Methane - 2022
Methane - 2022
Methane - 2022
The most abundant organic trace gas in the atmosphere is methane (CH4). Variations in natural
methane sources were responsible for patterns in atmospheric methane levels recorded in ice
cores in the distant past. Since the 1700s, rapidly increasing human activity, particularly in
agriculture, the use of fossil fuels, and waste management, has more than doubled methane
emissions. Methane is also a greenhouse gas but more potent at trapping radiation than carbon
dioxide. An increase in methane concentration in the atmosphere causes anthropogenic global
warming because the concentration of methane increased due to mainly anthropogenic activities.
Methane is also emitted from natural sources but they account for less emission as compared to
anthropogenic sources. In this review, we look at past patterns in methane concentrations in the
atmosphere, the sources and sinks that influence its growth rate, and the factors that will
influence it in the future. We also discuss the current understanding of methane's effects on
atmospheric chemistry and the relationship between methane and climate change.
Methane (CH4) is a hydrocarbon that is a key component of natural gas. Methane is a colourless,
odourless, and excessively combustible gas. It has a chemical formula CH4 (containing one
carbon atom covalently bonded with four hydrogen atoms). It is also a powerful greenhouse gas
(GHG), hence its presence in the atmosphere has an impact on the global climate. Methane is
emitted from several anthropogenic and natural sources. Anthropogenic sources include
wastewater treatment plants, gas production, thermal power plants, landfills (solid waste disposal
sites), livestock, agricultural activities and some industrial processes. Natural sources include
wetlands, termites, oceanic processes, anaerobic decomposition and geological processes
(volcanoes). (Wuebbles and Katharine, 2002)
It is the third most abundant greenhouse gas after water vapours and carbon dioxide, accounting
for around 20% of global emissions. According to an ice core study, atmospheric CH4
concentrations varied very little over the last 160,000 years, remaining near 0.8 ppm until a
dramatic surge in the last two centuries. Since the beginning of the industrial era, CH4
concentrations have more than doubled, with an average of 1.895 ppm in 2021 (Cheryl Hogue,
2022). Methane was previously thought to have little impact on climate change due to its low
concentration (1.89 ppm) in comparison to carbon dioxide, which has a concentration of 412
ppm (Wuebbles et al. 2017). However, according to a recent study, a single CO2 molecule is
significantly less effective at absorbing terrestrial radiation than a CH4 molecule. Methane is
more than 25 times more effective than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.
Methane is naturally present in trace levels in the atmosphere, but its concentration has increased
dramatically since the industrial revolution. This rise is significantly faster than the rise in
average CO2.
Changes in atmospheric methane abundance have implications for both chemistry and climate
because methane is both a potent greenhouse gas and a precursor to tropospheric ozone. As a
precursor for tropospheric ozone (O3), influences ozone background levels (Fiore et al., 2002).
Controlling methane has been proven to be a win-win situation, improving both climate and air
quality (Shindell et al., 2012). Methane has increased by a factor of 2.5 from a preindustrial level
of 722±25 ppb (Etheridge et al., 1998; Dlugokencky et al., 2005) to a value of 185±71 ppb in
2017 (Dlugokencky et al., 2017), primarily due to anthropogenic activity (Dlugokencky et al.,
2011). It is eliminated from the atmosphere primarily by reactions with hydroxyl radicals (OH)
in the troposphere, with minor contributions from reactions with excited atomic oxygen (O(1D))
and atomic chlorine (Cl) in the stratosphere and absorbed by soils (Saunois et al., 2016).In the
presence of sufficiently high levels of nitrogen oxides, the oxidation of CH4 by hydroxyl (OH) in
the troposphere leads to the production of formaldehyde (CH2O), carbon monoxide (CO), and
ozone (O3) (NOx). Methane, like CO, helps limit the amount of OH in the troposphere. Methane
also influences the amounts of water vapour and ozone in the stratosphere, and it is essential in
the conversion of reactive chlorine to less reactive HCl in the stratosphere (Wuebbles, 2002).
The focus of this research is to look at past patterns in methane concentrations, the sources and
sinks that influence its growth rate, and the factors that could influence its future growth rate.
This research also looks at how we now understand the consequences of methane on atmospheric
chemistry and climate.
In contrast to carbon dioxide, methane is emitted into the atmosphere from a range of natural and
man-made sources. Biogenic sources connected to agriculture and waste management, such as
anaerobic fermentation, both animal and human waste, rice paddies, biomass burning, and
landfills, produce anthropogenic emissions. Exploiting fossil fuels like natural gas, coal, and
petroleum also releases methane into the atmosphere. Wetlands, termites, other wild ruminants,
oceans, and hydrates produce natural methane emissions.
