Climate (Chapter 6)

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W orld Geography

Chapter The W orld Climate

The World climate was divided by Koeppen, a professor in the university of Grauss (Australia) in 1918
and the classification as revised in 1936.

Koeppen classification is on the basis of the distribution of natural vegetation. He thought that the

growth of vegetation is not solely dependent upon the amount of rainfall but depends upon the
effectiveness of precipitation.

90° N
Polar Type
COLD ZONE Tundra Type Climate

Taiga Type Climate
60° N
Western Margin Central Continent Eastern Margin

U y
Siberian Type Laurentian Type
Evergreen Coniferous Mixed Forests
Deciduous Forests

T dem
ZONE Forests
45° N
Mediterranean Type Steppe Type China Type
WARM TEMPERATE Mediterranean Forests Steppe Temperate Warm Wet Forests
and Shrubs Grassland
ZONE 30° N
Hot Desert Sudan Type Monsoonal Type
HOT ZONE Savanna, Tropical Monsoon Forests

Desert Vegetation

10° N

EQUATORIAL ZONE Hot Wet Equatorial Climate

Equatorial Rain Forests

Hot Wet Equatorial Type Climate

Equatorial rain forests also known as Belt of clam lies between 0° to 10° and S.
The most outstanding feature of the Equatorial climate is its great uniformity of temperature
throughout the year with the mean monthly temperatures always around 26°C with little variation
and no winters. The annual range is less than 1°C.
The Equatorial Region records the heaviest rainfall on this planet with over 200 to 250
centimetres, and well distributed throughout the year.

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Due to the great heat in the equatorial belt,
Do You Know ?

mornings are bright and sunny with high

evaporation followed by heavy convectional The World of Rainforest
rain in the afternoons from the towering The Equatorial Rainforest environment are the
cumulonimbus cluds. Thunder and ones with……
lightening are common. 1. The heaviest Rainfall
The relative humidity is constantly high 2. The highest Humidity
over 80% making one feel ‘Sticky’ and 3. The densest Forests
uncomfortable. The climate is oppressive,
4. The greatest Biodiversity
enervating and disease prone, and therefore
the rainforests are not a great place to live. 5. The largest Reserves of Hardwood
The Equatorial Rainforest of the Amazon basin 6. A winterless Climate

is called Selva (s). 7. Very little Seasonality
Cloudiness and heavy precipitation 8. The most uniform temperature during the

moderate the temperature of the equatorial year

region. Therefore, despite its equatorial location 9. The most diverse and productive forest
with abundant Sunshine throughout the year ecosystems
the highest temperatures are not recorded 10. The lowest diurnal and annual
here. temperature Range
This region, because of its hot, humid and highly 11. Double Rainfall Peaks coinciding with
enervating climate with poor soils for Equinoxes

agriculture, supports little human numbers. 12. No month without rain
The population density is often less than
13. The most Luxuriant Vegetation
10 persons per square km.

U y
This region covered Amazon basin, Congo basin, 14. The greatest Biomass
Indonesia. 15. The highest Biological Productivity

T dem
Broad-leaved evergreen dense forests. Tress are 16. The greatest variety of epiphytic and
gregarious and there is competition for sunlight. Parasitic Plants
Have more species of plants and animals than in 17. The maximum bacterial activity
all others combined. 18. The most enervating (oppressive) climate
The Island of Java with its highly fertile 19. A Gigantic Zoo (of lower order animals)

volcanic soil is the most populous island in 20. The richest Biological resources, they are
the world despite its equatorial location!! With

the Climax Ecosystem on the planet.
about 125 million people, it accounts for over
50% of Indonesia’s population. Monsoon Type Climate

