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International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (5) (2021) Page 9-17

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Journal homepage: www.ijrpr.com ISSN 2582-7421

Real-time Vernacular Sign Language Recognition using MediaPipe and

Machine Learning

Arpita Haldera, Akshit Tayadeb

Undergraduate Student, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Budge-Budge Institute of Technology, [email protected],India
Undergraduate Student,Electronics and Telecommunication Department, K.J Somaiya College of Engineering, [email protected],India


The deaf-mute community have undeniable communication problems in their daily life. Recent developments in artificial intelligence tear down this
communication barrier. The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a methodology that simplified Sign Language Recogniti on using MediaPipe’s open-
source framework and machine learning algorithm. The predictive model is lightweight and adaptable to smart devices. Multiple sign language datasets such
as American, Indian, Italian and Turkey are used for training purpose to analyze the capability of the framework. With an average accuracy of 99%, the
proposed model is efficient, precise and robust. Real-time accurate detection using Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm without any wearable sensors
makes use of this technology more comfortable and easy.

Keywords:Machine Learning, Sign Language Recognition, MediaPipe, Feature extraction, Hand gesture

1. Introduction

Sign Language significantly facilitates communication in the deaf community. Sign language is a language in which communicati on is based on visual
sign patterns to express one’s feelings. There is a communication gap when a deaf community wants to express their views, thought of speech and hearing
with normal people. Currently, two communities mostly rely on human-based translator which can be expensive and inconvenient. With the development
in areas of deep learning and computer vision, researchers have developed various automatic sign language recognition methods that can interpret sign
gestures in an understandable way. This narrow downs the communication gap between impaired and normal people. This also empowers deaf-mute
people to stand with an equal opportunity and improve personal growth.
In accordance with the report of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) over 5% of the world’s population (≈ 360 million people) has
hearing impairment including 328 million adults and 32 Million children. Approximately there are about 300 sign language is in use around the globe.
Sign language recognition is a challenging task as sign language alphabets are different for different sign languages. For instance, American Sign
Language (ASL) alphabets vary widely from Indian Sign Language or Italian Sign Language. Thus Sign language varies from region to region. Moreover,
articulation of single as well as double hands is used to convey meaningful messages. Sign Language can be expressed by the compressed version, where
a single gesture is sufficient to describe a word. Now, sign language also has fingerspelling to describe each alphabet of the word using different signs
corresponding to a particular letter. As there are many words still not standardized in sign language dictionaries, fingerspelling is often used to manifest a
word. There are still about 150,000 words in spoken English having no counterpart in ASL. Furthermore, any name of people, places, brands or titles
doesn’t have any standardized sign symbol. Besides, a user might not be aware of the exact sign of any particular word and in this scenario, fingerspelling
comes in handy and any word can be easily described.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
10 International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (5) (2021) Page 9-17

Previous works included sensor-based Sign language Recognition (SLR) system, which was quite uncomfortable and more restrictive for
signers. Specialized hardware for example sensors [1], [2] were used which were an expensive option as well. Whereas, computer vision-based techniques
uses bare hands without any sensors or coloured gloves. Due to the use of single camera, computer-vision based technique is more cost-effective and
highly portable compared to sensor-based techniques. In computer-vision based methods, the most common approach for hand-tracking is skin colour
detection or background subtraction. Computer vision-based SLR system often deals with feature extraction example boundary modelling, contour,
segmentation of gestures and estimation of hand shapes. But, all these solutions are not lightweight enough to run in real-time devices like mobile phone
applications and thus are restricted to platform equipped with robust processors. Moreover, the challenge of hand-tracking remained persistent in all these
techniques. To address this drawback, our proposed methodology used an approach that involves Google’s innovative, rapidly growin g and open source
project MediaPipe and a machine learning algorithm on top of this framework to get a faster, simpler, cost-effective, portable and easy to deploy pipeline
which can be used as a sign language recognition system.

