CH-5 Boilers
CH-5 Boilers
CH-5 Boilers
1.0 Introduction
A Boiler is a closed vessel, in which steam is produced by evaporation of water, at a
designated pressure and temperature, on application of heat, generated by firing fuel. It is
imperative to say that in a boiler, by firing fuel, chemical energy gets converted into heat
energy, and the heat generated is transferred to water, under storage or circulation in a
system, by way of convection, conduction or radiation process. The fuel fired may be
either in solid, liquid or gaseous form.
2.0 Boilers and IBR:
As per the Indian Boiler Act & Regulations (IBR), a boiler may be defined as a
closed vessel with a capacity of 22.75 liters or more in which water is converted into
steam for external use, under pressurized condition. The term ‘boiler’ includes all such
mountings fitted to the vessel, which remain wholly or partly under pressure when steam is
shut off.
IBR is an Indian regulatory code governing the construction and operation of Boilers to
ensure safety for prevention of loss of lives and properties. However this code is no way
bears any guidelines for efficiency, MCR and other operational parameters. Central Boiler
Board is a central authority, which formulates and amends the regulations governing
boilers to keep pace with technological advancement and oversees that the stipulated rules
framed by the different State Governments and regulations under IBR are strictly followed by
all concerned authorities. The Indian Boilers Act, 1923 is enacted by the parliament and
administered by the all State Governments through Chief Inspector of Boilers, as the subject
"Boiler" comes under the concurrent list of the constitution of India. The State
Level Regulatory Bodies under the Chief Inspector of Boilers, in every state, are solely
responsible for implementation of various regulations of the Indian Boiler Regulation
(IBR) concerning all types of boilers for their manufacture, erection, operation and
maintenance. During manufacture and erection the CIB inspects various stages and finally
issues manufacturing certificates in statutory formats and if any owner of a boiler intends to
run it, he has to apply to the CIB with manufacturing certificates for registration of the same.
For boiler under use, CIB will inspect it once in a year in normal condition. However, in
emergency the frequency of inspections may increase.
The State Directorate of Chief Inspector of Boilers also governs the quality and
capability of personnel handling jobs of manufacturing, maintenance and operating.
Welders deployed in manufacture and maintenance and repairs of pressure vessels are
also covered under such rules. The state Chief Inspector of Boilers is authorized to
conduct regular examinations for testing and certifying candidates working on boiler or a
pressure vessel.
3.0 Terminology used in Boilers:
A boiler consists of several components and various parts. Some of them are termed as
mountings and accessories and the others are called auxiliary equipment, depending on
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the method of mounting or the fittings or the associated functional equipment essentially
required for the boiler operation. Each of the components of a boiler is designated by
specified terminology. A few of such terminology, which are commonly used, are
brought out hereunder.
3.1 Shell:
The boiler shell consists of one or more steel plates bent into cylindrical form and riveted
or welded together. The ends of the shell are closed by means of end plates or heads,
which are either flat, convex or concave (in general, these are convex). The shell together
with the closing heads is called the drum.
3.2 Settings:
The settings form the walls of the combustion chamber. The settings confine the heat to
the boiler and form a passage through which the combustion gases pass through, which is
commonly known as flue gas path. Settings are mainly found in old class of boilers or
small package boilers where steaming capacity is quite less.
3.3 Grate:
The grate in a coal or wood fired boiler is the platform in the furnace upon which the fuel
is burnt. The grate consists of cast iron bars, which are spaced apart so that air for
combustion can pass through them.
3.4 Grate Surface:
It is area of the grate on which the firing takes place in a coal or wood fired boiler and is
expressed in square meters.
3.5 Furnace:
In olden the days, it was also known as firebox. It is the effective space above the grate
and below the boiler shell in which the fuel is burnt.
3.6 Heating Surface:
It is the surface area of a boiler, which is exposed to heat generated inside a furnace, and
wherein the heat absorption takes place for transfer of energy to the medium in liquid and
vapour form.
3.7 Water Walls:
In modern boilers the combustion chamber is formed by tubes containing water and
configured in such a manner as to form the walls of combustion chamber. Thus, the
Combustion Chamber of modern boilers comprises of Water Walls.
4.0 The essential qualities of a good boiler:
a. It should be capable of quick start-up,
b. Should meet large load fluctuations,
c. Occupy less floor space,
d. Should afford easy maintenance and inspection,
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e. Should essentially posses the capacity of producing maximum steam with minimum
fuel consumption,
f. Should be light and simple in construction,
g. Various joints should be accessible for inspection and should be away from direct
flame impact,
h. Tubes should be sufficiently strong to resist wear and corrosion,
i. Mud and other deposits should not collect on heated plates and
j. The velocity of water and that of flue gas should be a minimum.
x. Materials of construction,
xi. Shape of tube and their spatial position (Straight tube & Bent tube boilers),
xii. Content of the tubes (Firetube & Watertube boilers),
xiii. Steam pressure,
xiv. Specific purpose of utilization,
xv. General shape,
xvi. Manufacturer’s trade name,
xvii. Special features and
xviii.On the basis of mode of circulation of working fluid, boilers are classified into (a)
Natural circulation boiler (b) Forced (i.e. positive) circulation boiler.
