Yashica Electro35 Repair Manual

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xD FILM-SPEED news KNOW ELAS BUTTON VIEWFINDER RELEASE MUTTON Lock Select the film speed by turning the FILM-SPEED DIAL, Notice that this moves a pair of masks in front of the CdS photocell. The faster the film speed selected, the larger the aperture between the masks. PUNE TION si Eero misc re ae — eared TF enegp tony ies 112 wR S — rae DIAPHRAGM-sETTING ___ 9 ING INDICATOR LAMPS Fut-srEED 2 oa ‘The FUNCTION-SELECTOR RING has three positions: "B" (for bulb), a lightning-flash symbol (for using flash), and "AUTO," At the "AUTO" position, the shutter-speed control is fully automatic, Selecting the diaphragm setting moves the diaphragm leaves to the desired {/stop, At the same time, the diaphragm-setting ring selects a value of resistance for the exposure-control circuit. The shutter then automatically programs the shutter speed according to the amount of light striking the CdS cell, the diaphragm setting, and the film~speed setting. ‘The fastest speed the camera can deliver is 1/500 second. As you start depressing the release button, watch the indicator lamps on the top cover. If the red (overexposure) lamp comes on, you know that the fastest shutter speed of 1/500 second is too slow for the proper expasure. You must then set a smaller £/stop. If the yellow (slow) lamp comes on, the required shutter speed is too slow for a hand- held exposure (slower than 1/30 second). The yellow-lamp warning tells you to use a larger f/stop, a flash attachment, or a tripod, RATTERY-resT HUTTOS THE BATTERY=TEST LAMP APPEARS IX THE COUNTER WINDOW ‘You'll find the battery-test lamp in one of two positions, according to the eamera model. In current models, the battery-test lamp appears in the counter window when you depress the battery-test button. Here, the battery-test lamp serves a second function -~ it illuminates the counter dial, making the calibrations visible at night. In earlier models, the battery-test lamp is next to the battery-test button, Fig. 4. ‘VARLATION (EARLIER MODEL) BATTERY-TEST mar BRT FO Siege ea Pier ele b Sy RU Cee CL) Ce ele teed 1S LATER MODELS, OPEN THE BACK DY te PULLING U BACK LATCH. EARLY MODEL. 5 REWIND, MUTTON ‘TaIPon 2. REMOVE THREE SCREWS SOCKET AND LIFT OFF BOTTOM LATE ie Boies rue a rll mse ean su repatin lo le ‘Une back Hatch. Pe TRASSPORT-RELEASE ADIUSTMENT bArTeny-TesT eMLCURT paARD POSITIVE (+) BATFERY CONNECTION = a SeRTeaHaE? RATCHET REWIND BUTTON INTACT ENTED The transport-release adjustment is accessible from the bottom of the camera. Yet you can make the same adjustment from the top of the camera after removing the top cover plate. This adjustment will be described later, when the parts controlled by the adjustment are visible. SHUTTER AELEASED Notice that the end of the release-switch rod moves toward the bottom of the camera as you depress the release button, The release-switeh latch then drops into a groove in the release-switch rod -- that holds the release=switeh rod in the depressed position until you cock the shutter for the next exposure. This latching arrangement assures that the exposure-control circuit remains connected ~~ even though you allow the release button to return to its rest position. ‘Turning the serewdriver-slotted end of the release-switch rod controls the point at which the release-switch latch drops into engagement. Check to see