Mines Rule 1955

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the Mines Rules of 1955 and amendments made later regarding safety measures like constitution of safety committees and duties of workman's inspectors.

The main responsibilities of a workman's inspector are inspection of all workings, equipment and machines, informing the manager and inspector about issues, suggesting remedial measures, and accompanying inspectors during mine inspections.

The functions of a safety committee are to discuss remedial measures for unsafe conditions, consider safety measures for new installations, discuss accident reports and formulate safety campaigns, and meet every 30 days to consider matters raised.

The Mines Rules, 1955

New Delhi, the 2nd July, 1955

S.R.O. 1421 - In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 58 of the Mines

Act, 1952 (35 of 1952), the Central Government hereby makes the following
rules the same having been previously published as required by sub-section (1)
of Section 59 of the said Act, namely :-




1. Short title and application :- (1) These rules may be called the Mines Rules,
2. Except as otherwise expressly provided, the rules shall apply to every mine of
whatever description to which the Act applies.

2. Definitions _ In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject

or context -
a) “the Act” means the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952):
b) “court of inquiry” means a court of inquiry appointed under section 24 of the
c) “form” means a form as given in the First Schedule;
d) “section” means a section of the Act:
e) “schedule” means a schedule appended to these rules;
f) “manager” includes Mine Superintendent who is appointed by the owner or
agent of a mine under section 17 of the Act and as such responsible for the
control, management, (supervision) and direction of a mine;
g) “certifying surgeon” means a qualified medical practitioner appointed to be a
certifying surgeon under section 11;
h) “calendar year” means a year from the first day of January to the thirty-first
day of December;
i) “ Officer in charge Canteen” means the person (other than the manager)
whom the owner or agent may appoint for securing compliance with the
provisions in respect of canteens.
j) “Ordinary employed” with reference to any mines or part thereof, means the
average number of persons employed per day in the mine or part of mine
during the preceding (calendar year) (obtained by dividing the number of man
days worked by the number of working days excluding rest days at other non-
working days)


3. Term of office - The term of office of the members referred to in clause ©, (d)
and (e) of sub section (1) of section 12 of the Act, shall be three years from
the date on which their appointment is notified in the official Gazette:

Provided that a member shall notwithstanding the expiry of a period of

three years, continue to hold office until the appointment of his successor is
notified in the Official Gazette;

Provided further that a member appointed to fill a casual vacancy shall

hold office for the remaining period of the term of office of the member in whose
place he is appointed and shall continue to hold office on the expiry of the term
of office until the appointment of his successor is notified in the Official Gazette.”

(4. Secretary of the Committee - An Inspector of Mines nominated in this behalf

by the Chief Inspector shall act as the Secretary to the Committee.”)

(“5 Remuneration - Members of the Committee shall receive such

horonarium as the Central Government may fix.”)

(6) * * *

7. Resignation.- (1) A member other than the Chairman may resign the office by
writing under his hand addressed to the Chairman.

(2) The Chairman may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to
the Central Government.

(3) The resignation referred to in sub. rule(1) or sub-rule (2) above shall take
effect from the date of its acceptance *(or on the expiry of thirty days from the
date of receipt of such resignation whichever is earlier, by the Chairman of the
Central Government as the case may be).

8. Absence from India - (1) Before a member leaves India (a) he shall intimate
to the Chairman the date of his departure from and the date of his expected
return to India; and

(b) if he intends to be absent from India for a period longer than six months, he
shall tender his registration.

(2) If any member leaves India without taking the action required by sub-rule
(1) he shall be deemed to have resigned with effect from the date of his
departure from India.
9. Notification of Vacancies - (1) The chairman shall inform the Central
Government as soon as a vacancy occurs in the membership of the
(committee) by the resignation or death of member.

(2) In case such a vacancy occurs by the death of the Chairman, information
shall be furnished to the Central Government by the Chief Inspector or the
inspector (appointed) to the (Committee) by the Government as the case
may be.

10. Disposal of business - (1) All questions which the (committee) is

required to consider shall be considered either at its meetings or by
circulation of papers as the Chairman may direct:

Provided that papers need not be circulated to any member who is absent
from India at the time.

(2) When a question is referred by circulation of papers, any member may

request that the question be considered at a meeting of the (committee)
and thereupon the Chairman may direct that it be so considered:

Provided that if three or more members make such a request, the Chairman
shall direct that it be so considered.

11. Time and place of meetings - The (committee) shall meet at such places
and times as may be appointed by the chairman.

12. Notice of meetings - (1) The Secretary to the (committee) shall give at
least fourteen days’ notice to every member of the (committee) present in
India of the time and place fixed for each meeting and shall send to every
such member agenda of business to be disposed of at that meeting not less
than seven days before the meeting :

Provided that when an emergent meeting is called, at least two days’ clear
notice shall be given.

3(1A) * * *
4(“(2) Notices referred to in sub-rule(1) shall be delivered at, or posted to, the
usual place of residence of the member.”)

Court of Inquiry

21. Court of inquiry to be public - The persons appointed to hold inquiry under
section 24 of the Act shall hold the inquiry in public in such manner and under
such conditions as the Court thinks most effectual for ascertaining the causes
and circumstances of the accident or other occurrences and for enabling the
Court to make the report.

22. Recovery of expenses - 1(1) If a court of inquiry finds that the accident was
due to any carelessness or negligence on the part of the management, the
court may direct the recovery of the expenses of such court 2(including any
expenses incurred with the previous sanction of the court and any other
expenses connected with the enquiry which the court may direct as
recoverable) from the owner, agent or manager of the mine concerned, in
such manner and within such time as the court may specify.)

3(“(2) The amount directed to be recovered under sub rule(1) may, on

application by the Chief Inspector or an Inspector to the concerned authority, be
recovered from the owner in the same manner as an arrears of land revenue”)


Certifying Surgeons

23. Powers of Certifying Surgeon - A certifying Surgeon may within the local
limits of his jurisdiction or in respect of mines or class or description of mines
assigned to him make such inspection, examination or inquiry as the thinks fit
for the purpose of the Act and it shall be the duty of owner, agent or manager
of the mine concerned to afford the Certifying Surgeon all reasonable facilities
for carrying out such inspections, examination or inquiry as the case may be.
1 Substituted vide Notification No GSR 1886, dated 14 Dec. 1965
2. Substituted vide Notification No GSR 316 dated 14.4.1986.
3. Substituted vide ibid.

24. Duties of Certifying Surgeon. - 1(“(1) On receipt of a reference under sub

section (1) of section 43 of the Act, the certifying surgeon shall, aftr giving
prior notice regarding date, time and place for medical examination and upon
examining the person sent for such examination prepare the age and fitness
certificate and deliver the same to the manager of the mine concerned after
retaining a copy thereof.”)
(2) The Certifying Surgeon shall, upon a request being made to him by the Chief
Inspector of Inspector, carry out such examination and furnish him with such
report as he may indicate in respect of any mine or class or description of
mines in which operations involve any risk of injury to the health of any person
or class of persons employed therein.

2(3) * * *
2(4) * * *
2(5) * * *
2(25) * * *
2(26) * * *
2(27) * * *

28. Fresh examination - (1) If any person sent up for medical examination in
pursuance of 3(* * *) section 43 4(..) is not certified to be fit by the Certifying
Surgeon, he shall not without the permission in writing of an Inspector, be sent
to another medical examination unless a period of six months has elapsed
from the time when he was last sent up for medical examination.

2) Any certificate obtained in contravention of sub-rule (1) shall be void.

2(29) * * *

1 Substituted vide Notification No. GSR 316, dated 14.4.1986

2 Omitted vide ibid
3. The words and figures “section 40 or” omitted vide ibid
4. Words and figures “Or section 47” omitted vide Notification No. GSR 1886
dated 14.12.1965

1(3)No business which is not on the agenda shall be considered at a meeting

without the permission of the Chairman.)

13. Presiding at meetings - The Chairman shall preside at every meeting of the
2(committee) at which he is present. If the Chairman is absent from any
meeting, the members present shall elect one of them to preside over the
meting and the member so elected shall at that meeting exercise all the
powers of the Chairman.

14. Quorum - No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the 2(committee)

unless at least 3(four members the Chairman) are present:

Provided that at any meeting in which less than 3(four members including
the chairman) are present, the Chairman may adjourn the meeting to a date not
less than fourteen days later and inform the members present and notify other
members that he proposes to dispose of the business at the adjourned meeting
irrespective of the quorum, and it shall thereupon be lawful to dispose of the
business at such adjourned meeting irrespective of the number of members

15. Decision by majority - (1) Every question referred to the 2(Committee) by

circulation of papers shall, unless the Chairman, in pursuance of sub-rule(2) of
rule 10 reserves it for consideration at a meeting, be decided in accordance
with the opinions of the majority sending their opinions within the time allowed.
(2) All questions referred to a meting of the2 (committee) shall be decided by
majority of votes of the members present and voting on that question.

1 Sub-rule (2) renumbered as sub-rule (3)vide GSR 316 dt. 14.4.86

2 Substituted vide ibid
3 Substituted vide ibid

(3) In the case of an equal division of votes or opinions the Chairman shall
exercise an additional vote or opinion.
(4) Any member disagreeing with a decision of the 1(committee) may enter a not
of dissent which shall form part of the record of the proceedings.

16. Minutes of the meetings - (1) The Secretary of the 1(committee) shall
circulate the proceedings of each meeting to all members of the (committee)
present in India and thereafter record the proceedings in a minute book which
shall be kept for permanent record.

(2) The record of the proceedings of each meeting shall be signed by the

17. Allowances to non official members - Travelling and daily allowance to non
official members of the 1(committee) shall be regulated in accordance with the
orders regarding allowances to non official members of Committees.
Commissions and Boards of Enquiry issued by the Central Government from
time to time.

18. Correspondence and accounts - The secretary of the 1(committee) shall

conduct all the correspondence of the 1(committee) and keep its accounts.

19. Appearance at hearings - Any appearance required to be made by a party

before the 1(committee) except for purposes of being examined as a witness,
may be made either in person or by his agent duly authorised in writing, or by
a legal practitioner on his behalf.

20. Proceedings to be in camera - Unless the Chairman otherwise directs, the

proceedings of the 1(committee) shall be conducted in camera and shall be
regarded as confidential in nature.
1 Substituted vide Notification No. GSR 316 dated 14.4.86

Medical Examination of Persons Employed

or to be employed in mines

29A Applicability of this Chapter - Nothing in this Chapter shall apply to persons
who are employed purely on temporary or causal basis for a continuous period
not exceeding six months.

29B. Initial and periodical medical examinations - After such date or dates as the
Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette appoint in this
behalf, the owner, agent or manager of every mine shall make arrangements.

(a)(I) for the initial medical examination of every person employed in the mine
within a period of five years of the date so notified and the said examination shall
be so arranged over a period of five years that one fifth of the persons employed
at the mine undergo the examination every year.

Provided that in the case of a mine where a system of carrying out os

such medical examination (of a comparable standard as determined by the Chief
Inspector) is already in existence before the date aforesaid, a person who has
undergone a medical examination under such a system on a date not earlier
than five years before the date aforesaid, shall be deemed to have undergone an
initial medical examination under this sub clause and the last date of his medical
examination under the said system shall be taken to be the date of his initial
medical examination under these rules:

(ii) for the initial medical examination of every person seeking employment in a
mine, unless such person has already undergone within the preceding five
years, a medical examination under these rules while in employment at
another mine; and

(b) for the periodical medical examination thereafter of every person employed in
the mine at intervals of not more than five years.
1. Inserted vide Notification No. GSR 557(E), dated 18.11.1978

29C. Examining authorities - The medical examination aforesaid shall be carried

out by a Medical Officer appointed for the mine or a Medical Officer in the
employment of the owner of the mine, if any, or by any medical officer employed
in the Coal Mines Welfare Fund Organisation or any other mines Welfare
organisation falling which by any State or Central Government medical Officer
not below the rank of an Assistant Civil Surgeon.
29D. Notice of medical examination - (1) In respect of every medical examination
under rule 29B, the manager of the mine concerned shall give at least twenty
days’ prior notice in writing to the person to be examined, in Form M provided
that in case of the initial medical examination of a person seeking employment at
a mine, the period of notice may be shorter.

(2) A copy of every such notice issued shall be sent by the manager to the
examining authority and in the case of periodical medical examination of a
person, the copies of the previous medical certificate issued in Form O
pertaining to the persons concerned shall also be sent to the examining
authority by the manager.

(3) A person, who for any reasonable cause, fails to submit himself for a medical
examination in accordance with the notice issued to him under sub-rule(1),
shall be given a second notice of a minimum period of ten days in Form N, by
the manager and a copy of every such notice shall be sent by the manager to
the examining authority.

