Thermochemisy Worksheet
Thermochemisy Worksheet
Thermochemisy Worksheet
5 Thermochemistry
1. The word standard in molar enthalpy change 5. Among the following the reaction for which
implies ∆H = ∆E is
(a) temperature 298 K and pressure 1 atm. (a) PCl5(g) → PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)
(b) any temperature and pressure 1 atm. (b) H2(g) + Cl2(g) → 2HCl(g)
(c) any temperature and pressure 1 bar. (c) C2H5OH(l) + 3O2(g) → 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(g)
(d) any temperature and pressure. (d) C2H4(g) + H2(g) → C2H6(g)
2. The enthalpy change in a reaction does not 6. The heat capacity of bomb calorimeter is 500
depend upon J/°C. A 2°C rise in temperature has been
(a) the state of reactants and products. observed on the combustion of 0.1 g of methane.
(b) the nature of the reactants and products. What is the value of ∆E per mole of methane?
(c) different intermediate steps in the reaction. (a) 1 kJ (b) 160 kJ
(d) initial and final enthalpy of the system. (c) −160 kJ (d) −1 kJ
3. A quantity of 1.6 g sample of NH4NO3 is 7. For the reaction C(s) + O (g) → CO(g),
decomposed in a bomb calorimeter. The 2
temperature of the calorimeter decreases by 6.0 (a) ∆H > ∆E (b) ∆H < ∆E
K. The heat capacity of the calorimeter system is
(c) ∆H = ∆E (d) |∆H| > |∆E|
1.25 kJ/K. The molar heat of decomposition for
NH4NO3 is 8. The enthalpy of formation of methane(g) at
(a) 7.5 kJ/mol (b) −600 kJ/mol constant pressure is −18,500 cal/mol at 27°C.
The enthalpy of formation at constant volume
(c) −375 kJ/mol (d) 375 kJ/mol
would be
4. The difference between enthalpies of reaction at (a) −19,700 cal (b) −17,300 cal
constant pressure and constant volume for the (c) −18,498.8 cal (d) −18,500 cal
9. When 0.18 g of glucose was burnt in a bomb
10. Geological conditions are sometimes so extreme 11. Study the following thermochemical equations.
that quantities neglected in normal laboratory
experiments take on an overriding importance. A → B; ∆H = +100 kcal
For example, consider the formation of diamond
under geophysically typical conditions. The density B → C; ∆H = −80 kcal
of graphite is 2.4 g/cm3 and that of diamond is The correct order of enthalpies of formation of A,
3.6 g/cm3 at a certain temperature and 500 kbar. B and C is
By how much does ∆Utrans differs from ∆Htrans
(a) A < B < C (b) A < C < B
for the graphite to diamond transition?
(c) C < A < B (d) B < C < A
(a) 83.33 kJ/mol (b) 0.83 kJ/mol
(c) 8.33 × 107 kJ/mol (d) 83.33 J/mol
Enthalpy of Formation
12. The standard enthalpy of formation of a CO2(g) + H2(g) → CO(g) + H2O(g) is
(a) 524.1 (b) 41.2
(a) is always positive.
(c) –262.5 (d) –41.2
(b) is always negative.
(c) is zero. 17. The value of ∆fH° of U3O8(s) is –853.5 kJ mol–1.
