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National University Dasmariñas City, Cavite

LESSON 1: The Science of Human 4. Behavioral Neuroscience/ Biological
Behavior Psychology
5. Comparative Psychology
TOMA- Top of Mind Assessment 6. Developmental Psychology
7. Social Psychology
PSYCHOLOGY- Greek word “psyche” and “logos” 8. Personality Psychology
means study of the soul 9. School and Educational Psychology
• Study the principles and facts governing 10. Industrial and Organizational Psychology
human behavior. 11. Psychometrics
• The scientific study of human behavior 12. Abnormal Psychology
experiences and the 13. Forensic Psychology
• application of that knowledge to human 14. Psychology
problems (APA, 1979) 15. Cognitive Psychology
• Is the Scientific Study of Behavior and
Mental Processes of an organism. PSEUDO-PSYCHOLOGY - PSEUDO MEANS FALSE OF
Describe - What is happening? • Refers to a psychological practice that is
Explain - Why is it happening? false or unfounded. The science of
Predict - When will it happen again? psychology is built on rigorous principles
Control - How can it be changed? such as research, evidence, and testable
ideas. Any discipline that is treated like a
science but does not meet these standards
• Need a social science course
can be called pseudoscience.
• Learn more about yourself
➢ Example: astrology and psychic readings
• Learn more about others
fall into the category of pseudo-
• Learn more about how others influence
psychology because they do not follow
the guidelines of the scientific method.
• Learn more about how you influence
• Investigate psychology as a major
• Fortune Telling
Clinical Psychology (PhD)
• A specialty in psychology ASSESSING TRUE FEELINGS
• Clinical psychologists • Be Cautious
• Uses psychotherapy to treat psychological • Listen
disorders • Slow to Speak
Psychiatry (M.D.) • Observant
• A specialty in medicine • Empathetic
• Psychiatrists • Understanding
• May prescribe medication and use
• Psychologists are very cautious in labeling
PSYCHOLOGY’S CAREERS AND AREAS OF people or in making assumptions. One
SPECIALIZATION should follow the scientific procedure in
1. Clinical Psychology studying behavior:
2. Counseling Psychology 1. State the problem
3. Experimental Psychology
National University Dasmariñas City, Cavite

2. Formulate hypothesis (null/𝐻0 & Correlation Method

alternative/𝐻1) • The correlation method seeks to determine
3. Gather the data/Findings the possible relationship that may exist
4. Hypothesis Testing between two variables.
5. Conclusion and Recommendation
HUMAN BEHAVIOR - It refers to any response or
TWO TYPES OF RESEARCH THAT HELP reaction of the individual, it can be covert or overt,
PSYCHOLOGISTS ACCOMPLISH THEIR GOALS: rational or irrational, conscious or unconscious,
Basic research - Research conducted to advance simple or complex. Psychologists attempts to see to
knowledge rather than for its practical it that they study a behavior that is observed and
application. measurable.
• Example: studying the nature of • Process:
memory ➢ Describe
Applied research - Research conducted to solve ➢ Explain
practical problems. ➢ Predict
• Example: exploring methods to ➢ Control
improve memory.


Naturalistic Observation
• This is a visual method of investigation WILHELM WUNDT
that requires behavior to be observed in • Father of Psychology
its natural setting or normal environment. • It is said that Psychology was born on 1879
These methods allow researchers to have when Wilhelm Wundt opened a
a realistic picture of the occurrence of Psychological Laboratory in Leipzig,
behavior researchers are observing the Germany. Wundt extracted Psychology to
behavior taking place. Philosophy because he was analyzing the
workings of the mind in a more structured
• This method of gathering data is indirect
but more structured. A list of pretested way, with the emphasis being on objectives
questions is presented to a group of measurement and control.
respondents, we call a sample.
METHODS USED IN PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH objectively examining and measuring one’s own
Case Study thought and mental activities.
• This method is particularly done for •
clinical purposes. The researcher would 5 SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT IN THE FIELD OF
specifically want to understand the PSYCHOLOGY THAT EMERGED IN 1800S.
person’s present condition by obtaining a 1. Structuralism
biography (life story) of the person. 2. Functionalism
Archival Research 3. Gestalt
• This method of research helps understand 4. Behaviorism
behavioral patterns of a person or a group 5. Psychoanalytic
of persons at a particular time and place
• Elements of experience
METHODS USED IN PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH • Pioneered by Wilhelm Wundt and his
Experimental Method students
• Research is sometimes conducted to • Sought to analyze the adult minds (total sum
discover the extent to which one variable of experience from birth to present). Wundt
can affect another variable.
National University Dasmariñas City, Cavite