The Equatorial Rainforest is called the Lungs l
The basic cause of monsoon climate is the
of the Planet. difference in the rate of heating and cooling of
Because the Rainforest environment is so rich in land and sea. This results in seasonal reversal
biodiversity, it is said that every cubic metre of winds in the Tropical Monsoon Lands with
of the soil here contains at least one onshore wet monsoons in the summer and
species that is still un-named !! off-shore dry monsoons in the winter.
The Europeans established many large l
The natural vegetation is Tropical Deciduous
plantations in Java, Sumatra, West Africa and forests. These forest yeild valuable timber and
Central America. The most outstanding of them are prized for their durable hardwood. Amongst
being Rubber, Cocoa and Oil Palm. The these Teak is the best known.
other crops suited to this climate are coconuts, l
A wide range of lowland tropical cash crops
sugarcane, coffee, tea, spices, cinchona, are cultivated in these regions. Most important
bananas is sugarcane, however others like Jute,

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Manila hemp (abaca), Indigo and Cotton 3. The most profond impact of climate on Man’s way
hold regional importance. of life
The tropical monsoon region is characterized by 4. The greatest agricultural dependence on natural
the most intensive forms of Agriculture. Rainfall
5. The most constant pattern of concentrated rain in
Rice is the most characteristics crop of the
few months, with a tendency for Summer
monsoon land and its total average far exceeds maximum.
that of any other crop.
6. The Worst impact of Tropical Cyclones
Shifting Cultivation-the most primitive form 7. High chances of frequent floods, servere
of farming is widely practised among the draughts and growing desertification
indigenous people of the monsoon climatic
8. The largest concentration of Deciduous
region of the world. hardwood trees in pure strands
Shifting cultivation is known by different names 9. The largest concentration of teakwood trees and
in thse different parts of the world. It is known bamboo thickets
as ladang in Malaysia, taungya in Myanmar, 10. The highest agricultural density in the World
tamrai in Thailand, caingin in Philippines ray 11. The smallest landholdings in agriculture
in vietnam, Cannco in veneznela, Roca in
12. The largest area under intensive subsistence
Brazil. humah in Java, chena in Sri Lanka and
milpa in Africa and Central America.
13. Rice as their most characteristic crop
The colonization of tropical lands by Europeans
14. Largest sugar production for the world
gave rise to the introduction of plantation
15. The common practice of shifting cultivation by
agriculture like Coffee and Tea plantations
indigenous people
in the monsoon region.
Agriculture is characterised by acute Tropical Grass Land Type Climate
fragmentation of landholdings, inefficient (Savanna)
techniques, limited mechanisation and low
productivity with heavy pressure on land.
Savanna climate is confined within tropics
and is best developed in Sudan where the dry
The monsoon forest are more open and less
and wet seasons are most distinct.
luxuriant than the equatorial rain forest and
the level of biodiversity is only next to the
In true Savanna lands, the grass is tall and
equatorial rain forest. coarse, growing 6 to 12 feet high. The
Elephant grass may attain a height of is 15
The dry monsoon forests resembles the steppe
feet !!
As rainfall diminishes towards the deserts, the
There are three distinct seasons of rainy,
Savanna merges into thorny scrub. In
coool-dry, and hot-dry in the monsoon region.
Australia, this scrubland is particularly well
The role of monsoons in India is vital in its respresented by a number of species : mallee,
economy so, it is often said that ‘‘Indian mulga, spinfex grass and other bushes.
Economy is a gamble on the Monsoon.’’ l
Savanna is known as ‘‘Big Game Country’’
and thousands of animals are trapped or killed
Do You Know ? each year by people from all over the world. In
many parts national parks have been set up to
The world of Monsoon control the killing of animals.
* Among the various Natural Regions the Monsoon
The Savanna is said to be the natural cattle
World are the ones with……
country but it seems necessary to introduce
1. Three distinct seasons viz. Cool Dry; Hot Dry and
temperate cattle in this region if cattle rearing
Rainy Season
is to be successful. This region holds great
2. The greatest impact of Periodic Reversal of Wind promise for future so cattle breeding and
disease control must be carried out on 8. The highest proneness to droughts and
scientific basis. desertification
