Cot Eng1 W1 Q4
Cot Eng1 W1 Q4
Cot Eng1 W1 Q4
Department of Education
Region ??
Schools Division of ??
Solano II District
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 1
(Classroom Observation Tool)
S.Y. 2023-2024
School: Grade Level: ?
Teacher: Learning Area: ?
No.of Days to be Taught: Quarter: Fourth Quarter – Week 1
B.Establishing a purpose Directions: Look at the set of words. Box the Indicator # 1
for the lesson (Paghahabi word that tells an action. Apply knowledge of
content within
sa layunin ng aralin) across curriculum
(Motivation) teaching areas.
Indicator 4
Establish safe and
secure learning
environments to
enhance learning
through the
implementation of
policies, guidelines
and procedures
C.Establishing a purpose Directions: Write the letter of the correct action Indicator # 5
for the lesson word in each picture. Maintain learning
environment that
( Paghahabi sa layunin promote fairness,
ng aralin) respect and care to
(Presentation) encourage learning.
D.Discussing new Directions: Listen to the poem as teacher reads Explicit Teaching
concepts ang practicing it to you and answer the questions that follow.
new skills #1 Indicator # 2
Pat the Cat Display proficient
( Pagtalakay ng bagong use of Mother
konsepto at paglalahad ng I have a cat. His name is Pat. Pat will not play. Tongue, Filipino
bagong kasanayan # 1) Pat will not run. Pat like to sit all day. He sits on and English to
(Modelling) a mat. Pat, the cat, is too fat. facilitate teaching
and learning.
1. What is the story all about?
2. What kind of animal is Pat?
3. What are the common action words used in
the story you have listened to?
E.Discussing new concepts Directions: Mark an X to the action word which Indicator #6
ang practicing new skills tells about the picture. Maintain Learning
Environments that
#2 nurture and inspire
( Pagtalakay ng bagong learners to
konsepto at paglalahad ng participate,
bagong kasanayan # 2) cooperate and
collaborate in
continued learning.
F. Developing mastery Directions: Fill in the boxes with the correct Differentiated
(Leads to formative action word in each group of words. Instruction
Indicator #8
assessment) Design, adapt and
Paglinang sa Kabihan Implement teaching
( Tungo sa Formative strategies that are
Assessment) responsive to
learners with
giftedness and
Indicator #7
Apply a range of
successful strategies
that maintain
environments that
motivate learners to
work productively
by assuming
responsibility for
Do you now know what action words are? Can their own learning
you now recognize the actions words in a story?
Action words are words that tell what someone
is doing. Action words are called verb.
G. Finding Directions: Look at the pictures below. Write Indicator #3
practical/application the letter of your answer on the blank that
corresponds with the action word. Use effective verbal
of concepts and skills in and non-verbal
daily living classroom
(Paglalapat ng aralin sa communication
pang araw na buhay) strategies to support
engagement and
Prepared by:
Teacher II