ML+.01+Tracheostomy+Checklist OSCE+2
ML+.01+Tracheostomy+Checklist OSCE+2
ML+.01+Tracheostomy+Checklist OSCE+2
Name: ______________________________
Date :______________
Time Started: ________________________ Time Ended
1. Assess breathing pattern.
2. Listen to breath sounds.
3. Observe for infection.
4. Observe for hypoxia.
5. Assess the needs of the patient with a tracheostomy for
suctioning and cleaning.
6. Wash your hands.
7. Obtain the necessary equipment &
materials needed.
Tracheostomy tube (Shiley)
Sterile gloves
Self-inflating breathing bag (AMBU bag)
Sterile water
Sterile suction catheter
Sterile syringe
Normal saline if saline is to be instilled
Sterile gauze squares
Eye protection
Portable suction machine
Suction trap, if a spectrum specimen is needed
8. Identify the patient.
9. Provide Privacy.
10. Explain the procedure.
11. Establish a way communicating with tracheostomy
a12. Test the suction apparatus.
13. Place the patient on supine or in Mid- Fowler’s
position. Turn the patient’s head slightly toward you.
Place the unconscious patient in lateral position facing
14. Put an eye protection and mask.
15. Prepare 5ml of sterile saline in a syringe
(remove needle for safety).
16. Open the sterile suction set and prepare the
ü Place the drape from the kit or a clean towel
over the patient’s chest.
ü Most kits contain a pocket of solution, sterile
gloves, the sterile suction catheter and sterile
gauze squares. If the kit contains all of these
equipment, first put on gloves
ü Pour the saline into the basin. Hold the catheter
in your dominant hand.
Total Items : 32
Highest Score : 64
RD Grade : ___________