A Control Strategy For Subsynchronous Resonance Under Varying Degree of Series Compensation
A Control Strategy For Subsynchronous Resonance Under Varying Degree of Series Compensation
A Control Strategy For Subsynchronous Resonance Under Varying Degree of Series Compensation
Abstract—A control strategy is obtained for Various Flexible AC Transmission systems were also used
restraining torsional oscillations owing to SSR over a for reducing oscillations owing to SSR. Rapidly acting Static Var
varying degree of series compensation. A mid-point located Compensators have encouraged numerous researchers for
SVS equipped with a joint supportive signal composed of developing new SVC controllers for improving steady state and
line current and voltage deviations has been utilized to transient performance. Many Artificial intelligence (AI)
damp out torsional oscillations grown due to sub-synchronous techniques are applied to design controller for SVC [6]. Many
resonance. The test system considered for analysis of the
more SVC secondary signals such as Bus Frequency deviations,
usefulness of the controller under consideration is built
using IEEE first benchmark model having SVS connected at the Voltage Angle deviations were also proposed.
mid-point of the transmission line. Eigenvalue analysis has Any modifications in the power system can also lead to SSR
been carried out for the linearized power system model related problems even though projection scheme may exist.
to investigate the unstable torsional modes. To explicate the These modifications maybe in the form of variations in structure
relative assessment of the system under consideration three of network or degree of series capacitive compensation of
secondary controllers are considered. To illustrate the transmission lines or infrequent switching state in the
robustness of proposed controller a comprehensive power transmission network [7]. All this require re-modification of an
system model is used which is described by various subsystems, existing SSR protection scheme which is a tedious process. In the
their relations are been described in detail with accuracy. given work a new control strategy is proposed and its
The eigen value analysis illustrates the efficacy of the Combined
Line Current and Voltage (CLCV) SVS controller for
effectiveness is tested over wide range of capacitive
different percentage of the series compensation as compensation so as to ensure stable operation under every
compared to the cases where no controller is used and condition.
case where only Line Current SVS controller, Voltage SVS In the existing work, the effectiveness of a novel secondary
controller are used. All results obtained at various levels of series signal Combined Line Current and Voltage (CLCV) SVS
compensation approves usefulness of the SVS controller under controller is being established. The IEEE first benchmark model
consideration. with SVS connected at the mid-point of transmission line is
considered for this work. The study of given system is done by
Keywords—IEEE First Bench Mark Model, Series
calculating the eigenvalue of the linearized model and undamped
Compensation, SVS Controller, Eigenvalues.
modes are examined over varying degree of series compensation.
The unstable modes together with various system modes are
I. INTRODUCTION alleviated using the CLCV controller. The Eigenvalue evaluated
Series capacitor compensation is the most shows the success of the CLCV controller for the given study
inexpensive solution to the problem of transferring large system for varying degree of series compensation.
amount of power over a long distance without the
construction of large transmission corridor. Though while II. SYSTEM MODELLING
decreasing the electrical length in between the generating
IEEE first benchmark model for SSR is assessed as a
station and load points series capacitive compensation can
system for analysis [8]. SVS is located at midpoint of the
make power system susceptible to subsynchronous resonance
transmission line with capacitor bank located on the both sides of
event as detected at Mohave Generating Station in
the Static Var System as shown in Fig.1.
Southern Nevada in 1970 [1].
Numerous methods are proposed over years to protect XC1 XC2
the power system from the hostile effects of
subsynchronous resonance since it was first observed in
1970.Looking into the severity of the problem in 1974 a Generator
∞ Bus
distinct set of power system engineers were given
responsibility to get insight of the SSR problem [2].