Savanna woodland has an open, park like 9. The highest proneness to soil erosion (especially
appearance, consisting of trees spaced widely during the rainy season !!)
apart, permitting development of a dense lower 10. The world’s greatest variety of the largest and the
layer, which usually consists of grasses. fastest herbivores and carnivores (Big game
country !!)
A different expression of the Savanna biome is
11. The greatest opportunity for Big Game Thinting
found in East Australia. Here the Australia
(and Poaching too!!)
Sclerophyllous Tree Savanna forms a
12. A unique ecosystem that served as a cradle of
north-south belt in which trees are evergreen
human evolution
species of Eucalyptus.
13. The most renowned Safari Parks (run by the
In Africa, the fine dust particles carried from government !!)
Sahara Desert to the Savanna in the South
14. The highest potential for dryland farming
help in replenishing the primary minerals in
15. The highest future development prospects as a
the soil of Savanna.
natural region
Fire is a frequent occurrence in the Savanna
woodland during dry season. The trees of the Deserts Type Climate
Savanna are of species that are particularly l
Deserts are regions of scanty rainfall and
resistant to fire, Infact, it is widely believed
high aridity which may be hot like Sahara or
that periodic burning of the Savanna grasses is
cold as mid-latitude Gobi Desert.
responsible for the maintenance of the
grassland against the invasion forest.
Major hot deserts of world are located on
western coast of the continents between
Prospects for exploiting the Savanna
latitudes 10°-30° N and S.
environment for increased food production rests
today on concerted application of technique and
Mid-latitude cold deserts are mainly located
methodology for Sustainable Agriculture the in the continental interior plateaus and basins.
special emphasis on Dryland Farming. This continentality results in scanty rainfall
and greater extremes of temperature.
In the moister zones, those of Savanna
woodland with a long wet season, agriculture
The inland basins are cut off from rain bearing
follows a pattern known as bush-fallow winds because they lie at great distances from
farming. Trees are cut from a small area, piled sea and are sheltered by high mountains all
up, and burnt. The ash provides fertilizer for around them.
cultivated plots. After a few years, the land is l
In particularly harsh conditions of the
allowed to revert to shrub and tree growth. Coastal Deserts. where the sole source of
moisture is the sea mist, only halophytes or
Do You Know ? succulent epiphytes, absorbing moisture
The World of Savanna directly from the atmosphere, can survive.
Among the Various Natural Regions are the ones with…
In deserts intense evaporation increases the
1. The tallest and coarsest grasses (as tall as 15 feet salinity of the soil so that the dissolved salts
!!) tend to accumulate on the surface farming hard
pans, giving a glistening look to the surface !!
2. A typical park-land-Scape
3. A raingreen vegetation
In deserts settled life abounds only in Oases. A
4. The marked presence of Pyrophytes (fire wall is usually constructed around the Oasis to
resistant trees !!) keep out the violent dust storms.
5. The greatest susceptibility to natural fires l
Deserts may have poor vegetation but the
6. A pattern of bush-fallow farming Desert soils often have abundant nutrients.
7. The maximum impact of Falsh floods
This soils need only water to become very
Camels, ‘the Ships of Desert’ are exteremely winters as the westerly wind belt shifts
well adapted to their desert environment. It can equatorward, the Westerlies become
withstand changes in its internal body on-shore there by bringing winter rain.
temperature. The camel’s hump is a store of fat, l
In this region the rains are often torrential.
which the animal’s body absorbs as nutrients With a few rainy days with bright sunny
when there is lack of food. They can survive as periods between them.
long as three weeks without drinking water due l
This region derives its name from
to several unique adaptations. ‘Mediterranean Sea, however the best
developed form of this peculiar climate type is
found in Central Chile.
Do You Know ? l
Mediterranean trees have many branches but
they are short and carry few leaves. The
The World of Desert absence of shade is a distinct feature of the
* Amongst the Natural Regions The Deserts of the
Mediterranean lands.
World are the ones with …… l
The Cork Oaks are specially valued for their
1. An extreme degree of heat and dryness thick barks, used for making wine bottle corks
2. Cold currents along western margins and for export around the world.