Because there are so many different sources of methane, a wide range of variables, such as
energy use, population distribution, agricultural methods, and climate, have an impact on
emissions.(Wuebbles and Katharine, 2002)
Major sources of methane emission are wetlands, biomass burning, combustion of fossil fuel and
agricultural activities.(Schwietzke et al., 2016)
Wetlands, including bogs, marshes, fens, and permafrost, offer an environment that is suitable
for the bacteria that create methane as organic matter decomposes.
A wide range of environmental factors affects the emissions from natural wetlands. These
characteristics include plenty of nutrients, main carbon in soil(Cao et al., 1996b; Miller et al.,
1999; Smith et al., 2000; Yavitt et al., 2000), vegetation type and cover (King et al., 1998;
Bellisario et al., 1999; Joabsson et al., 1999; Van der Nat and Middelburg, 2000), anaerobic
condition, and last one and the most important one which provides an anaerobic condition that is
water table depth and soil temperature.(Wuebbles and Katharine, 2002)
According to estimates, 13% of the world's methane emissions from natural sources come from
termites and their mounds. As part of their regular digestion, termite gut microbes produce
methane, albeit the amount produced varies depending on the species. The termite population,
which varies greatly across different geographic areas, has a considerable impact on
emissions.(Wuebbles and Katharine, 2002)
Approximately 6% of the world's natural methane emissions are thought to originate from the
oceans. The anaerobic digestion of fish and zooplankton in the water is one known source of
methane from the oceans, coupled with methane production in sediments and drainage areas near
coastal locations.
The amount of methane released from natural geological sources is seeps and mud volcanoes.
Several gasses are released into the atmosphere by geological sources, including SO2, H2O
(water vapour), HCl, and CO2 from volcanoes and H2, NO2, CO2, and CO2 from hydrothermal
vents (Judd et al., 2002). Methane is one of these gasses which emit during volcano eruptions,
from hydrothermal vents and fissures.
Methane hydrates are particularly important among the vast reserves of CH4 carbon that
naturally influence the ocean-atmosphere system and subsequently, the global climate. Methane
hydrate comprises only a small percentage of atmospheric methane but may be of great
importance in future (Ruppel et al., 2017).
When water and low-molecular-weight gasses (CO2, H2S, CH4, and higher-order hydrocarbons)
mix in a clathrate structure, a substance resembling ice is created that is known as a gas hydrate
(Sloan and Koh, 2008). Methane predominates over all other gasses in natural gas hydrates that
have been directly tested, which may partly be due to the abundance of CH4 there rather than
higher-order thermogenic gasses at the shallow depths that coring and drilling normally access.
At standard temperature and pressure, 1 m3 of gas hydrate can sequester up to 180 m3 of
methane. Methane hydrate concentrates CH4 inside its cage-like molecules (STP) (Ruppel et al.,
There are large methane hydrate concentrations on arctic islands, and these deposits have been
investigated as possible fuel sources. Since methane is a greenhouse gas, there has been fear that
any increase in temperature could cause some of the hydrate to melt and release significant
volumes of the gas into the atmosphere, resulting in the positive effect of promoting further
warming (Cao, 2002).
Fig. 2. Methane hydrate (white material) on the floor of Northern Gulf of Mexico.
The photograph was taken in 2014 by the Deep Discoverer remotely-operated vehicle managed
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Ocean Exploration and Research
Program. Credit: NOAA
conditions and farming methods used during cultivation, including weather, soil properties, and
farming methods such as water management, fertilizers, and other additives, as well as varieties
of plants. (Minami and Neue, 1994; Cao et al., 1995, 1996a; Huang et al., 1997, 1998; Neue et
al., 1997; Sass and Fisher, 1997; Khalil et al., 1998; Neue and Roger, 2000).
Rice fields provide ideal conditions for the methanogens for the production of methane. It has
been discovered that techniques like infrequent field draining, the addition of oxidants or other
mineral fertilizers, and the choice of low CH4 cultivars each reduce emissions by roughly 40–
55%, 20–70%, and sometimes even up to 60%, respectively. (Butterbachbahl et al., 1997; Cole et
al., 1997; Minami, 1997; Sass and Fisher, 1997; Mitra et al., 1999).Alternately, adding organic
fertilizers could increase emissions by more than 50% when compared to non-organic fertilizers
(Buendia et al., 1997; Denier van der Gon and Neue, 1995; Yagi et al., 1997).