In Natural circulation type of boilers circulation of water in the boiler takes place due to
natural convection currents produced by the application of heat. Saturated water flows
down the unheated downcomer and receives heat in the riser whereupon a part of it gets
converted into steam. The difference in densities of saturated water in the downcomer
and the steam-water mixer in the riser brings about natural circulation. It is applicable to
all those boilers, which are operating at a pressure less than critical pressure.
Some examples are Lancashire, Locomotive, Babcock & Wilcox boilers etc.
In a Forced circulation, the working fluid is forced through the boiler circuits by an
external pump. Some examples are La-Mont boiler, Velox boiler etc.
Advantages of Forced circulation over natural circulation:
1. Steam generation rate is higher for same physical dimensions and weight,
2. Greater capacity to meet load variation,
3. Quicker start-up from cold,
4. Lower scaling problem due to high circulation velocity,
5. More uniform heating of all parts reduces the danger of overheating and thermal
6. Smaller tube diameter and hence lighter tubes and
7. Greater freedom in arrangement of furnace, boiler component and tube layout.
Circulation ratio:
It is the ratio of the mass flow rate of circulating water Gfw (t/hr) to the rate of steam
generation Gs (t/h); thus Circulation Ratio = Gfw / Gs
It usually ranges from 4 to 30 for Natural Circulation and 3 to 10 for Forced Circulation
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located inside the cylinder containing the water, where it can do a little more good in total
heat transfer to the water surrounding.
This type of a boiler consists of a horizontal cylindrical shell, fabricated with flat plates
which are fitted with supporting gusset plates or longitudinal stay at ends, or dished ends
and one horizontal cylindrical furnace is fitted through the end plate. There is one oval
shaped mud hole with cover door fitted to the front end plate, below the furnace and one
round oval shaped manhole is fitted at the top of the shell. There is a set of water level
gauge, one standpipe for pressure gauge; one standpipe for feed water connection fitted to
the front end plates. Standpipes for safety valve, main steam connection, auxiliary valve
are provided at the top of the shell. The shell is installed on the sets of cast iron support
frames and rested on refractory brick lined seating blocks keeping bottom flue space at
the bottom of the shell. There are sidewalls constructed out of firebricks on either side of
the shells to form flue path on side ways. There is another brick lined wall constructed at
the extreme rear end of the shell, which forms the downward diversion to direct the flue
gases coming from furnace towards the bottom flue. The total construction looks just like
Lancashire boiler, the only difference being that there are two furnace flues in Lancashire
and there is only one furnace flue in the Cornish boiler.
The first few feet of the furnace flue is converted into fire grate by means of laying fire
bars supported over the clits. There is one refractory wall for half the height, which is
called bridge to divert the fire / hot gases effectively towards the end of the furnace.
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the amount of air being drawn into the furnace. The less air drawn in the less heat created
in the furnace. This slight cooling allowed the metal flue to contract placing a heavy
strain on the ends of the boiler. It also slowed the heating of the water inside the boiler
reducing the amount of steam available.
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Lancashire boiler consists of a cylindrical shell, horizontally laid. It has on either sides
flat end plates, which are supported by plate gussets or longitudinal round bars lay
horizontally across the end plates. Some of the Lancashire Boilers dished end plates are
provided, which do not require any type of gussets, as they themselves can hold the ends
under pressure. There is a cylindrical type of water holding drum, inside which two more
shell type small cylindrical drums are laid horizontally across the end plates. The fuel is
burnt over fire grates at the front end of these cylindrical shells. This is called the furnace
and further beyond the flue gas fills up the shell and passes through, towards the other
end before escaping to atmosphere through the chimney. The short length of the flue
path, forming the fire grate, consists of fire bars laid flat across and horizontal over
supporting clits. Firebricks are lined over the wall, called bridge, which diverts the hot
gases arising out of fuel combustion taking place over the grates in the furnace. The
boiler shell is rested on cast iron supports and refractory seating blocks, making the
sidewalls. In between these sidewalls and shell the side flues are formed to direct the hot
gases to give additional heating surface to the boiler. In some of the boilers of this type a
vertical super heater of “Sugdens” type is provided between the rear end plate and rear
brick wall of the boiler, thus the hot gases traveling from furnace flues are diverted
through the super heater while they descend downwards, before entering into the bottom
flue. There is a manhole provided on the top of the shell and a mud hole on the front end
below the flues at 6 O’ Clock position. On the front end plate are provided a set of water
gauges, one standpipe for pressure gauge and one standpipe for feed pipe. There are
standpipes for safety valves, steam auxiliary valve and main steam valve on the top of the
These boilers are sturdy and strong in construction. There is ample space provided around
the flues and below the flues for manual cleaning in the boiler shell. And for this reason
even low quality feed water can be used in this boiler.
