishment success.
(1999) found that, for 132 passerine species introduced to nine islands, those with
a broader dietary range were more likely to establish (see also Wolf et al. 1998,
Cassey 2001b). Similarly, Brooks (2001) found that introduced birds categorized
as habitat specialists were less likely to establish successfully. However, other
studies have failed to find such relationships (Veltman et al. 1996, Sol et al. 2002),
and it is difficult to determine if these discrepancies result from a weak influence of
niche breadth or reflect the noise associated with using coarse measures to quantify
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A species released into a new environment will face a variety of novel chal-
lenges for which it may not be well adapted (Sol 2003). Animals may partly
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compensate for this lack of adaptive fit by inventing new behaviors or adjusting
established behaviors to the novel conditions (Klopfer 1962, Plotkin & Odling-
Smee 1979, Morse 1980, Arcese et al. 1997, Brooker et al. 1998, Berger et al. 2001,
Lefebvre et al. 2003, Sol 2003). This behavioral flexibility may aid establishment
through, for example, the ready adoption of unexploited new food resources, the
adjustment of breeding to the prevailing breeding conditions, or rapid behavioral
changes to avoid novel enemies (Sol 2003). Because behaviorally flexible species
are believed to be more exploratory (Greenberg & Mettke-Hofmann 2001) and
ecologically generalist (Sol 2003), they may also have higher chances of discov-
ering and adopting new habitats or new resources that may enhance survival and
reproduction in the new environment. The hypothesis that behavioral flexibility
enhances establishment (Mayr 1965) is supported by the finding that established
birds tend to have a larger brain size per unit body mass and to show more innova-
tive behaviors in their region of origin than failed species (Sol & Lefebvre 2000,
Sol et al. 2002).
Certain traits associated with generalist behavior may enhance establishment
for some species, whereas other traits may preadapt species to specific habitats.
The latter may explain why birds that inhabit human-modified habitats in their
native range and those with a history of close association with humans tend to
be successful invaders (Sol et al. 2002; see also Mayr 1965, Brown 1989, Sax &
Brown 2000).
Securing the bridgehead Most introduced populations start off small and face the
threat of stochastic extinction. One argument is that species with higher rates of
population growth should have a higher probability of establishing because they
can more quickly escape the risks associated with remaining at small population
size (Moulton & Pimm 1986, Pimm et al. 1988, Pimm 1991). Because population
growth rates are difficult to measure, most studies that test this hypothesis use life-
history traits known to be correlated with population growth rate as surrogates.
Thus, species with small body mass, short development times, multiple broods per
season, and large clutch sizes are expected to have higher establishment. However,
small-bodied species with high rates of population growth also tend to have more
variable population sizes, which could increase their risk of extinction because
population densities will drop to low levels more often (Pimm 1991). In these
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establish following introduction to New Zealand, but Griffith et al. (1989) reported
higher establishment success for re-introduced species classified as “early breed-
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ers” than for those considered “late breeders.” Results for body mass are similarly
equivocal (e.g., Veltman et al. 1996, Green 1997, Sol & Lefebvre 2000, Blackburn
& Duncan 2001b, Sol et al. 2002). Moreover, the relationship between body mass
and establishment appears to depend on the taxonomic level considered. Cassey
(2001a) found that global introduction success is significantly negatively related
to body size across species, families, and higher family nodes. However, within
taxa, larger-bodied species are more likely to establish.
Population growth rate has also been invoked in the suggestion that colonial
species should establish less readily than noncolonial. Colonial species may have,
at low population densities, a reduced per capita growth rate owing to the Allee
effect, which would increase the probability of stochastic extinction (Reed 1999).