school of thought define psychology as what • Important Principles

is experienced by human organism. ➢ Gestalt psychology helped introduce the
• Edward B. Titchener - Together with Wundt, idea that human perception is not just
believed that mind is built up with such about seeing what is present in the world
elements as sensation, images, ideas, and around us; it is heavily influenced by our
feelings. All elements must be in motivations and expectations.
consciousness. ➢ The idea that the whole is different than
• “Experience should be evaluated as a fact, as its parts has influenced our
it exists without analyzing the significance of understanding of the brain and social
that experience.” – Wundt behavior. Gestalt theory still impacts how
• Structuralism is important because it is the we understand vision and the ways that
first major school of thought in psychology. context, visual, illusions, and information
The structuralist school also influenced the processing impact our perception.
development of experimental psychology.
• Criticism: By today’s scientific standards, the PSYCHOANALYTIC: UNCONSCIOUS MOTIVATIONS
experimental methods used to study the
• Founded by Sigmund Freud
structures of the mind were too subjective,
• Psychoanalysis is defined as a set of
the use of introspection led to a lack of
psychological theories and therapeutic
reliability in results. Other critics argue that
techniques that have their origin in the work
structuralism was too concerned with internal
and theories of Sigmund Freud. The core of
behavior, which is not directly observable and
psychoanalysis is the belief that all people
cannot be accurately measured.
possess unconscious thoughts, feelings,
desire, and memories.
• William James - Him and his disciples saw THE INFLUENCE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS ON THE
Psychology as the study of behavior in terms FIELD OF PSYCHOLOGY
of its function or adaptive value in life. They • Psychoanalysis suggests that people can
also consider the mental life and behavior. experience catharsis and gain insight into
• Functionalism influenced the development of their current state of mind by bringing the
behaviorism and applied psychology. content of unconscious into conscious
Functionalism also influenced the educational awareness. Through this process, a
system. person can relief from psychological
• Criticism: Functionalism was criticized distress.
perhaps most famously by Wundt. “It is • A person’s behavior is influenced by their
literature. It is beautiful, but it’s not unconscious drives.
psychology.” He said of functionalist William • Emotional and psychological problems
James’s book The Principles of Psychology. such as depression and anxiety are often
rooted in conflicts between the conscious
GESTALT: THE PICTURE AS A WHOLE - comes from and unconscious mind.
the German word gestalten meaning “pattern, • Personality development is heavily
form, configuration.” influenced by the events of early
• Attempts to understand the laws of our ability childhood (psychosexual stages).
to acquire and maintain meaningful • People use defense mechanisms to
perceptions to an apparently chaotic world. protect themselves from information
• When trying to make sense of the world contained in the unconscious.
around us, Gestalt psychology suggests that • According to Freud psychoanalytic states that
we do not simply focus on every small behaviors or individuals act because of their
component. Instead, our minds tend to unconscious desires. Unlike to the other four
perceive objects as part of a greater whole schools that originated from the university, the
and as elements of more complex systems. psychoanalysis originates from the medicine
which is concerned with the health.
National University Dasmariñas City, Cavite

• Freud believe that individuals are driven by Carl Jung (Archetypes)

their sex instinct or sexual desires to do an • Jungian archetypes are defined as images
action. He also believes that our childhood and themes that derive from the collective
experiences are responsible to who and what unconscious. Archetypes have universal
we are today. meanings across cultures and may show up in
• “The child is the Father of the Man”- Freud dreams, literature, art, or religion.
• The collective unconscious is universal version
of the personal unconscious, holding mental
patterns, or memory traces which are shapes
with other members of human species.
• These ancestral memories which Jung called
archetypes, are represented by universal
themes in various cultures, as expressed
through literature, art and dreams.
• “The form of the world into which a person is
born is already inborn in him, as a virtual
• Archetypes are universal, inborn models of
people, behaviors, or personalities that play a
role in influencing human behavior.
1. Conscious Mind
2. Preconscious Mind
• Ego – Reality principle
3. Unconscious Mind
• Superego – morality principle
• ID – pleasure principle


• Sex Drive (Libido/Eros) – pleasure
• Aggression Drive (Death/ Thanatos) – self
destruction or other’s destruction HISTORY AND KEY CONCEPTS OF BEHAVIORAL
• Behaviorism – observable and measurable
Alfred Adler (individual psychology) behaviors.
• The first to broke in the group of Freud in • Behaviors can be studied in a systematic and
1911 observable manner regardless of internal
• “We are integrated individual people striving mental states. According to this perspective,
for superiority while working harmoniously only observable behavior should be considered-
with others.” He himself has inferiority cognitions, emotions, and moods are far too
complex against his brother. subjective.
• He is remembered for his concepts of the
• Strict behaviorists believed that any person can
inferiority feeling and inferiority complex,
which he believed played a major part in the potentially be trained to perform any task,
formation of personality. • regardless of genetic background, personality
• Adler’s theory suggested that every person traits, and internal thoughts (within the limits of
has a sense of inferiority. From childhood, their physical capabilities). It only requires the
people work toward overcoming this inferiority right conditioning.
by striving for superiority.
National University Dasmariñas City, Cavite


• He believes that psychology is the study of STILL USED ADDED BY THE LATER EMERGING
observable behavior and environmental APPROACHES:
factors that control behavior.
• Conducted the experiment: Baby Albert (white • Humanistic/ Existential (free will)
rat and noise) • Cognitive (thinking process)
• Trait (measurement of characteristics)
Ivan Pavlov • Multicultural (influence of contextual variables
• Conditioned Reflex or Classical Conditioning on human functioning)
repeated pairing of two stimulus resulting in
different response.
• Conducted the experiment: Dog (meat powder
and bell)
Burrhus F. Skinner
• Conducted Operant Conditioning – Is a type of
learning in which the organism learns through
the consequences of its behavior.
• Reinforcements/Punishments is used to
control the consequence of a behavior. Later,
this concept emerged as behavior
• Conducted the experiment: rat and food


psychologist did not identify themselves with any
of the five schools. They began to specialize in
one area or different aspect but still adhere to
the principles, aspects, concepts and approach
by the proponents of the five schools.

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