ASRB CAS Master Score Card
ASRB CAS Master Score Card
ASRB CAS Master Score Card
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Interview ------------Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 * With PhD 4 Years; With Professional PG 5 Years; General Science PG 6 Years
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Max. Part I. Evaluation of Scientist Score (RGP 6000) who is mainly involved in Research (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.RESEARCH) Assessment period 4/5/6 years CORE ACTIVITIES 55 SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS 45 IN RESEARCH 20 Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 18 marks)
Part I. Evaluation of Scientist (RGP 7000) who is mainly involved in Research (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.RESEARCH) Assessment period 5 years SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 18 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
Max. Score
Part I. Evaluation of Scientist (RGP 8000) who is mainly involved in Research (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.RESEARCH) Assessment period 3 years SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 12 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
Max. Score
Part I. Evaluation of Senior Scientist (RGP 9000) who is mainly involved in Research (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.RESEARCH) Assessment period 3 years SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 12 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year. Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / elearning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents:For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized( without patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Max. Score
55 45 20
40 35 15
40 35 15
External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year. Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized( without patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wit hout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents:For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(with out patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Technology spread and impact across the system The variety released entered into seed chain 3 marks Wide spread adoption of the variety /planting materials /tools / machinery / technology developed etc. by the farmers / clients across the system / country with a perceptible impact. (3 marks.) Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered) Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered.
Technology spread and impact across the system The variety released entered into seed chain . 3 marks Wide spread adoption of the variety /planting materials /tools / machinery / technology developed etc. by the farmers / clients across the system / country with a perceptible impact. (3 marks.) Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered) Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered. Teaching. 0.5 marks for each credit hour taught (max: 2 marks) Student guide/ co-guide: 1 mark for each Masters Degree awarded as guide, 0.5 mark to co-guide. 2 marks for Ph.D as guide and 1 mark as co-guide. Max. 2 marks Technology inventory prepared, technology evaluation, monitoring of field /adaptation trials, reporting of feedback / success stories/
cases etc. (0.5 marks each) Max 2 marks Customized instruction materials, ready reckoners, research monographs, advisories , simulation model/ programmes etc. developed in relation to the institutional mandate. (0.5 marks) Max 2 marks Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions etc. 1 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2.0) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks
cases etc. (0.5 marks each) Max 2 marks Customized instruction materials, ready reckoners, research monographs, advisories , simulation model/ programmes etc. developed in relation to the institutional mandate. (0.5 marks) Max 2 marks Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions etc.1 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2.0) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks
cases etc. (0.5 marks each) Max 2 marks Customized instruction materials, ready reckoners, research monographs, advisories , simulation model/ programmes etc. developed in relation to the institutional mandate. (0.5 marks) Max 2 marks Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions etc. 1 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2.0) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks
cases etc. (0.5 marks each) Max 2 marks Customized instruction materials, ready reckoners, research monographs, advisories , simulation model/ programmes etc. developed in relation to the institutional mandate. (0.5 marks) Max 2 marks Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions etc. 1 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2.0) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks
only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
B B01
C C01
PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Four best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 2) Conference Proceedings and newsletters edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 2) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards
25 20
PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Four best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages):1 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 2) Conference Proceedings and newsletters edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 2) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards
25 20
PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Three best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0. Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 2) Conference Proceedings and newsletters edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 2) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards
20 15
PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Three best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0. Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 2) Conference Proceedings and newsletters edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 2) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards
20 15
/ National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four years-best out of 5/6 years) Period of assessment: 4 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. Presentation and Interview TOTAL
/ National Academy fellow: 2 marks each . Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four years best out of 5 years) Period of assessment: 5 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. Presentation and Interview TOTAL
/ National Academy fellow: 2 marks each . Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS
/ National Academy fellow: 2 marks each . Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS
Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. TOTAL Presentation and Interview Grand Total
80 20 100
Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. TOTAL Presentation and Interview Grand Total
80 20 100
Part I. Evaluation of Scientist (RGP 7000) who is mainly involved in Research (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.RESEARCH & Teaching) Assessment period 5 years
Max. Scor e
Part I. Evaluation of Scientist (RGP 8000) who is mainly involved in Research (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.RESEARCH & Teaching) Assessment period 3 years SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects.3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year. Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized( without patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks Technology spread and impact across the system The variety released entered
Max. Scor e
Part I. Evaluation of Senior Scientist (RGP 9000) who is mainly involved in Research (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.RESEARCH & Teaching) Assessment period 3 years SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year. Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / elearning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized( without patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks Technology spread and impact across the system The variety released
Max. Score
55 25 10
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects.3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
55 25 10
40 20 10
40 20 10
Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(with out patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(witho ut patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
into seed chain 3 marks Wide spread adoption of the variety /planting materials /tools / machinery / technology developed etc. by the farmers / clients across the system / country with a perceptible impact. (3 marks.) Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered) Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered.
entered into seed chain 3 marks Wide spread adoption of the variety /planting materials /tools / machinery / technology developed etc. by the farmers / clients across the system / country with a perceptible impact. (3 marks.) Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered) Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered.
