Climate 11 00202 v2
Climate 11 00202 v2
Climate 11 00202 v2
Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change:
A Scoping Review
Elena Grigorieva 1, * , Alexandra Livenets 2 and Elena Stelmakh 2
Abstract: Since agricultural productivity is weather and climate-related and fundamentally depends
on climate stability, climate change poses many diverse challenges to agricultural activities. The
objective of this study is to review adaptation strategies and interventions in countries around
the world proposed for implementation to reduce the impact of climate change on agricultural
development and production at various spatial scales. A literature search was conducted in June–
August 2023 using electronic databases Google Scholar and Scientific Electronic Library eLibrary.RU,
seeking the key words “climate”, “climate change”, and “agriculture adaptation”. Sixty-five studies
were identified and selected for the review. The negative impacts of climate change are expressed in
terms of reduced crop yields and crop area, impacts on biotic and abiotic factors, economic losses,
increased labor, and equipment costs. Strategies and actions for agricultural adaptation that can
be emphasized at local and regional levels are: crop varieties and management, including land
use change and innovative breeding techniques; water and soil management, including agronomic
practices; farmer training and knowledge transfer; at regional and national levels: financial schemes,
insurance, migration, and culture; agricultural and meteorological services; and R&D, including the
development of early warning systems. Adaptation strategies depend on the local context, region, or
country; limiting the discussion of options and measures to only one type of approach—"top-down”
Citation: Grigorieva, E.; Livenets, A.; or “bottom-up”—may lead to unsatisfactory solutions for those areas most affected by climate change
Stelmakh, E. Adaptation of but with few resources to adapt to it. Biodiversity-based, or “ecologically intensive” agriculture,
Agriculture to Climate Change: and climate-smart agriculture are low-impact strategies with strong ecological modernization of
A Scoping Review. Climate 2023, 11, agriculture, aiming to sustainably increase agricultural productivity and incomes while addressing
202. the interrelated challenges of climate change and food security. Some adaptation measures taken
in response to climate change may not be sufficient and may even increase vulnerability to climate
Academic Editors: Evangelos change. Future research should focus on adaptation options to explore the readiness of farmers and
Hatzigiannakis and Dimitrios society to adopt new adaptation strategies and the constraints they face, as well as the main factors
Voulanas affecting them, in order to detect maladaptation before it occurs.
Received: 5 September 2023
Keywords: climate; climate change; agriculture; adaptation strategies; maladaptation
Revised: 26 September 2023
Accepted: 3 October 2023
Published: 6 October 2023
1. Introduction
Anthropogenic activities are contributing to current environmental problems such as
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
climate change, natural resource degradation, including soil degradation and biodiversity
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
loss, and environmental pollution. According to the World Economic Forum Global Risks
This article is an open access article
Perception Survey 2021–2022, “Climate action failure” and “Extreme weather” were iden-
distributed under the terms and
tified as holding the 1st and 2nd places among the most serious risks on the global scale
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
for the next 10 years [1]. The world’s population is currently increasing and is projected
to reach 9.5 billion by 2050 [2], which poses challenges for socio-economic progress and
4.0/). requires expanding the contributions of all resources to meet the necessities of a growing
number of people [3]. Food security is one of the main problems in the 21st century, and
due to the growth of the population, agricultural production, both food and non-food
products, will have to increase by 60% by 2050 compared to 2005 [4].
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call for global action aimed
to “protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity”. To ensure
their achievement, they are all interconnected and integrated, balancing the environmental,
social, and economic dimensions of sustainable development [5–8]. Seven out of 17 SDGs
are related to agriculture and climate change, namely: No Poverty (SDG1), Zero Hunger
(SDG2), Gender Equality (SDG5), Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG12),
Climate Action (SDG13), Life Below Water (SDG14), and Life on Land (SDG15) [6–11].
To achieve the goals while addressing current climate change problems, climate-smart
agriculture is needed, aimed at sustainable food production, climate adaptation, and
resilience [12–22].
1.3. Adaptation Strategies for Agricultural Development and Production at Different Levels
The literature review shows that a comprehensive discussion has unfolded in the
scientific community on the global impact of climate change and adaptation to it on var-
ious aspects of human life [19,27,28,37,38,43,49–56]. The multiple attempts are devoted
to research involving systematic analysis, categorization and documentation of agricul-
tural adaptation as a whole [23,25,32,39,45,57–59], as well some specific aspects, such as
adaptation features in different countries and regions of the world, e.g.,: the Mediter-
ranean region [60], Eastern Europe [61], Nordic countries [33], the USA [62], Canada [39],
developing countries [63], low- and middle-income countries [42], Asia [64–66], South
Asia [67], African countries [11,18,68], arid and semi-arid tropics of Asia, Africa, and Latin
America [69]; in various sectors of agriculture [70], depending on the effects for various
crops [71–77], and in different weather outcomes [16,21,58,78,79].
