Trabajo 2024

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“2024, Universidad gratuita y de calidad para seguir en victorias”

Análisis de articulo científico

Tema: Analysis of pedagogical aspect of learning to improve listening skills through the use of
information and comunication technology.

Carrera: English Año: 2


Autores: Maria Adilia Lezama Guzman Carnet 23908732

Tutor: kennya Ortiz Abaud.


Jinotepe, mayo del 2024

¡Universidad del pueblo y para el pueblo!

In the next Project presented we will make a small summary of the text pedagogical
strategies for teaching english in a new school which will be focused on extracting experience
strategies and methodologics with the ain of achievement a good analysis of pedagogicals
aspects of learning to improve skills listening through comunication and information
technologics using the following text as aguide and help to achieve a good result.

The research Project is based in a municipality of the departamento of Briceño located in

the nort of Antioquia in an elementary school located in a rural área the name of the Project is
new school was given because Briseño is one of the Young gest municipalities in the country
founded in nineteen hundred and eighty a model of flexible teaching guide was created
according to the particularities of each student were the teaching of a foreingn language in this
case English is porpouesd howener it is expected that this model didactic guide howener it is
espected that this didactic inter prising and joint wak model will be of great support for the
families in this área it is expected to obtain great changes and suceful achievement given that
these people have scare resourse such as:

Medical service wáter and education in addition to being people with sequel due to
being multiple situación trough wich they have had to go through such as wars hunger poverty
domestic violence rape illiteracy adolescent population and children in precarious condition and
many other possible situation that are unknown on the other hand we can not generallized there
are also good families but generally are characteristics of the various struggles that the rural
population lives in their day to day .
It is a fact that education is and always has been an object of change, transformation
and evolution for the society therefore it is necessary to be in follow up and informed of the
continuos changes and to go hand in hand with the development of education and technology
therefore it is also a necessity a new language asthein.

Added to the learning of the new language is also the development of other essential
classes such as the subjects of Spanish , social science , natural science , ethics and values
and mathematics , basic classes from which it is intended to make a significant change by
making many families literate .The new school educational models allows cooperation between
students strengthening the competence of analysis and reading comprehension sustained in
work guides , however the lack of pedagogical strategies that are presented is notable.

Hence the interest in wanting to implement the foreign language . The especific objective
of this movement is to establish and raise awareness of the importance of English area in the
basic primary school of the rural population of the municipality of Briceño.

Below , the methods , techniques and procedures used to achieve the proposed goals in
the rural area of Briceño will be described :

This project was development under the qualitative approach , that is , it focuses fundamentally
on understanding human behavior and the reasons , that determine behavior , which is the key
to knowing how to apply strategies in each student .
In this case the action research design was selected this refers to a multiple for options that are
generated to advance or improve a situation on the other hand interviews with the population of
the municipality of Briceño and survey were necessary to find out what people though regarding
this project what methodological strategies to start with how to start becoming familiar and
knowing more about the environment that the students present and how to start good
communication with them.

The new school movement highlights strategies for learning English such as Word
searches crossword puzzles dictation among other and the team of teaches seek to support
with English guides aimed at rural areas training teachers to know how to work on the way to
teach a new language and raise awareness a mong the population of the importance of
education speaking listening regarding

The use of images songs dictionaries fun hand innovated dynamic team work can be
included couple work speaking outdoors among others.

However it is working that in a globalized society in rural areas there is not the necessary
condition to develop this language as it should since there is not much support from the majority
of educational institutions in conclusion teachers require of various pedagogical didactic
strategies to strengthen the knowledge practice that are intended to be applied in all areas of
There before hoving talked so much about the teaching guides previously we will explain
how it works it’s objective is and how it is applied with in the classroom.

The teaching guide is a facilitating bridge of knowledge equipped with a series of

activities that are expected to be a support in the advancement of taking control of the learning
process this most go hand in hand with the study plan since it is aimed at students trough the
teaching staff of an institution it seeks promote team work the construction and exchange of
knowledge autonomy self confidence motivation to learn a work guide is provided to both the
teacher and the student so that they are tune with the process the latter know the scape of
knowledge that is intended to be achieved from it.