Innovation in educational/teaching technology and methodology practiced, evaluated and integrated in the system. (0.5 marks each) Max. 2 marks Technology inventory prepared, technology evaluation, monitoring of field /adaptation trials, reporting of feedback / success stories/ cases etc. (0.5 marks each) Max 2 marks Customized instruction materials, ready reckoners, research monographs, advisories , simulation model/ programmes etc. developed in relation to the institutional mandate. (0.5 marks) Max 2 marks Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions etc. 1 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2.0) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing
Innovation in educational/teaching technology and methodology practiced, evaluated and integrated in the system. (0.5 marks each) Max. 2 marks Technology inventory prepared, technology evaluation, monitoring of field /adaptation trials, reporting of feedback / success stories/ cases etc. (0.5 marks each) Max 2 marks Customized instruction materials, ready reckoners, research monographs, advisories , simulation model/ programmes etc. developed in relation to the institutional mandate. (0.5 marks) Max 2 marks Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions etc. 1 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2.0) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / co-course director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference /
Innovation in educational/teaching technology and methodology practiced, evaluated and integrated in the system. (0.5 marks each) Max. 2 marks Technology inventory prepared, technology evaluation, monitoring of field /adaptation trials, reporting of feedback / success stories/ cases etc. (0.5 marks each) Max 2 marks Customized instruction materials, ready reckoners, research monographs, advisories , simulation model/ programmes etc. developed in relation to the institutional mandate. (0.5 marks) Max 2 marks Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions etc. 1 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2.0) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum
Innovation in educational/teaching technology and methodology practiced, evaluated and integrated in the system. (0.5 marks each) Max. 2 marks Technology inventory prepared, technology evaluation, monitoring of field /adaptation trials, reporting of feedback / success stories/ cases etc. (0.5 marks each) Max 2 marks Customized instruction materials, ready reckoners, research monographs, advisories , simulation model/ programmes etc. developed in relation to the institutional mandate. (0.5 marks) Max 2 marks Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions etc. 1 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2.0) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery
secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / co-course director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / co-course director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
TEACHING SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN TEACHING A04 Teaching. 0.5 marks for each credit hour taught {A course with credit hour 1+1 taught in a semester will score 1mark (course 1+1=2 credits x 0.5 marks=1 mark)} A05 Student guide/ co-guide: 1 mark for each Masters Degree awarded as guide, 0.5 mark to co-guide. 2 marks for Ph.D as guide and 1 mark as co-guide. Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals, e-learning / Instructional materials etc, study tour, industrial visit, field visit arranged) 1.0 mark for each PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Three best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0
20 15
B B01
25 15
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN TEACHING Teaching. 0.5 marks for each credit hour taught {A course with credit hour 1+1 taught in a semester will score 1mark (course 1+1=2 credits x 0.5 marks=1 mark)} Student guide/ co-guide: 1 mark for each Masters Degree awarded as guide, 0.5 mark to co-guide. 2 marks for Ph.D as guide and 1 mark as co-guide. Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals, e-learning / Instructional materials etc, study tour, industrial visit, field visit arranged) 1.0 mark for each PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Three best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0
20 15
25 15
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN TEACHING Teaching. 0.5 marks for each credit hour taught {A course with credit hour 1+1 taught in a semester will score 1mark (course 1+1=2 credits x 0.5 marks=1 mark)} Student guide/ co-guide: 1 mark for each Masters Degree awarded as guide, 0.5 mark to co-guide. 2 marks for Ph.D as guide and 1 mark as co-guide. Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals, e-learning / Instructional materials etc, study tour, industrial visit, field visit arranged) 1.0 mark for each PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0.
15 10
20 10
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN TEACHING Teaching. 0.5 marks for each credit hour taught {A course with credit hour 1+1 taught in a semester will score 1 mark (course 1+1=2 credits x 0.5 marks=1 mark)} Student guide/ co-guide: 1 mark for each Masters Degree awarded as guide, 0.5 mark to co-guide. 2 marks for Ph.D as guide and 1 mark as co-guide. Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals, e-learning / Instructional materials etc, study tour, industrial visit, field visit arranged) 1.0 mark for each PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0.