Pole face amortisseurs, SEDC, SMF relay, SSR monitor,
static subsynchronous resonance filter (SRF) and static machine
frequency (SMF) relay are few technologies proposed [3-5]. Fig. 1 IEEE First Benchmark Model for SSR study
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A. Generator Flux The excitation system represented by IEEE type-1 from [11]
A detailed mathematical model from [9] is considered here is used for analysis as shown in Fig. 3.
for analysis. The various linearized state equations reflecting the
modelling of generator are derived and compiled for further = ∗
calculation under rotor circuit modelling and are presented as
under: + -
1 1
x = [A ]x + [B ]u + [B ]u + [B ]u 1 -
1+ 1+ + +
y = [C ]x + [D ]u 2 -
y = [C ]x + [D ]u + [D ]u + [D ]u 3
where 1+
x = ∆Ψ ∆Ψ ∆Ψ ∆Ψ
y = [∆I ∆I
′ Fig. 3 IEEE Type I Exciter
L’’ d C Cn C V1α
Turbine mechanical model from [10] is utilized for thorough Fig 4 π-circuit representation of Transmission Line
analysis and linearized state space derivations of same is
The state eqs. representing the model are as follows:
specified as:
x = [A ]x + [B ]u + [B ]u + [B ]u 8
x = [A ]x + [B ]u + [B ]u 4 y = [C ]x + [D ]u + [D ]u + [D ]u 9
y = [C ]x 5 y = [C ]x 10
where y = [C ]x 11
x = [∆δ ∆δ ∆δ ∆δ ∆δ ∆δ ∆ω ∆ω ∆ω ∆ω ∆ω ∆ω ]′ where
′ x = [ ∆ı ∆ı ∆ı ∆ı ∆V ∆V ∆V ∆V
u = ∆I ∆I
∆ı ∆ı ∆ı ∆ı ∆V ∆V ∆V ∆V
u = ∆i ∆i y = ∆V ∆V
y = [∆δ ∆ω ] ′
y = [∆i ∆i
C. IEEE Exciter y = [∆V ∆V
u = [∆i ∆i
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u = [∆I ∆I
u = ∆I ∆I
E. SVS System x = ∆i ∆i Z Z Z ∆B
The SVS control system with feedback is shown in Fig. 5. u = ∆V ∆V
u = [∆V ]
G(s) = [∆V ]
ΔVF + UC = ∆i ∆i
ΔVRef 1 Z3 1 ΔB
− + TCR
+ 1+ 1+
- Z2
1 - III. Complete Model of the System
1+ +
The state input and output eqs. of various above components
are joined giving the complete model of the system is as follows:
x = [A]x + [B]∆V (14)
Fig.5 SVS Control System with Secondary Feedback
The state eqs. of the SVS system are specified as: x = [x x x x x ]
x = [A ]x + [B ]u + [B ]u + [B ]u (12) B = [0 0 0 0 B 0]
Y = [C ]x + [D ]u (13) The system matrix [A] having overall dimension of (43 X 43)
is given by
[ ]
+ 0 0
= + + + + + 0
+ + + +
0 0 0
I =I +I
IV. Secondary Control of SVS
The state equations representing influence of the SVS B. Line Voltage Secondary Controller
control system, as shown in Fig. 6. are specified as: The SVS bus voltage is given by
x = [A ]x + [B ]u (15) V =V +V
y = [C ]x + [D ]u (16)
where C. Combined Line Current and Line Voltage Controller
xC=ZC and yC=ΔVF
The Secondary signal in the study includes combined line
current and voltage, the control scheme is depicted in Fig.7.
+ ZC ΔVF + 1+ UC1
1− / +
1+ UC2
Fig. 6 General First order Secondary Controller
A. Line Current Secondary Controller:
Fig. 7 Combined Secondary Controller
The line current flowing to SVS bus specified as:
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X A 0 X B 0 U 40%, 60% and 80% capacitive compensation for increasing the
= + performance of capacitor connected transmission line.
X 0 A X 0 B U
Eigenvalues calculated for given study are for generation of
UC1 is Secondary signal for line current and UC2 is 800MW for the cases of system without secondary controller,
Secondary signal for line voltage. with Line Current SVS controller, Line Voltage SVS controller
and Combined Line Current and Voltage (CLCV) SVS controller
V. STUDY SYSTEM and are tabulated for 20% compensation in Table 1, for 40%
The study system used for analysis is given in [13] The compensation in Table 2, for 60% compensation in Table 3 and
midpoint connected SVS with rating of 250 MVA leading to 150 for 80% compensation in Table 4
MVA lagging.
