7 Investigation On The Mechanical Properties 2019

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Investigation on the mechanical properties

of sisal – Banana hybridized natural fiber

composites with distinct weight fractions
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2128, 020029 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5117941
Published Online: 23 July 2019

A. Arul Marcel Moshi, S. Madasamy, S. R. Sundara Bharathi, P. Periyanayaganathan, and Aravind



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AIP Conference Proceedings 2128, 020029 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5117941 2128, 020029

© 2019 Author(s).
Investigation on the Mechanical Properties of Sisal – Banana
Hybridized Natural Fiber Composites with Distinct Weight
A. Arul Marcel Moshi1,a), S. Madasamy2, S.R. Sundara Bharathi1,
P. Periyanayaganathan1, Aravind Prabaharan1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National College of Engineering, Maruthakulam, Tamil Nadu, India.
Corresponding author email: [email protected]

Abstract. Natural fiber composites have attracted significant response in the field of structural mechanics for more than a
decade since they hold varieties of desirable advantages. They exhibit comparably minimal amount of pollution effect to
the environment. Because of being with great strength to weight ratio, different kind of research works with different
kind of natural fibers have been made by the researchers for many specific application areas. In the proposed work, sisal
and banana natural fibers have been hybridized with the distributing medium of epoxy resin under three different
combinations to form the composite structures. Mechanical strength analyses were performed on the proposed composite
specimens such as tensile strength and flexural strength tests. Numerical analyses have also been made for ensuring the
experimental results. Grey Relational Analysis has been performed with the results of the two mechanical strength tests
to identify the best combination among the three which yields good mechanical property under all tensile and flexural
loading conditions.

Keywords: sisal fiber, banana fiber, hybridization, mechanical strength tests, Numerical analysis, Grey Relational

Hybridization works are usually performed to achieve consolidated advantages from the constituents. In the area
of composites also, various hybridization works have been undergone by the researchers. Genilson Cunha de
Oliveira Filho analyzed the effect of hybridized piassava and E-Glass fibers on the mechanical properties to
compare the properties with the composite specimens prepared with the individual piassava fiber and E-Glass fiber
materials. The authors reported from the uniaxial tensile test that the hybridization did not influence on the stress –
strain curve [1]. G.Cicala et al. tested the hybridization effect of glass fiber with flax, kenaf and hemp natural fibers
for testing the properties to use the composite structure for the curved pipe applications. It was observed that twenty
percentage of cost reduction and nearly 23 % of weight reduction with the proposed hybridized composite structures
in comparison to theproposed individual natural fiber composites [2]. A.Karakoti et al. explained the numerical
modeling of hybridized composite structures. The test results revealed that the improved flexural strength of
hybridized natural fiber composite structures can be achieved by increasing the ratio of side to length [3]. Yihui Pan
et al. investigated on the effect of hybridizing hemp natural fiber with the synthetic glass fibers on mechanical
degradation and moisture absorption capability. It was shown that increasing the proportion of synthetic fiber helps
to reduce the speed as well as the amount of the moisture absorption [4]. R.Giridharan et al. hybridized Ramie fiber
with glass fiber with two different weight ratios and evaluated various mechanical properties. Morphological study
also was performed with the aid of Scanning Electron Microscope. The experimental results revealed that the
hybridized composite specimen with 20 weight percentage of ramie fiber and the glass fiber held improved tensile