7.5.3 Vertical cross tube boiler.
These boilers are fabricated of a vertical cylindrical shell fitted either at the top by
hemispherical, dished or flat plate with vertical round stay bars. The top of the vertical
boiler is called shell Crown. There is a tapered integral furnace fabricated from
cylindrical drum fitted inside concentrically to the shell. The furnace at top end is either
fitted with a hemispherical or dished or flat plate supported by the round bars fitted to the
shell crown and a uptake pipe is fitted to the toe of the shell crown and the furnace top
usually called furnace Crown to lead the fire or gases of the furnace towards the chimney.
The bottom of the surface and the shell is joined by means of ogee ring. The bottom of
the furnace is fitted with clits to accommodate fire-grate consisting of fire bars. There is a
fire hole either round or oval shaped at the grate level to push the fuel. There is a
manhole fitted at the top portion of the shell with cover for cleaning purpose. There are
also oval shaped hand holes/sight holes opposite to the cross tubes. The cross tubes are
fitted across the furnace horizontally in slant position to make effective the circulation of
water. Mud holes are fitted to the shell at firehole level for giving access for the effective
internal cleaning of the internal narrow water portion. There are pads or stand pipes with
flanges fitted for water level gauge mountings at the man hole level, one for pressure
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gauge, one at the middle portion for feed check valve and one for the blow off valve at
the bottom of the shell. There are pads or standpipes
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Smoke tubes are horizontally in between the plates. There are gussets fitted to the flat
portion of the joggled shell above the tube plates. At the front tube plate end on flat
joggled portion of the shell, in between the stays a fusible plug is fitted as an emergency
device in case of low water level.
Below the shell an ogee ring is fitted and to it a dished or hemispherical furnace called
firebox is fitted. There is an oval shaped fire hole at the bottom of the firebox and at the
top corner opposite to the fire hole and oval shaped access ring is fitted opening into the
bottom portion of the rear tube plate. The front and rear tube plates are fitted with cover
plates lined with refractory to form combustion chamber and smoke box. The smoke box
is at the front tube plate and the combustion chamber at the rear tube plate. The smoke
box at the top is having access for chimney. The firebox at the bottom is fitted with clits
to carry fire grate. Fire bars are laid on the ring placed on the clits. There are stand pipes
or pads for mountings viz. water gauge, pressure gauge, feed check and a blow off on the
shell sides and for main steam valve, safety valve and auxiliary valve at the top of shell
crown. There are mud holes with covers at the narrow water spaces in shell bottom. The
boiler is compact as vertical boilers can be conveniently installed after leveling and
tapping the floor strong. Since the gases fire from the
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firebox, first they are diverted to the access ring and then they enter the combustion
chamber and onwards through rear tube plate enter tubes and then enters smoke box and
are discharged through chimney. It is a two-pass boiler.
These boilers have a vertical cylindrical shell, fitted at the top with flat tube plate. One
cylindrical firebox with top fitted by flat tube plate is concentrically, positioned inside of
the shell and the shell bottom is joggled out to fit the firebox’s bottom end. An oval
shaped fire hole is fitted at the bottom of the firebox in between the shell and firebox.
Smoke tubes are run vertically in between the top and bottom tube plates. The flue gases
from the firebox pass through the tubes straight towards the smoke box, fitted on to the
top tube plate and then discharged through chimney. This is a single pass fire tube boiler.
The firebox bottom is fitted with clits to carry fire grate. Standpipes to set water gauges,
pressure gauge, feed pipe inlet and blow off connection are fitted on the shell. There are
sight and mud holes with covers fitted on the shell. It is a sturdy and compact boiler
which can be installed anywhere on a flat leveled floor but since the narrow water space
is almost at all around internally shell cleaning it is a problem. Secondly as the top
portion of the tube remains in steam space above the normal water level, the tubes
corrode on the waterside and are sometimes burnt at their top ends. M/s Laxmi Boilers
Co., Mumbai have modified the design and tried to keep the tubes merged in water space
to eliminate this defect.
