Characteristic of Newborn
Characteristic of Newborn
Characteristic of Newborn
The end of our journey has come afer 40 weeks. The fruit ofyour labour (literally) will soon be in your hands.
There are afew things you might want to know about your new arrival. Typically, a newborn baby has the following
characteristic appearance:
Welght: Average 2.8 kg for Indian babies (range 2.5-3.2 kg). Babies below 2.5 kg at birth are considered
to be low birth weight and need special evaluation.
Length: Approximately 50 cm. Remember, small women have small babics and many genctic factors also
play a role in determining the length of the baby.
Head: Your baby's head appears large for the body and may have an clongatcd shape or appear to have
some "bumps'. This is due to changes called molding. which occurs in labour and delivery. Small bumps
called 'caput' usually disappcar in I -2 days. Soon the head gets rounder. The head circumference is 33-
Soft spots or Fontanelles: There are 2 areas on the head where bone formation is incomplete at birth. The
larger one, in front of the head closes by 6- 18 months. The smaller one at the back usually closes by 6
Hair: As all people vary. so does their hair. Your baby may have lots of hair or none at all! It depends on
familial and racial lactors.
Heart beats: Usually the heart rate is 120- 140 beats per minute.
Respiratory rate (breathing): It is faster than adults, usually 30-40 breaths/ minute. Breathing may be
noisy or stop for many seconds. This is not uncommon.
Colour: Depending on the parents, the skin colour of newborn varies. In general, newborn babies look
flushed and pink all over. However, the palms and soles of the feet may look dusky or little bluish soon
Axillary temperature measurememt. The thermometer should remain in place for 3 minutes. The nurse presses the
newborn's arm tightly but gently against the thermometer and the newborn's side, as illustrated
Ophthalmia neonatorum
Any conjunctivitis with discharge occuring during the first two weeks of life. It typically appears 2-5 days
after birth, although it may appear as carly as the first day or as late as the 13th.
silver nitrate (used before) - 2 drops lower conjumctiva (not used now)
medication evenly and minimize the baby's discomfort. Remove the necdle
and gently massage the site with an alcohol swab.
The cord is clamped and cut approx. within 30 sec after birth. In the
DR, the cord is clamped twice about 8 inches from the abdomen and
cut in between.
When the NB, is brought to the nursery, another clamp is applied. to I in from the abdomen and the
cord is cut second time.
The cord and the area around it are cleansed w/ antiseptic solution.
The manner of cord care depends on hospital protocol or the discretion of the birth attendant in home
delivery, what is impt. Is that principles are followed.
Cord clamp is removed after 48 hours when the cord has dried. The cord stump usually dries and falls
off within 7-10 days leaving a granulating area that heals on the next 7-10 days.
Leave cord exposed to air. Do not apply dressing or abdominal binder over it. The cord dries and
seperates more rapidly if it is exposed to air.
Report any unusual signs & symptoms that indicate infection:
Foul odor in the cord
Presence of discharge
Redness around the cord
The cord remains wet and does not fall off within 7-10 days
Newborn fever
oil bath-initial
to cleanse baby & spread vernix cascosa
Fx of vemix caseosa
1. insulator
2. bacterio- static
Babies of HIV + mom -immediately give full bath to lessen transmission of HIV
13-39% possibly
oftransmission of HIV
General Measurements
Mgt: Surgery with temporary colostomy o Head circumference- 33 to 35 cm
o Expected findings
Heart Ratec
o Head should be 2 to 3 cms larger than the chest
range 120 to 160 beats per minute
O Abdominal circumference-31-33 cm
Common variations o Weight range - 2500- 4000 gms (5 lbs. 8oz. - 8
Heart rate range to 100 when sleeping to 180 Ibs. I 3 oz.)
when cryng o Length range - 46 to 54 cms (19- 21 inchcs)
Color pink with acrocyanosis
Heart rate may be irregular with cryingg Anthropometic measurement
Although murmurs may be due to transitional normal length- 19.5 - 21 inch or 47.5 - 53.7Scm.
dry: peeling is common, esp. on the hands & hematomas, immature liver function, bruises
feet from forceps, blood incompatibility, oxytocin
O Lanugo -moderate in füull term; more in induction or severe hemolysis
preterm; absent in postterm; shed after 2 weeks
in time of desquammation
Turgor good with quick recoil
o Hair silky and soft with individual strands
O Nipples present and in expected locations
Cord with one vein and two arteries
O Cord clamp tight and cord drying
Nsg Resp:
I. cover eyes prevent retinal damage
O Nails to end of fingers and often extend slightly 2. c o v e r genitals - prevent priapism - painful continuous
3. change position regularly - even exposed to light
Skin color 4. increase fld intake - due prone to dehydration
White cdema Blug-cyanosis or hypoxta 5. monitor l&0- weigh baby
(Grey -infcction -Jaundice , carotcne 6. monitor V/S - avoid use of oil or lotion
physlologle Jaundice
Erythema toxicum The size & shape vary, but it commonly appears
Is an eruption of lesions in the on the face. It does not grow in size, does not
area surrounding a hair follicle fade in time and does not blanch. The birthmark
that are fim, vary in size from maybe concealed by using an opaque cosmetic
1-3 mm, and consist of a cream.