International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Machining 2019

AIP Conf. Proc. 2128, 020029-1–020029-9; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5117941
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1870-7/$30.00

strength which was 1.44 % than the glass fiber reinforced composites and 69.9% than the ramie fiber reinforced
composites [5]. J.Naveen et al developed sisal – glass hybrid composite and evaluated their mechanical properties.
The authors reviewed many quality research articles to study the effect of hybridization of several natural fibers with
sisal fiber and reported the improvement in the mechanical strength [6].
A.Atiqah et al analyzed the thermal properties of the sugar palm – glass hybrid composite structure. The authors
reported that the hybridization of sugar palm fiber with glass fiber improved the thermal properties which make the
proposed hybrid structure for automotive applications [7]. MehmetBulut et al. carried out quasi –static penetration
tests with the Kevlar, carbon and S-glass hybrid composite specimens. The combination of hybridized composite
structures made up with different weight ratios showed distinct results in strength [8]. M.R.Ricciardi et al. tested the
impact property on the hybridized flax – basalt hybrid composite structure by modifying the stacking sequence of
the laminates. It was palpable from the experimental results that the stacking sequence of the laminates affected the
mechanical properties of the composite structure [9]. V.P.Arathanarieswaran et al. evaluated the effect of
hybridization of sisal and banana fibers with glass fiber on the tensile and flexural properties. It was noted from the
output results that the tensile strength was improved with 2 and 3 numbers of glass fibers as 2.34 and 4.13 times
from one layer respectively [10]. N.Venkateshwaran et al. fabricated sisal and banana hybrid composite structures
and predicted their tensile properties for different combinations. It was reported from the results that the addition of
sisal fiber with the banana fiber helped to improve the tensile strength by 54% along the linear direction and 66% in
the lateral direction [11]. RidhwanJumaidin et al. researched on the physical, mechanical and thermal property
analyses with the sugar palm starch agar – seaweed hybrid composite structures. It was showed that the impact
resistance and the flexural strength of the hybrid composite structure got improved with increasing the proportion of
the sugar palm fiber [12].
From the extended literature survey, it was noted that several attempts have been made with the natural fibers by
hybridizing them in different weight ratios, different stacking sequences and with synthetic fibers also. In the
proposed work, it has been planned to analyze the mechanical properties of a hybridized composite structure which
should be made up only with natural fibers.


Banana and sisal natural fibers have been chosen for the proposed analysis because of their abundance of
availability in nature. Also both the chosen fibers have comparably good mechanical characteristics among the
natural fibers reported by various researchers. Banana fiber has less density than that of the glass fibers. Also, it
holds good moisture absorption property and biodegradability. The physical and mechanical properties are presented
in table 1; and chemical composition of sisal and banana fibers is detailed in table 2 [10].

TABLE 1. Physical and mechanical properties of sisal and banana fibers

S.No. Properties Sisal Fiber Banana Fiber
1. Mass Density (kg/m3) 1450 1350
2. Tensile strength (MPa) 67 56
3. Modulus of elasticity (GPa) 3.7 3.5
4. Flexural strength (GPa) 13.5 4

TABLE 2. Chemical compositions of sisal and banana fibers

S.No. Constituents Sisal Fiber Banana Fiber
1. Cellulose (%) 66 62
2. Hemicelluose (%) 13 18
3. Lignin (%) 10 5
4. Moisture content (%) 10 11

Epoxy resin was selected as the matrix medium for preparing the composite structures due to having great heat
and chemical resistance characteristics. Also, it helps the supports in achieving higher shear strength values. The
basic mechanical properties of the epoxy resin are listed in table 3.

TABLE 3. Mechanical properties of epoxy resin
S.No. Properties Values
1. Modulus of Elasticity (MPa) 3500
2. Poissons ratio 0.33

Extraction of Natural Fibers

Banana fiber was extracted from the pseudo stems of banana trees. The collected fibers were immersed in water
for about 15 days. After that, the fibers were treated with 5% NaOH solution for nearly 4 hours. Followed by, the
solution treated fibers were dried in an oven having 1050C for 24 hours after getting washed with the help of tap
water. Similarly, sisal fibers were extracted from the sisal plantleaves with the help of water retting process. After
the extraction process, the sisal fibers were chopped and cleaned with the help of benzene – ethanol in the ratio of
2:1. After that, the fibers were solution treated with 5% NaOH; and then dried at 60 0C vaccum condition until all the
water contents got dried. The extracted fibers ready for the fabrication process are shown in figures 1 and 2.