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This is also a fire or smoke tube boiler. The whole construction is mounted over wheels
and can be mobile. Hence it is called Locomotive Boiler. The typical construction of such
boilers is as shown in the figure. There is a construction of a rectangular shape of a
casing, called the firebox casing. Short screw stays at regular pitch support the flat plates
of the firebox and casing. The casing crown and the firebox crown are supported with
long screw stays. On the casing, over the front side of the firebox, an oval shaped fire
hole is mounted. The firebox at bottom carries clits, on which the fire grate is built up of
consisting of fire bars. There is a sight hole at each corners of firebox, casing crown and
side plates for inspection and cleaning and at the bottom of the casing there are mud holes
with covers at every corners. The rear end plate of the casing generally known as saddle
plate is reduced circularly to accommodate cylindrical barrel horizontally fitted, which
carries rear tube plate or usually called smoke box tube plate. The rear plate of the
firebox is drilled and used as front tube plate. The smoke box tubes are horizontally fitted
in between the tube plates. The smoke box tube plate and front plate of the casing are
supported with gussets/linked or round longitudinal stay bars. There is a vertical
cylindrical dome fitted at the top of the barrel for giving more steam space to the boiler
and a standpipe for main steam valve is fitted at the top of the dome. A safety valve
standpipe and auxiliary steam stop valve pad or standpipes are fitted on the top of the
barrel. There are standpipes to set water level gauges, pressure gauge, feed inlet and blow
off outlet to the front end plate of the casing. In some boilers the firebox plates have a
peculiar corrugation to avoid stays. The top of the casing and the firebox are called casing
crown and firebox crown respectively. The boiler is a single pass sturdy and can be fitted
on a pakka-leveled soil.
Babcock and Wilcox Water-tube Boiler:
This is best known water-tube of boiler and is made of one or more horizontal, steam and
water drums. The drum is connected to a series of front end and rear (back) end headers
by short riser tubes. A series of inclined water tubes of solid drawn mild steel are
connected to these headers. Each nest of tubes is made of several vertical rows. The tubes
are expanded into headers which are provided with staggered or zigzag holes. Figure
below illustrates the Babcock and Wilcox water-tube boiler of the land type.
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The staggered arrangement of the water tubes will allow the surface of every tube to be
exposed to the hot gases. A hand hole is provided in the header in front of each tube,
which allows cleaning and inspection of tubes. Each hole is covered by a steel cap which
is secured in its position by a steel clamp.
The hot gases from the furnace are forced to move upwards between the water tubes by
fire brick baffles provided. They then move downwards between the tubes and then to
chimney or stack. The movement of gases in this manner facilitates the heat transfer even
to the highest part of the tubes. The feed water enters the front of the drum, passes to the
back of the drum, and then descends through the down coming vertical tubes and enters
the headers. The water then enters the water tubes, moves upwards through the inclined
tubes and finally rises through the front riser tubes to the drum. The circulation of water
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fired with solid fuel like coal, Bagasse husk and liquid fuels such as furnace oil, L.S.H.S.
or gaseous fuel also.
The tube bore used is around 4” due to which internal manual cleaning is possible. The
super heater element tube bore is 1.5”. The inside diameter of the steam and water and
fitted with dished ends at both the ends either riveted or fusion welded which are
provided with man holes with covers for easy entry for internal cleaning and inspection
of the boiler parts. To the front end of the drum a set of stand pipes are fitted for water
level connections, a standpipe for pressure gauge, a standpipe for feed check valve and
scum cock. The internal feed pipe runs longitudinal to the drum down comer nipples for
better circulation of the water. There are standpipes on top of the drum for main steam
valve, safety valves and auxiliary valves. The economizer can be fitted in flues for fuel
This design is used in industrial boiler requirements in the industries.
7.5.7 Bent water tubes boilers:
There are many types and designs of the bent tube boilers. There is essentially a steam
and water drum drilled to accommodate bent tubes at the top. There are headers, mud
drum fitted at the bottom.
In some of the designs there are two or more steam and water drums. The bent tubes are
so arranged with the help of baffles the fire and gases are circulated to ensure maximum
absorption of heat available in the fuel. The water is fed through the internal feed pipe in
the top steam / water drum, which is circulated through the down comer tubes / pipes and
then circulated through the riser or uptake tubes where steam is generated. The steam
bubbles evolved in riser tubes are separated in steam and water drum. The furnace and
combustion chamber is lined with water wall tubes. The steam water drum is a cylindrical
horizontally laid shell having dished end plates attached to both the ends. The dished
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ends are provided with oval or round shaped manholes with covers, through which the
internal cleaning and inspection is carried out. The drum is drilled to take the tubes either
expanded and belled or welded. The mud drum is fitted at the bottom-most portion of the
The mud drum is a horizontal shell, cylindrical shaped fitted with dished ends provided
with oval or round shaped manhole with covers for better cleaning and internal
inspection. The mud drum is also drilled to fit the tubes.
