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Additionally, a longitudinal study on public

perception changes over a more extended period

would provide deeper insights into cultural


● Allison, A. (1994). Nightwork: Sexuality,

Pleasure, and Corporate Masculinity in a
Tokyo Hostess Club. University of Chicago
● Galbraith, P. W., & Karlin, J. G. (2012).
Idols and Celebrity in Japanese Media
Culture. Palgrave Macmillan.
● Grunow, D. (2012). Career Transitions and
Life Events: Structural and Individual
Perspectives. Springer.
● McLelland, M. (2005). Queer Japan from the
Pacific War to the Internet Age. Rowman &
● Wada-Marciano, M. (2014). Japanese Cinema in
the Digital Age. University of Hawaii Press.

Q1 ⅛
(15, 14)(2, 12.5)(8, 13.5)
(2, 11)(6, 1)(8, 2)
(2, 6)(2, 11)(3, 16.5)
(8, 16)(9, 16)(10, 16)
(7.5, 15.5)(11, 16)(12, 16)
(11, 17)(9.5, 17)(13, 17)
(9.5, 17)(13, 17)(9.5, 15.5)
(11.5, 15.5)(13, 15.5)(8, 13)
(14, 3.5)(14, 16)(12, 12)
(14, 13)(2, 5)(6, 10)
(7, 10)(6, 1)(6, 3)
(10, 6)(10, 7.2)(10, 8)
(10.5, 7.5)(10.5, 8)(12, 8)
Q2 ⅛

(-2, 2.5)(-13, 14)(-4.5, 3.5)

(-5, 3)(-7, 6)(-1, 0.5)
(-4.5, 0.5)(-7, 2)(-7.15, 3)
(-6, 3)(-8, 7)(-10.5, 9.5)
(-11, 9)(-12, 9.5)(-11, 10)
(-13, 12)(-13, 8.5)(-8, 2.5)
(-9, 6)(-7,1.5)(-8,1)(-5,3.5)


Q3 ⅛
(-0.5, -0.5)(-13, -12)(-2, -0.5)
(-1, -1.5)(-5, -9)(-4, -8)
(-3, -7)(-6, -9.5)(-8, -8.5)
(-8, -9.5)(-7, -7)(-9, -6)
(-1, -6)(-15, -14)(-2.5, -0.5)
(-5.5, -7)(-2, -6)(-10, -7)
(-15, -24)(-2, -4)(-5, -0.5)
(-6.5, -0.5)(-11.9, -5)(-11.9, -6)
(-8, -3)(-9, -3)(-8, -2)
(-7, -1)(-7, -0.5)(-5, -4)
(-6.5, -0.5)(-6.5, -3)(-8, -2)
(-2, -6)(-6, -1)(-10, -4)
(-9, -3)(-9, -4)(-9, -5)
(-9, -6)(-3, -7)(-3.5, -6)
(-4, -6)(-12, -4)(-9, -3)
(-5, -6)(-6.5,-3)

Q4 ⅛
(14, -14)(15, -24)(4, -2)
(2, -2)(8, -1)(8.5, -8)
(11, -11)(10, -5)(11, -7.5)
(11, -10.5)(12, -8)(14, -9)
(10.5, -5)(10.5, -6)(13,-10)

Q1 ¼
(30, 28)(4, 25)(16, 27)
(4, 22)(12, 2)(16, 4)
(4, 12)(4, 22)(6, 33)
(16, 32)(18, 32)(20, 32)
(15, 31)(22, 32)(24, 32)
(22, 34)(19, 34)(26, 34)
(19, 34)(26, 34)(19, 31)
(23, 31)(26, 31)(16, 26)
(28, 7)(28, 32)(24, 24)
(28, 26)(4, 10)(12, 20)
(14, 20)(12, 2)(12, 6)
(20, 12)(20, 14.4)(20, 16)
(21, 15)(21, 16)(24, 16)

Q2 ¼
(-4, 5)(-26, 28)(-9, 7)
(-10, 6)(-14, 12)(-2, 1)
(-9, 1)(-14, 4)(-14.3, 6)
(-12, 6)(-16, 14)(-21, 19)
(-22, 18)(-24, 19)(-22, 20)
(-26, 24)(-26, 17)(-16, 5)
(-18, 12)(-14, 3)(-16, 2)
(-10, 7)(-20, 21)(-20, 17)

Q3 for ¼ drawing
(-1, -1)(-26, -24)(-4, -1)
(-2, -3)(-10, -18)(-8, -16)
(-6, -14)(-12, -19)(-16, -17)
(-16, -19)(-14, -14)(-18, -12)
(-2, -12)(-30, -28)(-5, -1)
(-11, -14)(-4, -12)(-20, -14)
(-30, -48)(-4, -8)(-10, -1)
(-13, -1)(-23.8, -1)(-23.8, -2)
(-16, -6)(-18, -6)(-16, -4)
(-14, -2)(-14, -1)(-10, -8)
(-13, -1)(-13, -6)(-16, -4)
(-4, -12)(-12, -2)(-20, -8)
(-18, -6)(-18, -8)(-18, -10)
(-18, -12)(-6, -14)(-7, -12)
(-8, -12)(-24, -8)(-18, -6)
(-10, -12)(-13,-6)
Q4 for ¼ drawing
(28, -24)(28, -28)(30, -48)
(8, -4)(4, -4)(16, -2)
(17, -16)(22, -22)(20, -10)
(22, -15)(22, -21)(24, -16)
(28, -18)(21, -10)(21, -12)

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