DP Latin I Final Exam
DP Latin I Final Exam
DP Latin I Final Exam
Part A: Using the passage from book 2 of Livy’s Ab urbe condita below, answer the following
questions. Make sure that your answers are as detailed and specific as possible, and that you cite
the Latin when necessary. The translation question will be assessed according to the general
accuracy and degree to which errors impede the sense of the translation.
cum hostes adessent, pro se quisque in urbem ex agris demigrant; urbem ipsam saepiunt praesidiis.
Alia muris, alia Tiberi obiecto videbantur tuta: pons sublicius iter paene hostibus dedit, ni unus vir
fuisset, Horatius Cocles; id munimentum illo die fortuna urbis Romanae habuit. qui positus forte in
statione pontis cum captum repentino impetu Ianiculum atque inde citatos decurrere hostes vidisset
trepidamque turbam suorum arma ordinesque relinquere, reprehensans singulos, obsistens
obtestansque deum et hominum fidem testabatur nequiquam deserto praesidio eos fugere; si
transitum ponte a tergo reliquissent, iam plus hostium in Palatio Capitolioque quam in Ianiculo
fore. itaque monere, praedicere ut pontem ferro, igni, quacumque vi possint, interrumpant: se
impetum hostium, quantum corpore uno posset obsisti, excepturum. vadit inde in primum aditum
pontis, insignisque inter conspecta cedentium pugna terga obversis comminus ad ineundum
proelium armis, ipso miraculo audaciae obstupefecit hostes. duos tamen cum eo pudor tenuit, Sp.
Larcium ac T. Herminium, ambos claros genere factisque. cum his primam periculi procellam et
quod tumultuosissimum pugnae erat parumper sustinuit.
1. cum hostes ... Romanae habuit (lines 1-3). Explain why the fleeing Romans thought the city
would be safe. Give two specific answers. You do not need to quote the Latin. [4 points]
2. Besides the elements from question 1, what additional defense did Rome have at this time?
You do not need to quote the Latin. [2 points]
3. qui positus ... ordinesque relinquere (lines 3-5) Describe what Horatius saw from his post. Give
three specific answers. You do not need to quote the Latin. [6 points]
4. reprehensans singulos ... Ianiculo fore (lines 5-8). Explain Horatius’ argument to prevent the
soldiers from fleeing. Support your answer by quoting the Latin text. [6 points]
5. itaque monere ... excepturum. Summarize the two parts of Horatius’ plan to stop the Etruscans.
You do not need to quote the Latin. [4 points]
6. vadit inde ... proelium armis (lines 9-11). Analyze the contrast between Horatius’ behavior and
that of the other Romans. Support your answer by quoting the Latin text. [6 points]
7. Translate duos tamen ... parumper sustinuit (lines 11-13) into English. [10 points]
Part B: Translate this unseen passage from Livy. Vocabulary is included below. Keep your
translation as literal as possible, paying close attention to aspects like tense, case, and number. And
remember; your translation should make sense! [12 points]
Herminius ubi tumultum sensit, concurrit ex insidiis, versisque in Lucretium Etruscis terga caedit;
dextra laevaque, hinc a porta Collina, illinc ab Naevia, redditus [est] clamor; ita caesi [sunt] in
medio praedatores, neque ad pugnam viribus pares [sunt] et ad fugam saeptis omnibus viis.
Finisque ille tam effuse evagandi Etruscis fuit.
Etruscus, -a, -um - Etruscan saepio, -ire, saepsi, saeptum - to fence in,
surround, enclose
evagor, -ari, -atus sum - to wander, roam
sentio, -ire, sensi, sensum - to sense, feel,
e/ex - out of, from perceive
finis, finis - end, limit, border, boundary tam - so, so much
fuga, -ae - flight, fleeing, running away tergum, -i - back
sum, esse, fui, futurum - to be, exist tumultus, -us - uproar, commotion, bustle,
hinc - from here, here
ubi - where, when
ille, illa, illud - that, those
verto, -ere, verti, versus - to turn
illinc - from there, there
via, -ae - way, road, path
in - in, on, into, onto, against
vis, vis (pl. stem vir-) - strength, force,
insidiae, -arum - ambush, snare, trap, plot violence
ita - thus, so, in this way