2. Related Works

Relatively hand gesture recognition is a difficult problem to address in the field of machine learning. Classification methods can be divided into
supervised and unsupervised method. Based on these methods the SLR system can recognize static or dynamic sign gestures of ha nds. Murakami and
Taguchi [3] in the year 1991, published a research article using neural network for the first time in sign la nguage recognition. With the development in the
field of computer vision, numerous researchers came up with novel approaches to help the physically challenged community. Using coloured gloves, a
real-time hand tracking application was developed by Wang and Popovic[4]. The colour pattern of the gloves was recognized by K-Nearest Neighbors
(KNN) technique but continuous feeding of hand streams is required for the system. However, Support Vector Mechanism (SVM) ou tperformed this
algorithm in the research findings of Rekha et al.[5], Kurdyumov et al.[6], Tharwat et al.[7] and Baranwal and Nandi[8]. There are two types of Sign
Language Recognition: Isolated sign recognition and continuous sentence recognition. Likewise, whole sign level modelling and subunit sign level
modelling exist in the SLR system. Visual-descriptive and linguistic-oriented are two approaches that lead to subunit level sign modelling. Elakkiya et
al.[9] combined SVM learning and boosting algorithm to propose a framework for subunit recognition of alphabets. An accuracy of 97.6% was obtained
but the system fails to predict 26 alphabets. To extract features of 23 isolated Arabic sign language Ahmed and Aly[10] used the combination of PCA and
local binary patterns. Despite getting an accuracy of 99.97% in signer dependent mode, due to the usage of threshold operator the system fails to recognize
the constant grey-scale patterns in the signing area. In the field of machine learning, recognizing hand gesture is relatively problematic to solve. In most of
the initial attempts, a conventional convolutional network is used that detects handgestures from frames of images. R.Sharma et al.,[11] used 80000
individual numeric signs with more than 500 pictures per sign to train a machine learning model. Their system methodology comprises a training database
of pre-processed images for a hand-detection system and a gesture recognition system. Image pre-processing included feature extraction to normalize the
input information before training the machine learning model. The images are converted into grayscale for better object contour maintaining a
standardized resolution and then flattened into a smaller amount of one-dimensional components. The feature extraction technique helps to extract certain
features about the pixel data from images and feed them to CNN for easier training and more accurate prediction. Hand tracking in 2D and 3D space has
been performed by W.Liu et al.,[12].They used skin saliency where skin tones within a specific range were extracted for better feature extraction and
achieved a classification accuracy of around 98%.
It is evident from all these previous methods that to recognize hand gesture precisely with high accuracy, models require a large dataset and complicated
methodology with complex mathematical processing. Pre-processing of images plays a vital in the gesture tracking process. Therefore, for our project, we
used an open-source framework from Google known as Mediapipe which is capable of detecting human body part accurately.

3. Dataset

Table 1: Details of different sign language fingerspelling datasets used in this work

Database Type No. of classes No. of images Image Samples

American Alphabets 26 156000

Indian Alphabets 24 4972

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (5) (2021) Page 9-17 11

Italian Alphabets 22 12856

American Numbers 10 1400

Turkey Numbers 10 4124

4. Architecture

Figure 1: Proposed architecture to detect handgestures and predict sign language finger-spellings

1.1 Stage 1: Pre-Processing of Images to get Multi-hand Landmarks using MediaPipe

MediaPipe is a framework that enables developers for building multi-modal(video, audio, any times series data) cross-platform applied ML pipelines.
MediaPipe has a large collection of human body detection and tracking models which are trained on a massive and most diverse dataset of Google. As the
skeleton of nodes and edges or landmarks, they track key points on different parts of the body. All co-ordinate points are three-dimension normalized.
Models build by Google developers using Tensorflow lite facilitates the flow of information easily adaptable and modifiable via graphs. MediaPipe
pipelines are composed of nodes on a graph which are generally specified in pbtxt file. These nodes are connected to C++ files. Expansion upon these files
is the base calculator class in Mediapipe. Just like a video stream this class gets contracts of media streams from other nodes in the graph a nd ensures that
12 International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (5) (2021) Page 9-17