15 10
20 10
C C01
Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 2) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 2) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5
Other publications : Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 2) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 2) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5
Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 2) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 2) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5
Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 2) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 2) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5
mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four years-best out of 5/6 years) Period of assessment: 4 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. Presentation and Interview TOTAL
mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four years best out of 5 years) Period of assessment: 5 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. Presentation and Interview TOTAL
mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. TOTAL Presentation and Interview Grand Total
mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS
80 20 100
Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. TOTAL Presentation and Interview Grand Total
80 20 100
Part V. Evaluation of Scientists (RGP 6000) who are in AICRP (Use score card with code : CAS.SS. AICRP)
A A01 Assessment period 4/5/6 years Core Activities SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year. Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wit hout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Max. Scor e
Part V. Evaluation of Scientists (RGP 7000) who are in AICRP (Use score card with code : CAS.SS. AICRP)
Assessment period 5 years
Max. Scor e
Part V. Evaluation of Scientist (RGP 8000) who are in AICRP (Use score card with code : CAS.SS. AICRP)
Assessment period 3 years
Max. Score
Part V. Evaluation of Senior Scientist (RGP 9000) who are in AICRP (Use score card with code : CAS.SS. AICRP)
Assessment period 3 years
Max. Scor e
55 20 10
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year. Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wit hout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
55 20 10
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year. Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wit hout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
40 20 10
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year. Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wit hout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
40 20 10
Technology spread and impact across the system Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Conducting/ co-coordinating and monitoring demonstration, field trials covering 300 acres across the farming system (1 mark per 100 acre demonstration) Max 3 marks Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered) Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered.
Technology spread and impact across the system Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Conducting/ co-coordinating and monitoring demonstration, field trials covering 300 acres across the farming system (1 mark per 100 acre demonstration) Max 3 marks Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered) Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered. CAPACITY BUILDING, MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REPORTING Organizing capacity building programmes and sensitization workshops, zonal workshops, annual review meetings and/or Interface meetings (1 mark for each activity per year) Technology and methodology linkages established. Preparation of technology inventory, and methodology module. Convergence and linkages established (1 mark
for each activity per year) Monitoring of AICRP activities: Assistance in monitoring of OFT, FLD and training activities of AICRPs (1 mark for each activity per year) Evaluation and report compilation of AICRP. Impact analysis of AICRP mandated activities. Preparation of case studies/success stories (1 mark for each activity per year) Reporting: Preparation of zonal report, annual report, evaluation reports etc. (0.5 mark for each activity per year) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only)
for each activity per year) Monitoring of AICRP activities: Assistance in monitoring of OFT, FLD and training activities of AICRPs (1 mark for each activity per year) Evaluation and report compilation of AICRP. Impact analysis of AICRP mandated activities. Preparation of case studies/success stories (1 mark for each activity per year) Reporting: Preparation of zonal report, annual report, evaluation reports etc (0.5 mark for each activity per year) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only)
for each activity per year) Monitoring of AICRP activities: Assistance in monitoring of OFT, FLD and training activities of AICRPs (1 mark for each activity per year) Evaluation and report compilation of AICRP. Impact analysis of AICRP mandated activities. Preparation of case studies/success stories (1 mark for each activity per year) Reporting: Preparation of zonal report, annual report, evaluation reports etc (0.5 mark for each activity per year) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only)
for each activity per year) Monitoring of AICRP activities: Assistance in monitoring of OFT, FLD and training activities of AICRPs (1 mark for each activity per year) Evaluation and report compilation of AICRP. Impact analysis of AICRP mandated activities. Preparation of case studies/success stories (1 mark for each activity per year) Reporting: Preparation of zonal report, annual report, evaluation reports etc (0.5 mark for each activity per year) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Works related to germ plasm collection, documentation and conservation (0.5 mark for each year of involvement) Max 2 marks Service providing activities related to production, processing and distribution of seeds and planting material, incharge of cattleyard, fish & fish seed production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only)
Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks) A08 AICRP ACTIVITIES COORDINATED HRD/Training / Extension/ services organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0 marks for each assignment per year) Inter institutional HRD programmes for the benefit of AICRP organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0marks for each assignment per year) PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author/ Corresponding Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors).Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author(Max marks limited to 2) 10
Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks) AICRP ACTIVITIES COORDINATED HRD/Training / Extension/ services organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0 marks for each assignment per year) Inter institutional HRD programmes for the benefit of AICRP organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0marks for each assignment per year) PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author/ Corresponding Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author(Max marks limited to 2) 10
Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks) AICRP ACTIVITIES COORDINATED HRD/Training / Extension/ services organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0 marks for each assignment per year) Inter institutional HRD programmes for the benefit of AICRP organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0marks for each assignment per year) PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author/ Corresponding Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author(Max marks limited to 2) 5
Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks) AICRP ACTIVITIES COORDINATED HRD/Training / Extension/ services organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0 marks for each assignment per year) Inter institutional HRD programmes for the benefit of AICRP organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0marks for each assignment per year) PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author/ Corresponding Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author(Max marks limited to 2) 5
B B01
25 10
25 10
20 10
20 10
C C01
Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Editors of Annual Reports/FLD Reports (1.0 mark for each assignment per year for each editor). Max 3 marks. Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/
Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Editors of Annual Reports/FLD Reports (1.0 mark for each assignment per year for each editor). Max 3 marks. Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/
Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Editors of Annual Reports/FLD Reports (1.0 mark for each assignment per year for each editor). Max 3 marks. Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/
Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Editors of Annual Reports/FLD Reports (1.0 mark for each assignment per year for each editor). Max 3 marks. Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/
workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four yearsbest out of 5/6 years) Period of assessment: 4 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. Presentation and Interview TOTAL
workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four years best out of 5 years) Period of assessment: 5 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. Presentation and Interview TOTAL
workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. TOTAL Presentation and Interview Grand Total
workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. TOTAL Presentation and Interview Grand Total
E --100 --100
80 20 100
80 20 100
Part I. Evaluation of Scientist (RGP 7000) who is mainly involved in Research & Extension (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.RESEARCH & EXTENSION) Assessment period 5 years SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects.3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
Max . Sco re
Part I. Evaluation of Scientist (RGP 8000) who is mainly involved in Research & Extension (Use score card with code : CAS.S.RESEARCH & EXTENSION) Assessment period 3 years SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
Max . Sco re
Part I. Evaluation of Senior Scientist (RGP 9000) who is mainly involved in Research & Extension (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.RESEARCH & EXTENSION) Assessment period 3 years SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
Max . Sco re
55 20 10
40 20 10
40 20 10
External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year. Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / elearning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized( without patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wi thout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wi thout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed, prototype, genetic stock, variety, product, vaccine, diagnostic kit, process, concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wi thout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Technology spread and impact across the system The variety released entered into seed chain (1.5 marks for each variety) Max. 3 marks Wide spread adoption of the variety /planting materials /tools / machinery / technology developed etc. by the farmers / clients across the system / country with a perceptible impact. (3 marks.) Conducting/ co-coordinating and monitoring demonstration, field trials covering 300 acres across the farming system (1 mark per 100 acre demonstration) Max 3 marks Adoption of technology or package of practices by a minimum of 3000 farmers across the system. 3 marks Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered)
Technology spread and impact across the system The variety released entered into seed chain (1.5 marks for each variety) Max. 3 marks Wide spread adoption of the variety /planting materials /tools / machinery / technology developed etc. by the farmers / clients across the system / country with a perceptible impact. (3 marks.) Conducting/ co-coordinating and monitoring demonstration, field trials covering 300 acres across the farming system (1 mark per 100 acre demonstration) Max 3 marks Adoption of technology or package of practices by a minimum of 3000 farmers across the system. 3 marks Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered)
Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered. 5
Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered. 5
production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
production, hatchery etc. (0.5 mark per year for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN EXTENSION Front Line Demonstration conducted. 2 marks per demonstration. Max 5 marks. Inter institutional HRD programmes organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0 marks for each assignment per year) (Maximum of 5 marks) Farmers interest groups organized/ Commodity interest groups organized (I mark each) Max 2 marks. Farming system research and extension activities undertaken. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Participatory technology development programmes and farmer field schools organized. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Extension Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals,
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN EXTENSION Front Line Demonstration conducted. 2 marks per demonstration. Max 5 marks. Inter institutional HRD programmes organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0 marks for each assignment per year) (Maximum of 5 marks) Farmers interest groups organized/ Commodity interest groups organized (I mark each) Max 2 marks. Farming system research and extension activities undertaken. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Participatory technology development programmes and farmer field schools organized. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Extension Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals,
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN EXTENSION Front Line Demonstration conducted. 2 marks per demonstration. Max 4 marks. Inter institutional HRD programmes organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0 marks for each assignment per year) (Maximum of 4 marks) Farmers interest groups organized/ Commodity interest groups organized (I mark each) Max 2 marks. Farming system research and extension activities undertaken. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Participatory technology development programmes and farmer field schools organized. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Extension Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals,
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN EXTENSION Front Line Demonstration conducted. 2 marks per demonstration. Max 4 marks. Inter institutional HRD programmes organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (2.0 marks for each assignment per year) (Maximum of 4 marks) Farmers interest groups organized/ Commodity interest groups organized (I mark each) Max 2 marks. Farming system research and extension activities undertaken. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Participatory technology development programmes and farmer field schools organized. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Extension Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals,