Despite this extensive discourse, there have been only a few studies conducted that
include research from countries and regions of the world, showing adaptation actions at
different levels of agricultural production, from regional and local farmers’ responses to
government involvement or national level [31]. Thus, in this study, an attempt is made
not to cover all the papers on the topic but more so to fill the above gap in research by
compiling a scoping review of the literature. The aim of the current study is to review
adaptation strategies and actions in countries around the world proposed for implemen-
tation in order to reduce the impact of climate change on their agricultural development
and production at different levels. The study was completed in three stages: (i) identifying
Climate 2023, 11, 202 4 of 37
the climate diversity and climate change patterns; (ii) determining the impact of climate
change on agricultural production; and (iii) recognizing adaptation strategies and actions
in the agricultural sector, including at the local (farms), regional (institutions), and national
(governments) levels. We believe that our results would benefit not only future research
aimed at studying the development of effective strategies for the adaptation of the agri-
cultural sector in different countries but also the influencing factors and barriers to the
adjustment of agriculture to climate change.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the Materials
and Methods of this study. Section 3 provides the Results of the main findings, including a
table that summarizes the outputs from all the papers selected for the review. Section 4,
Discussion, includes some additional aspects, such as: shortcomings and advantages that
arise from climate change to agriculture, in Section 4.1; discussion of the pros and cons of
the “bottom-up” and “top-down” approaches (Section 4.2); unique agricultural techniques
such as intercropping are considered in Section 4.3; involvement of Indigenous Knowledge
in the adaptation process is shown in Section 4.4; biodiversity-based agriculture and smart
agriculture are debated in Sections 4.5 and 4.6; and maladaptation concepts are discussed
in Section 4.7. In the final Section 5, we present the main conclusions and implications of
this study, including recommendations.
3. Results
From the reviewed papers, 59 in English and 6 in Russian were included in the
table. Most of the articles were from European countries (25) [33,47,71,80–102] and Asia
(21) [13,17,103–121], several from African countries (12) [11,68,69,122–130], also South
America (4) [131–134] and North America (2) [135,136], and one paper from Australia [137].
Of these papers, six [17,100,122,131,136,137] were published at the Special Issue of Climate
(MDPI) “Agroecological Approaches for Climate-Smart and Biodiverse Agriculture” (https:
Climate 2023, 11, 202 5 of 37
tural Policies [121] to climate change are currently being developed and implemented in
many countries around the world, concerning the major vulnerabilities of each country.
Weather forecasts and information on climate change trends have public-good properties
of non-rival consumption and high costs of exclusion [137]. It should be supplied by the
government, not the competitive market, which can lead to the information being under-
provided. Government roles should also include: (i) investment in R&D [93,95,97,113,115];
(ii) provision of transport, irrigation, and other infrastructure, and provision of a safety
net for those who fail to successfully adapt to climate change [80,137]. Technological de-
velopments at the national scale include (iii) the development of early warning systems
for risk communication to prevent loss from natural disasters [68,113,115]. Anticipatory
disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation planning are at the national level,
as neither instrumental observation nor local awareness schemes alone are suitable for
adaptation planning [113]. Other important adaptation strategies are (iv) selection and
breeding of new drought/heat resistant/tolerant crop varieties [85,102,105]; (v) creating
relevant genebanks [134]; (vi) developing agroforestry systems [69]; (vii) developing and
implementing more efficient methods of irrigation [11,68]; and (viii) using renewable en-
ergy sources in modern agricultural systems [92]. Governmental support for (seasonal)
migrations and alternative livelihood opportunities could help improve the sustainability
of agriculture and its resistance to climate change and should be recognized as complemen-
tary to the current adaptation tactics and strategies [11,44,113,123]. National Agricultural
Policy [121] also addresses the issues of environmental protection in agriculture, which,
among others, implies developing farming systems and agro-technologies on a landscape
basis [93] and supporting natural and agricultural biodiversity through the creation of
habitat and green corridors [95]. Last but not least, Nation ASAs emphasize the importance
of developing the international agricultural market, taking into account the opportunities
and limitations of global change [91].
All results from the research studies mentioned above are listed in Table 1, where
the papers are arranged according to continents, from Europe to Asia, Africa, the Ameri-
cas, and Oceania, and inside the continents—according to the climate from temperate to
equatorial climate zones, including tropical and subtropical, and all varieties of humidity.
The following characteristics of studies involved in the review were extracted: study area
and its climate, climate change characteristics, consequent changes in agriculture, spatial
scale on which adaptation strategies and actions (ASAs) are proposed or executed, which
are Local, Region, and Nation, and agricultural ASAs suggested or already used in the
studied regions.
