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Materials System Specification

04-SAMSS-056 1 September 2015

Valves and Choke Test Requirements, ISO 10423
Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee

Table of Contents

1 Scope…………………………………………… 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations……………………… 2
3 References……………………………………... 2
4 Abbreviations and Definitions………………… 3
5 Notes to Buyer…………………………………. 3
6 Test Requirements……………………………. 3
Appendix A - Modified Gas Seat Leakage
Rate Acceptance Criteria…………. 8

Previous Issue: New Next Planned Update: 1 September 2018

Primary contact: Meehan, Martin Finbar (meehanmf) on +966-13-8809668 Page 1 of 8

Copyright© Saudi Aramco 2015. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-056
Issue Date: 1 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2018 Valves and Choke Test Requirements, ISO 10423

1 Scope

This material specification together with the purchase order defines the minimum test
requirements for ISO 10423 on/off valves, check valves, and chokes classified under
04-SAMSS’s for onshore and offshore applications downstream of the wellhead and
tree assembly.

This specification is not applicable to valves classified under 34-SAMSS’s and


2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Any conflicts between this specification and other applicable Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirements or industry standards, codes, and forms shall
be resolved in writing by the Company or buyer representative through the
Valves Standards Committee Chairman (VSCC), Consulting Services
Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to the Company or
buyer representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the VSCC, Consulting Services Department of Saudi
Aramco, Dhahran.

3 References

Material or equipment supplied to this specification shall comply with the latest edition
of the references listed below unless otherwise noted:

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications

04-SAMSS-049 Inspection and Testing Requirements, Valves and
Chokes, ISO 10423
04-SAMSS-055 General Valve and Choke Requirements, ISO 10423

Saudi Aramco Inspection and Testing Requirement Forms

175-000003 Instructions and Explanation of Requirements
175-043000 Valve Material Certification Requirements

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Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-056
Issue Date: 1 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2018 Valves and Choke Test Requirements, ISO 10423

175-045600 Valves & Chokes: ISO 10423 for Use Downstream

of the Wellhead and Tree

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

ANSI/FCI 70-2 Control Valve Seat Leakage

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO 10423 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Drilling
and Production Equipment - Wellhead and
ISO 14313 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Pipeline
Transportation Systems - Pipeline Valves
ISO 5208 Industrial Valves - Pressure Testing of Metallic

4 Acronyms and Definitions

See 04-SAMSS-055, Section 4.

5 Notes to Buyer

See 04-SAMSS-055, Section 5.

6 Test Requirements

6.1 Valves and chokes shall meet the requirements of Saudi Aramco Inspection
Requirements Form 175-043000 and 175-045600.

6.2 All pressure and functional testing shall be performed at the manufacturing
facility which has been approved by company for the applicable valve/choke
9COM. The valve/choke vendor shall be responsible for providing all necessary
facilities, equipment and personnel for conducting all the required testing.

6.3 Seat and stem injection features shall not be used before or during testing,
except for lubricated plug valves.

6.4 Preparation for valve seat testing shall be in accordance with ISO 14313,
Section 11.4.1, unless otherwise agreed.

6.5 Drain and vent valves which form part of the scope of supply shall be part of the
main valve during testing.

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Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-056
Issue Date: 1 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2018 Valves and Choke Test Requirements, ISO 10423

6.6 Antistatic features shall be tested per ISO 14313, Section B.5.

6.7 The assembly shall be free from longitudinal restraints during testing.

6.8 The end connections shall be fitted with mating blind connections, adapted to
include appropriately positioned test connection ports, which shall subject the
valve to full end loads and which subject all process wetted sealing surfaces,
including end connection seal grooves, to full test pressures during testing.

6.9 Hydrostatic test fluid shall be clean fresh water, or equivalent, and shall contain
suitable corrosion inhibitors, with viscosity equal or less than water.
The chloride content of test fluid in contact with austenitic and duplex stainless
steel shall not exceed 30 μg/g (30 ppm by mass).

The vendor shall have a documented water quality specification. The chloride content
and pH levels shall be measured and recorded at least once every three months.
The test records shall be made available to the company inspector upon request.

6.10 Each valve and choke shall be tested per the requirements of ISO 10423 and the
PSL specified in 04-SAMSS-055, Section 9.9. When the PSL requirement
specified on the datasheet is more stringent the datasheet shall take precedence.

6.11 Each valve and choke shall be submerged in a water bath during all gas shell
and gas seat testing per ISO 10423.

6.12 Each valve seat shall be subjected to individual seat testing per the ISO 10423
PSL specified where the “other side” is defined as the volume immediately
beyond the seat under test.
Note: As an example, monitoring, leakage detection and measurement shall be from
a body cavity port for a trunnion mounted single ball valve when testing a single
piston effect seat when one end connection is pressurized.

6.13 Functional tests of all valves shall be conducted, with the operator installed,
against full differential pressure between the first and second hydrostatic seat

6.14 The maximum allowable seat leakage rate during ISO 10423 high pressure (HP)
gas seat testing and low pressure (LP) gas seat testing may be amended for metal
seated valves in accordance with Appendix A unless more stringent
requirements are specified.

HP gas seat leakage acceptance tests shall be performed with the valve
submerged in a water bath using the test pressures, test medium and hold periods
per the specified ISO 10423 PSL.

Page 4 of 8
Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-056
Issue Date: 1 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2018 Valves and Choke Test Requirements, ISO 10423

LP gas seat leakage acceptance tests shall be performed with the valve
submerged in a water bath using the test pressures, test medium and hold periods
per the specified ISO 10423 PSL. Monoflange, Ball, TwinBall and Needle
valves shall be subjected to LP gas seat leakage acceptance testing at a pressure
between 80 psi and 100 psi (5.5 bar and 6.9 bar).

