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What Is Detention Basin?

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• A Detention basin , also known as a detention pond, holds excess water generated by storms to prevent
flooding. Detention basins are generally designed in two forms- dry or wet basins.

• Dry basins retain water only during storm events, later releasing the water at a controlled rate until the
basin empties. Hence the basin remains dry between rain events.

• Wet basins, on the other hand, retain a permanent pool of water, similar to a pond, irrespective of
storm events and hence are wet year-round.

• Detention basins may only be used for water quantity control. They must be combined with other
water quality BMPs to receive credit for water quality improvements.

The arrangement of basin siting should follow the steps below:

• Subsurface Investigation: Subsurface explorations (test pits or borings) should be made within
the basin area to identify depths to seasonal high groundwater and bedrock.

• Separation from Seasonal High Watertable: The bottom of the constructed basin, including
any underdrain soil filters should be one (1) foot above the seasonal high groundwater table to
avoid standing water in the basin.
• Separation from Bedrock: The bedrock surface may be no closer than 1 foot from the bottom of
the basin.

• Permeable Soils: A detention basin should not be located in hydrologic soil groups A and B
(sand and gravel)

• Basins on Slopes: When basins are created by cutting and filling a slope, the seasonal
groundwater table on the slope above the basin may be exposed and may cause the destabilization
of the embankment from groundwater seepage without riprap or the installation of a subsurface
interceptor drainage system.

One acre-foot of storage in a detention basin is recommended for each four acre of drainage area.

Access: A maintenance access should be at least 10 feet wide with a maximum slope of 15% and a
maximum cross slope of 3%. This access should never cross the emergency spillway, unless the
spillway has been designed for that purpose.

Sediment Pretreatment: A pre-treatment device such as grassed swale, underdrained swale, filter
strip, and sediment trap should be provided to minimize the discharge of sediment to the basin.
• Basin Slopes: Basin side slopes should be no steeper than 2:1. Flatter slopes provide easier
access for maintenance (mowing). At a minimum, one side slope (interior or exterior) should be
3:1, such that the combined interior and exterior embankments total 5:1 (2:1 + 3:1).

• Basin Shape: Provide a long and narrow basin shape, with a minimum length to 2:1 width ratio
(3:1 is best). Runoff should travel the longest distance through the basin before being discharged
with the inlet and outlet as far apart as possible.

• Prevention of scour at the inlet will reduce maintenance problems and prevent damage to basin
floor vegetation

• Inlet Protection: The inlet should be protected with riprap or other energy dissipater, such as a
baffle below the inflow structure to remove sediment.

• Scour: Energy dissipation should be provided at the inlet and outlet to prevent scour and reduce
the velocity of stormwater.

• Embankments should be designed by a professional engineer registered in the State of Maine and
must be designed to meet engineering standards for foundation preparation, fill compaction,
seepage control, and embankment stability.
• Safety Bench: A safety bench should be designed into all embankments greater than 10 feet high.

• Crest width: The minimum crest width for any embankment must be as shown on Table 3.1.

• Crest elevation: The minimum elevation of the top of the settled embankment must be at least
one foot above the peak water surface in the basin.

• constructed wetland is an artificial wetland to treat sewage, greywater, stormwater runoff or

industrial wastewater. It may also be designed for land reclamation after mining, or as a
mitigation step for natural areas lost to land development. Constructed wetlands are engineered
systems that use the natural functions of vegetation, soil, and organisms to provide secondary
treatment to wastewater.

• Constructed wetlands have been used in both centralized and decentralized wastewater systems.

These components can be manipulated in

• constructing a wetland.

• Water

• Substrates, Sediments and Litter

• Vegetation

• Microorganisms

• Animals
Surface flow wetlands, also known as free water surface constructed wetlands
They are also suitable to treat stormwater drainage.
Surface flow constructed wetlands always have horizontal flow of wastewater across the roots of
the plants, rather than vertical flow
Subsurface flow wetlands can be further classified as horizontal flow or vertical flow.
constructed wetlands. In the vertical flow constructed wetland.
The effluent moves vertically from the planted layer down through the substrate and out
In the horizontal flow constructed wetland the effluent moves horizontally via gravity,

• Wetlands can be less expensive to build than other treatment options.

• Operation and maintenance expenses are low.

• They facilitate water reuse and recycling.