The only study that has examined this prediction failed to find support for it (Sol
reported that 21% of variation in establishment rate was found at order level. Hav-
ing controlled for variation in location-level effects, Blackburn & Duncan (2001a)
found no similar significant effect in their global analysis of bird introductions. In
Australia, introduced gamebirds (order Galliformes) were significantly less likely
to establish than other species (Duncan et al. 2001), with similar low rates of estab-
lishment observed in New Zealand and the United States. This observation could,
in part, reflect hunting pressure, although in the United States long moratorium
periods were implemented before the hunting of gamebird species commenced
(Long 1981). Moulton et al. (2001a) also reported lower establishment success in
Galliformes and Columbiformes relative to Passeriformes.
The general pattern of variance partitioning suggests that interspecific variation
in establishment probability is driven primarily by traits that vary among closely
related species. It follows that traits shared by closely related species, including
phylogenetically conserved life history traits such as body mass and clutch size,
should poorly explain establishment. The equivocal results reported for many such
traits, along with their failure significantly to explain establishment for global bird
introductions (Blackburn & Duncan 2001a), bear this out. The general failure to
identify life history traits that consistently explain establishment may reflect the
overwhelming importance of factors such as introduction effort or environmental
matching. Equally, however, there may be no simple set of traits that favor es-
tablishment. Instead, different traits may enhance establishment under different
conditions, and at any one location there may be establishment opportunities for
species possessing a variety of trait combinations.
The European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) established following introduction to
New York state in the late nineteenth century and has subsequently spread to
become among the most widely distributed and abundant birds in North America.
At about the same time, the crested myna (Acridotheres cristatellus) was introduced
and became established in Vancouver. This close relative of the starling became
reasonably numerous but spread little, remaining largely confined to Vancouver and
its environs, with the population now having dwindled to low numbers. Relative to
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other taxa, birds are generally good dispersers. Why then, following establishment,
do bird species differ so markedly in the rate at which they spread and the final
extent of their distribution?
Because birds are well studied, sufficient records exist quantitatively to model
range expansion in several introduced species (Hengeveld 1989, Van den Bosch
et al. 1992, Veit & Lewis 1996, Williamson 1996, Shigesada & Kawasaki 1997,
Lensink 1998, Gammon & Maurer 2002, Silva et al. 2002). Whereas these models
allow us to examine factors affecting the rate of expansion in a few typically
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widespread species, no study has yet quantified or examined the reasons underlying
interspecific variation in rate of spread.
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Finally, several life history traits consistently relate to the geographic range
size of established species in New Zealand and Australia (Duncan et al. 1999,
2001; Cassey 2001b; but see Williamson 2001). More widespread species tend
to be those with life history traits associated with high population growth rates,
characteristically small-bodied, rapidly developing species with high fecundity.
It has been suggested that species with fast population growth rates have larger
ranges because they may be less vulnerable to local extinction when colonizing
unoccupied sites (Gaston 1988).
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Throughout this review, we have emphasized how the quantity and quality of data
on historical bird introductions have provided opportunities to test key hypotheses
about the factors underpinning invasion success. We finish by highlighting five
promising research directions.
First, attempts to analyze data on bird introductions have highlighted issues
that are likely to be a feature of all historical introduction data: confounding of
explanatory variables and non-independence of observations. Given that historical
introduction data provide us with opportunities to test hypotheses that we cannot
test experimentally (because of cost or ethical considerations), a priority is to
identify and apply appropriate statistical methods to analyzing such data for all
taxonomic groups. Undoubtedly, the degree and type of non-independence will
depend on the circumstances surrounding the transport and introduction of different
taxa. Birds and plants selected for transport and introduction, for example, probably
show different patterns of taxonomic clustering. Analyses that do not consider
issues of non-independence should be interpreted with caution.
Second, while comparative studies of bird introductions have provided useful
tests of several invasion hypotheses, others remain for which bird introductions
appear ideally suited. For example, the “enemy release” hypothesis posits that some
invaders do better in their location of introduction than in their native range owing
to a lack of natural enemies (e.g., competitors, predators, and pathogens). Because
birds are well studied, a considerable amount of detailed information exists on
the factors regulating the populations of many bird species in their native ranges.