(4) The examining authority shall inform the manager whether the person
concerened has submitted himself for medical examination or not.

29E. Failure to undergo medical examination - A person who, without reasonable

cause, fails to submit himself for medical examination in accordance with a
notice issued to him under sub-rule(3) of rule 29D, shall be liable to be
discharged from service:

Provided that a person who tenders himself so liable to be discharged for

failure to submit himself for medical examination shall be required to show cause
why he could not comply with the notice within the time specified therein. If his
explanation is found satisfactory by the management, he shall be given another
chance to appear for medical examination in case his explanation is not found
satisfactory by the management, his service shall be terminated by the
management :

Provided further that in case of any dispute, the same shall be referred to
the Chief Inspector for his decision within 50 days of the order communicated by
the owner, agent or manager of the mine to the said person.

29F. Standard report of medical examination -(1) The examining authority

holding initial medical examination under sub clause(I) of clause (a), or periodical
medical examination under clause b) of rule 29B shall examine a person
according to the standard laid down in Form P and the initial medical
examination under sub clause (ii) of clause (a) of rule 29B of all persons seeking
employment in a mine shall be according to the standard laid down in Form P-I.
(2) As soon as may be, after examination, a copy of the medical certificate in
Form O, shall be issued by the examining authority to the person concerned
by Registered post or delivered under receipt and another copy sent to the
manager of the mine concerned by Registered post or delivered under receipt.
(3) The examining authority shall retain the third copy of the medical certificate.
(4) In the case of periodical medical examination of person the examining
authority shall also send the copy of previous medical certificates of the
person concerned received in pursuance of sub-rule(1) of rule 29D, to the
manager of the mine concerned.

29G Retention and transfer of medical certificates -

(1) All medical certificates of persons employed or to be employed in a mine

shall be retained in the possession of the manager of the mine so long as the
person is employed in the mine and for a period of five years thereafter:
Provided that the manager of a mine where such person is or was
employed shall, if so requested by the manager of any other mine where the
person is to be employed, send to him all medical certificates with respect to
such person.

(2) If the examining authority who conducts medical examination of persons

employed or ton be employed in any mine, is relieved of his duties regarding
medical examination, the medical practitioner shall transfer all records of
medical examination in his possession to the manager of the mine

29H. Identity of candidates - (1) Every candidate for medical examination

under clause a) of rule 29B shall, at the time of examination hand over three
unmounted photographs (passport size) of himself to the examining authority.
The examining authority after satisfying itself that each photograph is a likeness
of the candidate, shall endorse each of them with the name and father’s name or
husband’s name of the candidate.

(2) The examining authority shall also record the left hand thumb impression or
the signature of every candidate appearing before it for medical examination
on the copies of the medical certificate in Form O.

29 I. Medical Examination of women - No women shall without her consent, be

medically examined by a male medical practitioner except in the presence of
another women.

29J. Appeal for re-examination - (1) Where as a result of an intial medical

examination under clause (a), or of periodical medical examination under clause
(b) of rule 29B. person has been declared unfit for employment in mines or in
particular category of mines or in any specified operations in mine , he may,
within thirty days of the receipt by him of a copy of the Certificate referred to in
sub-rule(2) of rule 29F, file an appeal with the manager of the mine against the
declaration aforesaid, and request for a medical re-examination by Appellate
Medical Board constituted under rule 29K.

(2)(a) The manager shall arrange to have the appellant medically re-examined
by the Appellate Medical Board within thirty days of the receipt of the Appeal,
and shall give to the Appellant fifteen days’ prior notice of the medical re-
examination by the Appellate Medical Board in Form Q.

(b) A person, who for any reasonable cause, fails to submit himself for a medical
re-examination in accordance with the notice given to him under clause (a),
shall be given another notice in Form R in similar manner.

(c) A person who has, without reasonable cause, fails to submit himself for a
medical re-examination in accordance with a notice given to him under clause
(b) shall cease to be in employment at the time or in a particular category of
mines or in any specified operations in mine, as the case may be, after the
expiry of thirty days from the last date notified for his medical re-examination.

(3) In respect of every medical re-examination by the Appellate Medical Board,

the appellant shall pay such fees and the medical examination shall be
conducted in such manner as may be determined by the Appellate Medical
Board. In case the Appellate Medical Board finds him fit for employment in
mines, the fees shall be re-imbursed in full to the appellant by the owner of the
mine where he is employed.

29K. Constitution of Appellate Medical Board - For the purpose of medical re-
examination on appeal, the Appellate Medical Board shall consist of the following
officers, namely :

(a) One duly qualified Medical Officer in the employment of the Directorate
General of Mines Safety who shall also Act as the Convenor of the Board.
(b) One Medical Officer duly qualified in allopathic system of medicine to be
nominated by the Chief Inspector in consultant with the Welfare Organisation
set up by the Central Government for the persons employed in the mine.
(c) One Medical Officer duly qualified in allopathic system of medicine employed
in the State or Central Government or a Government undertaking and not
below the rank of Assistant Civil Surgeon.

Provided that if a Medical Officer under clause (b) or clause © is not

available, the Appellate Medical Board shall be constituted with two persons

29L. Standard and report of medical re-examination by the Appellate Medical

Board - The Appellate Medical Board shall medically examine the appellant in
accordance with the standard laid down in Form P for initial medical examination
of workers already in employment as well as periodical medical examination and
in accordance with the standard laid down Form PI for initial medical examination
of the persons to employed and shall issue to the manager of the mine
concerned and to the appellant a medical certificate in Form S.

29M. Unfit persons not ton be employed - (1) Where as a result of an initial
medical examination under clause (a) or of a periodical medical examination
under clause (b) of rule 29-B a person has been declared unfit for employment in
mines or in a particular category of mines or in any specified operations in mine,
he shall not be employed or continue to employed in mine or in the category of
mines or on the operations specified, after the expiry of thirty days from the date
of his medical examination unless he has filed an appeal under sub rule (1) of
rule 29J against the declaration.

(2) Where the person concerned has filed an appeal under sub-rule (1) of rule
29J, but has been declared by the Appellate Medical Board, after a medical
re-examination, to be unfit for employment in mines or in a particular category
of mines or on any specified operations in mines, he shall not be employed or
continue to be employed in mine or in the category of mines or on the
operations specified, after the expiry of thirty days from the date of his medical
re-examination by the Appellate Medical Board:

Provided that, if the Medical Officer carrying out the initial medical
examination under clause (a), or the periodical examination under clause (b) of
rule 29B, or the Appellate Medical Board carrying out the medical re-examination
of persons already in employment is of the opinion that the disability of the
person examined is of such a nature and degree that it will not seriously affect or
interfere with the normal discharge of his duties it may recommend his
continuation in employment in the mine for a period not exceeding six months
during which such person may get his disability cured or controlled and submit
himself for another medical examination and be declared fit.

29N. Compensation for industrial disease - if as a result of any medical

examination under these rules or under the regulations, a person is found to
have contacted any disease specified in Part C of Schedule III to the Workmen’s
compensation Act. 1923, the provision of section 3 of that Act shall become
applicable in respect of that person.

29O. Cost of medical examination - Subject to the provisions of sub-rule(3) of

rule 2J full cost of every medical examination under these rules, shall be borne
by the owner of the mine concerned.
29P. Annual returns - (1) On or before the 20 day of February every year, the
manager of every mine shall submit to the Chief Inspector annual return in
respect of the preceding calendar yea in Form T.
(2) If a mine is abandoned or working thereof is discontinued over a period
exceeding sixty days or if a change occurs in the ownership of a mine the
returns required under sub rule (1) shall be submitted within thirty days of
abandonment or change of ownership of within ninety days of discontinuance
as the case may be.



29Q Workmen’s Inspector - (1) (a) For every mines wherein 500 or more
persons are ordinarily employed, the owner, agent or manager shall designate
three suitably qualified employees of the mine in consultation with the registered
trade union in the mine and where there are more than one registered trade
union the union recognised as per procedure in practice or the most
representative union as per the membership records available at that point of
time and if there are no registered trade unions, in consultation with the elected
representative of the workmen, as technical experts to carry out inspection of the
mine on behalf of the workers employed therein, one each for mining operations,
electrical installations and mechanical installations. When the number of persons
employed in a mine exceeds 1500, the workmen’s inspector shall be assisted by
one additional workmen’s inspector in mining discipline for every additional 1000
persons or part thereof.

(b) In every mine, the owner, agent or manager shall constitute, in the manner
laid down in clause (a), a panel of workmen’s inspector who may serve as
substitute during absence of regular workmen’s inspector.
(c) In the panel there shall be at least one workmen’s inspector each for mining,
electrical and mechanical installation and operations.

(2) No person shall act as a workmen,s inspector of a mine unless -

(a) he possesses on Overman’s or Foreman’s Certificate granted under the Act :

Provided that -
(i) in relation to electrical machinery installed in mines, a person holding a valid
Electrical Supervisor’s Certificate of Competency covering mining
installations, issued under sub-rule(1) of rule 45 read with clause (ii) of sub-
rule (1) of rule 131 of the Electrical Rules, 1956 framed under the Indian
Electrical Act 1910 shall be so designated; and
(ii) In relation to other machinery and mechanical appliances installed in mines a
person appointed to secure the installation running and maintenance in safe
working order of machinery in the mine, being not less in status than that of an
Overman, Mine Foreman or Electrical Supervisor shall be so designated.
(b) he has at least five years of experience in mines including at least two years
in workings of the mines for which he is nominated; and
(c) he has undergone an orientation training course for workmen’s inspector
consisting of not less than thirty lectures and demonstrations, of not less than
two hours’ duration each, in accordance with the syllabus specified by and at
a centre approved by the Chief Inspector by a general or special order.
(3) The workmen’s inspector shall perform the duties mentioned in clause (a) of
sub rule (1) of rule 29R for two days in every week; on remaining days of the
week, he shall perform his normal duties unless called upon to perform the
duties mentioned in clauses(b) and © of sub-rule(1) of rule 29R.
(4) (a) The owner, agent or manager shall afford the workmen’s inspector all
reasonable facilities for making any entry, inspection, measurement,
examination or inquiry in connection with his duties.

(b) An official of the mine shall accompany the workmen’s inspector during his
(c) The workmen’s inspector may carry out his inspection at any time.

(5) When there occurs an accident or dangerous occurrence in or about a mine

the owner, agent or manager shall forthwith inform the concerned workmen’s
inspector about the accident or the occurrence.

(6) The workmen’s inspector shall not exercise his powers to impede or obstruct
the working of the mine.

(7) A workmen’s inspector nominated under sub-rule(1) shall, unless he resigns

from his office, hold office for a period of three years from the date of his
nomination and shall be eligible for one renomination.

(8) No owner, agent or manager shall take any action against a workmen’s
inspector for any of his actions in the discharge of his duties and functions laid
down in these rules.

29R. Duties of workmen’s Inspector - (1) The duties of the workmen’s

inspector of workers.

(a) to inspect all shafts, inclines, roads, workplaces and the equipment thereat
including the equipment for conveyance and transport of workers.

(b) in case of any urgent and immediate danger that come to his notice -

i) to inform the manager and the inspector about the same; and

ii) to suggest remedial measures necessary to avoid the danger : a

© to accompany the Inspector in the course of complete inspection of the
mine and also during such other inspections as may be considered necessary by
the inspector.

(2) The workmen’s inspector shall record a full report of the matters ascertained
as a result of this inspection in an interleaved paged and bound register kept
for the purpose at the mine in Form U. The workmen’s inspector making the
entry in the register aforesaid shall duly sign such entries with cate and take a
copy of the entries for his record.

29S. Action on the report of workmen’s inspector -

(1) The owner, agent or manager of the mine shall enter in the register
mentioned in sub-rule (2) of rule 29R, within a period of 15 days from th date
of entry in the register, remarks thereon showing the remedial measures taken
and the date on which such action was taken.

(2) In case of any difference of opinion between the workmen’s inspector and the
owner, agent or manager, a copy of the report with remarks thereon regarding
such difference of opinion shall be sent by the owner, agent or manager to the
Chief Inspector or an inspector for decision.

29T Safety Committee - For every mine wherein more than 100 persons are
ordinarily employed, the owner, agent or manager shall constitute a safety
committee for promoting safety in the mine:

Provided that the Chief Inspector or an Inspector may by a general or

special order in writing require the owner, agent or manager of any group of
specified mines or of all mines in a specified area to constitute a group safety
committee in such manner and subject to such conditions as he may specify in
the order.

