Genius Hour
Genius Hour
Genius Hour
Global Warming
and land. This is called the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases aren’t
necessarily a bad thing. Usually, natural processes destroy these gases. But
since the late 1800’s, people began to use fossil fuels. These include oil,
(Air Pollution)
natural gas, and coal. When these fuels are burned for energy, they release
huge amounts of greenhouse gases, the worst and most plentiful of them
being carbon dioxide. These greenhouse gases are produced far quicker
than they can be destroyed by natural processes. Humans have produced
so many greenhouse gases that these gasses that had first made life
possible on Earth now might be the cause of the end of it.
Global Warming
What negative effects could global warming bring?
How does it affect our lives so crucially, that it might
even end it? First, the added greenhouse gases allow
much more heat into our atmosphere. These added
temperatures have added almost 40 degrees Fahrenheit
to our Earth in the past 100 years! This added heat has
been the cause of various icebergs melting, many in
Antarctica. Since 1979, the melting of icebergs have
gotten six times worse. Yearly, around 250 billion tons
of ice is being lost. What problem could this bring?
Icebergs are big pieces of ice, and ice is frozen water. So
lots and lots of ice is being melted into hundreds of
thousands of tons of water. This makes the water level
rise drastically. Over the past century, the water level
has risen about 19 cm. Currently water level rises 3.2
mm. per year. This could mean various landmasses
around the world would become covered in water.
Millions of people would be affected by this and this
would cause many problems.