6.15 Valves specified with special features (e.g., DBB, double piston effect seat ring,
etc.) shall have the specific feature fully tested.
Note: As an example, each seat which provides bi-directional sealing features shall
be subjected to seat leakage testing in both directions to test the bi-directional
feature, and the operator performance shall be tested under the various seat
loading combinations.

6.16 When agreed with company, Monoflange and TwinBall valves which are
specified and designed such that only one end connection can be connected to
process piping may have seat testing conducted in one direction only. In such
cases each seat shall be tested from inlet to outlet.

6.17 Cavity relief testing shall be performed per ISO 14313, Section B.8.

6.18 Each valve with back seat features shall be subjected to back seat testing per
ISO 10423 per the specified PSL.

6.19 Chokes with cage and/or disk style trims shall be subjected to a breakout test
against the full differential hydrostatic test pressure. The breakout test shall be
followed by a seat leakage test per ANSI/FCI 70-2 with Class IV seat leakage
acceptance criteria as standard and Class V when specified. Seat leakage testing
shall not be performed prior to the breakout test.
Note: Needle style chokes are exempt from the above seat testing. Chokes are
exempt from ISO 10423 seat testing.

6.20 Valves specified for flare system isolation service, regardless of size, shall
receive low pressure pneumatic seat tests at 5 psig.

6.21 The vendor shall ensure that any leakage cannot escape detection during each
test and that the test arrangement is sufficient for testing the assembly features
for the specified service and installation orientation.

Valves and chokes with bores equal to, or larger than, 4-1/16” shall be tested in
the orientation specified on the datasheet. Where this requirement would result
in an operator been submerged during gas testing the vendor may submit an
alternative test proposal which shall be subject to VSCC evaluation and

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Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-056
Issue Date: 1 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2018 Valves and Choke Test Requirements, ISO 10423

6.22 The seat leakage monitoring, detection and measurement method shall be
appropriate for accurate detection and measurement of any leakage for the
configuration being tested. The method shall be clearly documented in the
vendors test procedure. All measurement equipment shall be calibrated for the
test medium and shall be appropriate for the leakage acceptance criteria.

6.23 The vendor shall be capable of demonstrating the suitability of the test setup and
method for accurate detection of any leakage upon company request.
Where the leakage detection method or procedure is found to be unsuitable for
detecting and measuring leakage (e.g., leakage must fill or pressurize a cavity
before been detected, all stem seal leakage is not detectable during testing, the
position of assembly and connections are not appropriate) the vendor shall retest
each assembly using an appropriate procedure.

6.24 Full bore valves shall be subject to a drift test after the completion of all
pressure and functional testing.

6.25 Stroking times for power operated assemblies shall be recorded under the
specified operating and design conditions to demonstrate that the assembly is in
compliance with the specified requirements. The results shall be recorded on
the test record sheet.

6.26 Valves and chokes shall be tested in the sequence shown in the vendor’s written
test procedure which shall account for all the specified testing. The procedure
shall comply with the sequences specified by ISO 10423. Procedures shall
contain a structured test record sheet. Procedures shall include a sketch which
shows the main sections of the valve (e.g., A: End, C: Cavity, B: End). The test
record sheet shall be structured to match the order of testing in the procedure.
The test record sheet shall identify which section(s) of the valve is under
pressure during each test and which section is been used for leakage monitoring
and detection.

6.27 A valve/choke which fails a test may be retested only once on the condition
that the reason for the initial failure is investigated, addressed and documented.
The non-conformance report shall be provided to the buyer’s inspection
representative for review.

The reworked valve/choke shall be subject to the full sequence of testing starting
from the hydrostatic shell test. In the event that the reworked valve/choke fails
any portion of testing the vendor shall provide the root cause analysis, the
proposed solution, and the proposed disposition in report format to the buyers
inspection representative for acceptance prior to any further testing been
performed on the reworked valve/choke.

Page 6 of 8
Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-056
Issue Date: 1 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2018 Valves and Choke Test Requirements, ISO 10423

6.28 The end connection seal grooves shall be inspected by the vendor after testing.
The vendor shall be responsible for ensuring the sealing grooves, surfaces and
finish are in the as new condition.

6.29 Each assembly shall be drained, dried and preserved after pressure testing per
04-SAMSS-055, Section 18.

Revision Summary
1 September 2015 New Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification.

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Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-056
Issue Date: 1 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2018 Valves and Choke Test Requirements, ISO 10423

Appendix A - Modified Gas Seat Leakage Rate Acceptance Criteria

Valve Type Valve Bore Seat Type HP Gas Seat Test LP Gas Seat Test

Ball Trunnion ≤ 2-1/8” Metal ISO 5208 Rate B ISO 5208 Rate B
Ball Trunnion  2-1/8” Metal ISO 5208 Rate C ISO 5208 Rate B
TwinBall Trunnion ≤ 2-1/8” Metal ISO 5208 Rate B ISO 5208 Rate B
TwinBall Trunnion  2-1/8” Metal ISO 5208 Rate C ISO 5208 Rate B
Ball and TwinBall Trunnion Note b Metal ISO 10423 ISO 10423
Monoflange and Needle All Metal ISO 10423 ISO 10423

a. Valve types not listed, and valves with soft seats, shall be in accordance with the seat leakage rate acceptance
criteria in ISO 10423 for the specified PSL.
Any soft seated valves which are not suitable for meeting ISO 10423 test criteria, or which have limitations,
shall follow the procedure in 04-SAMSS-055, Section 9.19.
b. Valves specified for service where only one end connection is attached to process piping.

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