• They provide habitat for many wetland organisms.

• They can be built to fit harmoniously into the landscape..


➢ Retention basins are the best management practice intended to mitigate storm water runoff.

➢ Essentially, water is detained in the basin while pollutants are treated by natural processes and water
exits the basin slowly over time, or during the next storm.

➢ Processes such as mechanical settling of suspended sediments and biological processing of nutrients
contribute to improved water quality.

➢A retention basin is a man-made structure designed to capture and store stormwater runoff.
• Purpose: reduce volume of storm water, treat water through mechanical settling of suspended sediment,
removal of metals, organic compounds, oil and grease, and biological processing of nutrients. Additional
uses include removal of trash, groundwater recharge, recreation, or water supply.

• Environmental: retention basins offer environmental benefits by reducing downstream erosion,

enhancing water quality, and creating new habitats for wildlife.

• Urban: retention basins can help manage the excess stormwater that can tax the infrastructure. They can
also improve the aesthetics of urban landscapes and help reclaim lost green spaces.

• Rural: retention basins are ideal for providing reliable and long-lasting water retention in agricultural
areas. They can reduce flooding risks, prevent soil erosion, and offer water supply for crops in times of
low rainfall.

➢ Design considerations : basins can either be dug out of the ground, or an embankment can be built up to
enclose a low-lying area. The embankment must be substantial enough to withstand flood events.
➢ Shape: a length-to-width ratio of 2:1 or greater and a level bottom surface allow directional flow,
maximize treatment time, and prevent the formation of stagnant areas which breed mosquitoes.
➢ Oblong structures with the inlet and outlet at opposite ends are generally best, although an elongated
triangular shape with the inlet at its apex can be used as well .

➢Swales are shallow, broad and vegetated channels designed to store and/or convey
runoff and remove pollutants.

Figure 1 : swale
➢A grassed swale is a graded and engineered landscape feature appearing as a
linear, shallow, open channel with trapezoidal or parabolic shape.

➢The swale is vegetated with flood tolerant, erosion resistant plants.

Figure 2: Shape Of Shale


➢There are no hard rules about the size of a swale, but the bigger it is the more
water it can absorb during a rainstorm.
➢Six- to 12-inches deep and 3-to 4-feet wide are typical dimensions.
➢Smooth out the shape of the berm with a hard metal rake to form a planting bed.

➢Green Infrastructure:
✓Swales can be an important tool for retention and detention of stormwater
✓Because they utilize vegetation, swales provide additional benefits, including
cleaner air, carbon sequestration, improved biological habitat, and aesthetic


➢Swales and drains should be designed to convey the required run-off volume
effectively, and be well vegetated to allow for seasonal slashing.

➢ Ideally they will be located on slopes with 1-4% grade.

➢The interaction between water flow and vegetation within these systems facilitates
settlement and retention of pollutants.

➢They are typically located next to roads, where they replace conventional gullies
and drainage pipe systems, but examples can also be seen of swales being located
in landscaped areas, adjacent to car parks, alongside fields, and in other open
➢ Swales are vegetated open channels that infiltrate and transport runoff
waters. By incorporating the hydrologic processes of runoff and
infiltration, a swale design based on quantity is possible. Low velocities
are important to prevent particles transport and loss of soil.
➢ The vegetation within the swales are very effective for the removal of
solids and retention of soil(Lord,1986). Erosion can be lessened by a
vegetative area immediately after construction.
➢ Wanielista et al. (1988) Reported on the design of swales that had a seasonal high water table at least 1ft
below the bottom of a swale.

➢ They conducted 20 field tests doing a mass balance on runoff input to a swale and it’s output.

➢ The difference in input and output was the infiltration volume, from which an infiltration rate was

➢ Limiting infiltration rates during actual swale operation waste estimated at 5 to 7.5cm/hr (2-3 in/hr).

➢ The soils at the sites were classified according to the American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) soil classification sysyem as A-3 and A-2-4, which are fine sand and
silty sand soils, the limiting infiltration rates. They were recorded at 12.5 to 50cm/hr (5-20 in./hr).

➢using a mass balance of input and output waters in a swale system, Equation was
developed to estimate the length of a swale necessary to infiltrate all the input rainfall
excess from a specific storm event using a triangular shaped cross sectional area. Another
equation was developed for a trapezoidal cross-sectional shape .


