Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Demonstration Teaching
Learning Outcomes
At the
the end
end of
of this
this lesson,
lesson, pre-service
pre-service teachers
teachers should
should be
be able
able to:
a. 1. Demonstrate
demonstrate clearskill in teachingonLanguage
understanding the goals Arts for the Elementary
and expectations Graders
of the basic using
appropriate teaching strategies and instructional materials.
curriculum for the Filipino learners in terms of their communicative competence
through a critical essay related to the delivery of the language curriculum.
BTI: 1.1.1 Demonstrate content knowledge and its application within and/or across
BTI: curriculum teaching areas.
1.1.1. Demonstrate content knowledge and its application within and/or across
curriculum teaching areas
1.2.1 Prepare developmentally
Demonstrate sequenced
an understanding of teaching and learning
research-based processes
knowledge and to meet
principles of
curriculum requirements.
teaching and learning.
In this lesson, you will be able to do a demonstration teaching for Language Arts for the
Elementary. In the demonstration, you need to effectively show the teaching appropriateness of
the teaching strategies and effectiveness of the instructional materials to be used. You will have
to consider as well various modalities to deliver considering today’s context. These modalities
include flexible / blended learning, modular or distant learning or the face to face learning.
Discussion points:
Demonstration Teaching