B B01
Instructional materials etc) 0.5 mark for each (Maximum of 2 marks) Activities related to e-extension services, mobile advisory system and promotion of ICT based extension programmes. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions, Radio talks, TV presentations etc. 1 mark for each. Max 2 marks Research-Extension-Farmersinterface meetings organized. 1 mark for each. Maximum 2 marks PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension
25 10
Instructional materials etc) 0.5 mark for each (Maximum of 2 marks). Activities related to e-extension services, mobile advisory system and promotion of ICT based extension programmes. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions, Radio talks, TV presentations etc. 1 mark for each. Max 2 marks Research-Extension-Farmersinterface meetings organized. 1 mark for each. Maximum 2 marks PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension
25 10
Instructional materials etc) 0.5 mark for each (Maximum of 2 marks). Activities related to e-extension services, mobile advisory system and promotion of ICT based extension programmes. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions, Radio talks, TV presentations etc. 1 mark for each. Max 2 marks Research-Extension-Farmersinterface meetings organized. 1 mark for each. Maximum 2 marks PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). One best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0 (Marks limited to 5) Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension
20 5
Instructional materials etc) 0.5 mark for each (Maximum of 2 marks). Activities related to e-extension services, mobile advisory system and promotion of ICT based extension programmes. 2 marks each. Max 4 marks. Field day/ farmers fair, demonstration, exhibitions, Radio talks, TV presentations etc. 1 mark for each. Max 2 marks Research-Extension-Farmersinterface meetings organized. 1 mark for each. Maximum 2 marks PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). One best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0 (Marks limited to 5) Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension
20 5
C C01
leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark
leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each . Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark
leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each . Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark
leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) E-publication, Technology inventory and concept series published (0.5 marks for each Max. 3 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each . Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark
each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four yearsbest out of 5/6 years) Period of assessment: 4 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. Presentation and Interview TOTAL
each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four years best out of 5 years) Period of assessment: 5 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. Presentation and Interview TOTAL
each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. TOTAL Presentation and Interview Grand Total
each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. TOTAL Presentation and Interview Grand Total
80 20 100
80 20 100
Max. Part I. Evaluation of Scientist Score (RGP 6000) NAARM (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.NAARM) Assessment period 4/5/6 years CORE ACTIVITIES 55 SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS 20 IN RESEARCH 10 Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks)
Part I. Evaluation of Scientist (RGP 7000) NAARM (Use score card with code : CAS.SS. NAARM ) Assessment period 5 years SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
Max . Sco re 55 20 10
Part I. Evaluation of Scientist (RGP 8000) NAARM (Use score card with code : CAS.SS. NAARM ) Assessment period 3 years SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
Max . Sco re 40 20 10
Part I. Evaluation of Senior Scientist (RGP 9000) NAARM (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.NAARM) Assessment period 3 years SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS IN RESEARCH Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
Max . Sco re 40 20 10
External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year. Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed , prototype, educational / training kit, process, product /concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for CoPI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized( without patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed , prototype, educational / training kit, process, product /concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wi thout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed , prototype, educational / training kit, process, product /concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wi thout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Innovative technologies developed, participatory technology developed , prototype, educational / training kit, process, product /concept, methodology, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system /models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wi thout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
Educational technology spread and impact across the system Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered) Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered.
Educational technology spread and impact across the system Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered) Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered. Capacity building /training programme / activities (other than foundation course for ARS scientist) under taken as per the institute mandate. (0.5 marks for each programme / activity Max. 4 marks) Outreach Programmes organized. 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 4.0) Customized /specialized /in service training programme organized. (1.0 marks limited to 4.0 marks) Innovative training /educational concept, methodology and module developed. (2.0 marks for each methodology and module Max. 4 marks)
module Max. 4 marks) Training /teaching/educational technology / methodology evaluated and customized. (2 marks for each technology / methodology evaluated & customized Max 4 marks) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / co-course director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
Training /teaching/educational technology / methodology evaluated and customized. (2 marks for each technology / methodology evaluated & customized Max 4 marks) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
Training /teaching/educational technology / methodology evaluated and customized. (2 marks for each technology / methodology evaluated & customized Max 4 marks) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
Training /teaching/educational technology / methodology evaluated and customized. (2 marks for each technology / methodology evaluated & customized Max 4 marks) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks)
TEACHING AND FOUNDATION COURSE PROGRAMME FOR ARS SCIENTIST SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN 20 SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN TEACHING AND FOCARS TEACHING AND FOCARS A04 Foundation course organized Foundation course organized for for ARS scientist(3marksfor ARS scientist(3marksfor course course coordinator & 2 marks coordinator & 2 marks for cofor co-coordinator Max. 6 coordinator Max. 6 marks) marks) Innovative theme based concept and methodology developed, Innovative theme based