➢ L = length of swale ( m or ft)

➢Q = average runoff flow rate ( m3/s or cfs)
➢ S = longitudinal slope (m/m or ft/ft)
➢N = Manning’s roughness coefficient ( for overland flow )
➢F = infiltration rate ( cm/hr or in/hr )
➢K = constant that is a function of side slope parameter Z ( 1 vertical/ Z horizontal ) and is defined as
( 1 VERTICAL/ Z HORIZONTAL) (f-cm/hr,Q=m3/s) ( f=in/hr, Q=cfs)

1 98,100 13,650
2 85,400 11,900
3 71,200 9,900
4 61,200 8,500
5 54,000 7,500
6 48,500 6,750
7 44,300 6,150
8 40,850 5,680
9 38,000 5,285
10 35,670 4,955
➢ For more watersheds, the length of a swale necessary to infiltrate 3 in of runoff waters was found to
be excessive or at least twice the distance available.

➢ Thus, some type of swale block (berm) or on-line detention/retention may be more helpful.

➢ Pitt (1986) indicated the most cost effective solution for the reduction of runoff volume, residual
solids, and bacteria was infiltration.

➢ This result is similar to that of Yousef et al. (1985) who recommended that swale blocks should be
considered to reduce further the chemical constituents and runoff volumes. Using as a design criteria,
the runoff volume for 7.5 cm (3 in.) of rainfall and storage of non infiltrated runoff, Wanielista et al.
(1988) have developed swale block designs for highway applications.

➢ Basically, the swale block volume can be calculated for a fixed length of swale and a triangular
cross section using
Volume of runoff-volume of infiltration = swale block volume

Q(∆t) − 𝑄𝑓(∆t) = volume of swale

Q (∆t)- Q(∆t)-[LN3/8f/KS3/16]8/5 (∆t) = volume of swale

Qf = average infiltration rate (m/sec)
∆t = runoff hydrograph time (sec)

Swale volume must be available to contain the runoff waters. In highway designs for
speed situations, safety must be considered, thus a maximum depth of water equal to
0.5 m (about 1.5 ft) and flow line slopes on the berms of I vertical/20 horizontal are
recommended. Along lower-speed highways or in some residential/commercial urban
settings, steeper flow line berm slopes (1 on 6) are acceptable.
➢Design of a swale is shown in this example. Consider as an example, a swale section
along Interstate 4 near Orlando, Florida. The parameters of Equation?
N = 0.05
S = 0.0279
Q = 0.0023 m/sec (0.08 cfs) for ∆t =100 min
f = 7.5 cm/hr (3.0 in/hr)
What swale length would be necessary to infiltrate all the waters (using Equation)
L= [44,300(0.0023)(0.0279)]/[(0.05) (7.5)] = 208 m
Fig. 3. Typical grass swale cross-section and pollutant removal mechanisms
Fig. 4. Typical cross-section of an infiltration swale
Fig. 5. Typical bioswale cross-section and pollutant removal mechanisms
Fig. 6. Typical wet swale and pollutant removal mechanisms
Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)
• (SWMM)Helps to predict runoff quantity and quality from drainage systems

• (SWMM) is used throughout the world for planning, analysis, and design related
to stormwater runoff, combined and sanitary sewers, and other drainage systems.

• used to evaluate gray infrastructure stormwater control strategies, such as pipes

and storm drains, and is a useful tool for creating cost-effective green/gray hybrid
stormwater control solutions.

• SWMM was developed to help support local, state, and national stormwater
management objectives to reduce runoff through infiltration and retention, and
help to reduce discharges that cause impairment of waterbodies.

• It is a Windows-based desktop program. It is open source public

software and is free for use worldwide. SWMM 5 was produced in a
joint development effort with CDM Smith Inc., a global consulting,
engineering, construction, and operations firm.
Hydraulic Modeling
• SWMM contains a flexible set of hydraulic modeling capabilities used to route runoff and external
inflows through the drainage system network of pipes, channels, storage/treatment units and
diversion structures.

These include the ability to do the following:

• Handle drainage networks of unlimited size use a wide variety of standard closed and open conduit
shapes as well as natural channels.

• Model special elements, such as street inlet drains, storage/treatment units, flow dividers, pumps,
weirs, and orifice

• Apply external flows and water quality inputs from surface runoff, groundwater interflow, rainfall-
dependent infiltration/inflow, dry weather sanitary flow, and user-defined inflows.
• Utilize either kinematic wave or full dynamic wave flow routing methods.

