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LAB ME-107-F

Sr. No Experiment Title

1 To study the Cochran Boilers.

2 To study the Babcock & Wilcox Boilers.

3 To study the working & function of mountings and accessories in

4 To study the two strokes & four stroke diesel engine.

5 To study the two stroke & four stroke petrol engine.

6 To determine Mechanical Advantage, V.R. and Efficiency of worm and

worm gear of single, double and triple start.
7 To prepare stress-strain diagram for mild steel and cast iron specimens
under tension and compression respectively on a U.T.M.
8 To study the constructional features & working of Pelton, Kaplan and
Francis turbine.
9 To study construction details and working of a simple screw jack.

10 To study construction details and working of a single purchase winch crab

machine & find its efficiency.
11 To study construction details and working of a double purchase winch
crab machine & find its efficiency.

TITLE: To study the Cochran Boilers.

OBECTIVE: The objective of the study is to know about the working procedure & parts of the Cochran
boiler with the help of model.

APPARATUS USED: Model of Cochran Boiler.

THEORY: A boiler is a closed vessel in which steam is produced from water by combustion of fuel.
The primary requirements of steam generator or boiler are:
1. Water
2. Water drum
3. Fuel for heating

a. Water tube boiler
b. Fire tube boiler
In the water tube boilers, the water are inside the tube & hot gases surrounds the tubes.
The various water tube boiler are following:
(i) Babcock & Wilcox boiler
(ii) Sterling boiler
(iii) Lamont boiler
(iv) Loeffler boiler
(v) Benson boiler
(vi) Velox boiler
The various fire tube boiler are following :
(i) Lancashire boiler
(ii) Locomotive boiler
(iii) Scotch marine
(iv) Cochran boiler
(v) Cornish boiler
Simply vertical boilers of the fire tube type find favour in small plats requiring small quantities of
Steam and where the floor area is limited. The most common application are steam rollers, pile drivers,
steam shovels, portable hoisting rigs and certain other mobile applications. The coal is fed through the fire
door to the grate with fire bars on it. The boiler can also work as oil Fired unit by fitting an oil burner at fire
door. The grate is then dispensed with and a lining of fire bricks are Provided beneath the furnace. The
furnace has no riveted seams exposed to flame and is pressed hydraulically from one plate to finished
shape. This makes the furnace suitable to resist the intense heat produced by the Combustion of fuel.
The coal, on burning, produces hot flue gases and these hot products of combustion from the fire box
Enter through the small flue pipe into the combustion chamber which is lined with fire bricks on the outer
wall of the boiler. The dome shaped furnace and the combustion chamber prevent the loss which could
otherwise occur because of combustion being retarded and much unburnt and combustible matter leaving
the furnace. The unburnt fuel is deflected back to the grate and complete combustion is achieved in
combustion chamber where high temperatures are maintained. The hot gases passing through the horizontal
smoke tubes give their heat to the water and in doing so convert water into steam which gets accumulated
in the upper portion of the shell from where it can be supplied to the user. The flue tubes are generally of
62.5 mm. external dia. And are 165 in number. The crown of the shell is made hemispherical in shape
which gives the maximum space and strength for a certain weight of material in the form of plates. Finally
the flue gases are discharged to the atmosphere through the smoke box and the chimney.

The steam generated is employed for the following purpose:
1. For generating power in steam engines or steam turbines.
2. In the textile industries for sizing & bleaching etc. & many other industries like sugar mills, chemical
3. For heating the building in cold weather & for producing hot water supply.
4. Steam turbine propelled ships & other marine vessels.
5. Agriculture field machineries saw mills etc.
6. Steam locomotives
7. To study steam to the steam engines for driving industry hoists, road rollers in road constructions &
pumps in coal mines.

TITLE: To study the Babcock & Wilcox Boilers.

OBECTIVE: The objective of the study is to know about the working procedure & parts of the Babcock &
Wilcox Boiler with the help of model.

APPARATUS USED: Model of Babcock & Wilcox Boilers.

THEORY: A boiler is a closed vessel in which steam is produced from water by combustion of fuel.
The primary requirements of steam generator or boiler are:
1. Water
2. Water drum
3. Fuel for heating

a. Water tube boiler
b. Fire tube boiler
In the water tube boilers, the water are inside the tube & hot gases surrounds the tubes.
The various water tube boiler are following:
(i) Babcock & Wilcox boiler
(ii) Sterling boiler
(iii) Lamont boiler
(iv) Loeffler boiler
(v) Benson boiler
(vi) Velox boiler
The various fire tube boilers are following:
(i) Lancashire boiler
(ii) Locomotive boiler
(iii) Scotch marine
(iv) Cochran boiler
(v) Cornish boiler


The water tube boilers are used exclusively, when pressure above 10bar and capacity in excess of 7000kg./hr.
is required.
Babcock & Wilcox boiler with longitudinal drum: It consists of a drum connected to a series of front
end and rear end header by short riser tubes. To these headers are connected a series of inclined water
tubes of solid drawn mild steel.The inclination of tubes to the horizontal is about 15 degree or more. A
hand hole is provided in the header in front of each tube for cleaning & inspection of tubes. A feed valve is
provided to fill the drum and level of water indicates by water level indicator. Fire is burnt on the grate.
The hot gases are forced to move upwards between the tubes by baffle plates provided. The water from the
drum flows through the inclined tubes via down take header & goes back into the steam the steam space of
the drum. The steam then enters through the anti-priming pipe and flows in the super heater tubes where it
is further heated and is finally taken out through the main stop valve and supplied to the engine when

The steam generated is employed for the following purpose :
1. For generating power in steam engines or steam turbines.
2. In the textile industries for sizing & bleaching etc. & many other industries like sugar mills, chemical
3. For heating the building in cold weather & for producing hot water supply.
4. Steam turbine propelled ships & other marine vessels.
5. Agriculture field machineries, saw mills etc.
6. Steam locomotives
7. To study steam to the steam engines for driving industry hoists, road rollers in road constructions &
pumps in coal mines.