3. The highest temperatures on the planet l
The original woodlands have degenerated
4. The highest evapotranspiration and moisture to scrub vegetation, special names have been
stress given to them to distinguish their location in
5. The highest diurnal range of temperature different parts of the Mediterranean lands.
6. The largest stretches of hot arid wastelands They are called Maquis in France. Macchia in
7. The highest pH value (salinity !!) of soils Italy, Chapparal in California and Mallee
8. The most discontinuous vegetal cover scrub in Australia.
9. Very low levels of development in agriculture
Once the cradle of world civilization,
10. The greatest variety of thorny, xerophytes and Mediterranean shorelands are nowadays
phreatophytes important for ‘fruit cultivation, cereal growing
11. the best and longest staple cotton
and wine making. They are also known as the
World’s orchard Lands.
12. The largest date palm production
Viticulture is by tradition a Mediterranean
13. The most trying living conditions
occupation and the regions bordering the
14. The animals having fewer sweat glands, Mediterranean sea account for three quarters of
exhibiting summer dormancy
the world’s production of wine. Some 85% of
15. High dependence on animals for survival grapes produced in Mediterranean lands go into
16. The largest camel population additionally, wine making.
temperate deserts are the ones with… l
Most of Inferior Grapes are preserved and
17. Extreme degree of continentality exported from Mediterranean lands. They are
18. The maximum number of Pastoral Nomads known by several names for example, currants
19. The least specie variety, but high specialisation from the Levantine Grapes, raisins from
20. The largest distances from rain bearing winds California and sultanas from Asia Minor.
The Olive tree is probably the most Typical of
Mediterranean Type Climate all Mediterranean cultivated vegetation. It
The winter rainy season is the most is so hardly and long-rooted that it can survive
outstanding feature of Mediterranean even on very poor limestone soils with less than
Climate. In almost all other climatic types 10 inches of annual rainfall.
maximum rain comes in summer. l
Giant sequoia three are the most massive of
all living forms. These trees grow as tall as 84
In summers, the region lies under off-shore
metres and can live upto a age close to 4000
trade winds with practically no rain. In
to narrowness of the temperate portions of
Do You Know ? southern continents, the grasslands are
The World of Mediterranean rather restricted and less continental. like
* Among the various Natural Regions The Pampas of Argentina, Veld of South Africa and
‘Mediterranean World’ are the ones with… Downs of Australia.
1. A unique winter concentration of rainfall l
The term ‘Steppe vegetation’ geographically
2. The maximum impact of shifting wind and refers to the scanty vegetation of the
pressure belts semi-arid lands of Continental Eurasia.
3. The maximum variety of local winds However, now this term is accepted to include
4. The largest orchards of the orlds the Temperate Grasslands all over the world.
5. The highest production and exports of itrus Fruits
The climatic requirements of grass are
(especially Oranges) quite different from those of tress. Their
6. The largest vineyards in the world growth is not abruptly checked by summer
7. The highest production of Grapes and Raisins droughts or winter cold as they can lie dormant
till the temperature is warm enough for plant
8. Viticulture as a Traditional Occupation
growth. On return of favorable conditions the
9. The highest production, consumption and grass will sprout again and grow steadily
exports of Wine
with very little moisture.
10. A typical Sclerophyllous Vegetation
Temperate Grasslands are ideal for Extensive
11. The Olive tree as the Index Plant
Wheat Cultivation. However, one distinct
12. The largest production and exports of Olive Oil feature of extensive mechanized farming, as
13. A monopoly in production of Wine Bottle Corks practiced in Prairies and Steppes, is the low
14. The largest exports of Temperate Fruits yield/hectare.
15. Their name after a Sea (Mediterranean Sea !!) l
There has been a spectacular development
of pastoral farming in Temperature
Temperature Grasslands Type Climate Grasslands of Southern Hemisphere. The
(Steppe) original tuft-grass was plughed up and replaced
They are of 3 varieties viz. ‘‘forest steppe, true by sown alfalfa. Semi wild cattle were crossed
steppe and desert steppe’’. with imported pedigree stock from Europe.
This region represents all the temperate
Do You Know ?