29U Composition of Safety Committee _ The safety committee shall

consist of -

(a) the manager who shall be the Chairman ;

(b) five officials or competent persons of the mine nominated by the Chairman;
(c) five workmen nominated by the workmen of the mine accordance with the
procedure prescribed in clause (a) of sub-rule(1) of rule 29Q for nomination of
workmen’s inspector;
(d) Workmen’s Inspector where so designated; and
(e) the Safety Officer, or where there is no Safety Officer, senior most mine
Official next to the manager, who shall as Secretary to the Committee;
Provided that any other official, competent person or workperson may be
co-opted by the Chairman as a member of the committee on any day or days of
the meeting. If considered necessary.

29V. Functions of Safety Committee - The functions the committee shall be-

(1) to discuss remedial measures against the unsafe conditions and practices in
the mine as pointed out in the reports of workmen’s inspector or otherwise
brought to the notice of the committee and make appropriate
(2) to consider, before commencement of operations in any new district of the
mine or commissioning of new electrical or mechanical installation or
introduction of new mining technique the proposed safety and health
measures including related codes of practice and to make appropriate
(3) to discuss the report of inquiry into accident and make appropriate
(4) to formulate and implement appropriate safety campaign based on analysis
of accidents;
(5) to meet at least once in 30 days to consider the matter placed before it and
any other matter that may be raised by the members and make such
recommendations as it may deem fit; and
(6) to serve as a forum for communication on safety and occupational health

29W Implementation of recommendations of the safety committee _ The owner,

agent or manager shall, within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of the
recommendations of the safety committee, shall indicate to the Secretary to the
safety committee, the action taken to implementation the recommendations.


Health and Sanitation Provisions

30. Quantity of drinking water - (1) The quantity of drinking water to be provided
in a mine or any part hereof shall be on a scale of at least 1(two litres) for
every person employed at any one time and such drinking water shall be
readily available at conveniently accessible points during the whole of the
working shift.
1. Substituted vide Notification No. GSR 31, dated 29.12.1960.

(2) Where 100 persons or more are employed, either above ground or in
opencast workings, at any one time, an inspector may by order in writing
require the drinking water to be effectively cooled by mechanical or other
means available.
(3) No charge shall be made for the drinking water so supplied.

31. Storage of drinking water - 1(1) If drinking water is not provided from taps
connected with constant water supply system, it shall be kept cool in suitable
vessels sheltered from whether and such vessels shall be emptied, cleaned
and refilled very day. Steps shall be taken to preserve the water, the storage
vessels and the vessels used for drinking water in a clean and hygienic

(2) If the source of drinking water is not from a public water supply system. An
inspector may by order in writing require the owner, agent or manager of the
mine to submit with the least possible delay a certificate from a competent
health authority or analyst as to the fitness of the water for human

32. Decision of Chief Inspector final - If any question arises as to whether

water supply arrangements are satisfactory and in accordance with the
requirements of section 19 and rules 30 and 31 the decision of the chief
inspector shall be final.

33. Surface latrines and urinals. - (1) On the surface at every mine, adequate
latrine and urinal accommodation shall be provided at conveniently accessible
places separately for the use of males and females employed in the mine.

(2) The scale of latrine accommodation shall be at least one seat for every 50
males and at least one seat for every 50 females employed at one time:

Provided that where sanitary latrines are maintained in bathing places the
number of latrines to be provided under this rule may include such sanitary
1. Substituted vide Notification No. GSR 1786 dated 30.9.1970

Note - In calculating latrine accommodation, any fraction less than 50 shall be

reckoned as 50.

34. Standards of constructions .- Every latrine on the surface provided for the
use of persons employed in a mine shall conform to the following standards of
construction :
a) It shall be on a site approved of in writing by an inspector ;
b) It shall be built of brick or other suitable building material ;
c) It shall be adequately drained and properly ventilated and afforded effective
protection from the weather;
d) It shall be of a type approved of in writing by a inspector ;
e) the floor and any interior surface of walls up to a height of 1.24 metres shall
be cement punned or otherwise so finished as to provide a smooth impervious
surface ;
f) It shall be partitioned off so as to secure privacy and shall have a proper door
and fastenings; and where a latrine intended for the use of one sex adjoins a
latrine intended for the use of other sex, the approaches shall be separate;
g) where a latrine is of the service type, the service chamber shall be provided
with an efficient trap door and the receptacle for night-soil shall be of
galvanised iron :
h) the interior walls, ceilings and partitions shall be white-washed once at least in
very four months, and the dare of such white-washing shall be recorded in a
book kept at the mine for the purpose.

Provided that this requirements regarding white-washing shall not apply to

those parts of walls, ceilings or partitions which are laid in glazed tiles or
otherwise finished so as to provide a smooth polished and impervious surface
but all these parts shall be washed with suitable detergents and disinfectants at
least once in every seven days.

35 Sign-boards to be displayed - Where persons of both sexes are employed,

there shall be displayed outside each latrine a signboard in the language
understood by the majority of workpersons “For Male” for Females” as the case
may be Each sign board shall also have the figure of a man or a women as the
case may be.

36 Provision of water for washing etc - (1) Where a piped water supply is
available, a sufficient number of water taps, conveniently accessible, shall be
provided in or near such latrines.

(2) If piped water supply is not available, a sufficient quantity of water shall be
kept store in suitable receptacles near latrines.

37. Underground latrines - If in any mine more than fifty persons are employed
underground at any one time latrine shall be provided underground on a scale
approved by an inspector at convenient points near the working shafts and at
entrances to the district or sections of the mine. The latrines shall be of a type
approved of in writing by an inspector.

38. Sanitation- (1) At every mine all underground working places and travelling
roadways shall be kept clean from excreta.
(2) All latrines and urinals in or about a mine shall be kept in a clean and sanitary

(3) Receptacles for night-soil shall be cleaned and disinfected at least once in
every day.

(4) Proper arrangements shall be made on the surface for the disposal of night-
soil and urine. Such arrangements shall comply with the requirements of any
health authority or Mines Board within whose jurisdiction the mine is situated.

39. Obligation of workpersons-(1) No person shall want only misuse or

damage the latrines provided either on the surface or underground.

(2) No person shall pollute the underground working of a mine with excreta. All
persons employed underground shall acquaint themselves with the sanitary
arrangements provided from time to time in the section of the mine in which
they have to work or pass.


First-Aid and Medical Appliances

1(Arrangements for training persons in first-aid etc.-(1) It shall be the duty of

the owner, agent or manager of a mine to see that adequate and suitable
arrangements are made for the training of persons in first-aid and the provision
of such equipment as is prescribed in these rules.

(2) (a) It shall be the duty of the owner, agent or manager to see that adequate
and suitable arrangements are made for the speedy removal from the mine to
a dispensary or hospital of persons employed in the mine who while on duty
suffers from serious bodily injury or illness of a serious nature.

(b) Unless otherwise approved by an order in writing of the Chief Inspector or an

Inspector and subject to such conditions as may be specified therein, the
arrangements for the purpose of clause(a) shall be by means of a proper
ambulance van, and in case such ambulance van is not readily available in
spite of proper and timely requisition, it may be by other suitable motor vehicle
in which the person can be taken in a supine condition on a stretcher.)
41. First-aid qualifications - No person other than qualified nurse, dresser,
compounder-cum-dresser or medical practitioner shall be appointed to render
first-aid 2(or to be in charge of a first-aid station referred to in rule 44) unless
he is the holder of a valid first-aid certificate of the standard of St. John’s
Ambulance Association (India).

2(42) First aid personnel - (1) The owner, agent or manager of a mine shall see
that every first-aid station provided under rule 44 is placed, during every working
shift in charge of a person holding qualifications specified in rule 41. The persons
in charge of a first aid station in any shift should be readily available throughout
the shift.
1. Substituted vide Notification No GSR 1786, dated 30.9.1970
2. Substituted vide Notification No GSR 1886, dated 14.12.1965

(2) The name and designation of every person appointed to be in charge of a

first -aid station shall be prominently displayed at every first-aid station.

(3) An up-to-date list of persons appointed to be in charge of first-aid stations in

the mine shall be kept in the office of the mine and also displayed prominently
at the first-aid room.

43. 1(First-aid) rooms (1) At every mine employing 2(more than 150 persons) on
any one day of the preceding calendar year, there shall be provided and
maintained in good order a suitable 1(first-aid room).

2(2) The first-aid room shall be situated at a convenient place on the surface of
the mine and shall be used only for first-aid work.)

(3) The 3(first-aid) room shall have a floor space of not less than 2(10 square
metres) and shall contain at least the equipment specified in the Second

4(4)(a)The first-aid room shall be in charge of a qualified medical practitioner,

where the number of persons ordinarily employed in a mine is more than 1000,
such medical practitioner shall be a whole time employee at the mine.

(b) The medical practitioner referred to in clause(a) shall be assisted by a nurse

and a dresser or a compo under and a dresser who are qualified in the
Allopathic system of medicine. Whenever the Chief Inspector feels it
necessary, he may require by an order in writing that such number of
additional nurses or compounders or dressers shall bee appointed to assist
the medical practitioner as may be specified by him.
© The nurse, compounder or dresser referred to in clause (b) shall be whole
time employee of the mine and shall be readily available at the first-aid room
throughout the period when persons work at the mine :

1 Substituted for the work ‘ambulance’ vide GSR 239, dated 3.2.65.
2. Substituted for the figures and words “500 or more persons’ by abid .
3. Substituted vide Notification No GSR 31, dated 29.12.1960
4. Substituted vide Notification No GSR 1786, dated 30.9.1970

Provided that wherein conformity with any other law in force, or other wise
an adequately equipped hospital or dispensary belonging to the owner of the
mine or to any Mines Welfare Organisation is provided and maintained at or in
the immediate vicinity of the mine, the Chief Inspector or an Inspector authorised
by him in this behalf may grant exemption from the provision of this sub-rule
subject to such conditions as he may specify in writing.)

(5) Every person who suffers an injury during the course of work shall report for
examination or treatment 1(the first aid room), hospital or dispensary, as the
case may be, before leaving the mine, irrespective of first-aid having been
rendered at or near the place of work.

44 2(First aid stations.-(1) At every mine there shall be provided and maintained
first-aid equipment as prescribed in the Third Schedule, at conveniently
accessible stations where injured persons may receive first-aid treatment, as
follows :

(a) above ground, a first- aid station -

i) at the top of every shaft or incline where men or material are normally
wound or hauled;
ii) in every workshop;
iii) at every screening plant and loading place; and
iv) at every other place where more than 50 persons are employed at any
one time.

(b) In every opencast working, one first-aid station for every 50 persons or part
thereof, employed at any one time; and

© below ground, one first-aid station -

i) at the bottom of every shaft where men or material are normally wound,
and at or near every plant;
ii) near the drive end of every haulage;
iii) in or at the entrance to every district or section of the mine:

1. Subsituted for the word “ambulance” vide GSR No. 239, dated 3.2.86
2. Substituted for the figures and words “ 500 or more persons” by ibid.
Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall be construed to require the
provision of a first-aid station within 300 metres of another first-aid station.

(2) It shall be the duly of the persons appointed to be in charge of a first-aid

station under rule 42, to see that the equipment provided at the station is kept
in good order and that it is replenished whenever necessary.
(3) An up-to-date list of all first-aid stations provided in the mine shall be kept in
the office of the mine and also displayed prominently at the first-aid room)

45 1(Carrying of first-aid outfit by officials._ Not with standing anything

contained in rule 42, every Overman, forman, sirdar, mate, shot-firer, blaster,
electrician and mechanic in a mine shall hold the first-aid qualifications specified
in rule 41 and shall carry, while on duty, a first-aid outfit consisting of one large
sterilised dressing, one small sterilised dressing and an ampoule of tincture of
iodine or other suitable antiseptic, and such outfit shall be securely packed to
protect it against dirt and water.)

45.A 2(Medical attention in case of injury - (1) Every person receiving an

injury in the course of his duty shall, as soon as possible, report the same to an
official. Where the person receiving an injury is not in a position to report the
same to an official, it shall be the duty of the person who first comes to know of
it, to report the same to an official. The official shall make such arrangements for
rendering first aid to the injured as may be required. If in the opinion of the
official the injury is of such a nature as to require immediate attention by the
medical practitioner he shall arrange for the medical practitioner to be called.

(2) If an official who is required to carry a first-aid outfit under rule 45 receives
information about injury to a work person, he shall himself attend to the injured
(3) It shall be the duty of the person in charge of the nearest first-aid station
provided under rule 44 to render such first-aid to the injured person as may
be necessary.)
1. Substituted vide notification No. GSR 1886, dated 14 Dec. 1965.
2. Substituted vide notification No. GSR 1786, dated 30.9.1970.