(d) may be positive, negative or zero. ∆H° for the reaction
3UO2(s) + O2(g) → U3O8(s)
13. The enthalpy of formation of ammonia gas
is −46.0 kJ/mol. The enthalpy change for the is −76.00 kJ. The value of ∆fH° of UO2(s) is
reaction (a) −259.17 kJ/mol (b) −310.17 kJ/mol
2NH3(g) → N2(g) + 3H2(g) is (c) +259.17 kJ/mol (d) 930.51 kJ/mol
(a) 46.0 kJ (b) 92.0 kJ 18. Given enthalpy of formation of CO 2(g) and
(c) 23.0 kJ (d) −92.0 kJ CaO(s) are −94.0 kJ and −152 kJ, respectively,
14. The enthalpy of formation of HCl(g) from the and the enthalpy of the reaction
following reaction CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)
H2(g) + Cl2(g) → 2HCl(g) + 44 kcal is is 42 kJ. The enthalpy of formation of CaCO3(s) is
(a) −44 kcal mol–1 (b) −22 kcal mol–1 (a) −42 kJ/mol (b) −202 kJ/mol
(c) 22 kcal mol–1 (d) −88 kcal mol–1 (c) +202 kJ/mol (d) −288 kJ/mol
15. Formation of ozone from oxygen is an 19. The standard enthalpies of formation of NH3(g),
endothermic process. In the upper atmosphere, CuO(s) and H2O(l) are −46, −155 and −285 kJ/
ultraviolet is the source of energy that drives the mol, respectively. The enthalpy change when
reaction. Assuming that both the reactions and 6.80 g of NH3 is passed over cupric oxide is
the products of the reaction are in standard (a) −59.6 kJ (b) +59.6 kJ
states, the standard enthalpy of formation of (c) −298 kJ (d) −119.2 kJ
ozone from the following information 20. The standard enthalpies of formation of H 2O(l),
3O2(g) → 2O3(g), ∆Hº = 286 kJ, is Li+(aq) and OH−(aq) are −285.8, −278.5 and
(a) +143 kJ/mol (b) −143 kJ/mol −228.9 kJ/mol, respectively. The standard enthalpy
(c) +286 kJ/mol (d) −286 kJ/mol change for the below reaction is
2Li(s) + 2H O(l) → 2Li+(aq) + 2OH−(aq) + H (g)
16. The ∆fHo for CO2(g), CO(g) and H2O(g) are
−393.5, −110.5 and −241.8 kJ mol–1, 2 2
respectively. The standard enthalpy change (in (a) +443.2 kJ (b) −443.2 kJ
kJ) for the reaction (c) −221.6 kJ (d) +221.6 kJ
Enthalpy of Combustion
21. The standard enthalpy of combustion of solid Enthalpy of combustion of hexane can be
boron is numerically equal to predicted as
(a) ∆ o (a) −840 kcal mol–1 (b) −684 kcal mol–1
H B2 O3 ( s) (b) ∆ H Bo2 O3 ( s)
2 f
(c) −1000 kcal mol–1 (d) −500 kcal mol–1
(c) − ∆ 1
H Bo2 O3 (s) (d) − ∆ Ho
B2 O3 ( s) 28. For a specific work, on an average a person
2 requires 5616 kJ of energy. How many kilograms
22. The heat evolved in the combustion of glucose of glucose must be consumed if all the required
C H O is −680 kcal/mol. The mass of CO 2 energy has to be derived from glucose only?
6 12 6 ∆H for combustion of glucose is −2808 kJ mol–1.
produced, when 170 kcal of heat is evolved in
the combustion of glucose is (a) 0.720 kg (b) 0.36 kg
(a) 45 g (b) 66 g (c) 0.18 kg (d) 1.0 kg
(c) 11 g (d) 44 g 29. Benzene burns in oxygen according to the
23. The standard molar enthalpy of formation of CO2 following reactions.
is equal to C H (l) + O (g) → 3H O(l) + 6CO (g)
6 6 2 2 2
(a) zero
If the standard enthalpies of formation of C6H6(l),
(b) the standard molar enthalpy of combustion H2O(l) and CO2(g) are 11.7, −68.1 and −94 kcal/
of gaseous carbon. mole, respectively, the amount of heat that will
(c) the sum of standard molar enthalpies of liberate by burning 780 g of benzene is
formation of CO and O2.
(a) 7800 kcal (b) 780 kcal
(d) the standard molar enthalpy of combustion
(c) 78 kcal (d) 608.4 kcal
of carbon (graphite).
30. The enthalpy of combustion at 25°C of H 2(g),
24. Heat evolved in the complete combustion of
cyclohexane(l) and cyclohexene(l) are −241, −3920
1.026 kg sucrose at constant pressure will be
and −3800 kJ/ mol, respectively. The enthalpy of
C12H22O11(s) + 12O2(g) → 12CO2(g) hydrogenation of cyclohexene(l) is
+ 11H2O(l); ∆H = −5.65 × 10 kJ 3
(a) −121 kJ/mol (b) +121 kJ/mol
(a) 1.695 × 10 kJ 4
(b) 5.65 × 10 kJ 3 (c) −242 kJ/mol (d) +242 kJ/mol
(c) 1.883 × 103 kJ (d) 3.22 × 104 kJ 31. The enthalpy change involved in the oxidation of
glucose is −2880 kJ/mol. Twenty five per cent of
25. Enthalpies of combustion of CH4, C2H4 and C2H6 this energy is available for muscular work. If 100
are −890, −1411 and −1560 kJ/ mole, kJ of muscular work is needed to walk 1 km,
respectively. Which has the highest fuel value what is the maximum distance that a person will
(heat produced per gram of the fuel)? be able to walk after eating 120 g of glucose?
