Aligning coupling
with safety brake and are to be considered while dimensioning.
In addition a concept for the design and the control of the
braking system is shown in order to reduce the internal forces in
Aligning coupling
hoist components of the rotational part of the drivetrain as
couplings and gearing.
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Vöth - Hoists with safety brakes
It is task of brakes in hoists, if required, to stop the The actions of motor and brakes during a braking
hoist within a certain time or without exceeding a procedure are not permanent. In fact a sequence of
certain further hoisting distance or lowering omitting and adding loads on the drive train occurs.
distance. Subsequent the hoist is to be hold in the Especially the case of emergency-off is considered
reached position in the first instance. here with following chronological scenario: After
activation of emergency-off and a dead time ∆tM the
During deceleration a braking torque must be motor torque is dropped out. Parallel the brakes get
delivered by the brake or the brakes, which consists into action. Takes the brake application more time
of three fractions typically: than the drop out of the motor torque, exist the dead
times for the service brake ∆tBB and the safety brake
Braking torque fraction out of static load
∆tSB (picture 3).
torque of suspended load including load
suspension device and load attachment
Braking torque fraction out of braking Off
torque for the deceleration of the rotational Motor
masses, Lowering
Emergency Off Event
Braking torque fraction out of braking ∆tM ∆tBB
torque for the deceleration of the
translational masses.
Amount and direction of action of these three t
fractions comply with the considered load case, Off
which can be understood as the transition between Service brake
two service conditions. The service conditions
respectively the transitions between them can be On
visualized in the four-quadrant-diagram (picture 2). t
Especially can be distinguished: Off
Safety brake
Central element of the hoist is the gearing. The load
is suspended by a load attachment device and a
rope drive with 8/2 reeving. Both ropes are running
onto a drum each, which are coupled with the
gearing output shafts. On the board disc of each
x x rope drum a safety brake is located. The hoist is
driven by two motors which are connected to the
gearing input shafts. On the motor shafts axis a
v<0, a>0 v>0, a>0 service brake is located each.
Braked lowering Accelerated hoisting
The reference hoist is described by following data:
Motor speed n1=1500min-1
Hoisting speed vH=45m/min
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Vöth - Hoists with safety brakes
Rope drive ratio iS=4 hoist, which disposes of a fast acting safety brake
and a slow acting service brake. Emergency-off
Service brake torque MBB=5.8kNm means, that energy supply is cut off spontaneously
Dead time service brake ttotBB=0.4s and all components react accordingly. The motor
Safety brake torque MSB=130kNm torque is omitted and the brakes apply
Dead time safety brake ttotSB=0.1s mechanically.
α1 = ∑M red
α1 Acceleration of drivetrain
∑Mred Sum of accelerating torques, reduced to
Safety brake
Safety brake
motor shaft
∑θred Sum of rotational masses, reduced to
Rope drive Rope drive motor shaft
Load The accelerating torques result from the motor
torque MM, the torque of the service brake MBB, the
Picture 4: Reference system torque of the safety brake MSB and the torque out of
the load ML. The rotational masses result from the
Load cases rotational masses of the drivetrain θ1 and θ2 as well
as from the translational masses of the load mLast
The hoist underlies in service different load cases, including the load suspension device and the load
described by following parameters: attachment device mLAM.
Concerning the direction of movement For the hoist represented as a rigid body model the
holding, hoisting and lowering can be behavior of load speed over time can be calculated.
distinguished. As a result for example the speed over time for
Concerning the variation of speed different mechanical braking scenario out of
constancy, acceleration and deceleration hoisting/lowering the dead load are gained
can be distinguished. (picture 5).
Concerning the load suspended at the rope
drive loads from dead load (load With the acceleration of the drive train α1, the
attachment device) to full load (load motor torque MM, the braking torque of the service
attachment device + safe working load) brake MBB and the rotational mass of the motor θ1
may occur. results for the relevant gearing input torque MG
(picture 6):
Concerning the internal forces are switching
processes of interest. In doing so changes between M G = M M − M BB − θ1α1
following service conditions can occur:
α1 Acceleration of drivetrain
Suspended load
θ1 Rotational mass of motor
MG Gearing torque
MM Motor torque
MBB Braking torque service brake
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Vöth - Hoists with safety brakes
7,0s; 2633mm
torque for braking the motor mass is supplied by
20 the load and the safety brake and transferred to the
motor mass via the drive train.
Hoisting speed vH in m/min
296mm Assumed
Time t in s
0 359mm simultaneous action of the safety brake and
The rigid body approach does not consider Hence the quasi static gearing input torque is:
elasticity and clearance in the hoist system.
