1035-Article Text-2664-1-10-20180902 Peer Fedback
1035-Article Text-2664-1-10-20180902 Peer Fedback
1035-Article Text-2664-1-10-20180902 Peer Fedback
LOQUEN, Volume 11 -, Number 01 -,June 2018
Writing is one aspect of language skill. Where the ability to speak
consist of 4 aspects; listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Writing skill should be learned by student after listening, speaking
and reading. Writing is the most difficult skill of others because
writing has many important components to analyze such as
content, use of language, organization, vocabulary, spelling,
punctuation, and mechanics. In addition, the ability to set the
framework for ideas in written communication should also be
mastered so we can conclude that writing is not easy. Everyone has
trouble learning to write, especially with many complicated
component processes. Actually, writing can be a great tool to help
students know more about how they think. In short writing is a
complex skill that must be mastered by students. Writing is also one
of the language skill that can be used to express ideas, thoughts, or to
send a message to the reader. It means the writer can express
meaning full writing. Then, the reader can receive the messages from
the writer. In SMP 14 Kota Serang, there are many student’s writing
and one of them is descriptive writing. Descriptive writing is a type
of text that is widely use in everyday life on describing object, places,
people, animal, etc. Descriptive is also an English text to describe
objects of living things that we describe either the appearance or
texture of it.
However, in fact it is difficult to deny that students have
weakness in writing, like in vocabulary, punctuation, structure, etc.
English is a foreign language so that teachers attempt to overcome
those weakness. In this research, the writer eager to discuss that
teachers have to make the effectiveness of teaching writing in the
class and help their students improve their writing skill by a different
process by using peer feedback. Hopefully, this technique not only
can improve students understanding and motivation, but also it can
develop students ideas about the topic discussed. Hence, students
can produce a good composition, organize the ideas, choose the
words, form good sentence and combine them into coherent.
Nada Raudhotul Muthoharoh & Anita. Using Feedback in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text
LOQUEN, Volume 11 -, Number 01 -,June 2018
simple way, Byrne in Agus Imran Mashadi states that “Writing is the
act of forming the graphic symbols such as letter and number, which
are arranged in certain rules into meaningful words, sentences, and
paragraphs and so on.
However, writing is not only about process of using symbols,
yet it is also about using them to show and communicate an ideas of
the writer’s own to a readers. Based on Caroline T. Linse that writing
is a combination of process and product. The process refers to the act
of gathering ideas and working that is presented in a manner which
is polished and comprehensible to a readers. Moreover, Gordon
Taylor also stated that most people define writing is an extremely
difficult task if they are trying to grapple in their language with new
ideas and new ways, so it become an agonizing experience for them
which doesn’t necessarily get easier with the passages of the time and
accumulation of experience.
Therefore, writing is complex activity, which it is also how to
write correctly in the term of spelling, diction of vocabulary selection,
and grammar, then a purpose of the messages will be delivered to a
reader. Penny Mckay stated that “Writing is a complex activity
requiring children to think about a number of factors simultaneously,
for example, the formation of letters or characters, vocabulary,
grammar and punctuation, layout, organization and selection of
appropriate content for the intended audience.
2. Teaching Writing
Brown states that as the member of literate community, people need
to learn how to write. In writing learning, the teachers need to give
special treatment in order to facilitate the students in learning
process. The teacher should give more attention to the students in the
process of writing since writing can also be considered as a
discovering process. The guidance from the teacher is necessary for
students on several steps in the writing process.
Teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language
include reinforcement, language development, learning style, and
Nada Raudhotul Muthoharoh & Anita. Using Feedback in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text
3. Process of Writing
Caroline T. Linse said that the process of teaching writing consist
of five basic stages and added one by Harmer they are prewriting,
writing, responding, revising, editing and publishing. For each stage,
various learning activities can support the learning specific writing
skill are suggested.
a. Prewriting
For every piece of writing there is always a preview activity. Since
its function is to stimulate students’ ideas and give an
opportunities to think what they are going to write.
b. Writing
After have done prewriting, the next stage is to get thoughts and
ideas down on paper. The students need to know that at this point
in the writing processes, they can write down any idea related to
the topic. The ideas can be rearranged, added to, and edited later
on. Some students may get silly and write things that they think
are funny but completely unrelated to the topic. They needed to be
reminded that what they write must be related to the chosen topic.
c. Responding
Peer students are respond other’s writing which has a purpose in
the successful implementation of using peer feedback on writing
process. Responding intervenes between writing and revising, it
can be oral or in writing.
LOQUEN, Volume 11 -, Number 01 -,June 2018
d. Revising
At this stage, the students review their writing on the basis of
feedback in responding stage. They revise their writing which is
corrected from their peer to see how effectively they have to
communicate their meaning to the reader.
e. Editing
Students have a hard time accepting that editing is necessary.
Editing is a final process of writing before publish it whereby
students must be check their writing.
f. Publishing
After a piece of writing has been edited, it is ready to be published.
Publishing refers to putting the writing in a final finished format
where it can be shared with others. Publishing can be a great
motivator for students.
In addition, teacher will implies peer feedback in teaching
process, that teacher suggests one student to correct and respond
other students writing so that students may to revise and edit their
writings. Using this process, peer students will help them to be
better writers. Like Harmer said that peer response may provide a
welcome alternative to the teacher’s feedback, as well as offering a
fresh perspective on the writing.
4. Writing Assessment
Language learners, in order to effectively improve their language
ability, they should be able to see how themselves learn the language.
