Hospitality Interview
Hospitality Interview
Hospitality Interview
How to answer: It can be tempting to rattle off your entire life’s history in chronological order, but the best
way to answer this question is to pick the events in your life that are most relevant to the specific role
you’re applying for. If you’ve worked a few different jobs in the past, you might want to focus on one or
two that are most closely related to the job you’re applying for and skip the rest.
But career experience isn’t the only component of your answer; make sure to add a few talking points that
allow your interviewer to get to know you as a person. Where are you from? What do you like to do
outside of work? Maybe you are a leader of your child’s scout group or a volunteer organization, or maybe
you’re known for baking incredible cakes for holidays. If you can show that you are a service-oriented,
hospitable person in all aspects of your life, you’ll be a more attractive candidate.
How to answer: Even if this job in the hospitality industry is just a stepping stone to your dream
career, it’s important to call out a few reasons why the industry appeals to you in an authentic way.
Perhaps you want the opportunity to work with people from different walks of life, or maybe you are
excited about learning some new skills, or maybe you just like making people happy.
How to answer: Before your interview, make sure to read the job description carefully, because many
job descriptions list characteristics that would make you successful in the role. Based on these
characteristics, you can mention the strengths you possess that are most relevant for the role. Remember
to stay humble (you don’t want to say you’re good at everything), and it’s helpful to provide examples.
For example, if you’re good at thinking on your feet, you could tell a story about how you quickly lit
candles at your restaurant when the power went out.
How to answer: As much as you can, try to put a positive spin on any weaknesses you mention. For
instance, if you don’t have much experience using computers, but the job requires computer use,
maybe mention that you’re working on improving your skills by taking an online computer course.
5. What inspires you?
Why they’re asking: Your interviewer wants you to be inspired when you come to work every day, so
they’re looking for an answer that shows how you find motivation.
How to answer: Answer honestly; are you inspired by your colleagues? By a great general manager?
By a leader in the hospitality industry? This is a great chance to talk about your own values or sources of
How to answer: Be specific about what you liked and why you liked it, and ideally these activities or
responsibilities would be part of the job you’re applying for too. For example, maybe you enjoyed
interacting with international guests when you worked at a resort because you like learning about different
How to answer: Be honest; if you’ve never used their system, say so. If you have used their system (or a
similar one), then you can mention some specific tasks you performed with it so your interviewer
understands your level of expertise. If you have experience using other software in a different
industry, you have some transferable skills, so you could say you will learn their system quickly.
How to answer: When you’re preparing to answer this question, think about an achievement that aligns
with your values and can show that you can work hard to reach a goal. Rather than simply highlighting the
achievement (like running a half-marathon), you’ll want to mention all the hard work it took to get there
(like sticking to a training regimen even on rainy days!).
How to answer: An answer that mentions a skill you’ll use at work is great, but not totally necessary.
Honesty is most important here. If you’re working on learning how to play the piano or how to speak a
new language, those are good anecdotes too, as long as you can show that you’re dedicated to personal
10. What are your long-term career goals?
Why they’re asking: Your interviewer is likely trying to get a sense for how long you want to stay in the
role. Some candidates are looking for temporary roles in the hospitality industry, while others are in it
for the long haul and want to work up to a general manager role. Your interviewer just needs to be
able to plan based on your timeline.
How to answer: Any answer is fine here! If anything, your interviewer wants to see that you have goals
and are working toward something. If you want to build a long career in the hospitality industry, then
you might also want to ask your interviewer about opportunities for career development at their hotel or
restaurant to reaffirm your interest.
How to answer: Since your interviewer is looking for someone who enjoys working on a team, your
answer should show your enthusiasm. But even if you’re indifferent to team and independent work or you
are still working on your people skills, you’ll want your answer to show some passion for teamwork.
12. Tell me about a past work experience that is relevant to this role
Why they’re asking: Although your interviewer expects that you will have to do some training to get up to
speed in your new role, if you’ve had relevant prior work experience, they will be more confident that you
will succeed in the new role. Your interviewer is looking for some anecdotes that show you’ve read the job
description and can identify parts of your prior experience that are similar to responsibilities of the job
you’re applying for.
How to answer: Keep it relevant; if you have past experience that relates somewhat to the new role, try to
keep your answer focused on the experiences that tie most closely to the new role. For instance, if you’ve
worked in retail in the past, you can talk about the interactions you had with customers and how the skills
you built will serve you well when interacting with hotel guests.
How to answer: Be as specific as you can: what about their establishment is interesting to you? Maybe
you admire how they give back to the community, or maybe you want the opportunity to work alongside a
well-known chef. Perhaps you align with their values or are a big fan of their brand.
How to answer: Call out specific points in the job description that are most interesting to you. Are you
interested in a certain responsibility because it would give you the chance to improve a skill? Or because
the role involves something that you’re good at? This answer can be a great way to connect your skills or
experience to the job description.
15. What do you think are the most important responsibilities of this role?
Why they’re asking: Have you done your homework? This question also verifies that you’ve read the job
description, but it takes it a bit further by asking you to name the most important parts of the role. Your
interviewer might be testing how well you think about this role in the context of the entire hotel operations
or guest experience, like how your own performance fits into the hotel’s revenue or guest satisfaction
How to answer: The hotel or restaurant where you’re applying to work is, above all, a business, so if you
can articulate how your work makes guests want to come back time and time again you can show that you
will help the hotel reach its goals. The most important parts of your job are probably those that involve
contact with guests or critical operational tasks.