Climate 2023, 11, 202 8 of 37
Table 1. Climate change and Agricultural Adaptation Strategies and Actions (ASAs). The periods are underlined for which the assessment of climatic changes was
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
27 [104] Kazakhstan Temperate Different warming scenarios: (1) Dramatically change in spring wheat Local-to- Snow reserving; choice of planting date;
GFDL, (2) and (3) incremental; yields: Nation forecasts on agricultural pest and disease
increase in: (1) Significant drying of soils: outbreaks; informing farmers about
coping with climate change; regular local
(1) +4.9 ◦ C annual air temperature, increased evapotranspiration
from the higher temperatures workshops on different techniques for
+24% precipitation
growing wheat; sustainable seed banks
(2) +3 ◦ C annual air temperature, outweighs the increased
precipitation; the wheat with wide varieties available; change
+20% precipitation
land management to reduce soil erosion;
(3) +3 ◦ C annual air temperature, cultivating area could decrease
by >10% incorporating results into Kazakhstan’s
no change in precipitation
(2) Soil moisture increase National Action Plan
(3) Soil moisture decrease; reduce
the area suitable for wheat
cultivation by more than 50%
28 [105] China Tropical in the far south, B2 scenario, RCM projections by 2020s, Increased instability in agricultural Nation Strengthening agricultural infrastructure;
Subarctic in the far 2050s, and 2080s: mean temperature production since the 1980s; more breeding stress-resistant crop varieties;
north, Alpine in Tibetan increase by 1.2, 2.2, and 3.2; severe droughts and heat waves in developing new agricultural
Plateau precipitation increase by 4%, 7%, and some places; increased crop damage technologies (including biotechnology);
10%, respectively from spring frost; northward and promoting the large-scale planting of
westward movement of winter wheat superior crop varieties in suitable areas
plantations in Northeast China; for bolstering the agricultural sector’s
decrease (95%–10%) of crop resilience to disasters
productivity by 2030
Climate 2023, 11, 202 15 of 37
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
4. Discussion
Current climate change faces various challenges for the global community in all
spheres of livelihood, including agricultural development and production. Climate change
adaptation actions in agriculture incorporate a wide diversity of activities at different scales
linked to declining agricultural exposure and vulnerability to changes, such as technological
developments or changes in production practices [87].
Of the 65 papers included in the review, 48% consider adaptation measures at the
whole range of ASA scales, from Local to Region and Nation, emphasizing the fact that
all levels of decision-making should be involved and interconnected in the adaptation
process. Developments at one level can help in the implementation of plans at another
level, and vice versa, failures in the implementation of decisions at any level can lead to
maladaptation as a whole. For example, several studies show the need for regional-scale
measures such as investments in training and education, easier access to credits, which can
help to adopt local adaptation actions, and facilitating the adjustment process among the
poorest farmers at the local scale [128,130].
To describe the picture in “large strokes”, the results identify five groups of the
most relevant adaptation measures stimulated by the impacts of climate change. The
ASAs in agriculture that can be distinguished at the Local and Region scales are: (i)
crop varieties and management, including changes in land use and innovative breeding
techniques; (ii) water and soil management, including agronomic techniques; (iii) farmers’
education and knowledge transfer; at the Region and Nation scales: (iv) financial schemes,
insurance, migration, and culture; (v) agricultural and weather services, R&D, including
the development of early warning systems [11,99,138].
More considerations are addressed below, emphasizing additional aspects on the topic
of agricultural adaptation to climate change.
snow cover and frost at the soil level may have a negative effect on forest production and
can decrease recreational possibilities. In southern areas, climate change is predicted to
bring more negative changes with limited benefits [80].
growing uncertainties and higher vulnerabilities [6,103]. In short, it is not easy to find the
right solution anyway, and unfortunately, there will be winners and losers [31,172].
The general assumption is that some incursions unintentionally exacerbate, reallocate,
or even generate new resources of vulnerability, which are caused by (i) superficial com-
prehension of “sensitivity” and “vulnerability” concepts; (ii) uneven involvement of the
interested participants in the development and fulfillment of the adaptation programs; (iii)
inclusion of adaptation strategies and actions into already operating development projects;
and (iv) lack of critical attitude to how to define an “adaptation success” [55]. Three types
of maladaptive consequences can be grouped as (i) restoring vulnerability; (ii) changing
vulnerability; and (iii) undermining sustainable development [173].
Future research should focus on adaptation options to examine farmers’ and societal
readiness and the difficulties they face in adopting new adaptation strategies, as well as
their essential influencing factors, to catch maladaptation before it happens [174].
Author Contributions: Conceptualization and methodology, E.G. and E.S.; writing—original draft
preparation, E.G. and A.L.; writing—review and editing, E.G. and E.S. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Climate 2023, 11, 202 31 of 37
Funding: This research was funded within the framework of the State Task of ICARP FEB RAS No.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is
not applicable to this article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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