grasslands of the mid latitudes, the Steppes,

Prairies, Pampas. Velds and Downs. the The World of Steppe
greatest difference from the Tropical Savanna is * Among the Various Natural Regions The World of
that they are practically treeless and the Temperate Grasslands are the ones with…
grasses are much shorter. 1. The greatest continentality
The Steppe grass can lie dormant throughout 2. the highest annual range of temperature
they prolonged drought, which occurs 3. Tree-less grasslands
routinely during summer and winter months in The above three statements are true for the
this region. Northern Hemisphere Grasslands only
Though the Temperate Grasslands lie in the 4. The largest stretches of rolling plains
westerly wind belt, they are so remote from 5. The best developed extensive mechanised
maritime influence that the grasslands are commercial farming
practically treeless. 6. The lowest crop yields per hectare
In the Northern Hemisphere, the 7. The largest land holdings in Agricutre
grasslands are far more extensive and are 8. The highest crop yield per capita and per unit of
entirely continental like the steppes of labour
Eurasia and Prairies of North America. 9. The largest production of corn
However, in the Southern Hemisphere, due
10. The largest production of wheat (the wheat l
Chinese peasants add all kinds of organic
baskets of the world !!) wastes to enrich their fields. Rice straw, ashes,
11. The largest wheat exports in the world. clippings, animals dung, refuse and last but not
12. The most nutritious grasses like Lucerne or the least human manure.
Alfalfa, for cattle and sheep rearing l
Very little Corn is consumed as a staple food in
13. The largest Beef, mutton and wool exports in the America, as the food crop of the native Indian
people. Most of the Corn is used or fattening
14. The highest levels of development in cattle animals, mostly cattle and pigs. Many farmers
ranching, sheep rearing and pastoral Farming do not harvest the corn but instead allow the
15. The largest Ranches in the world cattle or pigs ‘to hog the corn down’ in the
field itself.
China Type Climate l
The ‘Sea Island Cotton’ ‘grown in the islands
The China type of climate or Temperate of Georgia and South Carolina is long stapled
Monsoon is a modified form of monsoonal and is the best in the World.
climate. In south-eastern USA, the overall l
Though it is cultivated in many parts of the
climatic features resemble those of China type.
world and the finished products range from
It is sometimes referred to as the Gulf type of
Turkish Tobacco to Havana Cigars and
Malaysian Cheroots, there is none so
The Gulf Atlantic Region of the United States
universally known as blended to suit the
has no distinct dry period and the abundant
smoker’s taste.
moisture has stimulated extensive cultivation
of cotton and maize, in the Cotton and Corn
Eastern margin of New South Wales was the
Belts both of which are world’s leading areas for earliest part of Australia to be Colonised,
these crops. beginning with Port Jackson, the present
Monsoon China together with southern Japan day Sydney. This region is now the chief source
and other parts of Eastern Margin climatic zone of Australia’s milk, butter and cheese.
accounts for almost a third of World’s l
The leaves of Wild Yerba Mate trees are
Population. Food has to be raised to feed the gathered for making Paraguay tea. Today,
teeming population. The hills are terraced, large yerba mate plantations have been
fields are irrigated and agriculture is extended established to produce Paraguay tea, an
to the limits of production. increasingly important export item of paraguay.
The Typhoons impacting the coastlands
bordering the South China Sea can be very
disastrous. The fact that these areas are very
Do You Know ?
densely populated further aggravates the
situation. The World of China Type
* That Capture the China Type Climate Region Among
This region is home of a number of valuable
timber species. In eastern Australia most the various Natural Regions they are the ones with…
important are Eucalyptus threes. From the 1. The highest population pressure
South American forests of this region come 2. The most productive parts of the Middle Latitudes
Parana Pine, Quebracho and Yerba Mate 3. The best settled parts of southern continents
trees. The Natal Region has Palm and Wattle 4. The most intense cyclonic activity
trees. 5. The most intensively tilled parts of the World
The Chinese peasants raise ‘wet padi’ or 6. The largest area under rice cultivation.
‘swamp rice’ in flooded fields that call for 7. The most exhausted Soils
endless hard labour for the greater part of the 8. The highest intensity of cropping
year. It is said that nowhere else is there much 9. The largest production of Cotton
manual labour devoted to raise of food crop that 10. The largest Tobacco production for a natural
gives so little economic return. region
The British Type Climate Do You Know ?
This region includes some of the most
advanced parts of the world. The World of Coal West Cost
The climate of this region is greatly impacted * Among the various Natural Regions they are the ones
by marine influences, warm ocean currents, with…
prevailing westerlies and air masses. 1. The mildest winters in temperate latitudes
In North America, the high Rockies prevent 2. The greatest impact of insularity (Oceanic influence
the on-shore westerlies from penetrating far !!)
