Face Passport

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Application for an Australian Passport

Use this form — only if you are an Australian citizen applying for an Australian passport
outside Australia. If you have any questions or doubts, or require proof of your Australian
Visit the Department’s website
citizenship, contact the Department of Home Affairs in Australia on 131 880, visit their website
www.homeaffairs.gov.au/citizenship or contact your nearest Australian diplomatic mission
to view the latest travel advice
or consulate.
If you are renewing your Australian adult passport — visit our website to see if you are eligible
PASSPORT WEBSITE to use the streamlined renewal process. Contact your nearest Australian diplomatic mission or
www.passports.gov.au consulate if you need help.
Processing time for your passport: Please go to passports.gov.au for the latest advice on
Find your nearest passport processing turnaround times. If you have an urgent need to travel, contact your
Australian diplomatic nearest Australian diplomatic mission or consulate.
mission or consulate Parental consent: Under Australian law, the written consent of each person with parental
responsibility for a child is required before a passport may be issued to the child. For further
information, read the notes or visit our website.

Protect your identity Your checklist

Keep your passport The following things will help you complete the form and minimise our requests for further information:
safe at all times. Completing your form
Report any loss or theft Use BLACK INK and print within the boxes in B L O C K L ETTE RS
immediately. Complete the form in English.
See notes for details. If you are not required to give information in some parts of the form, leave the boxes blank.
Choose an appropriate guarantor to endorse your photo and complete section 11 of the form. Your
guarantor must either possess a current Australian passport or be employed in an approved
PASSPORT professional or occupational group. See page 4 for more details.
INFORMATION Lodging your form
Adult applications should be lodged in person by the applicant at the nearest Australian diplomatic
If you have any questions mission or consulate.
about this form or about Child applications should be lodged by a person with parental responsibility for the child (the
how to get an Australian lodging person is not required to be an Australian citizen). Child applicants aged 16 or 17 must
passport, or if you wish attend with the person lodging the application. The person lodging the application must provide
documents that show their name, photo, signature and current address.
to comment about our
You may be required to make an appointment to lodge this application. Please visit the Australian
service, offer suggestions diplomatic mission or consulate website for details.
for improvement, or
register a complaint, visit What to bring to your passport appointment
our website or contact Your completed form.
your nearest Australian The application fee. Check with the Australian diplomatic mission or consulate for details of the
diplomatic mission or current fee and acceptable methods and currency of payment.
consulate. Your current or most recent Australian passport if you have one.
Documents that prove your Australian citizenship and your identity (see notes).
If you are under 18 years of age (and have never been married): your full original birth certificate
showing the names of your parents and your full name at birth. (Australian birth extracts and
commemorative certificates are not acceptable.)
Name change documents, if applicable (see notes).
Two colour photos, less than six months old, with one signed as a true photo of the applicant by the
guarantor (see notes).

You must provide original supporting documents (not certified copies)

You must provide approved English translations for any foreign language documents.
Online form PC8_0318
Notes for completing the form
Providing two identical photos
Photo size: Your photos: Two identical colour photos of the applicant must be provided with the
The chin-to-crown completed application form. One must be endorsed by the guarantor.
36mm measurement must be
The photos must be less than six months old and must meet Australian
32mm between 32mm and
Passport Office standards. For full details of our standards visit our
Height: 45mm–50mm

36mm (the crown is

where the top of the website, or contact your nearest Australian diplomatic mission or
head/skull would be consulate.
if it was visible).
Photos that do not meet our requirements will be rejected and this
will delay the issue of your passport.
Due to security printing requirements, images reproduced in passports will not
be of photographic quality and will appear different from the photos supplied.
Width: 35mm–40mm

You will need a guarantor to endorse the photo and complete part of the form
The guarantor must: Reverse of one photo:
be 18 years of age or over Please check that the guarantor
not be related to the applicant by birth or marriage Guarantor must you choose can meet all of these
endorse photo: requirements before they sign the
not be in a de facto or registered relationship with you
or a parent of a child applicant This is a true photo. If the person you choose
photo of does not meet all the requirements
not live at the same address as the applicant or a parent
of a child applicant JANE ANN CITIZEN you will have to supply new photos
(full name of applicant) and information from another
have known the applicant for at least 12 months or, for
children under one year, since birth J Smith Note: The guarantor’s declaration
either: A. possess a current (unexpired) Australian passport, (signature of guarantor)
issued with at least two years validity, or must be less than six months old at
B. be a person of any nationality currently employed in the time the application is lodged.
one of the approved occupational or professional groups
listed with the Australian diplomatic mission or consulate
where this form will be lodged (www.dfat.gov.au/missions)
be able to endorse the back of one photo as shown
agree to be contacted by an Australian Passport Office
representative to confirm the applicant’s identity.

