Osce Guide
Osce Guide
Osce Guide
Administer oxygen on Mrs Alice that presented with asthmatic attack during your shift
mk mk
1 Verify written order for oxygen therapy, including methods of delivery
and flow rate ( ½ mark)
2 Place a sign in the ward saying -oxygen in-situ ,no smoking ( ½ mark)
3 Wash hands and wear gloves ( ½ mark)
4 Explain the procedure to the patient and obtain consent ( ½ mark)
5 Assess the client for obstruction of the nasal passage by observing the
breathing patterns ( ½ mark)
6 Position the patient in a semi fowler’s position ( ½ mark)
7 Adjust the flow rate to the prescribed amount ( ½ mark)
8 Gently position nasal prongs into the patients nares, with curves of prongs
pointing toward the floor of the nostrils ( ½ mark)
9 Loop the cannula tubing over the clients ear; adjust the fit of the tubing by
sliding the adjuster upward to hold the cannula in place( ½ mark)
10 Assess the clients nares, face, and ears every 4 hours for signs of skin
irritation or breakdown and document findings ( ½ mark)
11 Mention that client’s vital signs and signs of toxicity will be monitored at
interval( ½ mark)
12 At the same time, inspect the nasal prongs for the presence of nasal
secretions or crust. If needed, wipe the prongs and clean with a gauze pad
( ½ mark)
13 Wash and dry hands ( ½ mark)
14 Document the procedure accurately, completing drug record if required,
ensure effect is noted and documented accurately ( ½ mark)
2. Which of the following is the reason for placing a sign ”oxygen in use” is for people to
be a cautious because
(a) Oxygen is not good to be inhaled
(b) Oxygen is a noble gas
(c) Oxygen rekindle a glowing split
(d) Oxygen can lead to hyperventilation
4. What would the nurse monitor before applying oxygen to chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease COPD patient?
(a) Breath sound
(b) Heart rate
(c) Blood pressure
(d) Respiration rate
10. Hourly checks should be made and recorded on the patient observation chart for the
following except
(a) Oxygen saturation
(b) Humidifier stings
(c) Heart rate
(d) Respiratory distress.
S/ Activities ¼ ½ ¾ 1 0
3 Places patient in appropriate position (supine with knees flexed and legs
abducted). (½)
8 Picks wet swabs, one at a time with the right hand (dominant hand) and
9 Swabs vulva carefully using each swab in a downward direction once only
situ). (1)
10 Parts labias with the thumb and index finger of the left hand. ( ½ )
11 Pours a little bit of the warm lotion in the jug on the patient’s thigh before
12 Pours the measured lotion in the jug over vulva and perineum (using the
right hand). ( ½ )
13 Takes dry swabs, one at a time and carefully swabs the vulva dry still in
14 Turns patient on left side and removes bed pan. Swabs buttocks in between
15 Removes gloves and discard. Tidies bed linen and leaves patient
2. In vulva swabbing, the parts of the female genitalia to be swabbed are basically
_____________________________________________________ (½ mark each = 2½
5. Immediately after a tracheostomy, the patient will communicate with significant others
a. Waving and sign language
b. Writing
c. Using braille
d. Touching
6. The outer cannula of the tube inserted through the neck during tracheostomy can be
removed at the instance of
a. Health care provider
b. Patient himself
c. Patient relation
d. Chief medical director
8. The following material are necessary for the care of the tube that was inserted during
tracheostomy except
a. Two non- sterile gloves
b. Clean gauze pads
c. Normal saline or tap water
d. Two sterile gloves
10. The following are noted of secretion during suctioning of a tracheostomy tube except
a. Amount
b. Odour
c. Colour
d. Consistency
1 Indication for steam inhalation : headache, congested (stuffy) nose,
throat irritation, breathing problems caused by airway congestion, dry or
irritated nasal passage , cough ( ¼ mk each for any 2 = ½ mk)
2 Candidate state that it is a clean procedure ( ¼ mk)
3 Screen for privacy( ¼ mk)
4 Warm the inhaler by pouring a little hot water into the inhaler and
emptying it after one minute. This reduces loss of heat from inhaler
during procedure ( ½ mk)
5 Wrap a small towel around the inhaler and place it in the large bowl
( ¼ mk)
6 Measure the required amount of tincture of benzoic compound to use
( ½ mk)
7 Pour the required amount of benzoic compound into the inhaler and fill
to a level below the spout with boing water ( ½ mk)
8 Explain that the water should remain just below the spout. If the inhaler
is filled up to the level of spout there is possibility of drawing water into
the mouth when inhaling and can cause scald ( ½ mk)
9 Place sterile mouthpieces and close the inhaler tightly( ½ mk)
10 Ensure that the mouthpiece is in the opposite direction to the spout ( ½
11 Cover the mouth piece with a gauze piece and plug the spout with the
cotton ball( ½ mk)
12 Place a towel around the inhaler and position it in the bowl( ½ mk)
13 Take it to the patient without losing time( ½ mk)
14 Position the patient in high fowlers or sitting positin( ½ mk)
15 Place the apparatus conveniently in front of the patient on cardiac table
with spout opposite to the patient ( ½ mk)