inland, confining British type climate to 3. The most comfortable climate for human habitation
coastlands of British Columbia. 4. The greatest weather variablity for a climatic region
‘‘Heat waves’’ are a welcome feature in cool 5. The best developed mixed farming
temperate latitudes, where people do not often 6. The most productive and efficient agriculture
see enough of Sun. 7. A high dependence on food imports
Frequent Temperate Cyclones, originating at 8. The best developed intensive commercial farming
the polar front are the main source of 9. The most specialised horticulture industry
precipitation in this region. 10. The best developed dairy industry
This region is a storehouse of valuable 11. The best Breeds of dairy cattle with highest milk
Temperate Hardwood. Occurrence of yields
Deciduous trees in pure stands has given 12. A highly developed market gardening
them great lumbering value. 13. A well developed fishing industry
A long history of human occupance of 14. An unprecedented industrial advancement
these wooded regions has reduced many 15. The highest living standards
forests to tiny remnants. Dense forests are
now found only on mountains and highlands, The Siberian Type Climate
these are mostly Coniferous. l
Taiga is a Russian word for coniferous forest,
Large urban population necessitates practice which is the predominant natural vegetation of
of Intensive Market Gardening-Raising the Siberian climate.
fruits, vegetables and flowers in the backyard l
Pine, fir, spruce and larch are the four major
gardens, for the local market.
species in the coniferous forests. Among them
Netherlands is internationally renowned for larch is the only deciduous veriety found towards
its horticulture industry specialising in the warmer southern margin of the Taiga.
exports of Dutch Tulips and Bulbs. l
The presence of confiers in pure stands is a great
North Western Europe was the original home advantage in commercial exploitation, And the
of many world renowned cattle breeds immense variety of tree species in the Rainforest,
e. g. , Jersey and Friesian. a great disadvantage !!
In view of its declining sheep rearing, Britain l
That the conifers are so called because of their
has transformed herself into an important conical shape with sloping branches, an
exporter of British pedigree animals to the adaptation to ward off snow.
newer sheep lands of the world. l
The conifer leaves are small, thick, leathery and
Swiss chocolate industry is a great needle-shaped to check excessive transpiration
example of their excellent use of Alpine during the warm summer months and to protect
pastures for keeping dairy cattle. them from cold winter.
The single largest stretch of forest in the 4. The minimum biodiversity of booth plants and
world is found in Russia. animals
5. The least luxuriant vegetation
Russia, Canada, U.S.A. and the Fennoscandian
6. The lowest biological productivity
countries (Finland, Norway and Sweden) are
the worlds greatest softwood producers. And 7. The least bacterial activity (decomposition is
Canada is the largest producer of mostly fungal)
newsprint in the world. 8. The lowest biomass
9. The slowest nutrient cycling
The Siberian climate with its coniferous forest,
is conspicuously missing in the Southern 10. The largest reserves of softwood
Hemisphere because of the narrowness of the 11. The best developed lumbering
southern continents in the high latitudes. 12. The richest source of wood pulp, the raw material
However, these forests are found over the for paper-making and newsprint.
mountains at greater heights below the tree 13. The largest stretches of softwood trees in pure
line. stands (single species dominating the forest)
The Taiga soils are called ash grey Podzols, a 14. The most acidic zonal soils, the podzols.
russian word for it. 15. Evergreen trees (There is no annual replacement
of leaves as in deciduous trees. The same leaf
The short growing season coupled with the
remains on the tree for as long as five years !!)
highly leached an acidic podzols having poor
humus make this region unsuitable for Laurentian Type Climate
agriculture. However, along the warmer south
some hardy cereals (barley, oats, rye) and root
This Climate is found only in two regions, viz,
crops (potatoes) are raised for local needs. NE North America and Eastern Coastlands of
Asia. It has no presence is Southern
The isotherm of 10°C (50°F) for the warmest
Hemisphere because of greater maritime
month forms the poleward boundary of the
Siberian climate and the winter months are
always below the freezing point.
Unlike the British type, this region has features
of both maritime and continental climates.
Scandinavia is the name given to the group of
four countries-Sweden, Iceland, Norway and
The temperature regime is characterized by
Denmark, where the Scandinavian languages lack of extremes but there is still a marked
are spoken. cold season which plant and animals must
The places with the lowest mean annual
temperature in each hemisphere are called cold
Summers are as warm as tropics and if it were
poles. Verkhoyansk in North East Siberia not the cooling effect of Arctic off shore cold
and Vostok. a Russian research station on the currents, the summers might have been even
Antarctic ice plateau are the two cold pole in hotter.
either hemisphere. l
Though rains fall throughout the year, this
region has a distinct summer maximum from
Do You Know ? the easterly winds from the oceans.
Cool temperate forests of this region are