that the release- switch Intech engages the slot in the release-switch rod at the same moment that the shutter releases. The adjustment may be disturbed when you replace the frent plate of the camera. rob BATTERY-TEST TRANSISTOR ‘The battery-test lamp should turn on with 3.9 volts supplied to the battery terminals; it should turn off with 3,5 volts supplied, Adjustment in the earlier models (figure 12) is by changing the values of the fixed resistors; adjustment in the eurrent models is by seratching the surface of the printed resistors to increase the resistance. x Be atnceme oa} is CLEARAXCE HOLE FOR. RANGEPIXDER IX FINIEY 14 | You can reach the rangefinder infinity adjustment without removing the top cover plate. dust lift the edge of the accessory-shoe cover plate that faces the front of the camera then, slide the accessory-shoe cover plate toward the back of the camera. You can now see the clearance hole for the infinity adjustment, LIFT OFF wixD LEVER 15 1. UT OPF cOCKING CAM NOTE THAT PEX On LURSCREW RETAR 3. WET OFF FiLa-sPeeD SCREW CALIBRATION PLATE IRTO HOLE Le COCKING CAM oui rae | TM re e e 2, a 2 A 2 MET bP serine 17 NOTE THAT SLOT IX FILAE-SPEED DIAL SITS OVER POST O¥ FILM-SPEED SELECTOR LIFE OFF FILM-SPEED DIAL. Removing the film-speed dial exposes one of the exposure adjustment points, By loosening the two locking screws on the film-speed selector, you can turn the eccentric, This adjustment changes the size of the opening between the two masks over the photocell. The range of adjustment possible is around 1/3 f/stop, jg = exsene neinsn 1. REMOVE TWO SCREWS BATTERY cra BATTERY-TE'ST MUTTON WH 2, HOLD THE BATTERY-TEST COVER PLATE AND ‘TUR THE CAMERA TO 4 LENS ALLOW THE MATTER FALL ISTO YOUR HAND Wi BUTTON STILL. IN PLACE, ‘VERTICAL RANGER INDE ADJUSTMENT ERY-TEST SWITCH 1. RENOVE ToP-coven- RENOVE TOP-COVER-PLATE SCREW AF EACH EXD OF ‘TOP-COVER PLATE LUFT ASIDE TOP-COVER MATE (CABLE-RELEASE PIX MAY FALL Loosiy ae .—- al Pa urr or fonots-pLastic DUST SEI Carin roo ied Fitar-srsep SELECTOR SASK-CONTROL-cant FOLLOWER | renease nop Susk-cosrieL Bair rontonni FILM-SPEED SELECTOR SET AT FASTEST FILM SPEED uy Ns ? TIRAXSPOR kecrnriere PILADSP2ED SELECTOR SET A'P SLOWEST PIES SPEED As you depress the release button, the transport-release lever pushes down the transport latch. The transport-relcase lever should push the transport latch out of engagement with the transport cam just before the shutter releases. ‘You can make the transport-release adjustment at either one of two places -- at the top of the release vod or at the bottom. (Figure 28 or Figure 7.) Both serewdriver-slotted adjustments affect the position of the transport-release lever. And the position of the transport-release lever determines the point at which the transport latch disengages during the downward stroke of the release rod. TUNG counren CAPACITOR BAL counrEn- DIAL IxDEX FRONT OP CAMERA ISFINEY AntUSEatENT PARALLAX- MAS ADIUSEISG. ECCENTRIC SECONDARY BIAGE / DENSEM[NFISENY 43 ABIUSTMENT ABJUSTAMENT eh er o UNSCREW FRONT LENS CELL HACK OF SELECTOR-IING ASSEMBLY BLADE-OPENING-LEVER LATCH BLADE-CLOsING VE BATTERY SwITCIT CAPACITOR-SHOWTDN SWITCH ECCENTIUC SHUTTER COCKED DIAPHRAGM. SETTING rei On reassembly, the tab on the diaphragm-setting ring must pass through the fork in the Giaphragm-control ring. Turn both the diaphragm-setting ring and the diaphragm- control ring to one of their