Similarly detailed studies identifying the factors regulating populations of the same
species that have established at new locations could test, for example, whether
release from predation or competition is the explanation underlying enhanced
success in the new location.
Third, measuring and explaining the impact of invaders remains a major un-
resolved issue in invasion biology (Ricciardi et al. 2000). The impacts of bird
invaders have generally received less attention than those associated with other
taxa (see, e.g., Ebenhard 1988). One possible reason is the perception that, be-
cause most avian invaders occur in human-modified habitats rather than in pristine
habitats (Case 1996), their ecological impact should be relatively less important
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(e.g., Diamond & Veitch 1981). However, birds have also been reported to gener-
ate serious ecological impacts on recipient communities, including hybridization
and introgression with native species (Rhymer & Simberloff 1996), transmission
of diseases (van Riper et al. 1986), competition and predation (Penny 1974; but
see Koenig 2003), and habitat alteration (Ebenhard 1988). In addition, introduced
birds have major economic impacts in many locations (Lever 1994, Bomford &
Sinclair 2002). Defining and measuring precisely what we mean by impact re-
mains a challenging task, but one that is critical to setting priorities for managing
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invasive species (Parker et al. 1999; Smith et al. 1999; Williamson 1999, 2001;
Ricciardi et al. 2000). Assuming that we can quantify impacts, we can, in principle,
Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 2003.34:71-98. Downloaded from
apply comparative methods to identify why some species have greater impact than
others, as has been done for other invasion transitions, and use this information in
explanatory models. Here again it will be important to consider how attributes of
the invader and characteristics of the community interact to determine impact. For
example, islands are hypothesized to be more vulnerable to the impacts of exotic
invaders because island species have not been exposed to mainland selective pres-
sures (Loope et al. 1988, Simberloff 1995). Data on introduced birds may provide
opportunities to test these and related hypotheses.
Fourth, the field of invasion ecology has been criticized for drawing a distinction
between invasions resulting from human-caused introductions and natural inva-
sions (as we do in this study) when the underlying processes may be very similar
and mutually informative (Davis et al. 2001). Because many natural bird inva-
sions have been well documented (e.g., Hengeveld 1989, Clegg et al. 2002), birds
provide opportunities to compare these invasion pathways and to assess whether
an understanding of invasion dynamics gleaned from human-caused introductions
can reliably inform us of natural invasion processes, and vice versa. We caution
that this need not be the case. In particular, introduced birds are a distinctly non-
random subset of the world’s birds so that conclusions about how these species
behave may not transfer to other bird groups.
Finally, species introduced to novel habitats provide unique opportunities to
investigate the evolutionary process (Mooney & Cleland 2001). Established pop-
ulations of many introduced species are isolated from source populations and
may diverge rapidly from their ancestors through a combination of divergent
natural selection, genetic drift and divergence under uniform selection (e.g.,
Selander & Johnston 1967, Baker & Moeed 1987, Baker 1992, Reznick &
Ghalambor 2001, Badyaev et al. 2002). In their classic studies on geographic
variation in house sparrows introduced to North America, Selander & Johnston
(1967) found major geographic divergence in coloration and morphometric char-
acters within less than 100 years following establishment. More recent studies in
other birds have also demonstrated rapid genetic and life history differentiation in
introduced populations (e.g., Baker & Mooed 1987, Baker 1992, Badyaev et al.
2002). Given the well-documented history of many bird introductions, often de-
tailing dates and numbers of individuals released, and the range of locations at
which some species have established, populations of introduced birds provide a
30 Sep 2003 14:24 AR AR200-ES34-04.tex AR200-ES34-04.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: GJB
remarkable and largely untapped resource for addressing questions about evolu-
tionary change.
We thank Julie Lockwood and Mark Williamson for comments on the manuscript.
TMB especially thanks M. Bergman. DS was supported by a Québec Ministry
of Education Postdoctoral Fellowship and a NSERC (Canada) grant to Louis
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