The World of Coniferous Forest largely coniferous north of 50° N giving way to
* Among the major forests of the world, these are the deciduous forests south of it.
ones with… l
Lumbering and paper industry are the most
1. The lowest rainfall important undertakings. The coniferous forests
2. The least mean annual temperature in this region are a continuation of the great
3. The most adverse climate coniferous belt of the Taiga.
Confluence of warm and cold currents, gently 12. Lumbering as an important activity
sloping continental shelves and a well 13. Highly developed paper industry
developed fishing industry have transformed 14. The high levels of urbanisation
grand banks of Newfoundland into one of 15. Very high population density
world’s largest fishing grounds.
Eastern Canada, along the banks of the St.
Tundra Type Climate (Polar Word)
lawrence river is the heart of Canadian l
Antarctic is the greatest single stretch of
timber and wood pulp industry. ice-cap where the layers of permanent ice are
In Japan 80% of land is classed as thick as 1800 metres !! Contributed by this
‘‘non-agricultural’’.Moreover Laurentian type of thickness, it has the highest mean elevation
climate is too cold for active agriculture. Thus of 1846 metres which is twice as high as the
fishing has acquired the first preference and 2nd ranking Asia with only 923 metres.
has for centuries been Japanese traditional l
Ice cold winds called Blizzards in Canada,
occupation. reaching velocities over 200 km/hr are common
Both Asiatic and North American regions under in polar areas and Antarctica happens to be
Laurentian type climate have undergone rapid the windiest of all continents !!
industrialisation at a large scale, based on l
Marshy conditions prevail over wide areas
local or important raw material. Today these during the long summer the ground ice thaws in
regions are hub of industrial activity and a shallow surface layer of about sin inches and
boast of huge urban centes. the meltwater stagnates over the impermeable
Agriculture is less important in Laurentian frozen ground beneath, called the
Region due to severity of the winter and its long Permafrost (Permanently frozen !!).
duration, However, Potatoes thrive well in l
In some places a distinct tree line, coinciding
these Podzolized soils and hardly cereals like approximately with the 10°C (50° F) isotherm of
Oat and barely can be sown and successfully the warmest month (the tree survival line),
harvested before the onset of cold winter. separates the Tundra from the Coniferous
Do You Know ? l
Plants of the Arctic Tundra are low and mostly
herbaceous, although dwarf willow occurs in
The World of Cool East Cost places. Mosses, Lichens, Sedges (grasses) and
* Among the various Natural Regions they are the ones some flowering plants dominate in a low layer.
with… l
The size of plants in Arctic Tundra is partly
1. Marked presence only in northern hemisphere limited by the mechanical rupture of roots
2. The features of both maritime and continental during freeze and thaw of the surface
climates layer of soil, producing shallow rooted plants.
3. Freezing, long winters and warm, short summers In winters, drying winds and mechanical
4. Off shore westerlies as predominant winds abrasion by winds driven snow tend to reduce
5. A confluence of cold and warm currents any portion of plant that projects above the
6. The highest annual range of temperature snow.
7. Fishing as the most most outstanding economic l
The variety of a animal species adapted to the
activity harsh Tundra ecosystem is small but their
8. Largest fishing grounds numbers are discernibly higher than what one
9. The highest fish production would expect. Large herds of Caribou in North
America of Reindeer (their European
10. The largest production of oats and barley
counterpart) and a smaller number of
11. Mixed forests as the predominant vegetation
musk-oxen roam the Tundra, lightly grazing the
‘reindeer moss’ a lichen. Among the smaller 1. The heaviest snowfall
mammals are snow-shoe rabits and lemmings 2. The lowest mean diurnal and annual temperature
are important herbivores. Wolves, arctic foxes 3. The least biodiversity of both Plants and Animals
and polar bear are the predators. Some insects 4. The lowest biological productivity
and migratory birds abound during the short 5. The least bacterial activity
summers. 6. The most germ-free enviroment
7. The largest continental glaciers
Breeding and raising of fur-bearing
8. The thickest ice sheets and caps
animals is the most important occupation of 9. The lowest biomass
the local people of Tundra. 10. The slowest nutrient cycling
In all latitudes, the Alpine Tundra is 11. The finest fur bearing animals
developed in the higher reaches of the 12. The largest fur farms in the Tundra region
mountains beyond the limit of tree growth and 13. The poorest drainage
below the vegetation-free zone of barren rock 14. The shortest growing season
and perpetual snow. Alpine Tundra resembles 15. The longest days during summers
Arctic Tundra in many of the physical aspects.
16. The longest nights during winters
17. Not a single tree (lies beyond the tree line !!)
Do You Know ? 18. Regions lying beyond the Arctic and Antarctic
The Polar World
* The polar world lies on the colder extreme of the 19. The coldes deserts (the greatest heat deficit
Equatorial-Polar Continuum and therefore, they are
the ones with… 20. the least density of population