Notice about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information

The Australian Passports Act 2005 authorises the Australian to law enforcement authorities; to Australian border authorities to
Passport Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade facilitate international travel; and to law courts for the operation
to collect the personal information provided with this application of family law and related matters.
for an Australian passport, including supporting documents
We are authorised by law to disclose your personal information
and photos, to determine an applicant’s eligibility. Without this
to foreign border authorities:
information we are unable to process the application.
■■ if we suspect there is unlawful activity relating to your passport
We may also collect personal information from third parties
such as law enforcement or security agencies where the third ■■ for law enforcement purposes
parties provide us with information relevant to your application ■■ in countries with which Australia participates in the Regional
for a passport. Movement Alert System.
We may disclose your personal information for the provision We may also use your current and past information for testing,
of consular services; and to other entities or individuals who training and research purposes (phone 131 232 or inform your
are specified in the Australian Passports Act 2005, such as: nearest Australian diplomatic mission or consulate if you object).
■■ the immigration department, civil registries, and licensing
For information on how to access or correct personal information
authorities, that can verify information and assist to establish
Online form PC8_0318

and how to complain about a breach of privacy, please refer to

your identity and eligibility the ‘Protecting your privacy’ brochure available on our website
■■ Interpol and its member countries and other countries for www.passports.gov.au, or contact your nearest Australian
purposes such as advising about the status of a passport diplomatic mission or consulate.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
OVERSEAS Passport Application
*81F* *111 71030354 V*
81F *111 71030354 V*
BLACK INK INK and print within the boxes in B LOC K L ETTE RS
Use CROSSES in boxes ✗ DO NOT MARK ‘INTERVIEWING OFFICER USE ONLY’ sections or circles e.g: 1

1 Date of travel
Do you intend to travel within the next two months? No Yes X Date of travel 0 6 0 6 2 0 2 4

2 Personal details—to appear on the passport

a Name Family name
This must be your current
name, i.e. your name at the
time you lodge this application. Given names
Indeterminate/ 4A
b Birth details Male Female Intersex/ Date of birth
X Unspecified (DD/MM/YYYY) 0 6 0 6 2 0 0 0
You must present your
Town or city of birth as shown on birth certificate or Australian citizenship certificate
original birth certificate
(mandatory for a child) or your OSOGBO OS UN S T A T E
Australian citizenship certificate
Country of birth
to confirm your birth details. (will not appear on passport) N I G E R I A

3 Confirming your citizenship—see notes for additional information

a Do you have an Yes No X Go to section 3b
Australian birth
certificate? Registration number (include any letters) Date of registration of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
NOTE: If your parents were born in
Australia on or after 20/08/1986, or
held permanent residency status at State/territory of issue Date of issue of certificate (DD/MM/YYYY)
the time of your birth, you will need
to provide additional citizenship
evidence. Visit our website Family name as shown on certificate
for more information.
Given names as shown on certificate

Were you born on or after 20/08/1986?

Yes No Go to section 3b
If you have an Australian citizenship certificate go to 3b below. If not, please mark which
one of the following documents you are providing to prove your Australian citizenship or
to prove that one of your parents was an Australian citizen at the time of your birth.
■ Your Australian passport issued on/after 01/01/2000 and valid at least two years, or
■ One parent’s full Australian birth certificate (parent born prior to 20/08/1986), or
■ One parent’s Australian passport (issued on/after 20/08/1986,
valid for at least two years and issued before your birth), or 2B
■ One parent’s Australian citizenship certificate

b Do you have an Australian Yes No X Go to section 4

citizenship certificate?
(or extract from the register Certificate number (include any letters) Date of issue (DD/MM/YYYY)
of citizenship by descent/ 3
Australian births abroad) Family name as shown on certificate
NOTE: If you are an adult and your
Australian citizenship document
does not show sex or place and Given names as shown on certificate
country of birth, see notes.

