BMSP SC Soc Runbook

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Security Operations Center (SOC) Runbook

Global Security Operations Center

Barracuda Networks • Runbook • Security Operations Center (SOC)

Security Operations Center (SOC) Runbook

This document outlines the Security Operations Center (SOC) runbook for responding to cyber
threats for Barracuda XDR partners. The purpose of this document is to provide visibility and details
into the people, processes, and procedures designed to protect partners and their customers against
cybersecurity threats. If you have any questions pertaining to the information in this document,
please contact your Regional Account Director.

To open a security incident, contact the SOC team using the information below:

Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Phone: US: +1 855-838-4500
IRE: +353 57 865-7170
UK: +44 20 3695-8498
NLD: +31 77 799 8910
APAC: +61 2 7228 1891

Global coverage

Barracuda’s global security experts are divided into teams to provide around-the-clock, real-time
threat monitoring, analysis, and guidance. The location of XDR’s security experts includes North
America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific regions. The organization of the teams can be seen in the
figures below:

Barracuda Networks • Runbook • Security Operations Center (SOC)

Security Operations Center (SOC) Runbook

SOC team roles & responsibilities

Security monitoring

Incident detection

A combination of data feeds provides real-time information with which XDR detects suspicious or
malicious activity in our customer’s environments. Using a variety of tools, XDR aggregates this data
and displays it to our security experts for analysis. Threat analysis is done in real time with SIEM
rules and SOAR stories to alert XDR’s security experts of suspicious activity as quickly as possible to
ensure a prompt response. All XDR rules are mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK Framework to validate
the coverage XDR has for each customer.

Barracuda Networks • Runbook • Security Operations Center (SOC)

Security Operations Center (SOC) Runbook

Incident analysis

Initial analysis of an incident will typically begin with a Level 1 security analyst. The analyst responds
to an alarm in the XDR platform and if necessary, the customer is contacted regarding the incident
(either through a support ticket integration, email, or phone call). The information is displayed in the
Barracuda XDR dashboard regarding the triggered alarm or alert, security threat advisories, and

Extensive analysis of potential intrusions is performed by Level 2 security experts and above within
the SOC’s incident escalation procedure. This capability will usually involve analysis leveraging
various data artifacts to determine the who, what, when, where, and why of an incident to help
facilitate containment, eradication, and recovery from the incident. The security expert will document
the details of this analysis, usually with a recommendation for further action, and include it with each
alarm or alert.

Security incident categories

All XDR rules are mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework. This categorizes the incident into
specific tactics and techniques and includes a corresponding playbook. The playbook ensures XDR
provides the customer with the appropriate investigative actions to gather all pertinent information
and mitigation recommendations. If needed, an additional incident response service will be
conducted to contain the potential breach/incident.

Alert escalation
Alert priority categories

Security alarms and alerts are organized into three priorities based on the level of risk associated
with an incident.

High Risk: Incidents at this level are actionable high-risk events that have the potential to cause
severe damage to customer environments. High-risk events require customers to take immediate
defensive actions. Endpoint threat not contained, privilege escalation, hacking tool detected, and
similar incidents are assigned to this priority level. Please note all high-risk events will be followed up
by a phone call from XDR.

Medium Risk: Incidents at this level also require action be taken, but typically would not lead to
substantial impact as a standalone event. Incidents such as suspicious login events, brute-force
attempt or password spraying, threat intelligence matches, and many more are examples of rules
assigned to this priority level.

Barracuda Networks • Runbook • Security Operations Center (SOC)

Security Operations Center (SOC) Runbook

Low Risk: Incidents in this category involve activity within a customer environment that is valuable
for awareness but may not require action to be taken. User account created, data transfer detected,
password change, and similar events are assigned this priority level.


In accordance with the policies outlined in the individual Service Descriptions, Barracuda XDR
escalates security incidents to the previously established authorized customer contacts as outlined

Note: During a high-risk security alert escalation, Barracuda XDR will attempt to reach the
designated customer contacts until a contact is reached or all escalation contacts have been
exhausted. Those items that require immediate action are prioritized for escalation to the
corresponding customer. Lower-level items are escalated to customers in accordance with the
recommended time to resolve the issue.

Escalation methods

The table below illustrates the escalation methods for each security alert classification.

Alert Classification Primary Method Secondary Method

High Risk Phone call Email or ticket integration

Medium Risk Email or ticket integration N/A

Low Risk Email or ticket integration N/A

False Positive Barracuda XDR Customer Security Dashboard N/A

Escalation path

Barracuda XDR uses a defined escalation path to contact customers during a security incident. This
escalation path includes the order in which to call authorized security contacts, and the phone
numbers Barracuda XDR may use. A security incident escalation that requires immediate action
triggers the call-tree process documented in the corresponding customer profile. Starting with the
primary security contact, Barracuda XDR dials through all provided phone numbers prior to moving to
the secondary contact. The process repeats for each authorized contact in the escalation path until a
customer contact is reached, or all contacts have been exhausted.

Barracuda Networks • Runbook • Security Operations Center (SOC)

Security Operations Center (SOC) Runbook

Incident response guidance

The time to respond to an incident can depend on the scope of the issue at hand. In most scenarios,
a Level 1 security expert will initially process the data provided and decide on what steps to take
next; this may include escalating the issue to a higher Level within the team or simply devising a
client notification. In either situation, the Level 1 security expert will field an initial alarm or notification
from the customer, and then submit the issue to the Level 3 security experts for review. Once an
incident is confirmed, our security experts will immediately open a zoom bridge to initiate the incident
response guidance.