World Climatic Types

Climatic Zone Latitude Climatic Type Rainfall Regime Natural Vegetation

(approximate) (with approx. total)

Equatorial Zone 0° - 10° N and S 1. Hot, wet equatorial Rainfall all year round : Equatorial rain forests
80 inches
Hot Zone 10° - 30° N and S 2. (a) Tropical Monsoon Heavy summer rain : Mosoon forests
80 inches
(b) Tropical Marine Much summer rain :
70 inches
3. Sudan Type Rain mainly in summer : Savanna (tropical
30 inches grassland)
4. Desert : Little rain : 5 inches Desert vegetation and
(a) Saharan type scrub
(b) Mid-latitude type
World Climatic Types

Climatic Zone Latitude Climatic Type Rainfall Regime Natural Vegetation

(approximate) (with approx. total)
Warm 30°-45° N and S 5. Western Margin Winter rain : 35 inches Mediterranean forests
Temperate (Mediterranean type) and shrub grassland
6. Central Continental Light summer rain : 20 Steppe or temperate
(Steppe type) inches
7. Eastern Margin : Heavier summer rain : 20 Warm, wet forests and
inches bamboo
(a) China type
(b) Gulf type
(c) Natal type
Cool Temperate Zone 45°-60° 8. Western Margin (British More rain in autumn and Decidous forests
N and S type) winter : 30 inches
9. Central Continental Light summer rain : 25 Evergreen coniferous
(Siberian type) inches forests
10. Eastern Moderate summer rain : Mixed forests
Margin(Laurentian type) 40 inches (coniferous and
Cold Zone 60°-90° N and S 11. Arctic or Polarrain Very light summer rain 10 Very ligh summer
inches Tundra, mosses,
Alpine Zone 12. Mountain climate Heavy rainfall (variable) Alpine pastures,
conifers, fern, snow

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