4 Name changes—you must provide original documents that explain all name changes (see notes)
Is your current name Yes No X Go to section 5
(given in section 2)
different from the name Date current name was registered
given in section 3 (above)? Please complete the following details about the document you are providing to explain this name change:
See name change notes. Marriage (or death) certificate (and divorce papers if applicable)
Revised birth certificate
Change of name certificate(s) issued by the Australian Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Australian state/territory
Certificate/registration number (include any letters) Date of issue (DD/MM/YYYY) or country of issue

Online form PC8_0318

OVERSEAS Passport Application *82F* *111 71030354 V*
82F *111 71030354 V*
5 Security question—you may be asked this question to confirm your identity
Family name at (Family name only)
birth of one of the ADEYEYE 5
applicant’s parents
6 Passport type
What type of passport X Ordinary passport 75+ passport
do you need? (five years validity,
a lower fee applies,
available to applicants
aged 75 or over)

7 Contact details
a Telephone numbers Daytime phone number Evening phone number
and email address 0 9 1 5 9 8 9 7 2 0 1 0 4 5 8 4 1 4 0 1 1
(include area code). Mobile Fax
0 4 5 8 4 1 4 0 1 1
Email (must be written clearly in BLOCK LETTERS with one letter in each box)
b Who can we contact Full name
in an emergency?

Relationship to applicant W I FE
Daytime phone number Evening or mobile phone number
0 4 5 8 4 1 4 0 1 1 0 4 5 8 4 1 4 0 1 1
5 8 WO O D D E P O T H I L L R O C K H A M P T O N
8 Address
Your residential Unit or house number, street and suburb
address 5 8B WO O D ST
This must be your
home address,
not a PO Box, or Town/city and country
a business address. DEPOT H I L L
QLD zip code 4 7 0 0
9 Previous Australian passport — this document will be cancelled
Have you ever been No X Yes a Number (include letters) of your last
issued an Australian issued document (if known)
passport? Go to
section 11 b Date of issue (if known)

10 Loss or theft of previous Australian passports

Are you replacing No X Yes a Number (include letters) of the
a lost or stolen document you are replacing
Australian passport? Go to
section 11 b Was this passport lost or stolen? Lost Stolen

c Date incident occurred (DD/MM/YYYY)

NOTE: If you were issued an emergency
passport, you must present it at interview. If you d How many Australian passports (including the one above) have you lost or had
find a passport that you previously reported as lost
stolen in the past five years?
or stolen and present it before or at interview, the
loss may not affect the maximum validity of your (see notes) 1 2 3 or more
new passport. See notes on page 5.
e Provide details, in writing, of all losses of the above passports. See notes on page 5.
Online form PC8_0318
OVERSEAS Passport Application
*83F* *111 71030354 V*
*111 71030354 V*
11 A guarantor must complete this section —see the notes below for who can be a guarantor
To qualify as a guarantor you must: be 18 years of age or over be an Australian citizen able to satisfy and complete option A
not be related to the applicant by birth or marriage below, OR
be a person of any nationality able to satisfy and complete
not be in a de facto or registered relationship option B below
with the applicant or parent of a child applicant
endorse the back of one photo by writing ‘This is a
not live at the same address as the applicant, or
Use BLACK INK and either parent of a child applicant true photo of (applicant’s full name)’ and signing it
have known the applicant for at least 12 months or, provide all the information requested below, sign the
B LOC K L ETTERS declaration and agree to be contacted on the phone
for children under one year, since birth
number provided to confirm the applicant’s identity.