Service level agreement

The goal is to provide our customers best in class response times on security alerts and general
requests managed by Barracuda XDR. The XDR SLA establishes response time objectives based on
risk level for security alarms resulting from the Barracuda XDR platform. The SLA becomes effective
when the enablement process has been completed, and support and management of the services
have been successfully transitioned to “active”.

Service Levels

• 24 hours per day, 365 days per year

• 99.5% service availability of Barracuda XDR services
• Maintenance windows - notification by email of maintenance windows that result in complete
outage or service availability (rolling upgrades or changes that do not affect overall system
uptime are excluded)

Alarm Classification and Escalation Handling

When a rule triggers within the XDR platform, an alarm is created, assigned a specific level of risk,
and escalated to Barracuda XDR security experts and/or customer per an established escalation

Barracuda Networks • Runbook • Security Operations Center (SOC)

Security Operations Center (SOC) Runbook

Escalation Customer
Classification Description Escalation Policy Response
Method Actions

Security incidents XDR will escalate to the Phone call 20 minutes Acknowledge
at this level are designated primary receipt of the
actionable, high- escalation contact via AND security alert
risk events that phone call while issuing immediately
have the potential the security alert to the and confirm it
Email or
to cause severe customer alert distribution is actively
damage to group via email or ticket being
customer integration. Escalations will reviewed.
environments. include information on the
AND If no
type of threat and
Examples: recommendations on response,
mitigation activities. Barracuda Barracuda
• Endpoint XDR XDR will
threat not Dashboard attempt to
If the primary contact is
HIGH RISK contained unreachable, XDR will reach the
attempt to contact the designated
• Privilege customer
escalation additional customer
escalation contacts in contacts until
• Hacking tool priority order until a contact a contact is
detected is reached, or all contacts reached or all
are exhausted. escalation
• Login from contacts have
high-risk been
country In the instance of a true-
positive security alert with
impact to a customer, XDR
will provide guidance
throughout the duration of
the incident. Please refer to
the XDR Incident Response
Plan for more detail.

Security incidents XDR will escalate to the Email or 1 Hour Acknowledge

at this level also customer distribution group ticket receipt of the
require action be via email or ticket integration security alert
taken, but typically integration. Escalations will within 24
would not lead to include information on the AND hours of
substantial impact type of threat and when it was
as a standalone recommendations on issued by
event. mitigation activities. XDR.
Examples: If no
response is
• Suspicious received
login events within 24
• Brute-force hours, a
attempt or follow up to
password the alert will
spray be sent via
• Threat

Barracuda Networks • Runbook • Security Operations Center (SOC)

Security Operations Center (SOC) Runbook

Security alarms at XDR will escalate to the Email or 8 Hours Acknowledge

this level involve customer distribution group ticket receipt of the
activity within a via email or ticket integration security alert
customer integration. Escalations will within 24
environment that is include information on the AND hours of
valuable for type of threat and when it was
awareness but recommendations on issued by
may not require mitigation activities. XDR.
action to be taken. Dashboard
Examples: response is
• User account within 24
created hours, a
• Data transfer follow up to
detected the alert will
be sent via
• Password email.

Customer Request Classification and Handling

All requests, either via email or phone call, coming from customers to Barracuda XDR security
experts are subjected to the below SLA guidelines.

Barracuda XDR will respond to the below mentioned email requests with an initial acknowledgement
to the customer within the below mentioned timeframe.

Request Type First Response Time

Completion Time
General Inquiries 1 Hour 48-72 hours

Endpoint Security Administration/Tuning 1 Hour 24 Hours

Email Security Administration/Tuning 1 Hour 24 Hours

Cloud Security Tuning 1 Hour 24 Hours

Network Security Tuning 1 Hour 24 Hours

Server Security Tuning 1 Hour 24 hours

Threat Analysis/Investigation 1 Hour 48-72 Hours

Rule Creation Request 1 Hour 2.5 weeks

Barracuda Networks • Runbook • Security Operations Center (SOC)

Security Operations Center (SOC) Runbook


Barracuda XDR strives to provide best in class services to our customers by adhering with the
processes and timeframes for communication with our customers as outlined in this document. This
will optimize defense against the ever-changing cybersecurity threat landscape. If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact your account executive or the SOC directly at
[email protected].


Client understands that, although Barracuda XDR’s Services may discuss or relate to legal and/or
compliance issues, Barracuda XDR does not provide legal advice or services, none of Barracuda
XDR’s Services shall be deemed, construed as, or constitute legal advice and that Client is
ultimately responsible for retaining its own legal counsel to provide legal advice. Furthermore, any
written summaries, advisories, alerts, or reports provided by Barracuda Managed XDR in connection
with any Services shall not be deemed to be legal opinions and may not and should not be relied
upon as proof, evidence or any guarantee or assurance as to Client’s legal or regulatory

About Barracuda MSP

As the MSP-dedicated business unit of Barracuda Networks, Barracuda MSP enables IT managed
service providers to offer multi-layered security and data protection services to their customers through
our award-winning products and purpose-built MSP management platforms. Barracuda MSP’s partners-
first approach focuses on providing enablement resources, channel expertise, and robust, scalable MSP
solutions designed around the way managed service providers create solutions and do business. Visit for additional information.

@BarracudaMSP | LinkedIn: BarracudaMSP | | 617.948.5300 | 800.569.0155 |

[email protected]

Barracuda Networks • Runbook • Security Operations Center (SOC)

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