it is connected. Once, rest of the pipelines nodes are connected, the class generates its own output processed data. Packet objects encapsulating many
different types of information are used to send each stream of information to each calculator. Into a graph, side packets can also be imposed, where a
calculator node can be introduced with auxiliary data like constants or static properties. This simplified structure in the pipeline of dataflow enables
additions or modifications with ease and the flow of data becomes more precisely controllable.
The Hand tracking solution [13] has an ML pipeline at its backend consisting of two models working dependently with each other: a) Palm Detection
Model b) Land Landmark Model. The Palm Detection Model provides an accurately cropped palm image and further is passed on to the landmark model.
This process diminishes the use of data augmentation (i.e. Rotations, Flipping, Scaling) that is done in Deep Learning models and dedicates most of its
power for landmark localization. The traditional way is to detect the hand from the frame and then do landmark localization o ver the current frame. But in
this Palm Detector using ML pipeline challenges with a different strategy. Detecting hands is a complex procedure as you have to perform image
processing and thresholding and work with a variety of hand sizes which leads to consumption of time. Instead of directly detecting hand from the current
frame, first, the Palm detector is trained which estimates bounding boxes around the rigid objects like palm and fists which is simpler than detecting hands
with coupled fingers. Secondly, an encoder-decoder is used as an extractor for bigger scene context.

Figure 2: 21 Hand Landmarks

After the palm detection is skimmed over the whole image frame, subsequent Hand Landmark models comes into the picture. This model precisely
localize 21 3D hand-knuckle coordinates (i.e., x, y, z-axis) inside the detected hand regions. The model is so well trained and robust in hand detection that
it even maps coordinates to partially visible hand. Figure 2 shows the 21 landmark points detection by the Hand Landmark model.
Now that we have a functional Palm and Hand detection model running, this model is passed over our dataset of various language. Considering the
American Sign Language dataset, we have a to z alphabets. So, we pass our detection model over every alphabet folder containing images and perform
Hand detection which yields us the 21 landmark points as shown in Figure 2. The obtained landmark points are then stored in a file of CSV format. A
simultaneous, elimination task is performed while extracting the landmark points. Here, only the x and y coordinates detected by the Hand Landmark
model is considered for training the ML model. Depending upon the size of the dataset around 10-15 minutes is required for Landmark extraction.

1.2 Stage 2: Data cleaning and normalization

As in stage 1, we are only considering x and y coordinates from the detector, each image in the dataset is passed through sta ge 1 to collect all the data
points under one file. This file is then scraped through the pandas' library function to check for any nulls entries. Sometimes due to blurry image, the
detector cannot detect the hand which leads to null entry into the dataset. Hence, it is necessary to clean these points or will lead to biasness while making
the predictive model. Rows containing these null entries are searched and using their indexes removed from the table. After the removal of unwanted
points, we normalized x and y coordinates to fit into our system. The data file is then prepared for splitting into training and validation set. 80% of the data
is retained for training our model with various optimization and loss function, whereas 20% of data is reserved for validating the model.