Full name of guarantor Family name

Given names
Indeterminate/ Date of birth
Male Female X Intersex/ (DD/MM/YYYY) 0 6 0 6 1 9 8 5

Proof of identity (of guarantor). Guarantor must complete either A or B below

A Australian passport Passport number (include any letters) Date of expiry (DD/MM/YYYY)
If you possess a current Family name as shown on passport
(unexpired) Australian passport,
issued with at least two years
validity, complete this section. Given name(s) as shown on passport

B Profession or occupation Occupation TRADERS
If you are currently employed in
one of the approved occupational Business
address OSOGBO OS UN S T A T E 5 8B
or professional groups listed with
the Australian diplomatic mission WO O D S T O K E O N I T E A A R E A O S O G
or consulate where this form Town/city T O W N D E P O T
will be lodged, please complete
this section. Country AUSTRAL I A
Postal/zip code Evening phone number (include area code)
POSTA L 4 7 0 0 0 4 5 8 4 1 4 0 1 1
Declaration by guarantor—declarations cannot be more than six months old
Have you endorsed and signed the back of one photo?­ You must endorse one photo of the applicant before they can lodge the application

WARNING It is a criminal
offence under
I have personally known the applicant named below for a period of
the Australian Passports 0 2 years months You MUST complete ‘years’ and ‘months’ known boxes on the left
Act 2005 to make false or
misleading statements (there Family name of applicant (as shown in section 2a)
are penalties of up to 10 years ADEYEYE
imprisonment or a fine of
Given names of applicant (as shown in section 2a)
1000 penalty units, or both).
I declare that: I understand that:
■ the statements I have made are true and correct. ■ the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
Online form PC8_0318

■ I have read and understood the ‘Notice about may disclose the information I have provided in
the collection, use and disclosure of personal this section of this application to any organisation
information’ in the explanatory notes. or individual that can verify the information.

Signed For information on how to access or correct

personal information and how to complain about
a breach of privacy, please refer to the ‘Protecting
your privacy’ brochure available from our website
www.passports.gov.au or contact your nearest
Date signed Australian diplomatic mission or consulate.

Daytime phone number

For the applicant: If you are over 18 years of age, or have been married, go to section 16.
If you are under 18 years of age and never married, you must obtain your parents’ consents at sections 12–15.
OVERSEAS Passport Application *84F* *111 71030354 V*
84F *111 71030354 V*
12 Applicants aged under 18 and have never been married— the applicant’s name must be repeated here so that each
parent can identify the child for whom they are giving consent

Applicant’s full name— Family name

to appear on the passport 15
(as written in section 2 of this form) Given names

13 Parent 1—family name written at A MUST be COPIED from the child’s birth certificate
A Parent 1’s name as shown Family name
on child’s birth certificate
Child’s full birth certificate Given names 16A
must be presented at interview.

B Parent 1’s current name Family name

If this name differs from
the name shown on the
Given names
child’s birth certificate 17
refer to ‘Providing parental
consent for a child applicant’ Residential
in the notes or visit address
www.passports.gov.au for
details. If consent cannot
be provided, contact the Town/city
Australian diplomatic mission
or consulate for advice. Country
Postal/zip code Daytime phone number (include area code)

C Have you ever held an Australian passport? No Yes Number (if known, include letters)

14 Parent 2—family name written at A MUST be COPIED from the child’s birth certificate
A Parent 2’s name as shown Family name
on child’s birth certificate
Child’s full birth certificate Given names 16B
must be presented at interview.

B Parent 2’s current name Family name

If this name differs from
the name shown on the
Given names
child’s birth certificate 18
refer to ‘Providing parental
consent for a child applicant’ Residential
in the notes or visit address
www.passports.gov.au for
details. If consent cannot
be provided, contact the Town/city
Australian diplomatic mission
or consulate for advice.
Postal/zip code Daytime phone number (include area code)

C Have you ever held an Australian passport? No Yes Number (if known, include letters)

15 Declaration and consent Parent 1 (named in section 13 above) Parent 2 (named in section 14 above)
I consent to the child named in section 12 Parent 1’s Parent 2’s
having an Australian travel document. signature signature
I declare that:
■ all Australian court orders, if any, in relation
to the child have been provided
■ all persons with parental responsibility for the Date signed Date signed
child have provided their consent or, where (DD/MM/YYYY) (DD/MM/YYYY)
Online form PC8_0318

this has not occurred, a statement under the

Australian Passports Act 2005 has been provided Witnessed Witnessed
■ I have read and understood the ‘Notice about by (must be by (must be
the collection, use and disclosure of personal
information’ in the explanatory notes
18 years of 18 years of
■ I signed this declaration in front of a witness
age or over) age or over)
who is not related to the child by birth or
marriage; and who is not in a de facto or Name (witness) Name (witness)
registered relationship with any person
having parental responsibility for the Daytime phone Daytime phone
   child, nor living at the same address. (witness) (witness)
OVERSEAS Passport Application *85F* *111 71030354 V*
85F *111 71030354 V*
16 Proof of identity documents—please see the notes for full details of alternative documents that you may provide
Current Australian driving licence (optional) State/territory