FIGURE 1. Extracted banana fiber FIGURE 2. Extracted Sisal fiber

Hybrid composite specimens were prepared with three different composition of sisal fiber (S), banana fiber (B)
and epoxy resin (E) as (20%S – 15%B – 65%E, 25%S – 10%B – 65%E and 30%S – 5%B – 65%E). The specimens
were fabricated with the help of compression moulding machine. The fiber and matrix media were taken with the
proposed weight percentages and they were placed inside a steel die of dimension 180 mm X 160 mm X 3 mm; and
then the die was compressed by placing in the compression moulding set up for about 4 to 5 hours. The suitable
hardener was also been used for the resin medium. Figure 3 shows the compression moulding machine in which the
specimens were prepared. Figure 4 explains the preparation of composite specimen with the aid of compression
moulding. After the curing time, the specimens were extracted from the die materials. The extracted composite
specimen is shown in figure 5.

Tensile Test
The extracted specimens were then converted into dog bone shape with dimensions (165 mm X 13 mm X 3 mm)
for carrying out tensile test (ASTM standard). The sample tensile test specimen with the ASTM standard and the
specimens broken during the tensile tests are shown in the figures 6 and 7 respectively.

FIGURE 3. Compression molding machine FIGURE 4. Compression molding process

FIGURE 5. Extracted composite specimen from the die FIGURE 6. Tensile test specimen with ASTM standard dimensions

FIGURE 7. Composite specimens after the tensile test

Flexural strength test
The flexural strength, i.e., the resistivity against bending under 3 – point loading condition was measured by
placing the specimens between the loading rollers. The flexural testing set up, the flexural specimen with ASTM
standard and the flexural tested specimens are presented in figure 8, 9 and 10 respectively.

FIGURE 8. Flexural Testing Set up FIGURE 9. Flexural specimen with ASTM standard dimensions

FIGURE 10. Flexural tested specimens

Numerical Analysis

Numerical analysis was carried out with Ansys software to validate the experimental results. The composite
specimens were modeled in the Ansys software itself for analysis by developing the same stacking sequence as with

the experimental analysis. The input details were fed for the analysis by the calculated values from the rule of
mixture for each combination.

Grey Relational Analysis

Grey Relational Analysis was performed for the purpose of identifying the best combination from the proposed
three combinations which yields better results for both tensile and flexural tests.


The tensile and flexural strength results of the tested specimens are presented in table 4.

TABLE 4.Tensile and flexural strength test results

Tensile strength Flexural strength
S. No. Composition of specimens % of Elongation
(MPa) (MPa)
1. 20% S – 15% B – 65% E 32.19 2.64 41.86
2. 25% S – 10% B – 65% E 31.68 1.69 46.61
3. 30% S –5% B – 65% E 23.13 1.58 47.63

The numerical results for the displacement values under the maximum loading conditions noted from the
experimental analysis for the combination 20% S – 15% B – 65% E is presented in figure 11.

FIGURE 11. Displacement results for 20% S – 15% B – 65% E composition

The results of experimental and numerical analyses were compared and the comparison table is presented in
table 5. The numerical result of flexural strength analysis for the composition - 20% S – 15% B – 65% E is shown in
the figure 12. The comparison of numerical and experimental analyses for the flexural strength test is represented in
table 6.