7.5.9 Marine Boilers: Single ended Scotch Marine Boiler:
This is a fire tube boiler. These types of boilers are generally used on ships. It has a
single furnace fabricated with corrugated steel sheets. The furnace is designed for
internally firing arrangements and is surrounded by water. At the back end of the
furnace is the combustion chamber, which is also surrounded by water. A large
number of fire tubes run from the front tube plate to the back tube plate. The hot flue
gases from the furnace pass through the fire tubes due to the draught created, into the
combustion chamber and then discharge through the tubes into the smoke
box, situated at the front end of the boiler, before escaping through the chimney.
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economiser ready for transportation by road or sea. They are equipped with firing
equipments, feed pumps, auxiliaries and ancillaries, oil pumps, oil heaters, draught fans,
feed water regulator, soot blowers and automatic control for efficient performance.
In such boilers, coal, oil or gas could be burnt efficiently. Such boilers are composed of
one top and one bottom drum. Feed water enters the top drum from where it flows to
the bank of tubes into the lower drum then through the circulating tubes to the water
walls header & up to the water wall tubes into the top drum. Therefore, a continuous
& positive circulation of water is established.
7.5.11 Packaged Horizontal Smoke Tubes Boilers: These boilers are now a days installed in
almost every industry. There is a horizontal cylindrical shell which is fitted with flat
plates supported by means of gussets, round sectioned longitudinal stay bars or tee
stiffeners. There are dry back types as well as wet back types of such boilers. In dry back
the radiant heat is lost through the dry back of the combustion chamber ends. These
boilers are designed as three passes. There are one or two horizontal either plain furnaces
supported by stiffening rings at intervals or corrugated furnaces or partly plain and
corrugated furnaces; laid in between end plates in dry back and in between front end plate
and front tubes plate of the combustion chamber, in case of wet back boiler. The
combustion chamber is often called reversing chamber and is fabricated of a cylindrical
shell horizontally fitted with end plates. The front plate is used as tube plate for second
pass and the rear flat plate is supported by screw stays fitted in between rear end plates of
the shell. The set of oil or gas burner assembly is fitted to the front part of the furnace and
fire/gases run through the furnace and enters to the combustion or reversing chamber and
passes through the second pass tubes and then onwards through the front part of the shell
through third pass tubes in smoke box from where they pass out through the chimney.
These boilers are very compact and can be installed in industries conveniently.
The shell at sides and bottom are fitted with hand holes/sight holes or mud holes with
covers. The shell at the bottom is fitted with an oval shaped man hole with cover. There
is a set of stand pipes or pads fitted for set of water gauges, one for pressure gauge and
for feed inlet pipe on the shell side. A stand pipe at the shell bottom is fitted for blow off
and at the top of the shell one for main steam outlet, one or two for safety valves and one
for the auxiliary valves. The shell is installed on M.S. fabricated chairs.
Efficiency of such boiler is about 82% on gross calorific value of fuel oil. Packaged fire
tube boilers are designed for coal oil and gaseous fuels.
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iv. conversion of ammonia to nitric oxide (4NH3 + 5O2 ⊗ 4NO + 6H2O + 3O2
2. Cement kilns – need a WHB that must be specially designed to handle extremely
dust-laden gases of Cement Kilns. Hoppers are provided under the boiler and
economiser to remove dust continuously.
As much as 20-40 tons of cement dust is recovered per day from a single kiln. Two-
drum and three-drum WHBs are particularly used. These are fitted with economisers,
superheaters and soot blowers.
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3. Ore roaster – A typical WHB for recovering waste heat from ore roasters is a three-
drum, low-head boiler fitted with hoppers under the sections of gas path to collect
gas-borne ore particles as they settle when the gases make low-velocity turns around
the baffles.
4. Lead and Zinc smelters – These need a WHB capable of handling a gas whose
temperature is as high as 1450-1480ºK and which is laden with solids in a semi-
molten or sticky form. Usually a vertical watertube WHB is used, which must cool
the gas down to 1000-1300ºK in the radiant chamber to condense out the metal (Zn,
Pb) vapour from the hot gas before its entry to the superheater and convection shaft.
8.1.1 The Advantages of Super Critical Boiler over Sub Critical Boiler:
a) The heat transfer rate is very high. (Typically, the heat transfer co-efficient in sub-
critical boiler is 400 kcal/ while that in super-critical boiler is 50000
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b) By using super critical boiler, steam efficiency of power plant can be as high as about
40 to 42%.
c) Due to absence of steam-water mixture (no two-phase effect), there is very less
erosion and corrosion.
d) The overall operation is very easy.
e) The turbo generator connected to super critical boiler can easily attain peak-loads.
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A distinction can also be made on the basis of fluidizing velocity of air, which is the
fundamental distinguishing feature of fluidized-bed-combustion units.
Typical fuels for AFBCs are coal, anthracite, petroleum coke, oil shale, biomass,
shredded tyres, paper sludge, wood waste, high sulphur solid fuels, municipal sledges and
industrial process waste. The ash is used as a cement aggregate or for other construction
materials. It is generally inert and non-hazardous, although testing may be performed to
detect any possible hazardous residuals.