No 6
Exp (if any)

17 Your declaration and photos —the applicant (or parent of child applicant) must read and sign the declaration and affix photos
It is a criminal offence under the Australian Passports I understand that:

Act 2005 to make false or misleading statements (there ■ the applicant’s photo and personal information will be used for data and biometric matching
are penalties of up to 10 years imprisonment or a fine of
1000 penalty points, or both). Under Section 19A of the
purposes, even in the event that the application is withdrawn (biometric matching allows the
Act, we can also refuse to process an application for an passport photo to be electronically compared with other facial images to confirm identity)
Australian travel document if we have reasonable grounds
to suspect fraud or dishonesty in the application. The Act I declare that:
applies outside Australia to all persons, irrespective of ■ the applicant is an Australian citizen
their nationality or citizenship.
■ the statements that I have made and the information that I have given in, or in connection with, this
application are true and correct
■ I have read and understand the ‘Notice about the collection, use and disclosure of personal
PHOTO FACE UP PHOTO FACE DOWN information’ in the explanatory notes.
Signature of applicant (or parent of child applicant) — must be inside the white box
■ If you are 18 years of age or over
(or have been married) you must
sign the declaration here
■ If you are under 18 years of age, a
parent or other person with parental
responsibility must sign here Date
Full name (DD/MM/YYYY)

Applicant Parent 1 Parent 2 Other person with

parental responsibility
for the applicant
18 Signature to go in the passport (applicants aged 10 or over)
If applicant is under 10 years of
All applicants 10 years of age or over must sign inside the white OR age, or is unable to sign, place
box using a black pen. This signature will appear in the passport. an ‘X’ in the box at the right


PROOF OF Combination 1: 1xA + 1xB Combination 2: 2xB Combination 3: 3xC (including name
IDENTITY (+ address + incl. photo ID) (+ address + photo ID) & current address + photo & signature)
Current Australian Current foreign CONFIRM:
Category A driving licence
Proof of ID card Foreign residency ID card driving licence
Government Social Credit or Foreign National
Category B health card DVA card Security card bank card passport insurance card Photo ID copied

Category C
Motor vehicle Property Property Home Utilities Bank statement
registration or rates lease insurance bills with residential Current address
insurance docs notice agreement papers address copied


Lodged by Parent 2 Other (explain I declare that I have conducted an interview with the applicant/person who lodged (delete as applicable) and
Applicant Parent 1
in comments) confirmed the information provided in this application for an Australian travel document against original
ID copied documentation submitted, and copies of original documentation are attached where required. I declare
Applicant Parent 1 Parent 2 Other the attached photo is a true photo of the applicant, if present at interview (strike out if not at interview).
Phoned Guarantor Witness Parent 1 Parent 2 It is a criminal offence under the Australian Passports Act 2005 to make false or

misleading statements (there are penalties of up to 10 years imprisonment or a fine

Prev. PPT Checked of 1000 penalty points, or both). The Act applies outside Australia to all persons,
Priority fee paid irrespective of their nationality or citizenship.
cancelled DeltaWeb
Online form PC8_0318

Method of Post/ Application Interviewer’s signature PICS Office Code

delivery courier Collect renewal Mail
Other travel
DoI Official Diplomatic Emergency PICS
User ID
Replacement Marriage Divorce Death of spouse Date signed
Updating photo (child) Other (explain in comments)
Interviewer’s name (please print)
1 2 3 or more Overseas Authorising Signature of authorising officer overseas
Sponsoring Number of attached pages
(i.e. statements, copies of court orders, citizenship I authorise the issue of an
authority evidence must be attached) Australian emergency travel
document at post. Date

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