TABLE 5.Comparison of experimental and numerical analyses for tensile test
% of elongation % of elongation
S. No. Composition of specimen % of deviation
(Experimental) (Numerical)
1. 20% S – 15% B – 65% E 2.64 2.446 7.35
2. 25% S – 10% B – 65% E 1.69 1.799 6.45
3. 30% S –5% B – 65% E 1.58 1.7 7.59

FIGURE 12. Flexural strength result for 20% S – 15% B – 65% E composition

TABLE 6.Comparison of experimental and numerical analysis results for flexural strength

Composition of specimen Experimental (MPa) Numerical (MPa) % of deviation

1. 20% S – 15% B – 65% E 41.86 41.869 0.02
2. 25% S – 10% B – 65% E 46.61 46.611 2.15×10-3
3. 30% S –5% B – 65% E 47.63 47.363 0.56

Tensile strength is higher for the first composition (20% S – 15% B – 65% E); whereas flexural strength was
found to be higher for the third composition (30% S –5% B – 65% E). Hence, Grey Relational Analysis was
performed with the experimental results to suggest a single composition for obtaining better results for both tensile
strength (TS) and flexural strength (FS) optimally. The normalized values of tensile and flexural strength tests are
calculated with the help of equation 1 and the normalized values are presented in table 7.

Normalized value = (1)

The deviation sequences of the measured output responses for each input combinations were measured just by
subtracting each value from ‘1’.

TABLE 7. Normalized values of tensile and flexural results

% of
% of Sisal Tensile Flexural Normalized values
Sl. No Fiber Strength Strength
fiber Tensile Flexural
(%) (MPa) (MPa)
(%) Strength Strength
1 20 15 32.19 41.86 1.000 0.000
2 25 10 31.68 46.61 0.944 0.823
3 30 5 23.13 47.63 0.000 1.000

Grey Relational Coefficient values were then predicted with the help of formula detailed in equation 2.
( ∗ )
Grey Relational Coefficient = (2)
( ∗ )
Where, - Distinguishing coefficient, which is normally taken as 0.5
Followed by, Grey Relational Grades were calculated by taking the average of grey relational coefficients of the
output responses. Table 8 holds the values of deviation sequences (DS), Grey relational coefficients (GRC) and
Grey relational grades (GRG). Then, the ranking was done from the maximum to minimum values of Grey relational
TABLE 8. Deviation Sequences, Grey Relational Coefficients and Grey Relational Grade values of the output responses
% of % of Deviation
S. No. GRC
Sisal Banana Sequences GRG Rank
Fiber fiber TS TS FS FS
1 20 15 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.333 0.667 2
2 25 10 0.056 0.177 0.899 0.739 0.819 1
3 30 5 1.000 0.000 0.333 1.000 0.667 2

With the obtained Grey Relational Grade values mean effect plots were drawn for the mean values and the speed
to noise ratio values, which are provided in figures 13 and 14 respectively. Mean effect plots were drawn with the
help of minitab software version 14.0. The minitab results revealed that the 2 nd composition (25% of sisal fiber +
10% of banana fiber + 65% of epoxy resin) should be suggested to attain the better results for tensile and flexural
loading simultaneously.

Main Effects Plot (data means) for Means Main Effects Plot (data means) for SN ratios
% of sisal fiber % of banana fiber % of sisal fiber % of banana fiber
0.825 -1.5

Mean of SN ratios

Mean of Means

0.750 -2.5



0.650 20 25 30 5 10 15
20 25 30 5 10 15 Signal-to-noise: Larger is better

FIGURE 13. Mean effect plot for the mean values of GRG FIGURE 14. Mean effect plot for the S/N ratio values of GRG

Hybrid composite specimens were prepared under three different combinations with sisal and banana natural
fibers also with epoxy resin (20% / 15% / 65%), (25% / 10% / 65%) and (30% / 5% / 65%). The following findings
were noted from the research results.
x Tensile strength gets improved by adding banana fiber with more proportion.
x Flexural strength value can be improved by decreasing the proportion of banana fiber.
x Grey Relational Analysis results revealed that the 2ndcomposition would give nominal results for both the
strength analyses, in which combination (25% of sisal fiber + 10% of banana fiber + 65% of epoxy resin),
the tensile strength result was noted as and flexural strength result was 31.68 MPa and 46.61 MPa

The corresponding author would like to express his deepest gratitude to the management of National Engineering
College, Kovilpatti, who are constantly motivating us to do quality research works and to have quality publications.

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