white or pale ycllow papule or I f convulsions and other neurologic problem
pustule w/ an erythematous
accompany the nevus flammeus,--5th
cranlal nerve involvement.
o It is often called "newborn r h" or "fleabite"
dermatitis Nevus vasculosus (strawberry mark)
o The rash may appear suddenly, usually over A capillary hemangioma,
o the trunk and diaper arca and is frequently consists ofnewly formed and
widespread. enlarged capillaries in the
O The lesions do not appear on the palms of the dermal and subdermal layers.
hands or soles of the feet. It is a raised,clearly delineated,
o The peak incidence is 24-48 hours of life. dark-red, rough-surfaced
o Cause Is unknown and no treatment
birthmark commonly found in
the head region.
Harlequin Sign
o The color of the newborn's body appears to be
half red and half pale. This condition is
transitory and usually occurs with lusty crying. Such marks usually grow starting the second or
Harlequin Coloring may be associated with to third weck of life and may not reach their
an immature vasomotor retlex system. fullest size for I to 3 months; disappears at the
age ofI yr. but as the baby grows it enlarges.
Birthmarks frequently worry parents. The
mother maybe especially anxious, fearing that
she is to blame ("ls my baby marked because of
Telangiectatic nevi (stork bites)
something I did?") Guilt feclings are common
Appear as pale pink or red spots and are when parents have misconceptions about the
cause. Identity and explain them to the parents.
frequently found on the eyelids, nose, lower
occipital bone and nape of the neck Providing appropriate information about the
cause and course of birthmarks often relieves
These lesions are common in NB w/ light
the fears and anxieties of the family. Note any
complexions and are more noticeable during
bruises, abrasions,or birthmarks seen on
periods oferying. admission to the nursery.
Head circumference should be 2 cm greater
than chest circumference
Stonk bite
Assess fontanclles and sutures - observe for
Collecton of blbod betheen cranial (usualy parietal) bone and
t h crying
Appears on trst and second day
Dsappears ater 2 to 3 weeks or may take monDhs
Capt beceea
ematous seling af the soalp
Croses uture ines
Pesert at birth or shorty thereater
Reaboarbed wthin l2 oun or a d a y s a n DE
Face, Mouth, Eyes, and Ears Eplspadias: if the opening is at the dorsal
Assess and record symmetry surtace
ASsess tor signs of Down syndromc. Hydrocele- swelling due to accumulation of
Low set ears serous fluid in the tunica vaginalis of the testis
Assess history for risk factors of hearing loss or in the spermatic cord
Test for Moro reflex- elicited by a loud noise or
lifted slightly above the crib and then suddenly
lowered. In responsc, the NB straightens arms Inspect anal arca to verify that it is patent and
and hands outward while the knees flexed. has no fisure
Slowly the arm returns to the chest as in Digital exam by physician or nurse practitioner
embrace. The fingers spread, forming a C and if needed
the newborn may cry. This lasts up to 6 months Note passage of meconium
Assess breath sounds and respiratory eftorts difficult birth; it occurs commonly when strong
traction is exerted on the head of the NB in an
evaluate color for palor or cyanosis
Breasts are flat with symmetric nipples - note attempt to free a shoulder lodged behind the
symphysis pubis in the presence of shoulder
lack of breast tissue or discharge
Abdomen appcars large in relation to pelvis
o Note increase or dccrease in peristalsis |4. The asymmetry of gluteal
Note protrusion of umbilicus and thigh fat folds see
Measure umbilical hermia by palpating the
opening and record
b.) Calcaneous - dorsiflexion -heal lower that
stroked,the big toe bends
foot anterior posterior of foot flexed towards
back toward the top of the
anterior leg
foot and the other toes
c.) Varus- foot turns in fan
out. This is a normal
d.) Valgus- foot turns out reflex
up to about 2 years of age.
Equino varus- most common
Cord care
o Sleeping
Neurological Status
Assessment begins with period of observation
Observe bchaviors - note:
State of alertness
o Resting posture
O Cry
The Moro rellex is often called a
o Quality of muscle tone
startle retlex because it usually occurs
when a baby is startled by a loud
Motor activity
sound or movement. In response lo
Jitteriness-feeling of extreme nervousness the sound, the baby throws back
Diferentiate causative factors his/her head.
extends out the arms and legs, cries,
Examine for symmetry and strength of
then pulls the arms and legs back in.
movements A baby's own cry can startle
him her
Note head lag of less than 45 degrees
and begin this retlex. This reflex lasts
about ive to six months.
Assess ability to hold hcad erect briefly
Immature central nervous system (CNS)
newborn is characterized by varicty of reflexes
This reflex is also
Somec reflexes are protective. some aid Step reflex
the walking dance
in fecding. others stimulate interaction called or
Ccertan actions. Kefleexes help laeniy nornma bram and nervea ctvity
Some rejlexes occur ony in specijic perlods of development. Ihe
oBreast tissue
Ear form and cartilage distribution
Evaluation of genitals
Scart sign-elbow passes midline pos.
square window wrist-90 degree angle of wrTIst
O heal to ear signabundant lanugo-