Employment of Persons

46. Persons holding positions of supervision or management etc. - For the

purpose of Section 37, the following shall be deemed to be persons holding
position of supervision or management or employed in a confidential capacity

1{(a) manager, undermanager, underground manager, assistant manager,

ventilation officer and safety officer ;}

(b) mining, electrical and mechanical engineer ;

(c) overman, foreman, sirdar and mate ;)
(d) mechanical and electrical foreman and electrical supervisor ;
(e) surveyor and assistant surveyor;
(f) medical officer, chemist, assayer, metallurgist and welfare or
personnel officer
(g) any other person who in the opinion of the Chief Inspector holds
a position of supervision or management.

47. Weekly day of rest - (1) For the purpose of sections 28 and
29, a day of rest for any person shall mean period of rest of at
least 24 consecutive hours.

(2) There shall be posted up in a conspicuous place out side the

office of every mine a notice showing the weekly day or rest.
Where the weekly day of rest is not the same day for all persons
employed in the mine, the notice shall show the day of rest
allowed to each relay, or set of persons or individual.

48. Notice regarding hours of work - (1) The notices of hours of

work referred to in sub-section (1) of section 36 shall be
maintained in Form A.

(2) In addition to the particulars specified in sub-section(1) and (3)

of section 6, the notice shall also show the particulars of the
system in which periodical changes of shifts are made for all or
each set of persons employed in the mine.
(3) A copy of the notice shall be affixed on the first page in the
registers maintained in Forms B,C,D and E.

1. Added vide Notification No. GSR 1786, dated 30.12.1970

49. Compensatory days of rest - (1) The compensatory days of

rest to be allowed under sub-section (1) of section 29 shall be so
spaced that in any one week not more than two such days shall
be allowed to any one person.
(2) On or before the last day of every month, there shall be
displayed on a notice board outside the office of the mine a list
of all persons who have not been allowed compensatory days of
rest during that month, and the dates on which compensatory
days of rest will be allowed to them in the following two months.
(3) In the event of a person being discharged or dismissed, such
number of compensatory days as are due to him shall not be
reckoned as part of any period of notice to which he is entitled
under any rule, award, agreement or contract of service, and he
shall be allowed all such compensatory days of rest before the
date of his discharge or dismissal.
(4) There shall be maintained at every mine a register of
compensatory days of rest in Form F.

50. Exemption from hours and limitation of employment - For

the purpose of section 39 of the Act male adults employed in a
mine on any work specified in column 1 of the Fourth Schedule
shall be exempted from the provisions of the sections of the Act
specified in column 2, subject to such conditions as are specified
in column 3.

51. Termination of employment - When the employment of a

person in a mine is terminated, whether by way of dismissal,
discharge or otherwise, or where such person leaves the
employment, the date of such termination or leaving shall be
entered against his name in the register maintained in Form B.

1(52. Employment of apprentices and trainees - No apprentice

or trainee of the age of sixteen to eighteen years shall be employed
in a mine except under immediate supervision of a competent
person an no such apprentice or trainee shall be employed in a

1. Substitute vide Notification No. GSR 316 dated 14.4.1986

(a) in any work which unduly arduous : or

(b) in close proximity to any machinery involving risk of injury from
any moving part of the machine ; or
(c) at any place where the dust produced in mining operation is
known to constitute a hazard to health)


Leave with Wages and Overtime

53. Register of leave with wages - (1) The owner, agent or manager of every
mine shall maintain in respect of every employee thereof a record of leave
with wages in Form G and H:

Provided that if the Chief Inspector or an Inspector is of opinion that any

muster roll or register maintained in accordance with any other rules for the time
being in force contains all the particulars required for the observance of the
provisions contained in Chapter VII of the Act, he may, by order in writing, permit
the maintenance of such muster roll or register in place of the registers in forms
G and H :

Provided further that in the case of a mine exempted under section 56, the
Chief Inspector or an Inspector may permit the maintenance or records of leave
with wages in such manner as he may approve by order in writing.

(2) The register mentioned in sub- rule (1) shall be preserved for a period of two
years after the last entry in them has been made and shall not be destroyed
even after the expiry of that period unless it has been certified by an Inspector
that the leave account therein has been properly transferred to the new
1 & 2{(4. Information regarding leave with wages - On or before the 20 day
of February every year the owner, agent or manager of a mine shall exhibit on
the notice board at the office of the mine information regarding leave with wages
due to each person employed in the calculated upto the 1 January of that year
giving the particulars specified in Form (L)




59. Overtime register - The register required by sub-section (4) of section 33

shall be maintained in form 1.

60 Extra Wages for overtime - 3(1) For the purpose of section 33, overtime
shall be paid at the end of each wage period) 1{…}

4{(2}In calculating overtime on any day, a fraction of an hour less than 30

minutes shall be ignored and a fraction of 30 minutes or more shall be counted
as one hour.

5{(3)} In calculating the ordinary rate of wages or earnings in the case of a

person paid by the month, the daily wages shall be 1/26 of his monthly rate of
wages, and in the case of any other person it shall be the ordinary rate of his
daily wages or earnings as the case may be.

61. Case of exemption under section 56 - (1) Where an exemption is granted

under section 56, the manager shall display at the main entrance of the mine,
a notice giving full details of the system established in the mine for leave with
wages and shall send a copy of it to the inspector.

(2) No alternation shall be made in the scheme approved by the Central

Government at the time o granting exemption under section 56 without its
previous sanction.

Omitted by GSR 1886 dated 14.12.1965

(a) Added vide Notification No GSR 1786 dated 30.9.1970

(b) Renumbered as sub-rule (1) by ibid.
(c) Renumbered as sub-rule (2) by ibid
(d) Renumbered as sub-rule (5) by ibid


Welfare Amenities
1{62. Provision of shelters - At every mine where more than 50 persons are
ordinarily employed, there shall be provided adequate and suitable shelters at or
near loading wharves, opencast workings, workshops and mine entrances where
25 or more persons are ordinarily employed, for taking food and rest :

Provided that any canteen maintained in accordance with these rules may
be regarded as part of the requirements of this rule.)

63. Standards of Shelters - Every shelter shall -

(a) have a floor area of not less than 14 square metres and (I) in the case of flat
roof a height of not less than 2.5 metres to the lowest part of the roof; and
(ii) where the roof is a sloping one, a height of not less than 1.8 metres to the
lowest part of the roof and of not less than 2.5 metres to the highest part of
the roof;

(b) be so constructed as to afford effective protection form the weather;

(c) be constantly provided with adequate supply of cool and wholesome drinking
water during the working hours of the mine ;
(d) be kept in a clean and tidy condition.

1{64. Provision of Canteens - (1) At every mine where in more than 250
persons are ordinarily employed, if the Chief Inspector or an Inspector or an
Inspector so requires, there shall be provided and maintained in or adjacent to
the precincts of the mine, a canteen for the use of all persons employed :

Provided that where the conditions at any mine so require the Chief
Inspector or an Inspector may direct that other suitable arrangements approved
by him for serving food, drink and other items to the persons employed be
provided and maintained in addition to the canteen required under this sub-rule.

4 Substituted vide Notification No. GSR 1786, dated 30 Sept. 1970.

2) If any case, the Chief Inspector or Inspection is satisfied that no

inconvenience will be caused to the employees concerned if a single canteen
is provided to serve neighbouring mines, he may by an order in writing and
subject to such conouions as he may specify therein, authorise the owners,
accents or managers of such mines to provide jointly a single canteen }

65. Standards of canteen - 1(1) Every canteen shall (a) be constructed in

accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Chief Inspector or
an Inspector ;
(b) be situated not less than 15 metres from any latrine, urinial, boiler house,
engine room, coal heap, ash heap or heap of other material and any other
source of dust or smoke;
(c) be sufficiently lighted during all hours when open for use ;
(d) be provided with a washing place for females, suitably separated or screened
to secure privacy ;
(e) be white-washed or colour washed inside the rooms and passages at least
once a year, and woodwork and structural iron or steel work shall be
varnished or painted at least once every three years :

Provided that the inside walls of the kitchen shall be white washed or
colour-washed once every four months.

(f) be provided with receptacles for garbage and have drains to carry away waste

(2) The canteen or any part thereof shall not be used or allowed to be used for
any other purpose which tends to interfere with the normal or efficient
functioning of the canteen.

1. Renumbered vide Notification No. GSR 1786, dated 30.9.1970

2. Furniture and equipment. In every canteen there shall be provided and

maintained -

(a) sufficient furniture, utensils and other equipment necessary for its efficient
operations :
(b) an adequate supply of cool and wholesome drinking water ;
(c) suitable clean clothes for persons cooking and serving food, drink etc.

67. Cleanliness - (1) The canteen and its precincts shall be kept in a sanitary

(2) An adequate supply of hot water shall be provided for cleansing utensils and
equipment; and all furniture, utensils and other equipment shall be kept clean
and in a hygienic condition.

1(68) Maintenance of canteens and provisions of staff (1) Every canteen

provided under these rules shall be run by the owner, agent 2( the officer in-
charge canteen) thereof who shall appoint supervisory and other staff sufficient
for the proper working of the canteen.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), where the workers offer to
run the canteen themselves and for this purpose organise a co-operative
society, they shall be permitted to do so with financial assistance from the

2{(3)}In every such canteen, such food, drink or other articles shall be made
available as may be recommended by the Canteen Managing Committee
appointed under rule 69.)

69. Canteen Managing Committee - (1) The owner, agent or 2(the officer in
charge canteen) shall appoint a Canteen Managing Committee which shall be
consulted from time to time but not less than once a month, as to the
management and working of the canteen .
Substituted vide Notification GSR 1886, dated 14.12.65.
70. Added vide ibid.
71. Substituted for the word “manager” vide Notification GSR 316, dated 14.4.86.

(2) (a) The Committee Shall consist of an equal number of members nominated
by the owner, agent or 1(officer in-charge canteen) and elected by the persons
employed in the mine. The number of elected members shall be on a scale of
one for every 1000 persons employed, provided that the number shall not be
more than 5 or less than 2.

(b) The term of office of the elected members shall be two years commencing
from the date of the last election, no account being taken of a bye-election.
(c) The owner, agent or (officer-in-charge canteen) shall determine the
procedure for and supervise the elections to the Committee.

(3) The owner, agent or 1(officer-in-charge canteen) shall appoint either himself
or his nominee as ex officio Chairman of the Committee, and the Chairman
shall preside at every meeting of the Committee.
(4) The proceedings of every meeting of the Committee shall be recorded in a
minute book and shall be signed by the Chairman.

70. Prices to be Charged - Food drink and other items served in a canteen shall
be sold on a non-profit basis and the prices charged shall be subject to the
approval of the Canteen Managing Committee. A list of approved prices shall
be conspicuously displayed in the canteen in English, Hindi, and in the
language of the district in which the mine is situated.

2(Explanation- In calculating the cost of food, drink and other items served in a
canteen, expenditure on the following items shall not be taken into account:

(a) the cost of utensils, including cooking vessels and utensils necessary
to serve food to the workmen ;
(b) the cost of furniture ;
(c) the cost of coal, fuel and electricity ; and
(d) the salaries of supervisory and other staff.)

(e) Substituted for the word “manager” vide Notification No. GSR 316
dated 14.4.1986
(f) Inserted vide Notification No GSR 1886 dt. 14.12.65

71. Accounts - Proper accounts pertaining to the canteen shall be maintained.

Such accounts shall be audied once every twelve months by a chartered
accountant or auditor, and a balance sheet shall be submitted to the Canteen
Managing Committee not later then two months after the date of closing of the

Provided that the accounts pertaining to the canteen in a mine owned and
worked by Government having its own Accounts Department may be audited by
such Department.

72. Welfare Officer - (1) For every mine wherein 500 or more persons are
ordinarily employed, the owner agent or manager shall appoint a suitably
qualified person as Welfare Officer, and where the number of persons so
employed in a mine exceeds 2500 such Welfare Officer shall be assisted by
one suitably qualified additional Welfare Officer for every additional 2000
persons or part thereof employed.

(2) No person shall act as a Welfare Officer of a mine unless he possesses -

(a) a university degree ;

(b) a degree or diploma in social science, or social work or labour welfare
recognised by the Government for the purpose of the rule, and preferably
practical experience of handling labour problems in any industrial undertaking
for a least three years; and

© a knowledge of the language of the district in which the mine is situated or

the language understood by the majority of persons employed in the mine:

Provided that in case of a person already in service as a Welfare Officer in

a mine the above qualifications may, with the approval of the Chief Inspector be

(2A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (2), the Labour Officers

included in the Central Pool under the provisions of the Labour Officers (Central
Pool) Recruitment and conditions of Service Rules, 1951, shall be eligible for
appointment as a Welfare Officer in a mine.

(3) Where by reason of temporary absence, illness or any other similar cause,
the Welfare Officer is unable to perform his duties, the owner, agent or
manager shall authorise in writing person whom he considers competent, to
act in his place :

Provided that no such authority shall have effect for a period in excess of
30 days except with the previous consent of the Chief Inspector.