This study evaluates the usefulness of Combined Line
Current and Voltage (CLCV) SVS controller under varying 20%,
Eigenvalues at 20% Series Compensation
Controller Line Current Line Voltage Combined Line Current and Voltage
Parameter Without Secondary
K=-0.01;TA=0.04;TB=0.1 K=-0.5;TA=0.0009; K1 = -0.01; K2=-0.15; TA =0.03;
Modes TB=0.02 TB=0.15; TC=0.0075; TD=0.0225
5TH -0.0000168±j298.1 -0.000035±j298.1 -0.0000176±j298.1 -0.00002146±j298.1
4TH 0.09264±j202.725 0.1121±j 202.728 0.1171317±j202.669 -0.1034422±j202.703
3TH -0.02334±j160.509 -0.00142±j160.517 -0.01989±j160.514 -0.0052099±j160.513
2TH -0.0033± j126.962 -0.0049±j126.969 -0.00708±j126.965 -0.0039107±j126.965
1TH 0.069157±j98.666 -0.01471±j98.675 -0.003921±j98.609 -0.004246±j98.679
0TH -0.993099±j5.873 -1.67769±j2.972 -1.334299±j4.359 -38.454446±j4.877
Eigenvalues at 40% Series Compensation
Controller Line Current Line Voltage Combined Line Current and Voltage
Parameter Without Secondary
K =-0.002;TA=0.01; K =-0.2;TA=0.009; K1 =-0.2; TA=0.0022; TB=0.79;
Modes TB=0.03; TB=0.04; K2=-0.9; TC=0.27; TD=0.08;
5TH -0.000025±j298.1 -0.0000276±j298.1005 -0.0000263±j298.1 -0.000000919±j298.1006
4TH -0.0013±j202.689 -0.0001415±j202.6876 -0.00077±j202.686 -0.000259629±j202.8433
3TH 0.1192±j160.438 0.10780599±j160.4456 0.12537±j160.4517 -0.017493895±j160.4858
2TH 0.00078±j126.971 0.002448±j126.97064 -0.000008±j126.97 -0.012592±j126.95983
1TH -0.04085±j98.677 -0.031319±j98.690776 -0.04892±j98.6738 -6.897956±j98.667
0TH 0.000919±j2.3627 -33.9021±j2.3753528 -0.01417±j2.4232 -4.014226±j5.7229
Eigenvalues at 60% Series Compensation
Controller Without Secondary Line Current Line Voltage Combined Line Current and Voltage
K =-0.03; TA=0.08; K =-0.4; TA=0.07; K1=-0.2; TA=0.01; TB=0.09;
TB=0.05; TB=0.09; K2=-0.01; TC=0.03; TD=0.4;
5TH 0.0000019±j298.1 -0.00000129±j298.1 -0.000000024±j298.1 -0.000000675±j298.1005
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4TH -0.0163±j202.809 -0.009648±j202.813 -0.017015±j202.8104 -0.0105406±j202.80977
3TH -0.0242±j160.503 -0.0165166±j160.5118 -0.024749±j160.503 -0.0158954±j160.506424
2TH -0.0181±j126.985 -0.016924±j126.989 -0.01837±j126.98 -0.0146997±j126.986913
1TH -0.9883±j99.114 -0.950024±j99.158575 -0.98629±j99.116 -0.9386611±j99.1404964
0TH -20.5568±j12.944 -9.453285±j11.3804 -19.4445±j15.9728 -10.850897±j10.3245992
Eigenvalues at 80% Series Compensation
Controller Without Secondary Line Current Line Voltage Combined Line Current and Voltage
Controller KB=-0.01;TA=0.08; KB =-0.03;TA=0.08; KB1=-0.2; TA=0.01; T2=0.09;
Modes T2=0.09; T2=0.01; KB2=-0.01; T3=0.03; T4=0.4;
5 0.000001±j298.1 -0.0000000858±j298.1 -0.00000006±j298.1 -0.00000079±j298.10053599
4TH -0.0119±j202.782 -0.01139526±j202.782 -0.01261±j202.782 -0.010436365±j202.78308
3TH -0.0153±j160.474 -0.01427135±j160.474 -0.01569±j160.474 -0.012314359±j160.474
2TH -0.0079±j126.966 -0.0074597±j126.966 -0.00804±j126.966 -0.006307629±j126.9674
1TH -0.18981±j98.844 -0.18536±j98.858 -0.19114±j98.8436 -0.16517906±j98.88
0TH -24.2936±j5.0567 -22.22356±j10.647 -24.5945±j4.5079 -14.57014±j10.1952
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