Cattle and other ruminants including other domesticated animals, such as goats, sheep, and
buffalo emit methane and this methane is directly related to their diet (Cole et al., 1997; Harper
et al., 1999). Methane results as a byproduct of incomplete digestion. (Wuebbles and Hayhoe,
2002). Generally, higher quality diets will enable animals to more fully digest their food,
enhancing protein absorption while lowering CH4 emissions. This is especially true for ruminant
diets in impoverished nations, where raising the comparatively low quality of bovine feed could
result in up to 75% lower emissions per kilogramme of milk produced (Ward et al., 1993;
Crutzen et al., 1986).
Soluble organic matter, suspended particles, pathogenic organisms, and chemical pollutants are
all taken out of sewage wastewater during treatment. If organic components in the wastewater
are processed without oxygen and the resulting methane is discharged into the atmosphere, these
treatment procedures may result in methane emissions.
As garbage decomposes anaerobically in landfills and open dumps, methane is produced
(oxygen-free). The volume and moisture level of the waste, as well as the site's architecture and
management procedures, all affect how much methane is produced. Dry areas have landfills that
are less productive than ones with high moisture content. Several environmental and
technological factors, such as the temperature, moisture levels, and CH4 concentration inside the
landfill, the volume, organic composition, and age of the garbage, and the thickness of the
covering layer, all have an impact on landfill emissions (Peer et al., 1993; Czepiel et al., 1996;
Bogner and Spokas, 1993).
Natural gas processing, transmission, and distribution leaks are the primary cause of methane
emissions linked to fossil fuels because natural gas contains over 90% methane ( Beck et al.,
1993; EPA, 1993a).
When gas that was trapped between layers of coal during its formation is freed as the coal is
mined, methane is also produced from coal mines. Estimates of CH4 emissions from coal and
mines at the global and even regional levels depend on many assumptions about the type of coal,
the depth of the mine, mining techniques, the amount of methane in the coal seam, and whether
methane is flared or released.(Beck et al., 1993; Kirchgessner, 2000)
Methane emissions from mining activities and natural gas consumption may be more easily
controlled by changing mining procedures and enhancing gas leakage controls than by
abandoning coal or gas use in the absence of suitable alternative energy sources. Methane
released from these sources might potentially be captured and used as an energy source, which
would have further advantages.
5.2: SINKS:
Only one main and two minor sinks for tropospheric methane exist in contrast to the numerous
sources of gas.
The hydroxyl radical oxidation of methane in the troposphere is the primary method by which it
is removed from the earth's atmosphere (OH). A negatively charged oxygen atom joined to a
hydrogen atom forms the hydroxyl radical (OH). Hydroxyl radicals are a form of "sink" because
they "sweep" the atmosphere clean of damaging substances and destroy them. This is why OH is
dubbed the "atmosphere cleanser.". This is why OH is referred to as the "atmosphere cleaner."
Atmospheric methane undergoes a protracted chain of chemical processes before interacting with
OH to produce CO2.) Some of the methane in the troposphere diffuses into the stratosphere,
where the exact mechanism purges the atmosphere of methane.
The concentration of hydroxyl radical (OH) is the most significant factor in the rate at which
methane is removed from the atmosphere since it reacts with OH to remove around 500
TgCH4/year (nearly 90% of the total sink). The remaining CH4 is eliminated through dry soil
oxidation, which removes 30 TgCH4/year about 5%, and transfers to the stratosphere, which was
previously estimated to remove 40 TgCH4/year about 7%based on data from the Upper
Atmosphere Research Satellite to be only 27 TgCH4/year.
(Gettelman et al., 1997).
Ozone and water vapour in the troposphere photodissociate to produce OH. Most tropospheric
contaminants, including carbon monoxide, NOx species, and organic molecules, are oxidized
primarily by it (Crutzen, 1995). Methane, which is the most prevalent organic species in the
atmosphere, has a significant impact on defining the tropospheric oxidizing capacity since it
starts a significant number of chemical processes. Nearly 90% of methane degradation now takes
place in the troposphere as a result of the oxidation of methane by OH, which is a very efficient
process (IPCC, 1996). OH, levels and the reaction's rate constant limit how much methane can
be extracted.
Methane emissions directly and its oxidation products, especially carbon monoxide, have an
impact on OH concentrations. Based on CH3CCl3 analyses and a thorough understanding of the
loss rate with OH, methane has an atmospheric lifetime of 8.9F0.6 years. (Prinn et al., 1995)
Methane is eliminated by OH on an "adjustment" time scale that surpasses the atmospheric
lifetime by about 3 years, even though most trace gasses have a turnover time that explains how
long they are present in the atmosphere.
In addition to interactions with CH4, the hydroxyl radical is also eliminated by interactions with
its byproduct, CO. In a chemical feedback cycle involving CH4, CO, and OH, even a slight
increase in background methane due to increasing emissions will cause OH to decrease and CO
to be produced. A further decrease in OH levels will result from OH's subsequent oxidation of
the carbon monoxide that was created by the CH4 oxidation. The lifespan of methane increases
as a result of the additional drop in OH, amplifying the initial disruption.