(4) A written notice of every appointment, authorisation, discharge, dismissal,

resignation or termination of service of every Welfare Officer and of the date
thereof shall be sent by the owner, agent or manager to the Chief Inspector
within seven days from the date of such appointment, authorisation.
Discharge, dismissal, resignation or termination of service.

(5) The post post of Welfare Officer shall be advertised in a Newspaper having a
wide circulation in the State.

73. Duties of Welfare Officer - (1) The duties of Welfare Officer shall be -

(i) to establish contacts and hold consultations with a view maintain harmonious
relations between the management and persons employed in the mine ;
(ii) to bring to the notice of the management the grievances of employees,
individual as well as collective, with a view to securing their expeditious
redressal ;
(iii) to promote relations between management and employees, which will ensure
productive efficiency as well as melioration in the working conditions, and to
help workers to just and adapt themselves to their working environments ;
(iv) to assist in the formation of Work and Joint Production Committees, Co-
operative Societies and Safety- First and Welfare Committees and to
supervise their work ;
(v) to help the management in regulating the grant of leave with wages and
explain to the workers the provisions relating to leave with wages and other
leave privileges and to guide the workers in the matter of submission of
applications for grant of leave for regulating authorised absence.
(vi) to advise on welfare provisions such as housing facilities, food-stuffs, social
and recreational facilities, sanitation, individual personnel problems and
education of children.
(vii) to supervise welfare activities, statutory or other wise including education
and training of employees;
(viii) to suggest measures which will tend to raise standard of living of workers
and in general promote their being and ;
(ix) to perform any other duty connected with the welfare of the persons
employed in the mine.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule no Welfare Officer shall deal

with any disciplinary case again a person employed in a mine, or appear
before a Conciliation Officer Court of Tribunal on behalf of the management of
a mine against a person or persons employed in the mine, except when he is
required by the Conciliation Officer, Court of Tribunal to appear as an
independent witness :

Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall be deemed prohibit a person

employed in a mine from approaching the Welfare Officer in respect of a
grievance arising out of any case of disciplinary action against him.

(3) Every Welfare Officer shall keep a record of his day to day work and shall at
the end of every year forward to the Chief Inspector through the manager of
the mine, concerned summary of the report of his work during the year.

74. Conditions of service - (1) A Welfare Officer shall be given appropriate

status corresponding to the status of the other executive heads of the mine.

(2) The conditions of service of Welfare Officer shall be the same as of other
members of the staff of corresponding status in the mine ;

Provided that before the owner, agent or manager discharges of

dismisses a Welfare Officer who has satisfactorily completed a probationary
period of six months, he shall consult the Chief Inspector or an Inspector
authorised in this behalf by the Chief Inspector.

(3) A Welfare Officer shall not be given less than two hundred rupees as his
basic pay per menses.



(Registers Notices and Returns )

75. Maintenance and production of reports, Registers and other

records - All reports, registers and other records maintained in
pursuance of the regulations, rules of bye-laws, unless otherwise
provided for, shall -

(a) be kept at an office or the nearest convenient building within the

precincts of the mine ;

(b) be legibly entered in ink in English, Hindi or either the language

understood by a majority of the persons employed in the mine;
© be preserved in original for a period of one calendar year after the date
of the last report or entry ;

(c) be produced on demand before the Chief Inspector or Inspector or

any person authorised in that behalf of the Central Government.

2(76) Registers of reportable and minor accidents - (1) The registers

required by sub-section (1A)n of section shall be sent to the concerned
Inspector of Mines.

(2) The register, required by sub-section (3) of section 23 of the Act shall
be maintained in Form K)

77. Register of employees - The register required by sub-section (1) of

section 48 shall be maintained in Form B. keeping separate page for
each person employed in the mine.

3{77-A. Identity tokens - (1) (a) The owner, agent or manager of a mine
shall issue free of cost to every person

(g) Substituted vide Notification No. GSR 1786, dated 30 Sept. 1970
(h) Substituted vide Notification No. GSR 316, dated 14.4.1986
(i) Substituted vide Notification No. GSR 356, dated 5.6.1980

employed in the mine, a metal token (hereinafter referred to as token)

bearing a number and other particulars by which such person may be

Provided that if any other equally effective system of identification

is in force in any mine and the Chief Inspector is satisfied of the same, he
may exempt such mine from the operation of this rule subject to such
conditions as he may deem fit to impose.

(b) No person employed in a mine shall enter or be permitted to enter for

work in any part of a mine unless he carries off his person the token
issued to him.
(c) The token shall be of such durable and strong material as cannot be
easily damaged or defaced.
(d) The token shall be carried by an employee or his person during the
time he is on duty.
(e) Where a token is damaged defaced or lost, due to reasons other than
the fault or negligence of the employee concerned a duplicate token
shall be issued forthwith to such employee free of charge and such
duplicate token shall be stamped “DUPLICATE”.
(f) Where a token is damaged defaced or lost due to the fault or
negligence of the employee concerned , a duplicate token stamped
“DUPLICATE” shall be issued forthwith to such employee and such
employee shall be liable to pay fifty percent of the cost of the duplicate
token issued to him.

(2) The token number and other particulars by which the employee may
be identified, together with a passport size photograph, shall be entered
in the register in Form B prescribed under rule 77.)

78. Register of daily attendance - (1) The registers required by sub-

section (4) of section 48 of persons employed in the mine (a)
belowground, (b) in open-cast workings and © above ground shall be
maintained in Form C,D and E respectively.

(2) The entries in the register maintained in Form C shall be made at the
entrance or entrances to the mine, at the time when a person against
whose name the entry is made enters or leaves the mine.

(3) The entries in the registers maintained in Form D and E shall be made
at suitable points on the premises of the mine with reasonable
despatch, at the commencement and end of the period of work.

78. Posting of abstracts, bye-laws and notices. –

(j) The abstracts of the Act as given in the Fifth Schedule shall be posted up
outside the office of every mine in English, Hindi and either the language
of the district in which the mine is situated or the language understood by
a majority of the persons employed in the mine.

(k) The bye-laws shall be posted up in the manner, required by sub-section

(5) of section 61, in English, Hindi and either the language of the district in
which the mine is situated or the language understood by a majority of the
persons employed in the mine :

Provided that the Chief Inspector may require the abstracts and the bye
laws tto be posted up in any Indian language understood by a majority of
the persons employed in the mine.
(l) Every notice required to be posted up under these rules shall be in
English, Hindi and either the language understood by a majority of the
persons employed in the mine.

(m) The abstracts, bye-laws and notices required to be posted up by the Act,
regulations and the rules shall be maintained in a clear and legible




78. Obsevance of local time –For the purpose of section 4, the local
mean time that shall ordinarily be observed any class or group of mines
situated in any local area, specified in column 1 of the Sixth Schedule
shall be as specified column 2 thereof.

79. Intoxicating drugs and drinks – (1) No intoxicating drink or drug

shall be carried or permitted to be carried below ground into the
workings of a mine or part.

(1) No person shall during the course of his employment in or about a

mine possess carry or consume any introxicating drink or drug or
remain in a state of intoxication or drunkness.

78. Occupational diseases – Fees for medical practitioner – A medical

practitioner making an examination in accordance with subsection (2)
section 25, shall be paid as follows :

(n) a fee not exceeding rupees sixteen for each clinical examination.
(o) A fee not exceeding rupees sixteen for each X-ray examination.

1{‘82A. Disability allowance and compensation for occupational

diseases.- (1) The disability allowance payable under first provision to
sub-section(5) of section 9A of the Act shall be at the rate of fifty percent
of the monthly wages that he was in receipt of immediately before
presenting himself for the medical examination under sub-section (2) of
section 9A of the Act.

(2) If, person decides to leave his employment in the mine, he shall be
entitled to compensation as may be admissible under the provisions of the
Workmen’s Compensation deemed to be an injury by accident under that
Act. In case the disease in not covered under Schedule III of that Act, he
shall be paid by way of disability compensation at the same rates as
provided under that Act as if it is an injury. The lump-sum compensation
payable under this rule shall not be in addition to the compensation
payable under that Act.
1. Inserted vide Notification No. GSR 316 dt. 14.4.1986

Explanation – For the purpose of this rule, “wages” shall have the same meaning
as defined in clause (m) of section (1) of section 2 of the Work men’s
Compensation Act, 1923(8 of 1923).

(3) The provisions of sub-rule (1) and (2) shall not operate to the prejudice
to any right to which a person employed in a mine may be entitled to
under any other law or under the terms of any award, agreement or
contract of service and when such award, agreement or contract of
service provides for more favourable benefits than disability compensation
provided in sub-rule(1) and (2), such person shall be entitled to such
benefit only.)

78. Mode of payment of fees etc – The fees or other expenses payable
by the owner, agent or manager under these rules shall be paid directly
into the treasury or a branch of the State Bank of India and the receipt
of the treasury or bank which the fees or other expenses relate.


Rescission and savings

79. Rescission and Savings . (1) All rules framed by Sate Governments
under section 30 of Indian Mines Act, 1923 those contained in Chapters
II, III and VI of the Mysore Gold Mines Rules, 1953, and those issued
vide the Government of India notification No. S.R.O 2403, dated the
12 July, 1954 are hereby rescinded, but all acts done, orders issued
and certificates granted or renewed under any rule so rescinded shall,
so far as they are not inconsistent with these rules, be deemed to have
been respectively done, issued, granted or renewed under these rules.

(2) The rules contained in Chapters IV and V of the Mysore Gold Mines
Rules, 1953 shall continue to apply to gold mines in the State of Mysore in
addition to those rules.

(See Rule 48(1))
Notice of commencement and end of work
Name of Mine……………..
Name of Owner……………

It is hereby notified that persons employed at this mine shall begin and end their
period of work between thee hours set out below.

Sl.No. Class or Sex Place of work Set or Set or A B C D Etc

kind of Above Relay Relay 12 12 12 12
employmen Ground/Opencas Numbe -------- 3 3 3 3
t t working/Below r ABC Shift
ground etc)
1 2 3 4 5 Perio
d of

3 Begin AM
Ends* AM
*Interval for AM
Rest if any PM
4 Begins* AM
Ends* PM
5 System of
Change of
6.Date on which this notice was first exhibited
Signature of Manager……………..
Date …………………
(a) The words and letters not required shall be scored out.

(See Rules 48(3), 51, 77 and 77.A(2))
(b) Serial No.
(c) Name and surname of the employee
(d) Father’s or Husband’s name
(e) Age and sex.
(f) No. and dates of the certificate, if any, held under the Mines Vocational
Training Rules,1966
(g) (a) Designation of the employee.
(b) Nature of employment (whether above or below ground and if above ground whether in
opencast working or otherwise.)
© Whether employment is permanent or temporary or casual.
(h) Home Address of the employee, giving Village, Thana, Post office and
(i) Date of commencement of employment
(j) Date of first appointment, with the present owner.
(k) Date of termination or leaving of employment.
(l) In case of an adolescent, reference to certificate of fitness granted under
section 40.
(m) Mark of identification on the body.
(n) Name address, relationship of person to be informed in case of
(o) Token number and other particulars by which the employee may be
(p) Passport size photograph of the person employed.
(q) Signature or Thumb impression of the employee.
(r) Remarks.

Signature of Manager

1. Substituted vide Notification No. GSR 656, dated 5.6.1980.

(See Rule 48(3) and 78)
Register of persons employed below ground during the weak
commencing………and ending…….19…..
Name of Mine…….Part or Section of
Begins A.M.
Name of Owner………..Hours of Shift Ends

Sl.N Name Ag Class or Serial Time should be recorded No.of No.of Remar
o. and e kind of No. against each entry days hours ks
sur- & employ from -day- -day- -day- -day- day- worke worke
name Se ment Form day-day d d
of x B
employ Regist
ee er

Weekly Miners
Abstract including
---------- loaders
Total No. of
Initial of Register Keeper Attendances
Total No of
1. The word “ Adolescents’ omitted vide Notification No. GSR 316 dated 4.1986

Commencing………..and ending ………………19

Name of Mine…….Part or Section of Mine………

Begins A.M.
Ends AM
Name of Owner………..Hours of Shift

Sl. Name Ag Class or Serial Time should be recorded No.of No.of Remar
No and e& kind of No. against each entry days hours ks
. sur- Sex employm from -day- -day- -day- -day- day- work worke
name ent Form day-day ed d
of B
employ Regist
ee er
In O In Ou I Ou I O
ut t n t n ut

Weekly Miners
Abstract including *
Women Others
---------- loaders
Total No. of
Initial of Register Keeper Attendances
Total No of
1. The word “ Adolescents’ omitted vide Notification No. GSR 316 dated

(See Rule 48(3) and 78)
Register of persons employed above ground otherwise than in opencast
working during the week

Commencing………..and ending ………………19

Name of Mine…….Part or Section of Mine………

Begins A.M.
Ends AM
Name of Owner………..Hours of Shift

Sl Name Ag Class or Serial Time should be recorded No.of No.of Remar

.N and e & kind of No. against each entry days hours ks
o. sur- Sex employm from -day- -day- -day- -day- day- work worke
name ent Form day-day ed d
of B
employ Regist
ee er
In O In Ou I Ou I O
ut t n t n ut

Weekly Abstract Men

Women *
Total No. of
Initial of Register Keeper Attendances
Total No of
(See Rule 49(4))
Name of Mine…………………
Name of Owner……………….
Register of Compensatory Days of Rest.