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN TEACHING AND FOCARS Foundation course organized for ARS scientist(3marksfor course coordinator & 2 marks for cocoordinator Max. 6 marks) Innovative theme based concept and methodology developed,
SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENT IN TEACHING AND FOCARS Foundation course organized for ARS scientist(3marksfor course coordinator & 2 marks for cocoordinator Max. 6 marks) Innovative theme based concept and methodology developed,
concept and methodology developed, tested and introduced in the foundation course programme for ARS scientists (2 Marks for each innovative concept and methodology, tested and introduced Max. 4 marks) Innovative theme based trainings /workshops conceptualized and organized. 2 marks for course coordinator and 1.0 mark for co-coordinator for each course (Max. 4 marks) Courses designed and curriculum developed for training programmes. (2 marks for each course designed and curriculum developed Max.4 marks.) Teaching. 0.5 marks for each credit hours taught {A course with credit hour 1+1 taught in a semester will score 1mark (2 credit x 0.5 marks)} Max 2marks Student guidance/ co-guide: 2 marks for each Masters Degree awarded as guide, 1 mark to co-guide / advisory committee member Max 2marks Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals, e-learning / Instructional materials etc, FET, study tour, industrial visit arranged,) 1.0 mark for each Max. 2 marks
tested and introduced in the foundation course programme for ARS scientists (2 Marks for each innovative concept and methodology, tested and introduced Max. 4 marks) Innovative theme based trainings /workshops conceptualized and organized. 2 marks for course coordinator and 1.0 mark for co-coordinator for each course (Max. 4 marks) Courses designed and curriculum developed for training programmes. (2 marks for each course designed and curriculum developed Max.4 marks.) Teaching. 0.5 marks for each credit hours taught {A course with credit hour 1+1 taught in a semester will score 1mark (2 credit x 0.5 marks)} Max 2marks Student guidance/ co-guide: 2 marks for each Masters Degree awarded as guide, 1 mark to co-guide / advisory committee member Max 2marks Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals, e-learning / Instructional materials etc, FET, study tour, industrial visit arranged,) 1.0 mark for each Max. 2 marks
tested and introduced in the foundation course programme for ARS scientists (2 Marks for each innovative concept and methodology, tested and introduced Max. 4 marks) Innovative theme based trainings /workshops conceptualized and organized. 2 marks for course coordinator and 1.0 mark for co-coordinator for each course (Max. 4 marks) Courses designed and curriculum developed for training programmes. (2 marks for each course designed and curriculum developed Max.4 marks.) Teaching. 0.5 marks for each credit hours taught {A course with credit hour 1+1 taught in a semester will score 1mark (2 credit x 0.5 marks)} Max 2marks Student guidance/ co-guide: 2 marks for each Masters Degree awarded as guide, 1 mark to co-guide / advisory committee member Max 2marks Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals, e-learning / Instructional materials etc, FET, study tour, industrial visit arranged,) 1.0 mark for each Max. 2 marks
tested and introduced in the foundation course programme for ARS scientists (2 Marks for each innovative concept and methodology, tested and introduced Max. 4 marks) Innovative theme based trainings /workshops conceptualized and organized. 2 marks for course coordinator and 1.0 mark for co-coordinator for each course (Max. 4 marks) Courses designed and curriculum developed for training programmes. (2 marks for each course designed and curriculum developed Max.4 marks.) Teaching. 0.5 marks for each credit hours taught {A course with credit hour 1+1 taught in a semester will score 1mark (2 credit x 0.5 marks)} Max 2marks Student guidance/ co-guide: 2 marks for each Masters Degree awarded as guide, 1 mark to co-guide / advisory committee member Max 2marks Teaching aids developed. (Teaching manuals, e-learning / Instructional materials etc, FET, study tour, industrial visit arranged,) 1.0 mark for each Max. 2 marks
B B0 1
B0 2
PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2.0) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 3) e-publications, learning modules, concept series, educational technology inventory and methodology modules published (0.5 marks for each publication Max 4 marks)
25 10
PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 Other publications : Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 4) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 4) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 3) e-publications, learning modules, concept series, educational technology inventory and methodology modules published (0.5 marks for each publication Max 6 marks)
25 10
PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0. Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 2) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 2) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 2) e-publications, learning modules, concept series, educational technology inventory and methodology modules published (0.5 marks for each publication Max 4 marks)
20 10
PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0. Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 2) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 2) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 2) e-publications, learning modules, concept series, educational technology inventory and methodology modules published (0.5 marks for each publication Max 4 marks)
20 10
C C0 1
C0 2
C0 3
D0 1
PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four yearsbest out of 5/6 years) Period of assessment: 4 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below
PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks)
PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks)
ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four years best out of 5 years) Period of assessment: 5 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average.
ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average.
PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below
Grading to be awarded for each year. TOTAL Presentation and Interview Grand Total 80 20 100
Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. TOTAL Presentation and Interview Grand Total 80 20 100
Part V. Evaluation of Scientists (RGP 6000) who are in Zonal Project Directorates (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.ZPD)
Assessment period 4/5/6 years Core Activities
Part V. Evaluation of Scientists (RGP 7000) who are in Zonal Project Directorates (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.ZPD)
Assessment period 5 years
Max. Scor e
Part V. Evaluation of Scientist (RGP 8000) who are in Zonal Project Directorates (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.ZPD)
Assessment period 3 years
Ma x. Sc ore
Part V. Evaluation of Senior Scientist (RGP 9000) who are in Zonal Project Directorates (Use score card with code : CAS.SS.ZPD)
Assessment period 3 years
Max. Scor e
Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks)
Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
Institute projects. 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year (Max 8 marks) External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project:3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year.
