Lecture 2 - DB
Lecture 2 - DB
Lecture 2 - DB
Chapter 1 1
What is Data Management?
Chapter 1 2
Finding data?
Chapter 1 3
What is a DBMS?
Chapter 1 4
Simplified database system
Chapter 1 5
Typical DBMS Functionality
Chapter 1 6
Typical DBMS Functionality
Chapter 1 7
Why Use a DBMS?
Chapter 1 8
Why Use a DBMS?
Chapter 1 9
Why use a DBMS - Data
Chapter 1 10
Basic Definitions
◼ Database schema: The description of a
database is called the database schema,
which is specified during database design
and is not expected to change frequently.
Chapter 1 11
Basic Definitions (cont.)
◼ Schema diagram: A displayed schema is called
a schema diagram.
◼ A schema diagram displays only some aspects
of a schema, such as the names of record types
and data items, and some types of constraints.
Chapter 1 12
Basic Definitions (cont.)
◼ Schema construct: Each object in the
schema is called schema construct. For
example, student or course.
Chapter 1 13
Basic Definitions (cont.)
◼ Database state or snapshot: The data in the
database at a particular moment in time.
◼ It is also called the current set of occurrences or
instances in the database.
◼ In a database state, each schema construct has
its own current set of instances; for example, the
STUDENT construct will contain the set of
individual student entities (records) as its
Chapter 1 14
Why use a DBMS - Data
Chapter 1 15
Example: University Database
Chapter 1 16
Levels of Database
◼ The database has 3 levels
1. Physical/Internal
2. Conceptual (logical)
3. External
Chapter 1 17
Levels of DBMS Architecture
Chapter 1 18
Levels of Database
◼ Consider an Example of a University
Database. At the different levels this is
how the implementation will look like:
Chapter 1 19
Why use a DBMS - Data
◼ Data Independence is defined as a property
of DBMS that helps you to change the
Database schema at one level of a database
system without requiring to change the
schema at the next higher level.
◼ Data independence helps you to keep data
separated from all programs that make use of
Chapter 1 20
Types of Data Independence
◼ In DBMS there are two types of data
1. Physical data independence
2. Logical data independence.
Chapter 1 21
Physical Data Independence
◼ Physical data independence helps you to
separate conceptual levels from the
internal/physical levels.
◼ It allows you to provide a logical description of
the database without the need to specify
physical structures.
◼ Compared to Logical Independence, it is easy to
achieve physical data independence.
Chapter 1 22
Examples of changes under
Physical Data Independence
◼ Due to Physical independence, any of the below
change will not affect the conceptual layer.
Using a new storage device like Hard Drive or Magnetic
Modifying the file organization technique in the Database
Switching to different data structures.
Changing the access method.
Modifying indexes.
Changes to compression techniques or hashing algorithms.
Change of Location of Database from say C drive to D Drive
Chapter 1 23
Logical Data Independence
◼ Logical Data Independence is the ability to change the
conceptual scheme without changing
1. External views
2. External API or programs
◼ Any change made will be absorbed by the mapping
between external and conceptual levels.
◼ When compared to Physical Data independence, it is
challenging to achieve logical data independence.
Chapter 1 24
Examples of changes under
Logical Data Independence
◼ Due to Logical independence, any of the below
change will not affect the external layer.
Add/Modify/Delete a new attribute, entity or
relationship is possible without a rewrite of existing
application programs
Merging two records into one
Breaking an existing record into two or more records
Chapter 1 25
Difference between Physical and
Logical Data Independence
Chapter 1 26
Database Languages
Chapter 1 27
Database System Environment
Chapter 1 28
DBMS Component Modules
◼ DDL compiler-processes schema definitions, specified in the
DDL, and stores descriptions of the schemas (meta-data) in
the DBMS catalog.
◼ Interactive query interface: interface for Casual users and
persons with occasional need for information from the
◼ Query compiler- validates for correctness of the query syntax,
the names of files and data elements & compiles them into an
internal form.
◼ Query optimizer concerned with the rearrangement and
possible reordering of operations, elimination of redundancies,
and use of correct algorithms and indexes during execution.
Chapter 1 29
DBMS Component Modules
◼ Precompiler - extracts DML commands from an
application program and sends to the DML
compiler for compilation into object code for
database access.
◼ Host language compiler - rest of the program is
sent to the host language compiler.
◼ Runtime database processor executes:
1) The privileged commands
2) The executable query plans, and
3) The canned transactions with runtime parameters.
Chapter 1
DBMS Component Modules
◼ The runtime database processor handles other
aspects of data transfer, such as management of
buffers in the main memory.
◼ Stored data manager uses basic operating
system services for carrying out low-level
input/output (read/write) operations between the
disk and main memory.
◼ Concurrency control and backup and recovery
systems integrated into the working of the runtime
database processor for purposes of transaction
Chapter 1
Database System Utilities
◼ Database utilities help the DBA to manage the database system.
◼ Common utilities have the following types of functions:
Loading: used to load existing data files such as text files or
sequential files into the database.
Backup: creates a backup copy of the database, usually by
dumping the entire database onto tape or other mass storage
Database storage reorganization: used to reorganize a set
of database files into different file organizations, and create
new access paths to improve performance.
Performance monitoring: monitors database usage and
provides statistics to the DBA.
Chapter 1 32
Chapter 1
Centralized DBMSs Architecture
◼ All DBMS functionality, application
program execution, and user interface
processing carried out on one machine.
Chapter 1
Centralized DBMSs Architecture
Chapter 1
Basic Client/Server
◼ Define specialized servers with specific
◼ The resources provided by specialized servers
can be accessed by many client machines.
◼ The client machines provide the user with the
appropriate interfaces to utilize these servers
and local processing power to run local
Chapter 1 36
Basic Client/Server
◼ The concept of client/server architecture assumes an underlying
framework that consists of many PCs and workstations as well as a
smaller number of mainframe machines, connected via LANs and
other types of computer networks.
◼ The software components are distributed over two systems: client
and server
Server handles: Query and transaction functionality related to
Processing Client handles: User interface programs and
application programs
Chapter 1
Disadvantages of Centralized
DBMSs Architecture
◼ When the central site computer or database system
goes down, then everyone is blocked from using the
◼ Communication costs from the terminals to the central
site can expensive.
Chapter 1 38
◼ What you know about Three-Tier Architecture,
and how it different from two-tier architecture?
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 40