1.3 Stage 3: Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithm

Predictive analysis of different sign languages are performed using machine learning algorithms and Support Vector Machine (SVM) outperformed other
algorithms. The details of the analysis are discussed in table 2 in the result section. SVM is effective in high dimensional spaces. In the case where the
number of samples are greater than the number of dimensions, SVM performs effectively. SVM is a cluster of supervised learning methods capable of
classification, regression and outliers detection.
The following formula poses the optimization problem tackled by SVMs:
1 𝑇
min 𝑤, 𝑏, 𝑑 𝑤 𝑤+𝐶 𝑑𝑖 (1)
𝑦𝑖 𝑤 𝑇 ∅ 𝑥𝑖 + 𝑏 > 1 − 𝑑𝑖 (2)

In equation (1) and equation (2), 𝑑𝑖 denotes the distances to the correct margin with 𝑑𝑖 >= 0, I = 1, …, n, C denotes a regularization parameter, 𝑤 𝑇 𝑤 =
𝑤 denotes the normal vector, ∅ 𝑥𝑖 denotes the transformed input space vector, b denotes a bias parameter, 𝑦𝑖 denotes the i-th target value. The
objective is to classify as many data points correctly as possible by maximizing the margin from the Support Vectors to the hyperplane while minimizing
the term wTw. The kernel function used is RBF (radical basis function) that turns the input space into a higher -dimensional space, so that not every data
point is explicitly mapped. SVM works relatively well when there is a clear margin of separation between classes. Hence, we used SVM to classify
multiple classes of sign language alphabets and numerics.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (5) (2021) Page 9-17 13

1.4 Quantitative Analysis

To analyze results for each of the datasets, we used performance matrix such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score. Accuracy is the number of correctly
predicted data points out of all the data points.𝐴𝑆𝐿𝑅 can be calculated as the number of all correct predictions to the total number of items in the data
measures, shown in equation (3).

𝐴𝑆𝐿𝑅 = (3)
𝑇𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁
𝑃𝑆𝐿𝑅 = (4)
𝑅𝑆𝐿𝑅 = (5)

𝑃𝑆𝐿𝑅 describes how accurate our model is out of those predicted positives, how many of them are actual positive. 𝑃𝑆𝐿𝑅 is a good measure to determine,
when the cost of False positive is high. 𝑅𝑆𝐿𝑅 calculates how many of the actual positives our model capture by labelling them as positive. 𝑅𝑆𝐿𝑅 represent
the model metric we will select when there is a high cost associated with False Negatives. The mathematical formulation of Pr ecision and Recall are given
in equation (4) and (5) respectively.

2 × 𝑃 ×𝑅
𝐹𝑆𝐿𝑅 = (6)

F-Measure in equation (6) provides a way to combine both precision and recall into a single measure that captures both properties. It is u sed to handle
imbalanced classification. Confusion matrix was also analyzed to have a better understanding of the types of errors being made by our classifier. The key
to confusion matrix is number of correct and incorrect predictions are summarized with count values and broken down by each class.

5. Result and Discussion

A K-Fold Cross-Validation was performed on the dataset by taking ten folds. The average accuracy over ten iterations of different algorithms is
demonstrated in Table 2. It can be observed from the presented accuracies that SVM outperformed other machine learning algorithms such as KNN,
Random Forest, Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes and also achieved higher accuracy than deep learning algorithms such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP).

Table 2: Average accuracy obtained using machine learning and deep learning algorithms.

Dataset SVM KNN Random Forest Decision Tree Naive Bayes ANN MLP

ASL(alphabet) 99.15% 98.21% 98.57% 98.57% 53.74% 97.12% 94.69%

Indian(alphabet) 99.29% 98.87% 98.59% 98.59% 86.77% 94.79% 96.48%

Italian(alphabet) 98.19% 96.75% 97.83% 97.83% 77.19% 78.63% 72.14%

ASL(numbers) 99.18% 99.18% 97.56% 97.56% 96.74% 95.12% 97.56%

Turkey (numbers) 96.22% 93.08% 94.33% 94.33% 83.64% 93.71% 83.64%

The highest accuracy achieved using the model is bolded in the above table for each of the sign language datasets.

