Zuora Navigation 2023
Zuora Navigation 2023
Zuora Navigation 2023
From the home page you can search for a customer in many different ways:
o Using the customer account number, account name, phone number or email:
First click customer accounts
On the right side of your screen you can enter where it says search:
o If you have only the subscription number, first click “subscriptions” then go to the right
side of the screen and enter the number in the search field
o To search by an invoice click invoices:
And proceed to the right side to enter the invoice number in the search box
Once you find the account you are searching for click on the account and it will take you to the
customer home page.
o From here you can see all customer information such as contact, subscriptions, invoices,
payments, etc.
Along the right side of the customer page is the list of key contacts associated with the account.
This information is also listed in Salesforce.
Subscriptions are rentals. This page will show you a quick snip of each one:
o For a complete view of the rental simply click on the subscription number. Please note
when you are looking at the page giving rental details, it will break down each line item
including fees and taxes. Reviewing in Salesforce can be done as well.
The customer page will also give you a snapshot of invoice, payments, credit memos and more:
This will bring you to another page. From here you have several options. You can view the
different line items that help create the invoice. This is broken down line by line including fees
and taxes. If you want to view the actual invoice click view (top right corner of screen) then click
invoice PDF.
This will download the invoice. In the bottom left corner of the screen click to open the
If you would like to save this to your documents to send to the customer along with a note click
the printer icon in the top right corner and save
**If you do not want to save to documents you can just drag the pdf file to your email
If a customer wants a copy of an invoice you also have the option of emailing it to them directly
from Zuora, skipping the download and save process. Just click email invoices and enter the
email you would like it to send to if the correct address did not auto populate:
Sending an ad-hoc statement is done in the same way only you will fill in the following fields.
When taking a payment you first need to add the credit card as a payment method if it is not
already in the system. (You can skip this step if the credit card is already entered in the system)
o Click electronic payment method:
o Click create new payment method
o Choose credit card then save
Fill out information then save:
The payment amount should auto populate with the amount of the invoice. Then scroll to the
bottom and make sure the invoice is checked. This will ensure the payment is applied
If the customer wants to pay an adjusted amount of the invoice enter it the box that says
“amount to apply”
o Then click create payment-click yes when pop up appears
Lump Sum payment:
o From the main customer page click process a payment in the top right corner of the
o Make sure electronic payment is selected
o Using dropdown choose the correct credit card to be used
o Scroll to the bottom and select which invoices you are paying-the payment amount will
adjust as you do this
o Click create payment-click yes when pop up appears
Click on payments. This will give you a list of payment numbers. Click on the payment you are
looking for. Scroll to the bottom where it says payment application:
Follow the same process for refunds and credit memo applications
There are two reports that you will use to pull an excel of invoices depending on what the
customer is asking for, either all invoices or open invoices.
From the shortcuts click on Reporting
In the search bar type in Invoice report with ship to (this is for all invoices)
o You can click the star once populated in order to keep this in your favorites
Click the drop down and choose run summary report
Paste the account number and click run
Once the report populates you can export to excel by clicking export.
For open invoices only:
Search for Invoice report with ship to-open only
Choose run detail report