Aim: To study the construction and working of various boiler mountings and accessories.

Theory: A boiler is defined as a closed vessel in which steam is produced from water by combustion
of fuel. Also defined as “A combination of apparatus for producing, furnishing, or recovering heat
together with the apparatus for transporting the heat so made available to the fluid being heated and

Classification of Boilers:
The boilers may be classified according to following criteria:

1. According to relative position of water and hot gases.

(a) Water tube boiler: A boiler in which the water flows through the tubes which are surrounded by hot
combustion gases i.e. Babcock and Wilcox, Stirling, Benson boilers etc.

(b)Fire tube boiler: The hot combustion gases pass through the boiler tubes, which are surrounded by
water i.e. Lancashire, Cochran, Locomotive boilers etc.

2.According to water circulation arrangement

(a) Natural circulation: Water circulates in the boiler due to density difference of hot and cold water e.g.,
Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler etc.
(b) Forced circulation: A water pump forces the water along its path, therefore, the steam generation
rate increases e.g.. Benson, La Mont, Velox boilers etc.

3. According to position of furnaces:

(a) Internally fired: The furnace is located inside the shell e.g., Cochran, Lancashire boilers etc.

(b) Externally fired: The furnace is located outside the boiler shell i.e. Babcock and Wilcox, Stirling
boilers etc.

4. According to the use: Stationary, Portable, Locomotive or marine boiler.

5. According to position of the boilers: horizontal, inclined or vertical boilers.

Boiler Mountings:
The boiler mountings are the part of the boiler and are required for proper functioning. In accordance
with the Indian Boiler regulations, of the boiler mountings is essential fitting for safe working of a boiler.
Some of the important mountings are:

Water level Indicator

Water level indicator is located in front of boiler in such a position that the level of water can easily be
seen by attendant. Two water level indicators are used on all boilers.

Pressure Gauge
A pressure gauge is fitted in front of boiler in such a position that the operator can
conveniently read it. It reads the pressure of steam in the boiler and is connected to steam space by a
siphon tube.

The most commonly, the Bourdon pressure gauge is used.

Safety Valve
Safety valves are located on the top of the boiler. They guard the boiler against the excessive high
pressure of steam inside the drum. If the pressure of steam in the boiler drum exceeds the working
pressure then the safety valve allows blow-off the excess quantity of steam to atmosphere. Thus the
pressure of steam in the drum falls. The escape of steam makes a audio noise to warm the boiler

There are four types of safety valve.

1. Dead weight safety valve.
2. Spring loaded safety valve
3. Lever loaded safety valve
4. High steam and low water safety valve.

Fusible Plug
It is very important safety device, which protects the fire tube boiler against overheating. It is located just
above the furnace in the boiler. It consists of gun metal plug fixed in a gun metal body with fusible molten

During the normal boiler operation, the fusible plug is covered by water and its temperature does not
rise to its melting state. But when the water level falls too low in the boiler, it uncovers the fusible
plug. The furnace gases heat up the plug and fusible metal of plug melts, the inner plug falls down The
water and steam then rush through the hole and extinguish the fire before any major damage occurs to the
boiler due to overheating.

Blow-Off Cock
The function of blow-off cock is to discharge mud and other sediments deposited in the bottom
most part of the water space in the boiler, while boiler is in operation. It can also be used to drain-off
boiler water. Hence it is mounted at the lowest part of the boiler. When it is open, water under the pressure
rushes out, thus carrying sediments and mud.
Feed Check Valve
The feed check valve is fitted to the boiler, slightly below the working level in the boiler. It is used to
supply high pressure feed water to boiler. It also prevents the returning of feed water from the boiler
if feed pump fails to work.

Steam Stop Valve

The steam stop valve is located on the highest part of the steam space. It regulates the steam supply to use.
The steam stop valve can be operated manually or automatically.
Boiler Accessories
The accessories are mounted on the boiler to increase its efficiency. These units are optional on an
efficient boiler. With addition of accessories on the boiler, the plant efficiency also increases. The
following accessories are normally used on a modern boiler:

(i) Economizer (ii) Super heater (iii) Air pre heater (iv) Feed water pump (v) Steam injector.

An economizer is a heat exchanger, used for heating the feed water before it enters the boiler. The
economizer recovers some of waste heat of hot flue gases going to chimney. It helps in improving the
boiler efficiency. It is placed in the path of flue gases at the rear end of the boiler just before air pre-

Super heater
It is a heat exchanger in which heat of combustion products is used to dry the wet steam,
pressure remains constant, its volume and temperature increase. Basically, a super heater
consists of a set of small diameter U tubes in which steam flows and takes up the heat from
hot flue gases.

Air Pre-heater
The function of an air pre-heater is similar to that of an economizer. It recovers some portion of the waste
heat of hot flue gases going to chimney, and transfers same to the fresh air before it enters the
combustion chamber.

Due to preheating of air, the furnace temperature increases. It results in rapid combustion of
fuel with less soot, smoke and ash. The high furnace temperature can permit low grade fuel
with less atmospheric pollution. The air pre-heater is placed between economizer and

Feed Water Pump

It is used to feed the water at a high pressure against the high pressure of steam already existing
inside the boiler.

Steam Injector
A steam injector lifts and forces the feed water into the boiler. It is usually used for vertical and
locomotive boilers and can be accommodated in small space. It is less costly. It does not have any moving
parts thus operation is salient.

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