• Model various flow regimes, such as backwater, surcharging, reverse flow, and
surface ponding. apply user-defined dynamic control rules to simulate the
operation of pumps, orifice openings, and weir crest levels.

Typical applications of SWMM:

• Designing and sizing of drainage system components for flood control.

• Sizing detention facilities and their appurtenances for flood control and water quality

• Mapping flood plains of natural channel systems—SWMM 5 is a FEMA-approved model

for National Flood Insurance Program studies.

• Designing control strategies for minimizing combined sewer overflows.

• Evaluating the impact of inflow and infiltration on sanitary sewer overflows.

• Generating nonpoint source pollutant loadings for waste load allocation.

• Controlling site runoff using green infrastructure practices as low LID controls.

• Evaluating the effectiveness of best management practices and low impact

development for reducing wet weather pollutant loadings.
SWMM can explicitly model eight different generic green
infrastructure practices:

• Bioretention Cells(or Bioswales)

• Continuous Permeable Pavement Systems
• Green Roofs
• Infiltration Trenches
• Rain water Harvesting
• Rain gardens
• Roof top Disconnection
• Vegetative swales
• It is a comprehensive modelling software used for urban water management Including stormwater
• it is developed by DHI group.
• it is known for its capability to simulate the entire urban water cycle.
• it can model stormwater runoff, drainage systems, waste water collection systems, and water
distribution networks.
• it enables users to assess the impact of Rainfall land use changes, and infrastructure modification
on urban water system.
• Widely utilized for designing and optimizing storm water management strategies, evaluating flood
risks and planning sustainable urban water systems.
Overview of its functionality
• Data input

• Hydrological modeling

• Water quality modeling

• Scenario analysis

• Visualization and reporting

• Optimization

By importing these components MIKE urban provides a holistic view of the urban water cycle, aiding engineers
and planners in making informed decisions for effective stormwater managemnt.
Applications of MIKE URBAN
• Stormwater management
• Waste water collection systems
• Water distribution networks
• Water quality modeling
• Urban flooding and risk assessment
• Green infrastructure planning
• Climate change impact assessment
• Regulatory compliance

MIKE is a versatile tool that supports the planning, design, and managementof urban water systems,
contributing to the development of sustainable and resilient cities.

• HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System) is primarily designed for
river and stream hydraulics modeling.

but it can be applied in stormwater management through a series of steps:

• Hydrologic Analysis: Prior to using HEC-RAS, a separate hydrologic analysis is typically

performed using tools like HEC-HMS or other hydrologic models. This analysis estimates the flow
rates and volumes of stormwater runoff from various contributing areas within a watershed.

• GIS Data Import: HEC-RAS requires spatial data for rivers, channels, cross-sections, bridges,
culverts, and other relevant features. Geographic Information System (GIS) data, including digital
elevation models (DEMs), is imported into HEC-RAS to define the study area.
• Geometry Definition: The river or channel geometry is defined within HEC-RAS by providing
cross-sectional profiles. These profiles include information about the channel shape, dimensions,
and roughness coefficients. For stormwater management, urban drainage features such as culverts
and bridges are also incorporated.

• Boundary Conditions: Boundary conditions, such as upstream inflows and downstream outflows,
are specified. In stormwater management, this includes the input of flows from urban drainage
systems, potentially modeled using other tools.

• Flow Routing: HEC-RAS simulates how water flows through the river or channel network. It
calculates water surface profiles and velocities based on the defined geometry and the input
hydrologic conditions. This step helps in understanding how stormwater moves through the river
• Floodplain Mapping: The software produces floodplain maps, illustrating areas at risk of flooding
during storm events. This information is crucial for land-use planning and emergency management.

• Bridge and Culvert Analysis: HEC-RAS evaluates the hydraulic performance of bridges and culverts,
ensuring they can accommodate stormwater flows without causing flooding or structural issues.

• Scour Analysis: For stormwater management, HEC-RAS assesses potential scour around bridges and
structures to ensure their stability under varying flow conditions.

• Dam Breach Analysis: In cases where dams are present, HEC-RAS can model dam breach scenarios,
providing insights into potential downstream impacts during storm events.