Next having made a trough summary of this new school project and there fore taking in
to account that has been studied we can say that we can have our own work guide and get an
idea of how we can start to make our idea and we strategies we can use and why of course
present our proposal for learning or foreign language in this case English the topic to be
developed is tilled:

Analysis of pedagogical aspects of learning to improve listening skills trough the use of
information and communication technology , it is specific objective is to implement technology
as a route for the development of listening skills , making the following proposal :

Make use of technologcaldium , wether mobile phones or computers, choose

animated videos and according to the class being taught to guide.

Assing informative films , with historical facts or current interest , conduct

short discussion with the students that is what they hear , their brain
processes it, they relate and become familiar with the language and at the
end of the clear dictation of movie , review the writing of the words and
correct them.

Another methods to use could be to use imágenes and among the whole
class to make references or prediction about that it could be about so that
we the student tries to use vocabulary in English .
Thanks to that we we have already read ,new know many options of methods that we can apply
in the classroom , whether they are students from rural areas who have technology at their
disposal , as well as people who do not have resources , though brochures or the
implementation of the a for aforementioned or in urban areas , it is essential to always highlight
the importance and in many cases they require another language whether at work , school ,
family or business and even more so with the great variety of thoughts , nationalities and soon.

The pedagogical strategies facilities the learning proceses since they are all the action and
methods that teachers develop with in the classroom with the objective of facilitating learning in
students where valves know ledge practices procedures and resolving conflicts are cultivate.

The data collection instrument used allows us to find specific characteristics and need within the
student body in order to work on the teacher approach to any problem of understanding by the
students. It’s is very important to emphasize the importance of trying to connect with the
students since each one has a different thought vision and learning during the interview
presented by the new school project which is our object of analysis it’s said that it’s of great
valve to have known and implement correctly and design pedagogical strategies that are
already well know or innovate much more dynamic strategies where we can make use of object
that are presented in the environment where we find ourselves for example in our case in which
we intended to make greater use of technological tools such as telephone computer tablet or
whatever we have at the moment it is necessary to use as a methods for learning listening in

Creative videos can well be downloaded from the internet trying to present topics of interest
according to the ages that are being applied , where we seek to obtain in new vocabulary by
stimulating the senses of sight and hearing on the other hand we have the option of creating
work groups in the classroom , distribute different topics of current interest where the
protagonist of the video is the student.
Where the protagonist of video is the student , either with a presentation of the topic previously
provided with the intention of stimulating the brain by memorizing vocabulary , improving talking
and listening , likewise to achieve a much more dynamic class , self -asessment or peer
assessment can be implement.

A large porcentaje of rural school teachers argue that the impact of English in the rural sector is
little , since there is not connection with any foreign language and the fact that is does not
become functional , the importantce for the inhabitants is not basic , on the other hand, teaching
in the rural sector is not being implemented effectively , because the majority of rural areas are
very impoverished due to lack of education , preparation and opportunities that arise without
having sufficient material such as :libraries or basic dictionary and the internet .

Also the lack of adequate training for teachers and finally the only relationship that rural
students have with English is with the teacher who teaches the subject , in addition to the fact
that the vast majority have apathy for English , these and many other reasons cause it to be a
much more complicated task to achieve a good development of the skills presented in the
English language by the student body , as well as it can also cause learning difficulties ,
problems that are found in the family environment that is necessary to have good apart from any
other physical problem that the child or adolescent may present.

Learning English has currently become a necessity to advance to higher degrees , university
careers and currently some jobs require knowledge of a foreign language . In a globalized and
technologically advancing wold , there are many challenges that the population faces having a
second language allows for multiple doors to better due to intercultural communication and
different ethniets
Teachers need teaching pedagogical strategies to implement and strengthen knowledge
practices in the are of English as a foreign language. One of the main strategies is the training
of teachers since they also need to learn how develop adequately in the classroom with the
methods to use on the other hand , I consider that it would be a very good tool to give talks to
the team of teachers about psychological topic .
For facilitate the use or different topics and methods to learn and a better understanding of the
needs of each student in addition to being able achieve a significans changes in the person who
is the student since he or she may have a serious family problem where it is necessary to
interfere with larges forces such as the police , since it is very common phenomenon for
children or adolescents to reflect home problems in the classroom of clases bloking and
affecting their learning.

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