As a result, there can be a positive feedback loop whereby rising methane emissions can cause
the troposphere's general oxidizing ability to decline, methane removal to slow down, and
methane concentrations to subsequently rise.
Even though there may be no apparent quantifiable change in OH, an incremental perturbation in
CH4 will return to an equilibrium concentration at a later rate than anticipated from the
atmospheric lifetime. Naturally, methane emission from sources is balanced by its removal by
the sink. But due to human activities, the concentration of methane increases rapidly. This causes
anthropogenic global warming which makes favourable conditions for more methane production.
Even though it is much less than the OH sink, it is also anticipated that the soil sink for methane
may vary in the future. Temperature and soil water content are two factors that affect methane
oxidation in soil (Mancinelli, 1995; King, 1997), and climate change may have an impact on
both of them. Perhaps more significantly, compared to untreated soils, arable land absorbs CH4
at a far lower rate, especially when fertilised (Boeckx et al., 1997; Mosier et al., 1997b, Powlson
et al., 1997). The soil sink has already been reduced by changes in land use, such as the
conversion of grasslands and forests to farmland, and this trend is likely to continue in the future
(King, 1997; Mosier et al., 1997a). As more grasslands and forests are turned over to agriculture,
the soil sink has already declined and is projected to do so in the future (King, 1997; Mosier et
al., 1997a). Previously farmed land continues to have a lower rate of oxidation than unspoiled
areas even after being returned to its natural state (e.g., Dobbie and Smith, 1996; Hudgens and
Yavitt, 1997; Prieme et al., 1997). Given that expanding populations continue to put a strain on
natural ecosystems, the apparent immutability of human impacts on CH4 oxidation rates has
significant ramifications for the future of land management techniques.
Methane is emitted by cattle and other ruminants, including domesticated animals such as goats,
sheep, and buffalo, and this methane is directly tied to their food. Methanogens are present in
these ruminants and responsible for methane emissions. But a high-quality diet can reduce
emissions from this source. This can be done by giving a protein-rich diet to animals, which
improves their digestion. Methane mitigation in ruminants can also be achieved by
biotechnology. Several biotechnology solutions are being investigated at the moment. In
Australian sheep, a vaccine against three chosen methanogens reduced CH4 output by about 8%.
(Wright et al., 2004).
Some additives can be included in the diet to manage methane emissions. Either they improve
metabolism or inhibit methanogens. Among feed additives, ionophore antibiotics such as
monensin and lasalocid, which are generally employed to improve animal production efficiency,
have been shown to reduce CH4 generation (reviewed by Beauchemin et al. (2008)).
Methane can also be reduced by proper management of landfills, where disposal of municipal
water takes place. These places are giant factories for methane production. Dumping of waste
regularly provides organic matter for decomposition. In landfills, there is the hype of solid water,
which provide the suitable condition for methane production as they limit airflow which
eventually limits the availability of oxygen for aerobic decomposition. So there is a
decomposition of organic matter but anaerobically due to the absence of oxygen. Alternatively,
methane can be captured and used as a source of energy. To do this there is a need for a setup
which provides a completely closed place and technology. This brings methane as a source of
energy and compost as a byproduct.
Pakistan is an agricultural country. More than 60% of the population depends on it for income.
Rice is a major crop in Pakistan. Rice cultivation emits methane into the atmosphere which
influences global warming. Rice required fields of stagnant water for growth. Rice field with
water provides similar condition as wetlands. Due to climatic conditions and the availability of
nutrients and most importantly the absence of air, there is the production of methane. Methane
production depends on many soil characteristics like water table depth, soil nutrients, fertilizers,
and different varieties of vegetation. Methane emissions can be reduced by using chemical
fertilizers instead of organic fertilizers. It can also be reduced by taking those varieties which
limit methane production.
Methane concentrations in the atmosphere have risen considerably during the previous century
and continue to rise. While the budget has proven the causative involvement of human activities
in this increase, there are major difficulties in understanding the factors that govern emissions
from diverse sources and how they will evolve.
The continuation of current emissions commits us to higher future concentrations, and the longer
emissions continue to rise, the larger the reductions required to stabilise concentrations at a
specific stage. As previously stated, higher temperatures are required for methane production.
Today's global temperature is substantially higher than it was a century ago, and this state acts as
an industry, producing more and more methane. That is a positive thing for global warming.
Most anthropogenic activities have resulted in increased methane concentrations today. Methane
emissions can be reduced in a variety of ways, as previously discussed.
Further research on the sources and mitigation strategies for reducing methane emissions is
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