two extreme positions -- the smallest aperture or the largest aperture. ‘To set the diaphragm-control ring to the largest aporture, turn its forked tab all the way clockwise. HUMOVE TWO SCREWS AXD LIFT {LOORES SCREW AND REMOVE. IX LATER MODELS, REMOVE scREW AND LIFT OFF BATTERY-TRST TAM" AND GREEN LAMP FILTER era PLUCe pyre bs) REMOVE SCREW BOARD-WATCH FOR SPACER UNDE fe UNSOLDER RED WiRES FROM POSTIVE BATTERY TERMINAL 2. EEL OFF IDENTIFICATION PLATES | PEEL MACK LEATHERENTE 08 or ANDARD & REMOVE FOUR FRONT-PLATE ‘CHU LBL EN a a ae rs can cee 1. REMOVE UPPER BRACKET SCREW 1, TURK BRACKET TOWARD 2, LIET OFF FRONT-PLATE/SHUTTER ASE MIL WARRING-LAME BRACKET rTCH F connor MODULE SHUTTER-COCKING RE : swircit Rop RELEASE SWITCH BOARD BULB SWITCH OPENS — ae COUPLING-ARM ACTUATOR ENGAGES RELEASE-LEVER COUPLING ARMT BULB-svireHt INSULATED cos uD RELEASE ROD MOVES RELEASE ob swirct ‘bows ons poco ror ro oe === + = Asa. RELLE é v wou auaniva ‘5, ty “6 durey 1501 -Az0y10q 943 UNO pur sos]suNIy oY YBN SHOU WoIIND Og “EU, ToIsysuET UO sun) [zy SS0x9e dosp afeyoa UATOUMS y “OzY PUL Izy ss0}s}sa2 YFnom snowy woLRL quozmo Axoreg “8g YON 180]-LronEq oy SOTO VOTING 1801-ArorU ays BUISsOzdoq, amy? asaa-A0aLiva wos HLVe LNAMNUND TLVORINTSENFT AWS : a nots “TUE Jo WDA79 a9}yTWIa ayy Uy sounzsysar op SaSucyo mys =~ Sujuodo wiHesyderp sopews e Sus £q Ty durvy yO wan) ues nog “Ty duryy vo wim oF SUL SARA TUL PUY “ZUL torsrsueny sa9830 TEL, 0181 “THE t01818uE.1) 108823 07 Py xoysysa2 ssoaoe paddosp et aSmyfor AronEA OM JO Snows © AOL WY} S| [199 SPQ oN Jo souRAS|Sor oy, *poxTNbor sy puooas 0908/1 tou amsvy poods sop nys w Te WEiIaq OF are suo TPUOD WAY ayy JWI AOPIEUOD ssuoppuco WyyT a PaUsTTavss SB ‘1199 Spo ati Jo oauMsyS0x ox UO spuodap EYL AOIsysUELI Jo Furor ata puY “sjonpuoe Cy uve Trang “ymozto op omy Fy dure POT OW SOOTUOS YOAS oe joring astaTex ay; Suyssaadap 11e8 nok sy sIS0a NAMENO) a: 2] durey mopped oy Bom snoy OST PAL 1oys1suEN YFnonp Supmoyy yas. oy) puy *syOnpuoD FULL TOSS] ‘TO pausny Ss} EH 707s |sueIy Se SuoT Sy “Ho pou osyE oe SUL Pue AIL $10)8]sueN ‘Apuanbosuog reay Oy JORB}T oF Moy Oo} ] Sy Ssar0F paddosp ofeyfoa om =~ jo pouam TYY, 1OIeTS 21 sdaoy [[99 spo oy Jo souNISTSoK YSI ay *usiry oN) ST 119 SPD a Jo soumsIseI ay, “paaTMbar st poses O£/1 UdtA Jamoys paods JoMNYs v ieHA tH OF oxE SuoHIpUOD 14ST] ot Hoy UO SULT By diuwy ‘FT duey Moros oy SyooUMOD AOYANE OPT w UOTING aseofOr oy Surssordoq me omy tosty ymo219 a4 1 Ty. senoEte waoHed Oey HONSA! WBN oeanfos IaT¥ge Om) SO, s1OXo aunsoaxa wos HLWa ANIMAS GLVONENTSANET AVE Sag Hanus Asya, Pont = Pore "Dr Note the color coding of the wires coming from each port. In different cameras, the color codes may vary slightly from port to port. But they're generally consistent from side to side. Here's the normal color coding of the wires from each port: PORT A -- green, dark blue, orange, and brown PORT B -- red, white, and purple PORT C -- yellow, yellow, red, and black PORT D -- red, black, and brown e ? 