External projects of minimum 10 lakh per project: 3.0 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for every completed year. Innovative conceptual models, approaches and methodology aiding technology assessment, refinement and demonstration of KVKs developed and popularized as part of projects: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI. Development/Standardization of procedures for measurement and analysis of the following: Training needs of KVK Scientists. Training needs of farmers/rural youth, Farming systems existing in the KVK districts, Development of Zone specific KVK action plan Proformas, annual report / FLD proforma any other relevant output. 4 marks for each activity. One effort will score only once. Innovative technologies /methodologies developed, participatory technology development, concept, software development/Data
Innovative conceptual models, approaches and methodology aiding technology assessment, refinement and demonstration of KVKs developed and popularized as part of projects: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI. Development/Standardization of procedures for measurement and analysis of the following: Training needs of KVK Scientists. Training needs of farmers/rural youth, Farming systems existing in the KVK districts, Development of Zone specific KVK action plan Proformas, annual report / FLD proforma any other relevant output. 4 marks for each activity. One effort will score only once. Innovative technologies /methodologies developed, participatory technology development, concept, software development/Data base
Innovative conceptual models, approaches and methodology aiding technology assessment, refinement and demonstration of KVKs developed and popularized as part of projects: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for Co-PI. Development/Standardization of procedures for measurement and analysis of the following: Training needs of KVK Scientists. Training needs of farmers/rural youth, Farming systems existing in the KVK districts, Development of Zone specific KVK action plan Proformas, annual report / FLD proforma any other relevant output. 4 marks for each activity. One effort will score only once. Innovative technologies /methodologies developed, participatory technology development, concept, software development/Data base management/Expert system developed/Decision support
Innovative conceptual models, approaches and methodology aiding technology assessment, refinement and demonstration of KVKs developed and popularized as part of projects: 4 marks for PI, 3 marks for CoPI. Development/Standardization of procedures for measurement and analysis of the following: Training needs of KVK Scientists. Training needs of farmers/rural youth, Farming systems existing in the KVK districts, Development of Zone specific KVK action plan Proformas, annual report / FLD proforma any other relevant output. 4 marks for each activity. One effort will score only once. Innovative technologies /methodologies developed, participatory technology development, concept, software development/Data base
base management/Expert system developed/Decision support system models / elearning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 3 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized( without patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
management/Expert system developed/Decision support system models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 3 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized( without patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
system models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 3 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for CoPI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(wi thout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks
management/Expert system developed/Decision support system models / e-learning lessons / models developed & any other relevant output.: 3 marks for PI, 1.5 marks for Co-PI for each output Patents: For PI and Co-PI, for each patent granted 2 marks; for technology commercialized/popularized(w ithout patent) 3 marks and for patent granted and commercialized/popularized: 5 marks 3 Technology spread and impact across the system Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Conducting/ co-coordinating and monitoring demonstration, field trials covering 300 acres across the farming system (1 marks per 100 acre demonstration) Max 3 marks Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered) Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered. 3
Technology spread and impact across the system Commercial release/use of the technology attracting revenue to the organization (Rs.5 to 10 Lakh 1.5 marks and above Rs. 10 Lakh 3 marks ) Conducting/ co-coordinating and monitoring demonstration, field trials covering 300 acres across the farming system (1 marks per 100 acre demonstration) Max 3 marks Adoption of concept /methodology /product by research and academic members across NARS/ CGIAR/ international research and academic bodies, accreditation received etc. Max 3 marks (for research papers evidence in the form of H index 3 i.e. minimum of 3 number of papers published during the preceding 8 years with each paper cited 3 times is considered) Note: Paper published out of M.Sc. and Ph.D. work will not be considered.
B B01
coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (1.0marks for each assignment per year) (maximum 3 marks) Inter institutional HRD programmes for benefit of KVKs organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (1.0marks for each assignment per year) (maximum 3 marks) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / co-course director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks) PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score
coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (1.0marks for each assignment per year) (maximum 3 marks) Inter institutional HRD programmes for benefit of KVKs organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (1.0marks for each assignment per year) (maximum 3 marks) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks) PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). Two best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score
coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (1.0marks for each assignment per year) (maximum 2 marks) Inter institutional HRD programmes for benefit of KVKs organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (1.0marks for each assignment per year) (maximum 2 marks) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / cocourse director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks) 25 10 PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). One best research papers published during the period of review will be allocated score 20 5
25 10
coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (1.0marks for each assignment per year) (maximum 2 marks) Inter institutional HRD programmes for benefit of KVKs organized/ coordinated/assisted as per Institute mandate (1.0marks for each assignment per year) (maximum 2 marks) Institution building (Only clearly defined major contributions as a Member Secretary RAC/ SRC / QRT /PME Cell / CPC / IPR Cell/ Technical Cell / Editors of Annual and AICRP Reports / I/c of Central Facilities like ARIS Cell / video conferencing, HRD Cell etc.) (0.5 mark for each assignment) (Maximum 3 Marks only) Convener or co-convener or organizing/ co-organizing secretary or course director / co-course director of seminars / symposia / workshop / discussion /conference / summer or winter school / training programme / refresher course of duration 3-5 days: 1 mark each; 6 to 20 days: 2 mark each; 21 days or more: 3 marks each (Maximum 3 Marks only) Other HRD programmes organized / coordinated / assisted as per institutional mandate. (0.5 marks for each assignment) Max 2 marks) PUBLICATIONS Research Papers (Full score for the First Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors). One best research papers published during the period of review will be
20 5
C C01
according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Editors of Annual Reports/FLD Reports (1.0 mark for each assignment per year for each editor). Max 3 marks. Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) e-publications, learning modules, concept series, educational/training technology inventory and methodology modules published (0.5 marks for each publication Max 4 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each.