Sl.No. Name Class or No. of Days Dates on which weekly days Dates on which No. of Remark
from and kind of of of rest have not been allowed compensatory days of rest compensator s
Form B surname employmen compensator have been allowed y days of rest
Registe of t with set or y rest due in due on 1st
r employe Relay No. the previous December
e calendar year
1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st
Jan to April July Oct Jan April July Oct
31st to to to to to to to
March 30th 30th 31st 30th 30th 30th 31st
June Sept Dec Sept June Sept Dec
. . . . .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(See Rules 53)

Name of Mine………………..
Name of Owner…………….

Register of Leave Account during the Calendar Year…………..

Sl.No.fro Name Nature of Category of Actual number of days worked during the year
m Form B and employmen employment
Register surname t mention , mention
of whether whether
employe above or monthly
e below grond weekly, daily
January February March April May Jun July Augu

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

(See Rule 53)

Name of

Name of

Register of Leave Account during the Calendar Year……………..

Sl.No. Name Total Leave Instalment Leave Instalment

from and leave
Form B Surname period
Registe of due in
r employe the
e year
Calculated Period Calculate Leave Date of Calculated Perio
daily rate of of d wages wages paymen daily rate of of
wages of leave for the actually t wages or leave
earnings availed period paid earnings avail
including including
concession concession
s s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(See Rules 59)

Name of Mine……………………

Name of Owner…………………

Month …………………..

Register of Overtime Wages

Sl.No. Name Nature Class or kind Ordinary Overtime Week ending

from and of of rate of rate of
Form B Surname work employemen wages wages
Register of above t
Employe or
e below
Date on Number Number
which of of
overtime overtime overtime
worked hours hours in
worked the
on that week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

*Substituted Vide Notification No. GSR date 30 September 1970

FORM – I (Contd.)
Register of Overtime Wages

Week ending Week ending

Date on Number Number Overtime Date of Date on Number Number Overtime D
which of of Earning paymen which of of Earning p
overtime overtime overtime t overtime overtime overtime t
hours hours in worked hours hours in
worked the worked the
on that week on that week
day week
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3


(See Rule 76 (1))

* (Return of Reportable accident)
Name of Mine………………….
Mineral worked………………(Quarter ending)

Sl.No Date Date of Time of Classification Name Sl.No. Nature of Nature Parts Date
. of acciden acciden of from employmen of of of
entry t t injured Registe t injury body retu
worker r in injured of
Form B inju
By By Brief
place of caus descriptio
acciden e n of case
t of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Introduction :

Col (5) : Specify as indicated in Annexure – 1 Col (6): Specify as indicated in

Annexure – II, Col. (7) : Give brief description of the circumstances attending the
Col. (11) : Specify whether simple wound laceration abrasion of fracture (only
toes, fingers and thumb etc)
Col. (14) : mention the days intervening the days of occurrence and day of
rejoining and not including either the date of occurrence or rejoining.
Col. (16) : In case if an injury proves “Serious” or “Fatal” or when injured person
proceeds on leave or leaves his employment. Particulars should be entered in
this column.

(Note : Copies of entries person injured in preceding quarter(s) and who

continued to absent in the quarter.


Classification of Accident by place of work (Column – 5)

(a) Below ground :

(1) Development face

(2) Other Development area
(3) Longwall face
(4) Other Depillaring/stopping area
(5) Tramming roadway
(6) Other rope haulage roadways
(7) Shafts and sinking shaft (including inclined shafts)
(8) Inclines and Winze
(9) Other (Specify)

(b) Opencast Workings :

(1) Bottom Bench

(2) Top of the Quarry
(3) Other benches
(4) Rope Haulage roadway
(5) Other Transportation roadways
(6) Other (Specify)

(c) Aboveground (Excluding Opencast Workings) :

(1) Aerial Ropeway –site

(2) Rope Haulage Roadways
(3) Other transportation Roadways
(4) Railway line belonging to the mine
(5) Site of ore handling plants (including screening plants Dressing Plants,
Crushing Plants, etc)
(6) Workshop, Power-house and other engine rooms
(7) Depot
(8) Other (Specify)



Classification of accidents by cause (Column 6)

1.Ground movements :

(1) Fall of roof

1.2Fall of sides (other than overhang)
1.3Fall of overhang
1.4Rock Burst of Bump
1.5Air Blast
1.6Premature collapse of workings/pillars
1.9Collapse of shaft

2. Transportation Machinery (Winding in shaft)

3. Transportation Machinery (other than winding in shaft):

3.1 Aerial Ropeway

3.2 Rope Haulage
3.3 Other Rail Transportation
3.4 Mechanical conveyors
3.5 Other wheeled trackless means of transportation (Trucks, lorries, etc.)

4. Machinery-other than Transportation Machinery :

4.1 Drills
4.2 Coal cutting Machinery
4.3 Coal Loading Machinery
4.4 Haulage Engine
4.5 Winding Engine
4.6Shovels, Draglines, Excavators etc.
4.7Ore handling Plants (including crushing and screening plants)
(1) Pumps
(2) Other (specify)

(b) Explosive
(c) Electricity

7Dust Gas and other combustible material :

(1) Occurrence of gas

(2) Influx of gas
(3) Suffocation by gases
(4) Explosion or ignition of gas/ dust etc.
(5) Outbreak of fire or spontaneous heating
(6) Others (Specify)

(b) Falls (other than falls of ground) :

(1) Falls of persons from heights or into depths

(2) Falls of persons on the same level
(3) Falls of objects other than falls of ground
(4) Other falls (Specify)

(c) Other Cause :

(1) Irruption of water

(2) Flying pieces
(3) Extremity caught in between objects
(4) Unclassified (Specify)”}

(a) Substituted vide Notification No. GSR 1786, dated 30.9.1970

(b) For the brackets, words and figures “(See Rule 76). The brackets, words
and figures “(See Rule 76(1)}” Substituted vide Notification No.GSR 316
dated 14.4.1986.
(c) For the words “Returns of Minor Accidents” the words “Return of
Reportable Accidents” Substituted vide ibid.
(d) For the words “Years” the words “Quarter ending…….
(e) Inserted vide ibid.


(See Rule 76 (2))

Return of Minor Accidents

Name of Mine……………..
Mineral worked…………(Quarter ending on…)
Sl.No Date Date of Time of Classification Sl.No. Nature of Nature Parts D
. of acciden acciden from employmen of of o
entry t t Registe t injury body r
r in injured o
Form B i
By By Brief Name
place of caus descriptio of
acciden e n of case injure
t of d
accident worker

Introduction :

Col (5) : Specify as indicated in Annexure – 1 to Form J. Col (6): Specify as

indicated in Annexure – II to From J. Col. (7) : Give brief description of the
circumstances attending the accident.
Col. (11) : Specify whether simple wound laceration abrasion of fracture
Col. (15) : In case if an injury proves “reportable” “Serious” or “Fatal” or when
injured person proceeds on leave or leaves his employment. Particulars should
be entered in this column.

(a) Substitute vide Notification No. GSR 316 dated 14.4.1986


(See Rule 54)

Information regarding leave with Wages

Name Serial Nature of Actual Days of Days Arrears Total Rem

and number employmen number leave of of leave numbe s if a
surname from t whether of days with leave carried r of
of Register below worked wages to over days of
employe in Form ground or during enjoyed which from the leave
e “B” above the during he is previous with
ground preceding the entitle year wages
year preceding d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Designation: Owner/agent/manager
Mine :
Owner :
Dated ………………………….

* Inserted vide Notification No. GSR 1786, dated 30.9.1970


(See rule 29D (1)}

Notice of initial/ periodical medical examination under rule 29B

No………….. Date………………….

Sri/Srimati………………. Nature of employment***……………… Serial

number from B Register** son/daughter or/wife of …………. Is hereby notified
that he/she* should present himself/herself* for an initial/periodical* medical
examination, under rule 29B of the Mines Rules 1955, before…..(given name
of the examining authority) at ……..(give date) at ……..(give time)

Shri/Shrimati*…………. May note that if he/she* fails, without reasonable

cause, to submit himself/herself* for the medical examination aforesaid
he/she shall not be eligible for appointment/continuance in employment to the
mine from………………

Shri/Shrimati*……………. May further note that he/she* should bring with

him/her* three unattested photographs of himself/herself* and the previous
medical certificates in Form O, if any, issued to him/her* under rule 29 F.

Signature of manager
(a) Delete whatever is not applicable
** Necessary only in case of a person already employed in the mine.
*** In respect of the initial medical examination of a person already employed
in a mine and in respect of every periodical medical examination atleast
twenty days prior notice is to be given. In respect of the initial medical
examination of a person seeking employed at a mine the period of notice may
be shorter.

Note – A copy of the notice shall be sent to the examining authority

concerned. In the case of periodical medical examination, the copy of
medical certificate in Form O shall also be sent.
(b) Inserted vide Notification NO. GSR 656, date 5.6.1980

1{FORM – N}

{See rule 29D (S)}

Second and final notice of initial/periodical medical examination under

rule 29 B

No……… Date………….

Shri/Shrimate*…………… Nature of employment………… Serial number

from Form B Register……… Son/daughter/wife of ………. Failed to present
himself/herself* for an initial/periodical* medical examination on…… in
respect of which he/she/had been given a notice on ………….

He/She* is hereby again notified that he/she* should present

himself/herself* for an initial/periodical* medical examination, under rule 29B
of the Mines Rules, 1955, before……….(give name of the examining
authority) at ……(give date)……..at……….(give time)

Shri/Shrimati*…………, may note that if he/she* fails to submit

himself/herself* for the medical examination aforesaid, he/she* shall not be
employed/retained in employment in the mine from………

Shri/Shrimati*………….., may further note that he/she* should bring with

him/her* three unmounted photographs of himself/herself* and he previous
medical certificate in Form O, if any, issued to him/her* under rule 29F.

Signature of Manager

(c) Delete whatever is not applicable.

** In respect of the initial medical examination of a person already employed
in a mine and in respect of every periodical medical examination, the second
notice is to be given at lest ten days previously.

1 Inserted vide Notification No. GSR 656, dated 5.6.1980.

1(FORM – O)
(See rule 29F (2) and 22L)

Report of medical examination under rule 29B

(To be issued in triplicate)**

Certificate No…………..

Certified that Shri/Shrimati* employed as ………. In ………mine, Forrm B

No. has been examined for an initial/periodical medical examination. He/she*
appears to be………… years of age. The findings of the the examining authority
are given in the attached sheet. It is considered that Shri/Shrimati*…………..

(a)* is medically fit for any employment in mines.

(b)* is suffering from…………. And si medically unfit for
(d) any employment in mine; or
(e) any employment below ground; or
(f) any employment or work……….

©* is suffering from………… is should get this disability* cured/controlled and

should be again examined within a period of ………..months. He/She will appear
for re-examination with the result of test of………… and the opinion of
…………Specialist from………… He/She may be permitted/not* permitted to
carry on his duties during this period.

Space for affixing Passport

Size Photograph of the
Candidate. Signature of the examining authority
Place : Name and designation in Block letters
Date :
* Delete whatever is not applicable.
** One copy of the certificate shall be handed over to the person concerned and another copy shall be sent
to the manager of the mine concerned by registered post; and the third copy shall be retained by the
examining authority,

1 Inserted vide Notification No. GSR 656, dated 5.6.1980

(FORM O – Cont.)
Report of the examining authority

(to be filled in for every medical examination whether initial or periodical or re-
examination or after cure/control of disability).

Annexure to Certificate No…………as result of medical examination on …….

Identification Mark……………..

Left thumb impression of

The candidate
1. General development- Good/Fair/Poor
4Eyes :
(i)Visual acuity-Distant vision (with or without glasses).
Right eye……..Left eye…………..
(ii) any organic disease of eyes
(iii)night blindness
(iv)Colour blindness

(* to be tested in special cases)

(g) Ears :
(h) Hearing : right ear………….Left ear ……………..
(i) Any organic diseases.