16. Have you visited our establishment? If so, what stood out to you?
Why they’re asking: Most interviewers want to hire employees who want to help make the business even
better and are passionate about whatever makes it great. This question probes for an outsider’s impression
of the hotel or restaurant; what were the good and less good parts of the experience? This question also
looks for a positive attitude; if you visited the restaurant and your food came out cold, for instance, your
interviewer is looking for someone who can not only notice the issue but think about potential solutions.
How to answer: If you’ve visited the hotel or restaurant, you can be honest with your comments. Mention
the highlights with enthusiasm, like if the service was impeccable (and your desire to uphold the same
standard of service) or if the food was delicious. You can share constructive feedback too, and you’ll get
extra points for offering suggestions about how you would improve the current operations. If you haven’t
visited the hotel or restaurant, mention that you plan to (if possible) before you start the job so you can
understand your role from a guest’s point of view.
How to answer: Before crafting an answer, do a little research about the competitive landscape. Who are
your hotel’s competitors? How does your hotel compare in terms of amenities, price, location, and decor?
A great way to learn is by reading guest reviews on Google or Tripadvisor. For instance, you might
mention that your hotel is one of the most historic hotels in the city or that the restaurant is the only one in
the neighborhood with a daily happy hour.
How to answer: Think for a minute and find a characteristic, skill, or experience that makes you stand out
from the pack and gives you a unique advantage to succeed in this position. You can even put yourself in
your interviewer’s shoes and think about why your interviewer should choose you.
19. Is your schedule flexible? What hours are you available to work?
Why they’re asking: This is a practical question; your interviewer needs to know when you’re available to
work so they can fit you into the schedule.
How to answer: Answer honestly here, because the availability you give might turn into regularly
scheduled shifts. If you aren’t available during the shifts that are open, then the role is not a good fit for
you. But if you’re flexible, then you have a better chance of aligning with the shifts the interviewer needs.
How to answer: Be straightforward with your answer, but also be realistic. You can do some research on
sites like Glassdoor or Indeed to learn what the average salary or wage is for this role, and you can also use
your previous pay rate as a benchmark if you worked a similar job before. If your expectation is
significantly higher than the average salary for that job in your area, then it shows your interviewer the role
isn’t a good fit.
21. Tell me about a time when you dealt with an unhappy customer or guest
Why they’re asking: In any hospitality role, you’ll be expected to turn an angry guest into a happy
one on occasion (perhaps quite frequently, if you’re applying for a manager role). Your interviewer is
curious about your experience with such a situation, and he wants to see how you de-escalate a situation to
determine whether you would be a good fit for the role.
How to answer: Think about a real situation in which you interacted with an unhappy guest. Set the scene
and tell your interviewer what happened to upset the guest, and walk your interview through your thought
process for the service recovery. What tone of voice did you use when talking to the guest? What solutions
did you present (like re-firing their entree or moving them to an upgraded room)? What was the outcome
(was the guest happy by the end)?
How to answer: This answer is an excellent time to demonstrate just how hospitable and service-oriented
you are. Share a story about one of your favorite interactions with a guest - maybe one that the guest wrote
about on Tripadvisor and called you out by name! Like in the previous answer, make sure to give your
interviewer plenty of detail here, so they can understand exactly what you did to give that guest five-star
How to answer: Even if you’ve never held a formal leadership role, you’ve probably flexed your
leadership skills in your last role. Did you train new employees? Did you lead the rollout of a new
initiative? Share a story about a situation in which other employees looked up to you or when you were
responsible for the results of a project. You’ll get extra credibility if you can explain what the results were,
like if 95% of your trainees passed the new-hire test.
24. How would you describe your leadership or management style?
Why they’re asking: Your interviewer wants to assess your awareness of your own leadership style and see
whether your style aligns with the team you would manage in your new role. This question gets at how you
interact with the people you manage.
How to answer: If you’re not familiar with leadership styles like democratic, visionary, or transactional
styles, it’s worth reading up on them before answering this question. Naming your own leadership style
will help your interviewer understand the way you lead through a commonly accepted framework. Make
sure your style aligns with the needs of your team and the business; for example, a hands-off approach
might not be the best fit for a restaurant manager role when you would be expected to train new employees
and handle service recovery.
25. Tell me about a time when you worked on a team or with people from different
Why they’re asking: Hospitality jobs require teamwork and collaboration with many different people.
Your interviewer wants to learn about your past experience working in a team-centric environment.
How to answer: Share a story about working on a team and how you were able to work together to achieve
a common goal. Even if you don’t have hospitality work experience, perhaps you played on a sports team
or worked in a different type of team environment. Any such anecdote would be relevant, especially if you
can pinpoint things you did to make the team successful, like training new team members or covering extra
26. How do you motivate the people that you work with?
Why they’re asking: If you’re applying for a leadership role, your interviewer wants to be confident that
you can inspire your employees to do good work and achieve goals.
How to answer: Concrete examples are great here. Talk about an initiative or program you used to
motivate people in the past. Make sure to include a benchmark for success; how did you know your
employees were motivated? Maybe mention the specific goal you achieved.
How to answer: Use a detailed example, ideally from a past work experience, to illustrate your point here.
Describe the situation, how you made the decision, and what the outcome was.
How to answer: Even if you don’t have a lot of experience with cost control, you may have been part of a
cost-control initiative, so you can speak about that situation too. To clearly articulate the outcome of the
initiative, try to use metrics to show how much money was saved.
How to answer: Think about some instances when guests complimented you on your service or when
you went above and beyond. How did it feel? How did your guests feel? Excellent service can mean
something a little different to everyone, so in your answer you can showcase your unique perspective on
providing great service that will keep guests coming back again and again.
How to answer: This one can be a trick question; it’s easy to say “nope, no questions!” but you actually
want to ask a few. Take a minute before your interview to jot down a few questions. They can be related to
the role, the company, or even your interviewer’s own experience.