• Results and Reporting: HEC-RAS generates comprehensive reports, including water surface profiles,
flow velocities, and other hydraulic parameters. These results aid in decision-making for stormwater
management strategies and infrastructure design.
Master Drainage System:

• A master plan of an urban drainage system is a general technical

layout plan of the sanitation and storm drainage system for the entire
urban area, such a plan indicates the existing conditions as well as
different future development and implementation stages up to the
planning horizon.
The Planning Horizon:
• The planning of drainage requires several types of information on the physical
system, development trends, jurisdiction divisions, and financial arrangements. All
these factors affect the planning process and the selection of system components.

• The planning itself is undertaken at two levels-the short –term and long –term
planning .

• The Planning horizon reflects the envisaged land use projected for a certain
number of years, the design period of drainage structure indicates the expected
level of protection against such phenomenon as flooding, health hazards, or
deterioration of quality in the receiving waters.
Major and Minor Drainage Systems:
• Urban drainage planning is obviously linked to the capacity of the receiving
water system.

• A master drainage plan should be part of a watershed plan and preferably be

prepared at an early stage of the watershed development.

• Severe flooding often is caused by the lack of overland routes, the lack of
capacity of creeks or main channels, and backwater effects in the sewer

• The minor drainage system comprises swales, street gutters , catch basins,
storm sewers, and surface and subsurface detention facilities.
• The major drainage system comprises natural streams and valleys as
well as main man made drainage elements such as swales, channels,
and ponds.

• The system should accommodate runoff from infrequent storms with

long return periods, up to 100 years, or other critical regional events.

• Therefore, major drainage systems are designed at least for a 50 year

storm and often for a 100 year storm or a regional critical storm
defined by the local drainage authority.
Development and components of master drainage plans:
• The sanitation and storm drainage master plans assemble all actions to be taken in an
urban area under the existing and future conditions.

• The master plan must define the technical requirements and layout of the system
considering the adjusting or proposed regulations and institutional concepts.

• The preparation of master drainage plan starts with identification of drainage related
problems and definition of study objectives.

• These objectives generally include the abatement of local flooding and inconvenience
abatement of downstream flood damages and threat to human life, protection of water
supplies and protection of water quality in receiving waters which depends on various
water uses.
• In the development stage of the planning horizon, the necessary system components
must be defined including all quantities and magnitudes necessary for design which
are also called design parameters.

• Examples of such input quantities are design rainfall data, water consumption and
unit costs

• Structural measures include various surface pavements, drainage conduit and channel
configurations, storage and diversion structures, channelization and dikes.

• All drainage alternatives are screened, compared and the best alternative is selected
in the basis of decision and evaluation criteria.