16 Remove the cotton plug and discard it into the kidney dish ( ¼ mk)
Patient instruction
17 Instruct the patient to place lips on the mouthpiece and take deep breath.
After removing the lips from the mouthpiece, breathe out air through the
nose. directing the steam out through the nostrils relieves the congestion
of the mucous membrane of the nostrils( ½ mk)
18 Mention that the treatment/ procedures will continue for 15-20minutes as
long as patient gets the steam( ¼ mk)
19 Removes inhaler from the patient after the stated time , wife off
perspiration from the patients face( ¼ mk)
20 Give chest physiotherapy and encourage patient to bring out sputum by
coughing ( ¼ mk)
21 Instruct patient to remain in the bed for 1-2hours ( ¼ mk)
22 Give patient gauze or handkerchief to blow the nose and clean the mouth
and make the patient comfortable after procedure( ¼ mk)
Candidate states that he/she will document the procedure and findings (
¼ mk)
4. Steam inhalation may be given for _________________at a time and maybe repeated
every four hours
a. 5 to 10 minutes
b. 10 to 20 minutes
c. 20 to 30 minutes
d. 30 to 60 minutes
5. The following are nurses responsibilities in the administration of steam inhalation except
a. Check the patients name and bed number
b. Check the patient’s next of kin’s name and number
c. Check the diagnosis and general condition of the patient
d. Assess the level of patients consciousness and the ability to follow instructions
6. Patient with respiratory dysfunction are treated with ________inhalation to relieve
a. Carbon monoxide
b. Hydrogen peroxide
c. Nitrogen
d. Oxygen
8. The use of steam to open the passages in the nose helps to relieve
a. Cardiac pressure
b. Intracranial pressure
c. Sinus pressure
d. Pulmonary pressure
10. The steps of procedure for steam inhalation encompasses the following except
a. Explain the procedure
b. Invite patients relative
c. Wash hands
d. Measure the capacity of the inhaler with cold water
Instructions : Read the questions carefully and circle the correct option with a pen. Each
question attracts ¼ mark
1. The following are roles of a nurse in the admission process except
a. Meeting the immediate needs of the patient- physical and emotional
b. Thorough assessment of the patient using nursing process
c. Ensure the administration fees are paid in full
d. Ensure patient is assigned to the appropriate room
7. The form filled during admission procedure , which states clearly specific resuscitative
efforts the person does not want to be performed on him/her
a. Consent form
b. Power of attorney form
c. Resuscitative form
d. Living will form
9. Mr Anglo, 26-year old needs nursing support and cardiac monitoring buy not intensive
care. As the clinician, where will you admit him?
a. Intensive care unit (ICU)
b. Cardiac care unit (CCU)
c. Telemetry / step down unit
d. Male medical ward
10. The type of admission appropriate for a client with a known chronic condition that
requires further treatment is
a. Planned admission
b. Emergency admission
c. Elective admission
d. Observation admission
2. The length of the enema tube that can be inserted into the anus of an adult is
a. 7cm
b. 8cm
c. 9cm
d. 10cm
6. Before enema administration the patient is asked to observe nil per oral for
a. 20 minutes
b. 30 minutes
c. 60 minutes
d. 90 minutes