Ja Counselling r3 p1
Ja Counselling r3 p1
Ja Counselling r3 p1
The candidates whose application numbers mentioned below are called for original
certificate verification counselling (Round 3 - Phase I) for the post of
JUNIOR ASSISTANT based on the results of the computer-based examinations conducted
by TANUVAS on 15.02.2023 and 16.02.2023, scores and ranks of which were published on
07.06.2023 and upon completion of Round 1 (Phase I - Phase III) and Round 2 (Phase I -
Phase II) counselling. The original certificate verification counselling (Round 3 - Phase I)
will be held on 26.02.2024 at 10.00 am at TANUVAS Headquarters, Madhavaram Milk
Colony, Chennai- 600 051. Individual intimation regarding the place, date and time of
counselling for certificate verification will be informed through email only.
1. Candidates will receive Notice for original certificate verification counselling only through email
and should attend the counselling for certificate verification with the Intimation letter, documents
listed therein and relevant documents in original on the prescribed date and time without fail.
Candidates who have failed to attend counselling for original certificate verification in the
scheduled date and time will not be considered for the next stage of selection process.
2. The call for of the candidates to original certificate verification does not confer any right for
selection and their selection will be subject to availability of vacancies in their respective
reservation categories, when they reach their turn as per their rank position.
3. Mere inclusion of the application number of the candidates for original certificate verification
counselling will not imply that his/her candidature has been fully considered.
4. The candidates whose application numbers are found in the above list have been admitted
provisionally to the counselling for original certificate verification based on the particulars
furnished by them in their online application, scanned documents uploaded by the candidates,
overall rank obtained by them in the computer-based examination and with reference to the rule of
reservation of appointments of Tamil Nadu and number of vacancies.
5. The admission of candidates to counselling for original certificate verification is provisional subject
to verification and acceptance of their claim in their online applications such as Age, Educational
Qualifications, Technical Qualifications, Community, PSTM, etc. through original documents. On
verification, if any of their claims are found to be false or incorrect, their counselling for original
certificate verification will be cancelled and they will not be admitted to the next stage of selection
6. The candidate has to produce the documents/certificates with relevance to special category as per
the formats communicated.
7. The candidates who had been admitted for Computer based examination on 15.02.2023 and
16.02.2023 to the post of Junior Assistant and whose application numbers are not found in the
above list have not been admitted to the counselling for original certificate verification for the said
8. The candidates who do not appear for certificate verification counselling on the scheduled
time and date will not be given any further chance to appear for the same.
9. This call is only for original certificate verification and does not assure selection for the Post.
Chennai-600 051
Date : 15.02.2024