• Regarding the design parameters and the calculation methods employed, their
applicability to local conditions must be checked carefully.
• Once the most suitable system layout is selected, all possible
proprietary rights or constraints, which may hinder plan
implementation, must be checked.
• The next step is to define the sequence of implementation stages in
such a way that the monies invested for each step contribute maximum
benefit toward reaching the selective objectives.
• The final design of individual system components follows and it must
accommodate various implementation stages.
• A particular stage facility within the drainage system may be designed
in such a way that it can be enlarged at some later time according to
the ongoing development.
• The master drainage plan should be regularly updated and modified,
about once every five years.
• The finalization of a master drainage plan, which depends on the
availability of data and the size of the drainage area, may require from
one to five years.
• The responsible authorities organized in such a way that effective
operation and control of the system will be guaranteed. Public
information programmes should be undertaken.
Example of master drainage plan:
The following captions may guide the development of a master drainage plan and the preparation of a study report:
- Purpose and background of the study
• Need
• Legal background
• Regulatory background (health, flooding and pollution control criteria)
• Possible updates and regulation
• Institutional background
- Identification of drainage related problems
• Description of the drainage area ( topographic and soil conditions, existing drainage facilities, land use )
• Extent of the study area
• Assessment of existing conditions
• Planning horizon
• Forecast of future development ( population, land use, industrialization )
• Expected drainage problems for the planning horizon and intermediate development stages
- Definition of study objectives
• Human needs
• Health requirements
• Environmental concerns
• Socio-economic aspects
• Natural constraints
• Policy constraints
• Financial constraints
• The list of attainable objectives
• Priorities of objectives
• Scope of work
- Data base for planning
• Programme for collection of field data
• Preliminary basic system layout
• Design periods for conduits and individual structures
• Rainfall data as a design basis
• Dry-weather flow quantity and quality
• Stormwater or combined sewage quality
• Infiltration and inflow
• Unit costs
- Methods for planning and design
• Choice of analysis procedures
• Procedures to be used
• Check for local applicability
• Possible comparison with field data for existing conditions
• Availability of input data
- Identification and investigation of drainage alternatives
• Performance of existing systems
• Optimization of existing facilities
• Non-structural measures ( land use policies, zoning, prohibition of flood plain occupancy, maintenance of streets, solid waste
disposal )
• Minimal structural alternative ( open channels, surface ponding )
• Structurally-intensive alternatives ( infiltration ponds, diversion structures, surface and subsurface detention facilities, pumping
stations, channels )
• Operational measures ( maintenance, flow control )
• Performance of alternatives
• Implementational and operational costs
• Screening for alternatives yielding an optimum solution with respect to technical feasibility, environmental impact, political
acceptance, costs and financial reality
• Selection of the final drainage scheme
- Impact on the future drainage system
• Proof that objectives are met
• Environmental impact
• Acceptance by the public
• Control and operational requirements of the selected scheme
• Check of proprietary rights
• Other constraints
• Overall financing
- Final design of individual structures
• Local availability of constructions materials
• Availability of skilled labour
• Layout and design of all components
• Specifications for future operation and maintenance
- Implementation
• Stages of implementation
• Time frame
• Financing of the individual stages
• Indication that objectives are met at the individual stages of implementation
• Inter in benefits for the population, and
• Schedules and requirements for planning updates.
Naturally, not all of the subjects listed apply to every study. On the other hand, special problems encountered may
require some additional considerations not listed. It is important that maps and construction drawings are prepared
and incorporated in the report. Major calculations must be attached as appendices. Besides the detailed report with all
technical and financial aspects, executive summaries should be prepared for politicians and the public. Information of
the public and preparation and training for control, operation, and maintenance of the planned system are vital for the
success of the overall effort.
Introduction to Urban Planning Process and Planning
• Urban planning is the process of designing
and shaping the physical layout of cities and

• Planning objectives are the goals and targets

that guide the urban planning process.

• Effective urban planning is crucial for

creating sustainable and livable urban
Urban Planning Process

• The first step in the urban planning process

is conducting research and data analysis to
understand the current state of the city or

• The next step involves engaging

stakeholders and the community to gather
input and identify their needs and

• Based on the research and stakeholder input,

urban planners develop a comprehensive
plan that includes land use, transportation,
infrastructure, and environmental
Planning Objective - Efficient Land Use

• Efficient land use aims to maximize the use

of available land resources in urban areas.

• It involves promoting mixed-use

developments that combine residential,
commercial, and recreational spaces.

• Efficient land use also focuses on creating

compact, walkable neighborhoods that
reduce the need for car travel.
Planning Objective - Sustainable Transportation

• Sustainable transportation aims to reduce

dependency on private vehicles and promote
alternative modes of transportation.

• It involves developing public transit systems

like buses, trains, and light rail.

• Sustainable transportation also focuses on

creating pedestrian and bicycle-friendly
Planning Objective - Environmental Sustainability

• Environmental sustainability aims to

minimize the negative impact of urban
development on the environment.

• It involves promoting green building

practices and energy-efficient designs.

• Environmental sustainability also focuses

on preserving natural areas, parks, and green
Planning Objective - Economic Development

• Economic development aims to promote job

creation, business growth, and increased
economic opportunities in urban areas.

• It involves attracting and retaining

businesses through strategic zoning and

• Economic development planning also

focuses on creating vibrant commercial
districts and mixed-use developments.
Implementation of Urban Plans

• After the urban plan is developed, it needs

to be implemented through zoning
regulations, development permits, and
public investment.

• Collaboration between various stakeholders,

including government agencies, private
developers, and community organizations, is
essential for successful implementation.

• Continuous monitoring and evaluation of

the plan's progress are necessary to make
adjustments and ensure its effectiveness.
• Urban planning process involves research,
research, stakeholder engagement, and
and plan development.

• Planning objectives include efficient land

use, sustainable transportation,
environmental sustainability, social equity,
resilience, and economic development.

• Effective implementation and continuous

monitoring are key to successful urban
planning outcomes.

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