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It is built of a vertical/cylindrical shell with a dished plate at the bottom and a stand pipe for
blow off connection attached to the dished bottom. The top end of the shell is fitted with a
suitable tabled flangeon which a cover flat or dished end plate consisting of three electrodes is
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fitted by means of suitable bolts and nuts. There are pads or stand pipes fitted for set of water
gauges, pressure gauge, feed inlet and safety valve and main steam outlets on the shell sides at
respective places. These boilers are very compact in construction and can be conveniently
installed. Since it is working on electric supply there are no blowers/oil burners, chimney, etc.
required. These boilers are suitable for giving heat treatment to tools and other similar industries
and laboratories. Three electrodes with connections are immersed inside the shell.
Heat Recovery Steam Generator in Power Plant: The HRSG [Heat Recovery Steam
Generator] is a system that generates steam from a primary source of heat, like gas turbine
exhaust, or the waste Incinerators etc.
The main function of the HRSG is to serve as the link between two different thermodynamic
cycles. These are:
The gas turbine cycle (Brayton) and
The water steam cycle (Rankine).
These two cycles conform what is called a combined cycle.
To efficiently mate the Rankine steam cycle with high-temperature gas turbines, HRSGs are
developed to operate at substantially higher flue-gas temperatures. New HRSG designs also are
required to match each incremental jump in gas-turbine size as combined cycle units grow larger
and larger. Perhaps the most important development in HRSG design is the move from single to
dual-pressure steam production. This change, which enabled lower stack temperatures and thus
greater recovery of thermal energy from the gas turbine exhaust, increased thermal efficiency of
a combined-cycle plant by nearly four percentage points. Later designs has gone one step further,
from dual to triple-pressure steam production, and yielded approximately one more percentage
point gain for the overall cycle. Today, most of the HRSGs for large combined cycle power
plants are designed for triple pressure reheat steam systems to maximized efficiency.
Importance of Pinch Point and Approach Point in HRSG
Unlike conventional steam generators, where the inlet gas temperatures are very high namely
adiabatic combustion temperatures of the fuel fired (1600-1800oC), the gas turbine exhaust inlet
gas temperature to the HRSGs is very low, on the order of 500 - 580 oC. This creates a problem.
We cannot arbitrarily assume an exit gas temperature to determine the steam flow. There are a
few reasons for this, such as the low ratio of gas/steam and capacity of heat sink in the form of
economizer. A lot of energy is transferred to the steam before the flue gases enter the
economizer, while in HRSGs, it could be very small due to the low inlet gas temperature. This in
turn affects the energy absorbed in economizer and hence the HRSG exit gas temperature. Hence
gas/steam profiles cannot be easily predicted.
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The pinch point is the difference between the gas temperature leaving the evaporator and the
saturation temperature, while approach point is the difference between the water temperature
leaving the economizer and saturation temperature.
Approach point is used in the sizing of the Economizer. A good approach point is between
10°C-15°C. This temperature will guarantee that no steaming will occur in the economizer
Pinch is used in sizing the heat transfer surface area of the HRSG. It is desirable to make the
pinch point as small as possible with out making the cost of the HRSG too high.
Pinch and approach points are to a great extent dependent on the inlet gas temperature and
whether the evaporator is bare or finned.
With single pressure or even multiple pressure HRSGs, an option to improve energy recovery is
to use lower pinch and approach points.
A Typical exhaust gas/steam cycle temperature profile "Q-T diagram" for three-pressure system
is given below indicating Gas turbine exhaust gas temperature, the highest pressure level,
superheated steam temperature, minimum temperature difference (pinch point), approach
temperature difference, stack gas temperature, reheat steam temperature, etc.
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It follows from this that tube wall temperatures tend to run quite close to the water and steam
side temperatures. Even when temperature differentials are at their highest, the heat transfer rates
are very modest. For example with a 100ºC difference the flue gas, as at the beginning of an HP
evaporator, the actual heat transfer rate will not be much more than 5-10 kW.m-2. This compares
with peak heat transfer rates in pulverized boilers which can be well over 200 kW.m-2.
Given such poor flue gas side heat transfer rates, tubes must be of small diameter, with tight
spacings and be of the finned type to provide sufficient heat transfer area. The only section of the
HRSG which might not use finned tubes is the HP superheater where there might be a possibility
of oxidation of the finning.
High efficiency finning is desirable as this reduces the size of the HRSG. Fin material with a
high conductivity is needed.
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Fin shape and pitch are also critical due to the need to prevent excessive pressure drops through
the system, otherwise gas turbine output will suffer. The overall pressure drop across the whole
HRSG should not be much more than 25 mbar. A potential problem with finning, where different
types of materials are employed, is expansion differences leading to thermal fatigue.
