Macro Assignment 2 Template (2023 S2)
Macro Assignment 2 Template (2023 S2)
Macro Assignment 2 Template (2023 S2)
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condition will be investigated and academic penalties will be applied.
Macroeconomics 1
Semester 2, 2023
Assignment 2
This is an official
university assessment Canvas Group Registration Number:
Dissemination, circulation Student 1 Name:
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document in any form Student 1 Student number:
(including uploading this
document or any content Student 2 Name:
of this document onto
online platforms) has not Student 2 Student number:
been authorised and is
strictly prohibited. Student 3 Name:
Detection of the Student 3 Student Number:
availability and usage of
online versions of this
document will be Tutorial Group:
investigated as a matter Tutorial Day & Time:
of a breach of academic
integrity. Any students or Tutor’s Name:
other person who breach
these conditions are
liable for copyright It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that you are properly
infringements and
registered in your Assignment Group on Canvas and that your
academic penalty.
group’s assignment document is properly submitted through
Canvas once completed. Failure to do so can result in ineligibility for marks.
Carefully read the “Macro Assignment 2 Instructions” document that have been provided along
with this template. Write your responses to the instructions in the relevant part of this document.
The suggested word count or number of sentences has been provided as a guide for each section
of the report. You should not exceed the upper limits. Your word/sentence count does not include
the words in titles and headings, references, tables or graphs, or your groupwork contribution
Any further instructions in this template that have been written inside square brackets [ ] can be
deleted from your final document when you submit your assignment.
You can delete this page when you submit your final assignment.
Team Charter
As the first step of your assignment, all students are expected to read the Groupwork module in
the RMIT Learning Lab <>
The module provides practical guidance to equip you to achieve your best as a group. The module
advises that groups begin by designing and collectively agreeing on your team charter. The charter
should outline the values, goals and expectations that all members agree to. The following team
charter is provided as your starting guide. Collectively your group should feel free to edit it to best
match your shared goals, values, circumstances and strategy for completing this task. You should
consult with all members and support all group members to provide their input towards your
team charter.
Date: ___________________
No part of this document and/or its content is to be shared, copied, distributed, communicated or disseminated to any other
persons or organisations, including online platforms, networks or file-sharing systems. Any detection of breaches of this
condition will be investigated and academic penalties will be applied.
Academic integrity
Academic integrity means that teachers and students are expected to act with "the values of
honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility" in all our learning, teaching and research
In undertaking and submitting your assignments, it is expected that every student will abide by the
conditions and values that are expected of all students in RMIT’s Assessment Declaration:
I have not impersonated, or allowed myself to be impersonated by any person, for the
purposes of this assessment.
This assessment is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied from any other
source except where due acknowledgement is made.
No part of this assessment has been written for me/us by any other person except where such
collaboration has been authorised by the lecturer/teacher concerned.
I have correctly acknowledged the re-use of any of my own previously submitted work within
this submission.
I give permission for my assessment response to be reproduced, communicated compared and
archived for the purposes of detecting plagiarism.
I give permission for a copy of my assessment to be retained by the university for review and
comparison, including review by external examiners.
I understand that:
Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is
your own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to
exclusion from the University. Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in,
written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data and oral presentations. Plagiarism
occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.
Plagiarism includes the act of assisting or allowing another person to plagiarise or to copy my
Each student in this assignment group has declared that they fully understand and fully abide by
these conditions of academic integrity. Agreed to by each team member (name and signature):
Date: __________________
Please note that all assessment content that is submitted will be electronically screened for
plagiarism and failure to declare your use of AI may result in academic penalty.
News article 1
Title of article:
Name of author/reporter:
Name of website/publication:
Your summary (200-250 words):
News article 2
Title of article:
Name of author/reporter:
Name of website/publication:
Your summary (200-250 words):
News article 3
Title of article:
Name of author/reporter:
Name of website/publication:
Your summary (200-250 words):
Consultancy Report
Executive Summary
[Summarise the key points of your analysis. Usually we write the Executive Summary after we have
written the content of the report, once we know what the key points are. Further guidance on
how to write an Executive Summary will be provided Tips & FAQs] (3-4 sentences)
[Explain the issues that your report will address and the information your report will offer. Clarify
which country does your analysis look at. Point out the ways that your report is useful and
informative for businesses and investors.] (3-4 sentences)
1. What was the state of the economy before the COVID-19 pandemic?
[Provide some brief insights into the overall state of the country’s economy before the COVID-19
pandemic was declared in March 2020. Refer to relevant macroeconomic indicators to support
your observations, including GDP, unemployment and inflation. Clarify the difference between
Nominal and Real GDP, and explain how GDP is connected to unemployment and inflation.
As part of your profile of this economy, identify what are the largest or most important industries
for this country’s economy.]
Be sure to cite all your data sources. Provide the full details of your sources in the References list
at the end of this template document.]
(200-250 words)
3.1 Unemployment
[What happened to unemployment and labour force participation rates in this country over the
course of the pandemic? In your explanation, briefly explain to your client why it is important to
monitor both of these labour market indicators.] (150-200 words)
[List all of the references that you have used in your assignment. If you used AI at any stage of
your assignment, you should include your specific AI as a source of information in your reference
list. Your list of references does not count towards your total word count.]
Contribution to groupwork
[The assignment required you to work collectively as a team. We expect that everyone contributes
their fair share of work to the overall task.
To reflect on your experience working together in a group, each member of the group is asked to
write a short statement (3-4 sentences) explaining your contribution to the group task and how
you were part of this team. If you faced any challenges working as group, this is your opportunity
to describe these challenges and how you overcame them.
To build your groupwork skills, it is expected that all students read the RMIT Learning Lab
Groupwork module. The link to this module is included in the Assignment page on Canvas. In your
statement of your contribution to groupwork, each student should specify what was the most
valuable piece of information that you gained from the RMIT Learning Lab Groupwork module.