It means that evaluation is needed as the mean to see how far and
how effective their learning process. This kind of technique of having
the evaluation toward the learning process is usually named as
Based on Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching,
assessment can be defined as the systemic approach in collecting
information of the learners or the learning process. This information
is used as the source to see whether the students have developed or
Nada Raudhotul Muthoharoh & Anita. Using Feedback in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text
LOQUEN, Volume 11 -, Number 01 -,June 2018
and we tell about it to our friends in much detail, they will feel it too.
But, if we slightly talked about our vacation to someone, perhaps he
or she would not get the whole picture.
Nada Raudhotul Muthoharoh & Anita. Using Feedback in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text
their interests, and then they will get more enthusiastic toward the
c. Prepare students carefully for peer response.
In this step, the students are not only expected to be able to look
for the feedback but also to give useful feedback to their peers.
LOQUEN, Volume 11 -, Number 01 -,June 2018
The writer observed around January 2018 of the first grade at SMP
14 Serang and the writer observed about the learning process of class
VIII E and VIII F. Test is a method of measuring person’s ability or
knowledge in a given domain. To get data of students’ writing
comprehension, the researcher carries out pre-test before giving
treatment and post-test after treatment. The forms of the test are:
Nada Raudhotul Muthoharoh & Anita. Using Feedback in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text
Pre-test Post-test
Item Score
Organization: Introduction And Description 20
Logical development of ideas: Content 20
Grammar 20
Punctuation, spelling and mechanics 20
Style and Quality of expression 20
Total 100
LOQUEN, Volume 11 -, Number 01 -,June 2018
The result is presented in the following graphics:
Graphic 1
Graphic of Experimental Class
Graphic 2
Graphic of Control Class
Graphic 3
Comparisons’ score of Experimental Class and Control Class
Nada Raudhotul Muthoharoh & Anita. Using Feedback in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text
After got the data, the writer compared it with tt both in degree of
significance 5% and 1%; therefore based on “t” table that there is 58.
With df as number 58 is got “t” table as follow: At significance level
5%: = 1.67 and at significance level 1%: = 2.39. The writer compared
to that if > ; is accepted and is rejected. If < , it means that is accepted
and is rejected.
Based on the data, the value of (t observation) is higher than (t
tabel) from significance 5% t observation= 7.14 t table= 1.67 or t
observation 7.14 >1.67 and significance 1% t observation=7.14 t table=
2.39 or t observation 7.14 >2.39, because “to” that the writer got from
the calculation is higher than t table both at significance level 5% and
1%, so the hypothesis alternative ( ) is accepted and ( ) is rejected.
From the interpretation above, the writer said the use of peer
feedback in teaching writing descriptive text could be better and
more effective to make easy for students writing descriptive text
rather than direct instruction or traditional method. This could be
seen after comparing the score of pre-test (before using peer
feedback) and post-test (after using peer feedback).
Based on the data obtained from experiment and control class among
the average scores, and t observation, the writer summarizes that
LOQUEN, Volume 11 -, Number 01 -,June 2018
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Peer Feedback
Every technique, strategy or method in the learning process must
have advantages and disadvantages. The teacher must know the
advantages and disadvantages of the technique in order to choose
which one fits and matches the material to be taught.
According to many expert that peer feedback has many advantages.
Peer feedback encourages student to participate in the classroom
activity and make them less passively teacher-dependent. It is plays a
pivotal role in “increased engagement and time spent on-task,
immediacy and individualization of help, goal specification,
explaining, prevention of information processing overload,
promoting, modelling, and reinforcement”. Moreover, Peer feedback
can lead less writing apprehension and more confidence as well as
establish a social context for writing. More importantly, the practice
of this technique allows student to receive more individual comment
as well as giving reviewers the opportunity to practice and develop
different language skills.
The writer has previously discussed the advantages of using peer
feedback in teaching writing activity. However, it also has many
According to Mariette that peer feedback only focused on product
rather than the processes of writing. Many students in L2 contexts
focused on sentence-level errors (local errors) rather than on the
comment and ideas (global errors).
The researcher still uses this technique although has some
disadvantages because the advantages more role in improving
students’ writing skill.
Nada Raudhotul Muthoharoh & Anita. Using Feedback in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text
From all of paper statement above, the writer can take the conclusion
as follows:
a. From the result of pre-test and post-test between experiment and
control class, the writer knows that students’ writing ability on
descriptive text by using peer feedback is better than who does not
use it. It can be seen from the average score. The lowest score of
experiment class in pre-test is 23 and the highest score is 82. So in
post-test the lowest score is 45 and the highest score is 93. The
lowest score of control class in pre-test is 25 and the highest is 73.
While, in the post-test the lowest score is 30 and the highest score
is 86.
b. From the result of analysis above, the writer showed that there is a
significance difference between the pre-test and post-test when the
study is conducted either using peer feedback or not. The writer
compared it with tt, the value of (t observation) is higher than (t
tabel). From significance 5% t observation= 7.14 t table= 1.67 or t
observation 7.14 >1.67 and significance 1% t observation=7.14 t
table= 2.39 or t observation 7.14 > 2.39. The writer go that “to”
from the calculation is higher than t table both at significance level
5% and 1% so the hypothesis alternative ( ) is accepted and ( ) is
Oshima, Alice and Ann Hogue. 1911. Writing Academic English.
Longman: Literacy of Congress Cataloging.
Blair, Alasdair and M, Samanetha. 2010. Peer Feedback: An effective
approach to feedback delivery. De Montfort University.
Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles; An Interactive
Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Pearson Education
LOQUEN, Volume 11 -, Number 01 -,June 2018
Nada Raudhotul Muthoharoh & Anita. Using Feedback in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text