Classification of HRSG
There are a few variants to the basic design of the HRSG. These variants define the type of
HRSG and the variant is determined by a specific aspect of the HRSG operation. These are as
• Horizontal or Vertical design
• Circulation - Natural, Forced, assisted Circulation or once through
• Supplementary fired, and Auxiliary fired.
• Single, Dual or Triple pressure levels
As the HRSG exchanger tubes are constantly exposed to the hot gases from the primary heat
source, the tubes cannot be dry at anytime. Hence there is need to keep the water circulating all
the time through the various exchangers. This can be Natural, Forced, Assisted or Once through
flow. In the vertical HRSG design where the exchanger tubes are horizontal, often forced
circulation is deployed. These days there are vertical HRSGs with natural circulation also.
On the other hand, the horizontal HRSGs with vertical exchanger tubes deploy natural
circulation as the norm.
Natural Circulation:
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Natural Circulation
The circulation arises from the density difference between water and steam.
It normally includes a drum.
Forced Circulation:
Forced Circulation
The circulation arises from the work done by a water circulation pump.
It normally includes a drum.
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The circulation arises from the weight force of the water entering the boiler at a very high
It normally has no drum.
There is no recirculation taking place in the evaporator.
With increased steam generation, usually the exhaust gas temperature decreases in a single
pressure system. This is due to the increased ratio of steam/gas. In a conventional steam
generator, the gas/steam ratio is nearly constant, while in a HRSG, exhaust gas flow remains
the same, while the steam generation increases due to auxiliary firing. The increased water
flow through the economizer (with gas flow remaining same) can pull the gas temperature
further down due to the increased duty.
But in practice, it has been found that the heat rate increases with auxiliary firing. Radiation
heat pick up in the HRSG designed to utilize low grade heat is poor and thus contributes to the
decrease of the overall efficiency of the power plant. It is therefore prudent to use duct firing as
Supplementary firing instead of auxiliary firing only to augment power generation at the time of
reheater, the IP turbine. As the boiling point of water at this sort of pressure is in the range of
140ºC-180ºC low temperature heat in the flue gases can be picked up quite easily. In addition
some superheating of the LP steam is done with the aim of matching the temperature of the
“cold” steam from the HP or IP turbine. It is then possible to merge the steam from these two
different systems and put them to the LP turbine.
Steam, for deaeration, at an even lower pressure, can also be raised using the last vestige of heat
in the flue gases. To summarise in a modern HRSG steam would be raised at three different
pressures with separate evaporator and pumping circuits for each. This is in complete contrast to
a pulverized fuel steam plant, where all the evaporation takes place at one very high pressure.
Another difference is that feedheaters, of the type used on conventional pulverized fuel plant,
using steam extracted from the turbines are not used on HRSG systems. This would simply raise
the water temperature at the inlet to the economizers, and would reduce the amount of heat,
which could be transferred from the flue gases.
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Question: What is the difference between a horizontal boiler and a vertical boiler?
Answer: The difference basically lies in the geometric position of the boilers. A horizontal
boiler has its principal axis horizontal or slightly inclined while that of a vertical boiler
is perpendicular to the horizontal plane.
Question: How can boilers be classified on the basis of use?
Answer: This is done on the basis of the nature of service they perform. Customarily boilers are
Stationary: These are land-based boilers. Such boilers, as the name implies, are not
required to be transported from one place to the other.
Mobile: These are mounted on marine vessels and steam locomotives. Locomotive
and marine boilers, which are moved from place to place, are mobile boilers
Question: What are the classifications of watertube and Firetube boilers?
Answer: Boilers are classified under two basic classes as follows:
(A) Water tube boilers:
1. Horizontal straight tube:
a. Boxed header type
b. Sectional header type
2. Bent tube boilers:
a. Mono-drum type
b. Bidrum type
c. Tridrum type
d. Quadridrum type
If the drum is parallel to the tubes, it is called longitudinal drum type boiler; if across
the tubes, it is called a cross-drum type.
(B) Firetube boilers:
a. Short fire box type
b. Compact
c. Vertical tube type
d. Horizontal type
e. Locomotive
f. Scotch type
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They are usually single-pass in arrangement and absorb only convection heat from the
hot gases.
They have a high weight-to-heat output ratio.
They are usually found in applications for gas pressure 27-35 atm. and temperature up
to 1255ºK (982ºC).
The external surface of the boiler is heat insulated.
The boiler tubes are of smaller diameter and more closely spaced than direct-fired
waste heat boilers.
Soot blowers with nozzles directed towards the tube ends are used to clean the
Gastube boilers are used in the case of gases with light dust loadings, for obvious
Question: Where are Waste Heat Boilers, which are generally employed?
