Unlock3 Unit1 1.2原文笔记

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Hello, and thank you all for coming.

I know that
you’re all busy students and I appreciate that you’re
here today.
So, what do you think of when you hear the words
climate change? You probably think // about warmer
temperatures↗, floods↗, droughts↗, huge storms↗ … // and
maybe polar bears. That’s what I’m going to talk about
today – the polar bear and the human threats to this
beautiful, powerful, majestic animal.
It’s widely known that polar bears are now an
endangered species. There are only // about 26,000
polar bears // in the world today↗ // and it’s believed
// that most // of them will be gone // by 2050 // if nothing

There are several threats to polar bears. 总起

The biggest threat is the loss of sea ice habitat. Topic Sentence
Climate change damages the sea ice, which polar Details
bears depend on for survival.
The disappearing ice has several negative effects. For
example, polar bears have problems searching for
seals, their main source of food. Polar bears need to
stand on ice to hunt for seals. So when there isn’t
enough ice, the bears become hungry.
A second threat is contact between humans and Topic Sentence
polar bears. When the sea ice melts, polar bears Details
have to spend more time on land. When polar bears
go near towns, people sometimes kill the bears to
protect themselves.
A third human threat // to polar bears is industrial Topic Sentence
development, such as // oil production↗ // and shipping.
As the ice disappears, the ocean is growing. This Details
means more oil production in the Arctic and an
increased threat of oil spills. Contact with oil will kill
polar bears. And the oil ships are also dangerous to
polar bears.

However, there is good news: it may not be too

late to save the polar bear. Here’s what people are 总起
already doing.
First, Arctic communities are trying to reduce contact Topic Sentence
between humans and polar bears. More lights in Details
public places, electric fences and warning plans when
bears enter towns all help to protect both polar bears
and humans.
Second, governments have made laws which limit Topic Sentence
the amount of oil production in the Arctic. And Details
environmental groups are creating plans to make
Arctic shipping safer.
Third, people are trying to stop climate change. Topic Sentence
And you can, too. To help save polar bears, you Details
should use less electricity and petrol. And you
could tell government leaders your opinion about
climate change. It might also be a good idea to get
involved with organizations which are working to
save polar bears.
So, to summarize, the main threat to polar bears is Conclusion
loss of habitat due to climate change. Related threats
are human contact and industrial development.
If people don’t make changes quickly, polar bears
may disappear.

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