Learning Plan Guide
Learning Plan Guide
Learning Plan Guide
Unit of Competence: Demonstrate occupational safety and Unit Code: HRM/OS/HK/BC/07/4 (Get the unit code from the OS)
health practices Get the unit of competence from the
Occupational Standard (OS)
Name of Trainer: Level: Diploma, Degree, OR Certificate
Date of Preparation:(The date the learning plan was Date of Revision: (if some revisions are done on the learning plan,
prepared) indicate the date of revision here)
Number of Trainees: (Indicate the number of trainees) Class: (Indicate the specific class code)
Skill or Job Task: Lead implementation of workplace’s safety and health program, procedures and policies/guidelines.
(obtain the Skill or Job task from the UNIT OF DESCRIPTION in the OS. For example, the UNIT OF DESCRIPTION in the OS states
that; This unit specifies the competences required to *Lead the implementation of workplace safety and health programs. In
stating the Skill or Job task, pick where the description starts and in this case, start from the verb *Lead. But as a trainer, in case
of a lengthy UNIT OF DESCRIBITION, pick the key phrases that best describe the skill or job task.)
Benchmark or Criterial to be used
1. Identify workplace hazards and risks (This is the first element in the OS)
a. Hazards in the work place and/or its indicators of its presence are identified
b. Evaluation and/or work environment measurement of OSH hazards/risks performance criteria from the OS
existing in the workplace is conducted by authorized personnel or agency
c. OSH issues and/or concerns raised by workers are gathered.
Week Session Session Learning Trainer Trainee Resources Learning Reflections
No. Title Outcome Activities Activities & Refs Checks/ & Date
By the end of the Trainer: Trainee(s): Refs: Knowledge
session trainee (each learning (each learning (minimum 1. oral Remark
should be able outcome can outcome can two) questioning about the
to: attract more than attract more than 1. 2. written session
1 activity) 1 activity) OS/Curr 3. (done after
a) Explain Poses 2.Learning Skills training
meaning of questions on give responses guides 1. observation has been
terms in terms applied to questions etc 2. project executed)
Occupational in OHS. posed 3. portfolio
Health and Training Attitudes
Safety in the Aids: 1. observation
Hazards work place Video 2. third party
and risk clips reports
indicators in b) Identify work plays video 3. external
the place hazards clips showing watch the video assessors
workplace and risk types of clip
indicators hazards in point out the (use what is
1 1 applicable)
(*Develop work place types hazards as
lesson Titles coordinate per the video clip
from the group in groups to visit
performance discussion on different work
Criteria in the hazards environments
the OS). and risks as and analyze the
per the video hazards and risk
clip watched indicators in
uses illustrative reference to the
talk guides to video watched.
guide the Present their
trainees in findings
identifying Assignment