8) i an as o 09 @ oo TAPE a8 ‘TO REMOVE CONTROL MODULE: UNSOLDER WAKES FROM BACK OF CONTROL MODULE WIRING PROSE PORTA 68 WIRING FROM PORT B 70 ‘WIRRSG PROM PORT © EINDICATON LAMPS REDLAMP WHUNG FROM POT D JOTOCELA. ASSEMIIEY E DIRECT © urromtcanae: 73 a caneutr poann MASK-CONTROL, ‘AA EARLY MODEL CONTROL MODULE (NO LONGER AVAILABLE ASA REPLACEMENT PART) 74B a CIRCUTT) LATEST MODEL OF CONTROL MODULE TYPE 415 If you're installing the new-style control module in an older camera, you must also replace the diaphragm-resistor board. Use the new-style diaphragm-resistor board for shutter EB-413 with a total resistance of 10K. ‘The mounting system for the Type 415 control module is also a little different, You'll have to replace the bracket shown in figure $4 with a threaded post (part #3175120). There's another variation in the color coding of one wire, as shown in the diagram. ‘The pink wire running to the Type 415 control module replaces the blue wire in the other styles. This pink wire goes to the diaphragm-resistor board. winx pAGRAM GCREES. unre ype 41s iG, 3 swe [SRY BLUE Ren 75 77 OF RELEASE op RELEASE-ROD ASSEMBLY SWITeH DASE PLATES. OL TYPE, BROWN TO PIIOTOX (TEHIXA BLUE TO PHOTOCELL HOARD: (TERMINAL 3 wep TO MIOTOCELL BOARD, TEOHNAI) GREEN To PHOTOCELL HOARD (TERMINAL 3) rE NEW TYPE BROWS TO PHOTOCELL. HOARD (FENMISAL TO PHOTOCELL BOARD (TERMINAL 4) ak SHUTEER S¥- (owe "e GREES TO PHOWOCEL BOARD (TERMINAL 3) -onasce To puoroe (TERMINAL 1) BOARD BLACK neD powttiy 81 : NOTE: SOLDERING FaSTTIONS OF: YELLOW Laan SHUTTER SW-1 SWITCH MASE PLATES SWITCH POSITION POR RED LAMP INDICATION oun Tyee, HOW TO PHOTOCELL BOARD (TERSUSAL 6 BLUE TO PoTOE (HEIESIINAL 9) one RED TORED LAN = GREEN TO YELLOW Last” voaRD CCERMINAL) GREEN To rHoToC Lack To =| (TERSENAL ORANGE TO PHOTOG! BLECTROMAGNET (TERMINAL NEW TYPE RED TO RED Lan BROWN TO PHOTOC CCERMINAL ©) BLUE TO PHOTOCELL BOARD (TENSUNAL 3) ED To HUTTE sur 1= (one sp 2GREEN TO PHOTOCELL BOARD (renMIAL 3) = ORANGE TO PHOTOCELL. ROAR. (TERMINAL 3) i y BLACK MAGKET GREEX'TO YELLOW LAMP wont") NOTE: SOLDERING PostTIONS OF: RED TO PHOTOCELA BOARD 1. GREEN ‘YELLOW LAMP (TERBIINAL 2 2 ep SHUTTER SW SWITCH BASE PLLTES = BROWS TO PHOTOCELL HOARD (TERMINAL 6) =BLUE TO PHOTOCELL BOARD CHENRUNAL sp BLACK TO ELeeTaOMAGNET TO PHOTOCELL BOARD {TEUMUXAL 1) wim rorr-o TYPE = nnows To! (ren 18 YO PHOTOC: (TERMINAL §) | owaxce To PHOTOCELL BOARD (TenSIINAT. by N GREEN YELLOW LAMP UTTER SW-1 oN FoR oun ree, ROWS To PuoTOCELA HOARD (FEIUNAL 6) LUE TO MNOTOCELLL BOARD RED TO RED Last (TERMINAL 4) YVeLLaW Last Rep TO PHOTOCELL BOARD TERIENA L) GREES TO PHOTOCELL BOARD pLack TO. = {TERMINAL 3) ELECTROMAGNET ‘onaxce L.moann NeW TYPE Brows To pHorocs noanp {(TERAURAL @) LE TO PHOTOCELL HOARD (reRMUKAL 3 RED To SWWETER sw-1 (pour sey -cnees To pHoroce (TERMINAL 3) F ORANGE TO PHOTOCELL BOARD (TERMINAL 1) (Port "Dy 84 veeanies NOTE: SOLDERING POSITIONS OF: GREEN YELLOW LAMP RED SHUTFER S¥-1 vssoLDER AWIDTE WIRE: PROM DATTERY-TEST ‘cuRCEAT BOARD Zz x 85 c SEL yA sere SHUTTER-RETAINING RING TA 5. SEPARATE sitU PROM FRONT PLATE | we \ 87 PORT A -- green, dark blue, orange, and brown PORT B ~~ red, white, and purple PORT C -- yellow, yellow, red, and black PORT D -- red, black, and brown (NOTE VARIATIONS IN YOUR PARTICULAR CAMERA) 93 reven S-STKe. cowtacrs: ReCENTRIC AT THIS Somer PORTION RETAINING SCREW is FIXED CAPACITOR-SHORTENG- SWITCH BLADE INSULATOR CAPACITOR-SHORTING BLADE SWITCH BLADE . CONTACT SNORTING. REMOVE 2. REMOVE Screws 1, ScHUnE Pest 10 ELECTROMAE 99 , 2, LIFT MADE UT NOT UNDE MATURE WIT NOTE POSITIONS OF INSULATORS AHOYE AND BELOW BATTERY SHITCH CONTACTS NOTE THAT Le SLOT STRAl 2. REMOVE FOUR HOUSING 1. PRESS OUT “SHUTTE TAPERED COCKE SCREWS, PIS IS a NOTE: SCHEWS MAY IE DUPPRIRENT IN LENGTH 109 MODELS AVE x

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