according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, totaled and divided by 2.0 15 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Editors of Annual Reports/FLD Reports (1.0 mark for each assignment per year for each editor). Max 3 marks. Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) e-publications, learning modules, concept series, educational/training technology inventory and methodology modules published (0.5 marks for each publication Max 4 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each . 15
according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0 (Marks limited to 5) Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Editors of Annual Reports/FLD Reports (1.0 mark for each assignment per year for each editor). Max 3 marks. Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) e-publications, learning modules, concept series, educational/training technology inventory and methodology modules published (0.5 marks for each publication Max 4 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each . 15
allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0 (Marks limited to 5) Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Editors of Annual Reports/FLD Reports (1.0 mark for each assignment per year for each editor). Max 3 marks. Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 3) Conference Proceedings and newsletter edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 3) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 3) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and coauthors (Max marks limited to 4) e-publications, learning modules, concept series, educational/training technology inventory and methodology modules published (0.5 marks for each publication Max 4 marks) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 2 marks each .
Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 0.5 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 1.0 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four yearsbest out of 5/6 years) Period of assessment: 4 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year.
Presentation and Interview
Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 0.5 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 1.0 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks)
Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application:0 .5 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 1.0 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks)
ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS (Any four years best out of 5 years) Period of assessment: 5 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year.
Presentation and Interview
ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year.
Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each (maximum 2 marks) Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each (maximum 1 mark). Conference prizes / medals, 0.5 each max 1.0 Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 1 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) Oral presentation in National seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each. (Maximum of 2 marks) Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered anywhere else in the application: 0.5 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops/ attended: 1.0 mark each (Maximum of 2 marks) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Period of assessment: 3 years 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 marks for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year.
80 20
80 20
Grand Total
Grand Total
Evaluation of Scientists (RGP8000) and Senior Scientists (RGP 9000) working at ICAR HQ (Use score card with Code : CAS.SS.ICAR HQs) Assessment Period 3 Years
A A01 A02 A03 A04 B B01 SCIENTISTS ACHIEVEMENTS Assistance in Coordination (No. of Institutes /SAUs being handled, AICRPs handled, Funded projects, Processing for release of funds) Assistance in monitoring (Physical, financial and scientific targets) / Scientific assistance to senior officers, meetings organization, lectures and drafts prepared Reports/ proceedings preparation, parliament questions handled etc. Innovative theme based trainings /workshops conceptualized and organized. 2 marks for course coordinator and 1.5 marks for associate for each course PUBLICATIONS Research/ Review/ Policy Paper (Full score for the First Author/ Corresponding Author, 0.75 score each for rest of the authors).One best papers published during the assessment period will be allocated score according to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating of Scientific Journals, on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, divided by a factor of 2.0 Other publications: Books authored (minimum 100 pages): 1.0 mark for each author. (Max marks limited to 2) Books edited (minimum 100 pages): 0.5 mark for each editor (Max marks limited to 2) Technical/extension bulletin, Training manual (minimum 25 pages) 0.5 mark for each author (Max marks limited to 4) Conference Proceedings edited: 0.5 marks for editor and co-editors (Max marks limited to 4) Book chapters/ Extension leaflets/folders: 0.5 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 4) Technical/ popular Articles : 0.25 mark for author and co-authors (Max marks limited to 2) E-learning modules, concept series and newsletter edited (0.5 marks each and Max marks limited to 2) PEER RECOGNITION International and National Awards / National Academy fellow: 3 marks each. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: 1 mark. Institutional or recognized professional societies award / fellowship / journal editor : 1 mark each Best Paper, Best Posters 0.5 marks each. (Note: Conference prizes / medals, office bearers of societies excluded) Oral presentation in International seminars / symposia / conference/ workshops : 0.5 mark each (Maximum of 1 mark) Invited key speaker in a National / International scientific meeting: 1 mark each. Special assignments (International organizations, overseas and special national assignments/ consultancies not covered any where else in the application: 1.0 mark for each (maximum marks limited to 2) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Period of assessment: 3 years. 4.0 marks for Outstanding, 3.0 marks for Very Good, 2.0 marks for Good, 1.0 mark for Average and 0.5 marks for Below Average. Grading to be awarded for each year. TOTAL
Max. Score
45 10 10 15 10 15 5
C C01
D D01
80 20 100