For exhaustive testing, each sign language image dataset is pre-processed to extract features using MediaPipe framework and trained in Support Vector
Machine to classify gestures correctly. An accuracy of 99% is achieved for most of the datasets which outperform present state-of-arts and classify
fingerspellings of Sign Languages precisely. Maximum accuracy of 99.29% is gained for Indian Sign Language and minimum accuracy of 96.22% is
obtained for Turkey Sign Language numbers prediction using handgestures. The testing performance for each dataset is summarized in Table 3. Confusion
matrix is illustrated in figure 3 and figure 4 demonstrates real-time sign language detection.

Table 3: Performance analysis using SVM algorithm on different datasets

Dataset name Training Accuracy Testing Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score

ASL(alphabet) 99.50% 99.15% 99.15% 99.15% 99.15%

Indian(alphabet) 99.92% 99.29% 99.29% 99.29% 99.29%

Italian(alphabet) 99.72% 98.19% 98.19% 98.19% 98.19%

14 International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (5) (2021) Page 9-17

Turkey (numbers) 99.37% 96.22% 96.22% 96.22% 96.22%

American (numbers) 98.77% 99.18% 99.18% 99.18% 99.18%

The trained model is explicitly lightweight which makes our machine learning model appropriate for deployment in mobile appli cation. Real-time sign
language detection makes our methodology fast, robust, adaptable specifically for smart devices. Mediapipe’s state-of-art makes feature extraction easy by
breaking down and analyzing complex hand-tracking information, without the need to build a convolutional neural network from scratch. The proposed
methodology uses minimum computational power and consumes less time to train model than other state-of-arts present. Table 4 illustrates comparison of
the performance of other works of literature using machine learning / deep learning algorithms and ours.

Table 4: Comparison with other current methods.

Sign Language Reference Type Number of classes Method Accuracy

P.Das et al.,[14] Alphabets 26 Deep CNN 94.3%

Alphabets and
M.Taskiran et al.,[15] 36 CNN 98.05%

KNN 96.14%

Random Forest 96.13%

N.Saquib and
Alphabets 24
American A.Rahman[16] ANN 95.87%

SVM 94.91%

Alphabets 26 SVM 99.15%

Numbers 10 SVM 99.18%

K.K.Dutta et al.,[17] Alphabets 24 KNN 94%-96%

KNN and Neural

M.Sharma et al.,[18] Numbers 10 97.10%
J.L.Raheja et al.,[19] Alphabets 24 SVM 97.5%

Ours Alphabets 26 SVM 99.29%

L.Pigou et al.,[20]
Alphabets 20 CNN 91.7%

Ours Alphabets 22 SVM 98.19%

The highest accuracy is bolded in the above table for each of the sign language dataset.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (5) (2021) Page 9-17 15

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
16 International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (5) (2021) Page 9-17


Figure 3: Confusion matrix a) American Sign Language (alphabets), b) American Sign Language (numbers), c) Indian Sign Language
(alphabets), d) Turkey Sign Language (numbers), e) Italian Sign Language (alphabets)

American Sign Language - Alphabets American Sign Language - Numbers

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (5) (2021) Page 9-17 17

Figure 4: Real-time American Sign Language Recognition. American alphabets: ‘S’, ‘U’, ‘I’ and numbers: ‘1’, ‘3’, ‘9’

6. Conclusion

With an average accuracy of 99% in most of the sign language dataset using MediaPipe’s technology and machine learning, our proposed methodology
show that MediaPipe can be efficiently used as a tool to detect complex hand gesture precisely. Although, sign language modelling using image
processing techniques has evolved over the past few years but methods are complex with a requirement of high computational power. Time consumption
to train a model is also high. From that perspective, this work provides new insights into this problem. Less computing power and the adaptability to smart
devices makes the model robust and cost-effective. Training and testing with various sign language datasets show this framework can be adapted
effectively for any regional sign language dataset and maximum accuracy can be obtained. Faster real-time detection demonstrates the model’s efficiency
better than the present state-of-arts. In the future, the work can be extended by introducing word detection of sign language from videos using Mediapipe’s
state-of-art and best possible classification algorithms.


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