(a) CH4 (b) C2H6 (a) 19.2 km (b) 9.6 km
(c) C2H4 (d) All are same (c) 2.4 km (d) 4.8 km
33. For the allotropic change represented by the (a) 1.9 kJ in case of graphite.
equation C(graphite) → C(diamond); ∆H = +1.9
(b) 1.9 kJ in case of diamond.
kJ. If 6.0 g of diamond and 6.0 g of graphite is
burnt completely in separate experiments, then (c) 0.95 kJ in case of diamond.
the heat liberated will be higher by (d) 0.95 kJ in case of graphite.
Enthalpy of Neutralization
34. Equal volumes of one molar hydrochloric acid 37. Under identical conditions, how many millilitres
and one molar sulphuric acid are neutralized of 1 M-KOH and 2 M-H2SO4 solutions are
completely by dilute NaOH solution by which required to produce a resulting volume of 100 ml
X and Y kcal of heat are liberated, respectively. with the highest rise in temperature?
Which of the following is true?
(a) 80, 20 (b) 20, 80
(a) X = Y (b) 2X = Y
(c) 60, 40 (d) 50, 50
(c) X = 2Y (d) 4X = Y
35. Enthalpy of neutralization of oxalic acid is −25.4 38. Enthalpy of neutralization of the reaction
kcal/mol using strong base, NaOH. Enthalpy between CH3COOH(aq) and NaOH(aq) is
change for the process H2C2O4(aq) → 2H+(aq) + −13.2 kcal/ eq and that of the reaction between
C O 2–(aq) is about H2SO4(aq) and KOH(aq) is −13.7 kcal/eq. The
2 4
enthalpy of
dissociation of CH3COOH(aq) is
(a) 2.0 kcal (b) −11.7 kcal
(a) −0.5 kcal eq–1 (b) +0.5 kcal eq–1
(c) 1.0 kcal (d) 4.0 kcal
(c) −26.9 kcal eq–1 (d) +13.45 kcal eq–1
36. A solution of 500 ml of 2 M-KOH is added
to 500 ml of 2 M-HCl and the mixture is well
39. Enthalpy of neutralization of H3PO3 by NaOH is
shaken. The rise in temperature T1 is noted. The
experiment is again performed using 250 ml of −106.68 kJ/mol. If the enthalpy of neutralization
KOH solution and 500 ml of HCl solution and of HCl by NaOH is −55.84 kJ/mol, then the
rise in temperature T2 is again noted. Which of ∆Hionization of H3PO3 into its ions is
the following is correct? (a) 50.84 kJ/mol (b) 5 kJ/mol
(a) T1 = T2 (c) 10 kJ/mol (d) 2.5 kJ/mol
(b) T1 is 2 times as larger as T2.
(c) T2 is twice larger as T1.
(d) T1 is 1.5 times as larger as T2.
Hess’s Law
(c) 2X − Y (d) Y − 2X
(c) −2396.1 kJ (d) −2176.1 kJ
42. Calculate ∆fH for ZnSO4(s) from the following 46. Based on the following thermochemical equations,
H2O(g) + C(s) → CO(g) + H2(g): ∆H = 131 kJ
ZnS(s) → Zn(s) + S (rhombic), ∆H1
CO(g) + ½ O2(g) → CO2(g): ∆H = −282 kJ
= 44 kcal/mol
H2(g) + ½ O2(g) → H2O(g): ∆H = −242 kJ
2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) → 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g), ∆H2 =
−221.88 kcal/mol C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g): ∆H = X kJ
From the following data, calculate the enthalpy 2Zn(s) + O2(g) → 2ZnO(s): ∆G = −480 kJ
change for the combustion of diborane.
The ∆G for the reaction 2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) →
2B(s) + 3/2 O2(g) → B2O3(s): ∆H = −1273 kJ/mol 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g) will be
H2(g) + 1/2 O2(g) → H2O(l): ∆H = −286 kJ/mol (a) −357 kJ (b) −731 kJ
H2O(l) → H2O(g): ∆H = 44 kJ/mol (c) −773 kJ (d) −229 kJ
2B(s) + 3H (g) → B H (g): ∆H = 36 kJ/mol 57. For the following reaction,
2 2 6 C H O (s) + 6O (g) → 6CO (g) + 6H O(l)
6 12 6 2 2 2
(a) −2167 kJ/mol (b) −1478 kJ/mol
which of the following expression is incorrect?