Sr. WHB Type Application
1 Watertube For clean or dust laden flue gas
2 Gastube For relatively clean flue gases
3 Bent tube Handles heavily dust laden gases
4 Positive circulation For clean low temperature gases
5 Supercharged Gas turbine exhaust
6 Three-drum-low-head boiler Suitable for light dust loadings
7 Waterwall bidrum type For gases with suspended sticky particles.
Question: Why are watertube boilers most frequently used for waste heat recovery?
Answer: Reasons are the following:
1. They can work successfully at higher pressures.
2. Since water is circulated in the tube-side, which can be readily cleaned, Watertube
WHBs are not so susceptible to damage from poor feedwater quality.
3. Better capacity to withstand the shock due to fluctuation of gas temperature.
4. The furnace wall can be adequately cooled by applying water-wall tubes. This
imparts a long life to the refractory lined WHB interior wall.
5. The slagging and erosion problems can be minimized by varying the tube size and
6. Dust particles may be recovered.
7. Lends itself to a more economic arrangement.
Question: Why must water wall headers not be blown down when a boiler is in service or
Answer: Water must never be blown down from water wall headers when the boiler is in
service, as normal circulation of water will get disturbed causing reduced cooling
effect due to which the water wall tubes may get distorted, bulged and ruptured due
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to overheating.
Question: What happens if the baffle is damaged from its position?
Answer: If any baffle is shifted or breaks down, short-circuiting of gases in the passes causes
excessive gas temperature resulting in loss of boiler performance. Also, due to short-
circuiting some parts of the boiler, designed for low gas temp, will get overheated
and may get damaged.
Question: What are the other types of boilers, except scotch type used on ships?
Answer: They are, Yarrow Marine Boilers and Babcock & Marine Boilers.
Question: Is a fire tube subjected to explosion hazard in fire tube boiler?
Answer: As the fire tubes are under external pressure, there are no chances of their bursting.
But their components are likely to sag, bulge & collapse which are under external
pressure. Shell of fire tube boiler, which is under internal pressure, is subjected to
explosion hazard.
Question: What defects are likely to be encountered in fire tubes?
Answer: Due to overheating caused by scale deposits, oil or starvation of water, tubes may get
overheated, distorted and their ends may get loosened in the tube sheets. Waste and
burn out leakages may occur due to improper expanding technique adopted or due to
accumulation of scale in neck of tubes and the tubes may pull out of the tube sheets.
Misalignment of front and rear tube plate holes is likely to cause tube leakages at
Question: Why is the volumetric capacity of each gas pass progressively reduced?
Answer: Gases contract in volume as they pass from furnace towards the chimney because of
reduction in their temperature and to maintain velocity to sweep the gases for good
heat transfer, the cross sectional area of passes are required to be reduced as cooler
gases require lesser cross section than the hotter ones.
Question: Does variation of load affect availability of a boiler?
Answer: Yes, it does. Fluctuating load set up thermal strains, which affect tube expansion and
wear & tear of brickwork increases. Fluctuating load may cause breathing between
refractory insulation and casing and there will be a tendency for fine dust to
accumulate between the refractory and insulation and disturb the whole structure,
which would result in distortion of brickwork and overheating of external casing.
Question: Does external cleanliness affect availability?
Answer: Yes, it does. If the heating surfaces are fouled, the deposit increases the resistance of
gas flow and reduces the efficiency of heat transfer. The effect of high exit gas
temperature and high draught loss will limit the volume of gases, which induced
draught fan can handle and the rate of combustion and evaporation will be adversely
Question: What is bird nesting?
Answer: Accumulation of porous masses of loosely adhering refuse and slag particles in a
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Q.1 Draw neat sketch of the Cochrane boiler showing the path of flue gases. Indicate on it
the location of the various boiler mountings. Why the crown of the fire box is made
Q.2 Explain with neat sketch the arrangement of dry back and wet back construction in a
package boiler.
What are the advantages of wet back construction over dry back construction.
Q.4 Describe with neat sketch of B & W water tube boiler, list out all mountings and
accessories and state location of them in the sketch.
Q.5 Describe the working of a Lancashire Boiler with the aid of neat sketch. Show the path of
flue gases to stack and the relative position of economiser and superheater.
Q.8 How are steam boilers classified? Name at least one steam boiler of each type. Give a
brief description of any one type of boiler and show its main essential mountings and
accessories with the help of a neat sketch.
Q.9 From operational point of view, compare the fluidized bed combustion boiler with
mechanical stoker fired boiler in detail.
Q.10 What are waste heat boilers? Give examples of industries where waste heat boilers are
used. Draw a sketch of any one type of waste heat boiler used in Indian Industries.
Q.11 How would you select a boiler for given duty. Explain in details all the aspects of
selection factors such as pressure capacity etc.
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