Accordingly it is of interest to investigate the M G rel = MF (BFSB + 1)
influence of these properties. Therefore the rigid
body model is expanded by adding the elasticity of That means: In the most unfavourable case (masses
the gearing and the clearance in the rope drum almost completely concentrated on the motor shaft
coupling. (MF=1), maximum load at load attachment device)
a maximum quasi static gearing input torque of
Braking during hoisting braking torque safety brake plus static load torque
can occur:
Examinations show the special relevance of the
load case emergency-off out of hoisting the M G rel = BFSB + 1
maximum load.
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Vöth - Hoists with safety brakes
The dynamic peak torques (picture 7) can occur, as Braking during lowering
far as they are supported by the static load, braking
torque and inertia torque. Details regarding this are Analyses show that especially the load case of
to be determined by an elasto-kinetic analysis. It is emergency-off out of lowering the dead load is of
obvious for the considered load case that internal interest.
forces resulting in the drive train are a multiple of
the static holding torque. Emergency-off immediately initiates switch-off of
the motor and activation of the safety brake. For the
8 8,0
mentioned data a maximum relative gearing input
7 7,1 torque of MG rel max=8.9 is calculated (picture 9).
That means the gearing torque is factor 8.9 higher
Maximum relative gearing torque MG rel max/Mst
5,6 than the maximum static loading of the drive train.
Dynamic factor φ5=2,0, Mass factor MF=0…1
4 (in gearing and/or couplings) it is expected
furthermore, that a flank change will occur. During
MF=0,9 2,3
this the motor side masses and the braked load side
are uncoupled. Respectively the motor side masses
1,0 need not to be decelerated.
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Vöth - Hoists with safety brakes
„Intelligent“ braking
As measure to reduce peak values and amplitudes Picture 10: New chronological scenario for
of the internal loads is considered: switching processes following
Synchronous and balanced action of all
brakes participating in the braking process, Remains the question with which amount of torque
here the service brake and the safety brake. the safety brake and the service brake should act.
Favourable would be braking in a way that the
Main reason for high internal forces in the drive quasi static internal torque before braking is still
train during a safety braking process is following present during braking. Hereby at the beginning of
situation: The maximum of the kinetic energy to be braking a jump in the internal torque during
reduced is concentrated in the masses on the axis of transition from “hoisting/lowering” to “decelerated
the fast running motor shaft: masses of motor, hoisting/lowering” is prevented. Likewise at the
coupling and braking drum/braking disc. Braked end of braking a jump in the internal torque during
will be at first at the board disc of the rope drum transition from “Decelerated hoisting/lowering” to
and by the load. So the brake torque is not induced “holding” is prevented. Assuming these
at the location of demand. A significant part of the requirements given for the structure of the reference
brake torque must be led from the location of hoist following braking factors for the safety brake
induction to the fast rotating masses. To prevent and the service brake for the braking out of hoisting
this torque put through the gearing it makes sense, (-) or lowering (+) are calculated:
to bring the service brake into action synchronous
to the safety brake. *
θ ges ∆ω
BFBB = m LF + MF *
This leads to a direct participation of the service M st ∆ t
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Vöth - Hoists with safety brakes
Hoist with balanced braking: Conclusions
Brake factors braking out of hoisting
Brake factors service brake BFBB and safety brake BFSB
BFSB For the higher internal loads occurring especially
due to emergency-off [3] the hoist may be not
dimensioned reasonably and efficiently. Assuming
a corresponding hoist concept this also applies for
emergency-stop, a load case occurring more often.
Accordingly measures have to be considered in
order to reduce internal loads induced to the drive
train. The internal loads in the drivetrain are
reduced especially by “intelligent braking”. Ideally
0,5 the braking process is designed in a way, that
during braking in the drivetrain between motor and
safety brake the torque during static hoisting is
0 present also. Hereby the maximum values as well
0 10 20 30 40 50
Load in t as the amplitudes of the internal forces are reduced
significantly. Suitable measures to be applied are:
Picture 11: Braking factors for braking out of
hoisting Reduction of clearances and increase of system
elasticity: As result shocks can be reduced and
For the reference hoist the brake factors and their absorbed, as well as internal loads are reduced in
sums are calculated as shown for braking out of connection with system damping.
hoisting (picture 11) and out of lowering (picture
12). Minimisation of dynamic effects: Following BS
EN 13001-2 [3] this may be realized by little
For braking out of hoisting the safety brake has to clearance and a gradual implementation of the
be applied to a little account only (BFSB=5%-12%). braking torque.
The service brake has to deliver a significant torque
under partial load. With increasing loads up to full Reduction of mass factor MF: By a small share of
load the braking torque of the service brake is the motor mass in relation to the total mass of the
decreasing continuously (BFBB=92%-8%). drivetrain the torque put through the gearing is
Hoist with balanced braking:
Brake factors braking out of lowering Minimisation of brake factor BFSB: A small
Brake factors service brake BFBB and safety brake BFSB
BFSB braking torque of the safety brake generally leads to
2,0 less braking action and reduced internal forces.
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Vöth - Hoists with safety brakes
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