(c) −2035 kJ/mol (d) −1999 kJ/mol
(a) ∆H°reaction = 6∆fHo(CO2, g)
+ 6∆fHo(H2O, l) – 6∆fHo(C6H12O6, s)
53. Calculate the enthalpy of formation (in kcal/mol)
of anhydrous Al2Cl6 from the following data. (b) ∆G°reaction = 6∆fGo(CO2, g) + 6∆fGo(H2O, l ) –
6∆fGo(C6H12O6, s)
2Al(s) + 6HCl(aq) → Al2Cl6(aq) + 3H2(g): (c) ∆S°reaction = 6S°(CO2, g) + 6S°(H2O, l) –
∆H = −239.760 kcal 6S°(C6H 12O 6, s)
H2(g) + Cl2(g) → 2HCl(g): ∆H = −44 kcal (d) ∆S°reaction = 6S°(CO2, g) + 6S°(H2O, l) –
S°(C6H12O6, s) – 6S°(O2, g)
HCl(g) + aq → HCl(aq): ∆H = −17.315 kcal
58. Calculate the free energy change for the reaction:
Al2Cl6(s) + aq → Al2Cl6(aq): ∆H = −153.690 kcal H2(g) + Cl2(g) → 2HCl(g) by using the
following data at the reaction temperature of
(a) −371.76 (b) −321.960
(c) −218.07 (d) −525.45
60. Calculate the standard free energy change for the Species CH4(g) O2(g) CO2(g) H2O(l)
ionization HF(aq) → H+(aq) + F–(aq) from the ∆ fH o / −74.5 0 −393.5 −286.0
following data. (kJ mol–1)
HF(aq) → HF(g): ∆G° = 23.9 kJ S° / 186 205 216 70
(JK–1 mol–1)
HF(g) → H(g) + F(g): ∆G° = 555.1 kJ
H(g) → H+(g) + e: ∆G° = 1320.2 kJ (a) −891.0 kJ/mol (b) −240 kJ/mol
(c) −819 kJ/mol (d) −963 kJ/mol
Bond Enthalpy
62. ∆fHo for NF3(g) is −113 kJ/mol. Bond energy for
65. Heat absorbed in the reaction H (g) + Cl (g) →
2 2
the N–F bond is 273.5 kJ/mol. The bond energies 2HCl(g) is 182 kJ. Bond energies of H–H = 430
of N2 and F2, if their magnitudes are in the ratio kJ/mole and Cl–Cl = 242 kJ/mole. The H–Cl bond
6:1, are respectively, energy is
(a) 822.6, 137.1 kJ/mol (a) 763 kJ/mole (b) 245 kJ/mole
(b) 979.8, 163.3 kJ/mol
(c) 336 kJ/mole (d) 154 kJ/mole
(c) 943.33, 157.22 kJ/mol
(d) 762.6, 127.1 kJ/mol 66. ∆H for the reaction 2C(s) + 3H2(g)
→ C2H6(g) is –20.24 kcal/mol. The bond
63. Among the following, for which reaction the heat
of reaction represents bond energy of HCl? energies (in kcal/mol) of C–C, C–H and H–
H are 63,
(a) HCl(g) → H(g) + Cl(g)
85.6 and 102.6, respectively. The enthalpy of
(b) 2HCl(g) → H2(g) + Cl2(g) sublimation of C(s) is
(c) HCl(g) → ½ H2(g) + ½ Cl2(g)
(a) 124.3 kcal/mol (b) 185.3 kcal/mol
(d) HCl(g) → H+(g) + Cl–(g)
(c) 158.3 kcal/mol (d) 211.5 kcal/mol
CH3I(g) → CH3(g) + I(g): ∆H = 54.0 kcal 78. The lattice energy of solid NaCl is 180 kcal/mol.
CH4(g) + I2(s) → CH3I(g) + HI(g): ∆H = 29.0 kcal The dissolution of the solid in water, in the form
of ions is endothermic to the extent of 1kcal/
HI(g) → H(g) + I(g): ∆H = 79.8 kcal
mol. If the solvation energies of Na+ and Cl– ions
I2(s) → 2I(g): ∆H = 51.0 kcal are in the ratio 6:5, then what is the enthalpy of
(a) 125.2 kcal/mol (b) 91.7 kcal/mol hydration of sodium ion?
(c) 101.9 kcal/mol (d) 111.8 kcal/mol (a) −85.6 kcal/mol (b) −97.6 kcal/mol
(c) 82.6 kcal/mol (d) 100 kcal/mol
5.1 Chapter 5