6.Respiratory system.
Chest measurement :

(j) after full inspiration …………cms.

(k) After full expiration…………..cms.

7. Circulatory system:

Blood Pressure
8.Abdomen :
7. Nervous system:
History of fits or epilepsy
Mental helath.
10.Locomotory system
11. Skin.
12. Hyrocele.
13. Hernia.
14. Any other abnormality
15. Unine :
8. Skiagram of chest.
9. Any other test considered necessary by the examining authority.
10. Any opinion of specialist considered necessary.

Signature of the examining authority


1(FORM – P)

(See rule 29F (i) and 29L)

Medical Standard of fitness for Persons Employed

(l) The person should be in good mental and bodily health and free from any
physical defect likely to interfere with his efficient employment in a mine.
(m) Skeletal nervous system : The limbs should be well formed and
developed, and the function of all the limbs should be within normal limits.
Any deformity should be recorded. There should be no deformity or
paralysis which may interfere with his efficient employments in a mine.
(n) Skin :- There should be no evidence of extensive and chornic skin
disease or ulceration. In case of infective type of skin disease, the
candidate could be made fit after he has undergone a treatment. All
occupational skin diseases should be noted.
(o) Eye vision should be not less than the following standard:

(1) Better eye 6/12

(2) Worse eye 6/18
(a) There should be no night blindness for persons employed below
ground and for persons employed in open cast working in shifts other
than in mornings shifts.
(b) A person having only one eye which functions normally should nott be
employed below ground, For employment on surface the vision of such
a person in the other eye should be 6/18 with or without glasses.
5. Hearing should be good, Any progressive disease affecting hearing/or
occupational deafness should be recorded.

6. Speech must be without serious impediment. Unless this is also

accompanied by generalised partial paralysis this should not be a reason
for declaring unfit.

7. (a) Respiratory system should be sound and free from any chronic
bronchial or laryngeal disease. This however alone should not be reason
to make unfit.

(c) An-X ray examination should be made and free from evidences of active
pulmonary tuberculosis he may be permitted to work if his sputum is negative
on repeated examination and on production of a certificate that he is taking
treatment from a qualified medical practitioner/Hospital.

8. Circulatory system – There should be no evidence of any heart or vascular

disease which may interfere with his efficient employment in a mine.

7. In case the candidate has hernia he may be declared fit after he has been
successfully operated for the same.
8. Hydrocele if present should not be large enough to impede the normal
activities off the candidate. In such cases he may be declared fit after being
successfully operated.
9. The medical examination should include examination of urine and of other
system for evidence of disease. Mere presence of albumen and sugar in the
urine without any gross organic disease producing signs and symptoms
should not be considered as a disability.

1(FORM – P-I)

(See rule 29F(1) and 29L)

Medical standard of fitness for persons to be employed in mines.

1. The person should be in good mental and bodily health and free from any
physical defect likely to interfere with his efficient employment in a mine. Due
allowance in the standard should be made for the age of a candidate.

2. Locomotor system – The limbs should be well formed and developed and the
function of all the limbs should be within normal limits. Any deformity should be
recorded. There should be no deformity or paralysis which may interfere with his
efficient employment in a mine. Any deformity noted should be recorded.

3. Skin – There should be no evidence of extensive and chronic skin disease or

4. (a) Distant vision eye with or without glasses should be not less than the
following standard.

For workers employed on For workers employed
Surface and in opencast below ground

1. Better eye 6/12 6/6

2. Worse eye 6/18 6/9

(b) Night blindness should be tested in special cases only in underground

workers where the examining authority considers it necessary.

© A person having only one eye which functions normally should not be
employed belowground. For employment on surface the vision of such a person
in the other eye should be 6/12 with or without glasses. A person will be
considered uniocular when there is physical loss of one eye or when there in
functional loss of vision of one eye.

(a) Colour blindness will be tested only in special cases where the job requires
good colour discrimination. Only low grade colour perceptions will be tested
with Edridge Green’s lantern.
(b) There should not be squint where binocular vision is essential.

(c) There should not be any organic disease of the eye which is likely to affect
the distant vision within a period of five years.

5. Hearing should be good. Any progressive disease effecting hearing should be

recorded. The candidate should be able to hear conversational voice from a
distance of 3 metres.

6. Speech must be without serious impediments.

7. (a) Respiratory system should be sound and free from any chronic laryngeal
bronchial pulmonary disease. Tuberculosis of lungs if not active should not be a

(b) An X-ray examination should be made and there should not be any evidence
of active pulmonary disease.

8.Circulatory system :- There should be no evidence of cardiac or vascular

disease which may interfere with his efficient employment in a mine.
8. There should not be any evidence of disease of abdominal organs which is
likely to affect his efficient discharge of duty in a mine.

9. In case the candidate has hernia, he may be declared fit after he has been
successfully operated for the same.

10. Hydrocele if present should not be large enough to impede the normal
activities of the person. If it is large enough he may be declared fit after being
successfully operated.

11. The nervous system should be sound. Persons with history of epilepsy or any
other type of organic or historical fits should not be declared fit for employment
in a mine.

12. The medical examination should include examination of urine. Mere

presence of albumen and sugar in the urine without any gross organic disease
producing signs and symptoms should not be a disability.

13. Skiagram of the chest should also he obtained. If it is necessary the medical
officer may direct the candidate to obtain the result of special tests or/and the
opinion of a specialist from recognised institution/hospital.


1(FORM – Q)

(See rule 29J(2) 9 (a))

Notice of medical re-examination by Appellate Medical Board

No……….. Date………………..


SHRI/Shrimati*………..Nature of employment……………serial number from

From B Register………… son/daughter/wife* of ………….., who has appealed for
a re-examination against the findings of a medical examination under rule 29B of
Mines Rules, 1955 that he/she is unfit for :

(1) * Any employment in mines.

(2) * Any employment below………. Ground.

(3) * Any employment on work………..(Specify in detail) is hereby

notified that he/she should present himself/herself* for a medical re-
examination by the Appellate Medical Board at ………. (give exact
description of place) on*………….(give date) at ……….(Give time).

Shri/Shrimati*…….may note that if he/she* fails without reasonable cause,

to submit himself/herself* for the medical re-examination aforesaid
he/she* shall not be retained in employment in the mine.

Signature of manager


(p) Delete whatever is not applicable

(q) 15 days, prior notice is to be given to a medical re-xamination by the
Appellate Medical Board.
1. Inserted vide Notification NO. GSR 565, dated 5.6.1980.

1(FORM – R)

(See rule 29J(2) (b) )

Second and final notice of medical re-examination by Appellate

Medical Board

No………….. Date……………19


SHRI/Shrimati*………..Nature of employment……………serial number from

From B Register………… son/daughter/wife* of ………….., failed to present
himself/herself* for medical re-examination on …..in respect of which he/she*
had been given a notice on …………

He/She* is hereby again notified that he/she* should present himself/herself* for
a medical re-examination by the Appellate Medical Board at ……..(give exact
description of place) on ………….(give date) at …………(give time).
Shri/Shrimati*…..may note that if he/she* fails to submit himself/herself* for the
medical re-examination aforesaid, he/she* shall not be retained in employment in
the mine.

Signature of Manager
……………….. mine.

(r) Delete whatever is not applicable.

(s) 15 days’ prior notice is to be given of medical re-examination by the
Appellate Medical Board.
1. Inserted by Notification No. GSR 656, dated 5 June 1980.

1(FORM – S)

(See rule 29L)

Report of medical re-examination by Appellate Medical Board

(To be issued in triplicate)**

We do hereby certify that we have examined Shri/Shrimati* ………..

Nature of employment…….., Serial Number from Forrm B
Register………….. of ….. mine, who has been declared medically unfit for.

(t) * any employment in mine.

(u) * any employment belowground.
(v) * any employment in work……….

(Specify in details)

as a result of a medical examination under rule 29B. Our Report is given


We consider that –
1. He/She* is medically fit for any employment in mine.

2. He/She* is suffering from……….. and is medically unfit for

(a) * any employment in mine.

(b) * any employment belowground.
© * any employment in work……….

(Specify in details)
3. He/She is suffering from…..and should get this disability/cured/controlled* and
should be again examined within a period of ……………months. He will appear
for re-examination within a period of…………months. He will appear for re-
examination with the result of test of………* and opinion of ………specialist
from…………He may be permitted/not permitted* to carry on his duties during
this period.

Signature of members of
Appellate Medical Board
2………….. 3……………


Annexure to certificate No………….as result of Medical examination

identification mark :

On……………. Left thumb impression

Of the candiate

1. General development. Good/Fair/Poor

2. Height……….cms. 3. Weigth……….kg.
4. (i) Eyes………visual acuity Distant vision(with or without glasses)
(ii) any organic disease of eyes.
*(iii) night blindness Right eye………Left eye………….
*(iv) Colour blindness……….(v) Squint…………………..

(* to be tested in special cases)

5. Ears :

(i) Hearing………(ii) any organic disease

6. Respiratory system :
Chest mesurement
(w) after full inspiration …….cms (ii) after full expiration……

7. Circulatory system :

Blood pressure…………. Pulse…………..

8. Abdomen :
9. Nervous system :
History of fits or epilepsy…..Paralysis……..Mental helath………
10. Locomotor system :
11. Skin :
7. Hernia :
8. Hydrocele :
9. Any other abnormality :
Urine: Reaction…….. Albumin……… Sugar………..
10. Skiagram of chest :
11. Any other test considered necessary by the examining authority.
12. Any opinion of specialist considered necessary.

Place : Signature of the Appellate Medical Board

(FORM – T)

(See rule 29-P(i))

Annual Return for the year ending on the 31 December

1. Name of mines………………
2. Postal address of Mines……………
3. Date of opening ………………..
4. Date of closing (if closed)………….
5. Situation of Mine (District/State)…………..
6. Name of Owner………..Postal address of owner…………
7. Number of persons required to be medically examined……….
(x) Number of persons medically examined……………
(y) Number of persons declared medically unfit…………
(z) Categorisation of the persons declared unfit………….

Certified that the information given above is correct to the best of my

Date……………… Signature……………..
(No. S. 650/2/1/72-M.L.)
(FORM – U)

(See rule 29R and S)

Name of Mine………Owner…………Manager……………..Place/installation
Inspected by ………………on ……………Accompanied by………………
Observations Remedial Action taken Date on Remarks
Measures for remedial which action if any
Suggested measures taken
Signature of Workmen’s Signature of Manager
Inspector with date

Signature of mine official

Accompanying the work-
Men’s Inspector



(See rule 43 (3))

(a) A stretcher and a table of convenient height (0.75 metres) large enough
to place the stretcher on ;
(b) A bench or chairs, and one screen;
(c) A glazed sink, with water readily available;
(d) Soap, towel and nail brush;
(e) A supply of suitable sterilized dressings, cotton, wool, bandages and
adhesive plaster.
(f) A supply a tincture of iodine (2per cent alcoholic solution) or other
antiseptic solution ;
(g) Blankets and hot-water bottles;
(h) Sets of splints 1.40 metre, 0.90 metre and 0.3 metre with necessary
triangular bandages for applying them;
(i) A supply of drinking water and a drinking vessel ;
(j) A tourniquet, scissors and safety pins.
(k) A pair of artery forceps,
(l) One eyebath
(m) Two clinical thermometers;
(n) One record syringe (5c.c)
(o) One adequate supply of anti-tetanus serum and morphine ampules;
(p) First-aid boxes or cupboards not less than one for every 150 persons
employed in the mine marked with requisites specified in the Third
Schedule ; and
(q) Stove or other apparatus for boiling water.


(See rule 44(1))

Equipment of a first-aid station
(a) a stretcher with two blankets;
(b) sets of splints 1.40 metres, 0.90 metres and 0.30 metre, with necessary
triangular bandages for applying them,
(c) first-aid boxes or cupboards not less than one for every 150 persons
employed, containing at least –
(d) a sufficient supply of large and small sterilized dressing and burn
(ii) a sufficient supply of sterilized cotton-wool and of adhesive plaster.
(iii) a supply of tincture of iodine or other antispectic solution;
(iv) a supply of roller bandages
(v) a tourniquet scissors and safety pins; and
(vi) a piece of carbolic soap.

Note – Each first-aid box or cupboard shall be distinctly marked with the sign
of Ref Cross and with the words “FIRST AID, and nothing except appliances
or requisites for first aid shall be kept in it.

(See rule 50)

Exemption from hours and limitation of employment

Nature of work Extent of Conditions attached to

exemption exemption.
1.Emergency involving serious risk Sections 1. No person shall be
to the safety of the mine or of 28, 30, 31, employed on such work for
person employed therein such as 34 and more than 12 hours on any
accidental explosion, ignition of 36(5) one day and 66 hours during
gas, spontaneous heating each period of seven
outbreak of fire, influx of noxious consecutive days
gases, irruption of water, commencing from his first
premature collapse of any part of a employment on such work.
mine or failure of power supply

2(a)Urgent work in case of :

(i) an accident actual or
apprehended in a mine involving (2)The report referred to in
work, such as clearing of falls of Section 28, sub-section(2) of section 38
ground or erctingor withdrawing of 30, 31, 34 shall be sent to the Chief
support or completion of blasting and 36(5) Inspector on or before the
operations; or last day of each month.
(ii) a breakdown of any machinery,
plant or equipment in a mine (1) No person shall be
involving repairs renewals or employed beyond the limits
alteration necessary to avoid of overtime specified in
stoppage of normal mining section 35.
(b) work of a preparatory or (2) The report referred to in
complementary nature such as sub-section(2) of section 38
repairs of shafts and roadways or shall be sent to the Chief
of haulage track; arranging for Inspector on or before the
ventilation; fitting or shifting of last day of each month.
pump, which must necessarily be
carried on for the purpose of (1) Applicable only when the
avoiding serious interference with person succeeding him fails
the ordinary working of the mine. to report for duty without
prior notice, so as to enable
(3) Operation of continuously him to work the whole or part
operated machinery including of the subsequent shift.
winding engines for hoisting and Section 28, (2) The report referred to in
lowering of men. 30, 31, 34 sub-section (2) of section 38
and 36(5) shall be sent to the Chief
Inspector on or before the
last day of each month.



(See rule 79(1))


1. Any Inspector may enter and inspect any mine (by day and night) and make
such examination and enquiry as may be necessary to determine the condition
of the mine and to ascertain whether the provisions of this act and of the
Regulation, Rules, and Bye-laws are being observed. If he has reason to believe
that these provisions have been or are being contravened, he may search any
place and take possession (of ay material plan, section register or other record)
concerning the mine (Section 7.)

2. Any Government, duty authorised by the Chief Inspector or an Inspector may

enter any mine for the purpose of surveying, levelling and measuring after giving
at least 3 days notice to the manager (Section 8)

3. Every owner, agent and manager of a mine shall afford every Inspector and
every person authorised under section 8 all reasonable facilities for making an
entry, inspection, survey, measurement, examination or enquiry under this
Act.(Section 9)

3A. The Chief Inspector or an Inspector or an Officer authorised by him may

undertake safety and occupational health survey in mines. The time spent by any
person chosen for examination in such survey shall be counted towards his
working time, so however that any overtime shall be sapid on ordinary rate of
wages. If such person is found medically unfit on such survey he shall be entitled
to medical treatment at the cost of the owner, agent or manager with full wages,
during the period of such treatment. If after such treatment he is declared
medically unfit to discharge his duty, and if such unfitness is directly ascribable to
his employment he shall be entitled for an alternative employment or a disability
allowance and in case he desires to leave the employment for payment of a
lump sum compensation (Section 9A).

Management of mines

4. Every mine shall be under the control, management supervision and direction
of one manager having the prescribed qualifications (Section 17).

5. The owner, agent and manager of every mine shall be responsible that all
operations carried on in connection with the mine are conducted in accordance
with the provisions of this Act and of the Regulations, Rules, Bye-laws and any
order made there under (Section 18).

(For any contravention of the provisions of this Act and of or off the Regulations,
Rules, Bye-laws or orders made there under, the person who contravenes, the
concerned supervisor the owner, the agent and the manager of the mines and in
matters of canteen, crèche or pithead bath, the person appointed, if any under
sub-section(2) of section 18 shall be deemed to be guilty).

1. Inserted vide Notification No. GSR 316, dated 14.4.86.

Provision of drinking water, ambulance appliances and latrines

(a) In every mine, both above and belowground –
(1) A sufficient supply of cool and wholesome drinking waster shall
be provided and maintained at suitable points conveniently
situated for all persons employed in the mine (Section 19)
(2) A sufficient number of first-aid boxes shall be provided and
maintained. (Section 21)
(3) A sufficient number or latrines and urinals, separately for males
and females, shall be provided in every mine at suitable places
accessible at all times to all persons employed in the mine. All
latrines and urinals shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary
condition. (Section 20).

(Accidents and Propitiatory Orders”)

7. Where there occurs in or about a mine an accident causing loss of life

or serious bodily injury on any dangerous occurrence, a notice in the prescribed
form shall be sent to the prescribed authorities and simultaneously a copy of
such notice shall be posted at the mine on a special notice board and kept
posted for not less than fourteen days from the date of such posting. (Section 23.

(“ Except for preventing further accidents or for saving life or for

recovering dead bodies, the place of accident shall not be disturbed or altered
before the arrival or without the consent of the Chief Inspector or an Inspector or
before the expiry of 72 hours there from whichever is the earliest, unless
discontinuance of work at the place of accident would seriously impede the
workings of the mine”)

8. Where any person employed in a mien contacts and disease connected

with mining operations the owner, agent or manager shall send notice thereof to
the Chief Inspector and to such other authorities as may be prescribed (Section

(“8A. Every person whose employment is prohibited under sub-section (1A) or

sub-section (3) of section 22 or under sub-section (2) of section 22A of the Act,
shall be paid the full wages for the relevant period or provided with alternative
employment (Sections 22 and 22A”)

1. Substituted for the heading “Accidents” vide Notification No. GSR 316, dated
2. Inserted vide Notification No GSR 316, dated 14.4.1986

Hours and Limitation of Employment

9. No person shall work in a mine on more than six days in any one week
(Section 28.)

7. If any person works, as provided under this Act, on any day of rest fixed for
him, he should be given a compensatory day of rest within that of the following
two months. (Section 29.)

8. No adult shall work above ground in a mine for more than forty eight hours in
any week or normally for more than nine hours in any day and he shall have
at least half an hours rest after working ffor not more than five hours. The
spread over of the period of work including rest interval shall not normally be
more than 12 hours. Consecutive shifts for the same type of workers
employed aboveground shall not overlap.

9. No adult shall work below ground in a mine for more than forty eight hours in
any week normally or for more than eight hours in any day (Section 31)

10. Where in a mine a person works aboveground for more than nine hours or
works below ground for more than eight hours on any day, or works for more
than forty eight hours in any week, whether above ground or below ground, he
shall get for such overtime work, wages at the rate of twice his ordinary rate of

(“Ordinary rate of wages’ means the basic wages plus any dearness
allowance, underground allowance, incentive bonus (but not ordinary bonus),
compensation in cash against free supply of food grains and edible oils (but
not against free housing, free supply of coal, kerosene oil, tools and uniforms
medical and educational facilities, sickness allowance) and in case of a
person paid on piece-rate basis, the average of his full time earnings
(exclusive of any overtime) during the preceding week.”)

11. No person shall be allowed to work in a mine who has already been working
in any other mine within the preceding 12 hours. (Section 34).

12. Except as may be permitted under clause (a) and (3) of section 39, no
person employed in a mine shall be required or allowed to work for more than
ten hours in any day inclusive of overtime. (Section 35).
13. The manager of very mine shall post outside the office a notice of working
hours, and no person shall be allowed to work otherwise than in accordance
with the notice (Section 36).

14. The provisions regarding weekly day of rest, hours of work above and
belowground and of section 36 shall not apply to supervising staff (Section

15. In case of an emergency, the manager may permit in accordance with the
rules made under section 39, persons to be employed in contravention of the
provisions regarding hours of work (Section 38).

Employment of adolescents

(“19 A person below 18 years of age shall not work in any part of a mine unless
he is an apprentice or a trainee in which case he may be below 18 years nut not
below 16 years of age (Section 40).

16. Where an Inspector is of opinion that any person employed in a mine

otherwise than an apprentice or other trainee is not an adult or that any
person employed in a mine as an apprentice or other trainee is either below
sixteen years of age or is no longer fit to work, the Inspector may serve on the
manager of the mine a notice requiring that such person shall be examined by
a certifying surgeon and such person shall not, if the Inspector so directs, be
employed or permitted to work in any mine until he has been so examined and
has been so examined and has been certified that h e is an adult or, if such
person is an apprentice or trainee, that he is not below sixteen years of age
and is fit to work. (Section 43))

21. 1( * * *)

22. 1( * * *)

22. 1 ( * * *)

Employment of women and children

23. 1 ( * * *)

24. (1) No women shall be employed in any part of a mine which is belowground.

(2) No women shall be employed in any mine above ground except between
the hours of 6 AM and 7 P.M.

(3) Every woman employed in a mine above ground shall be allowed an

interval of not less than eleven hours between the termination of employment
on any one day and the commencement of the next period of employment.
(Section 46)
1. Clauses 19 and 20 are respectively substituted vide ibid.

Registration of workers

26(1) For every mine there shall be kept a register of employees showing in
respect of each person, his or her name with the name of his fater or of her
husband as the case may be, age, sex, nature of employment date of
commencement of employment, 2( * * *). The entries in the register shall be
authenticated by the signature or thumb impression of the person concerned.

(2) There shall also be kept separate attendance registers for employees
working -

(a) below ground;

(b) above ground in opencast workings; and
(c) above ground in other cases;

Showing in respect of each person the name, class or kind of his employment
and the ours of shift and the shift to which he belongs. The register of persons
employed below ground shall show at any moment the name of every person
who is then present below ground in the mine.

(3) No unauthorised person shall enter any opencast working or any working
below ground. (Section 48.)
Leave with wages

27.(1) Every person employed in a mine who has completed a calendar year’s
service therein shall be allowed, during the subsequent calendar year, leave
with wages calculated –

(a) in the case of a person employed below ground, at rate of one dya for
every (fifteen days) of work performed by him; and
(b) in any other case, at the rate of one day for every twenty days of work
performed by him.

(2) A calendar year’s service referred to in sub-clause (1) shall be deemed to

have been completed -

(a) in the case of a person employed below ground in a mine, if he has during
the calendar year put in not less than one hundred and ninety attendances
at the mine; and
(b) in case of any other person, it he has during the calendar year put in not
less than two hundred and forty attendances at the mine.

Explanation – For the purpose of this sub-clause –

(a) any days of lay-off by agreement or contract or as permissible under the

standing order ;
(b) in the case of a female employee, maternity leave for any number of days
not exceeding twelve weeks, and
(c) the leave earned in the year prior to that in which the leave is enjoyed,
shall be deemed to be days on which the employee has worked in a mine
for the purpose of computation of the attendance, but he shall not earn
leave for these days.

(3) A person whose service commences otherwise than on the first dya of
January shall eb entitled to eave with wages in the subsequent calendar year
at the rates specified in clause (1), if -

(a) in the case of a person employed below ground in a mine, he has put in
attendances for not less than one-half of the total number of days during
the remainder of thee calendar year; and
(b) in any other case, he has put in attendances for not less than two thirds of
the total number of days during the remainder of the calendar year.
(4) Any leave not taken by a person to which he is entitled in any one calendar
year under sub-clause (1) or sub-clause (3) shall be added to the leave to be
allowed to him under sub clause(1) during the succeeding calendar year:

Provided that the total number of days of leave which may be accumulated by
any such person shall not at any one time exceed thirty days in all ;

Provided further that any such person who has applied for leave with wages
byt has not been given such leave in accordance with sub-clause(6), shall be
entitled to carry forward the unveiled leave without any limit.

(5) Any such person may apply in writing to the manager of the mine not les
than fifteen days before the day on which he wishes his leave to begin, for all
leave or any portion thereof then allowable to him under sub-clause(1)

Provided that the number of times in which leave may be taken during any
one calendar year shall not exceed three.

(6) An application for such leave made in accordance with sub-clause(5) shall
not be refused unless the authority empowered to grant the leave is of opinion
that owing to the exigencies of the situation the leave should be refused.

(7) If a person employed in a mine wants to avail himself of the leave with
wages due to him to cover a period of illness. He shall be granted such leave
even if the application is not made within the time specified in sub-clause(5).

(8) If the employment of a person employed in a mine is terminated by the

owner, agent or manager of the mine before he has taken the entire leave to
which he is entitled up to the day of termination of his employment, or if such
person having applied for and having not been granted such leave, quits his
employment before he has taken the leave, the owner, agent or manager of
the mine shall pay him the amount payable under clause 28, in respect of the
leave not taken, and such payment shall be made where the employment of
the person is terminated by the owner agent or manager before the expiry of
the second working day after such termination and where a person himself
quits his employment on or before the next pay day.

(9) The unavailed leave of a person employed in a mine shall not be taken into
consideration in computing the period of any notice required to be given
before the termination of his employment.

(10) If a person employed in a mine is discharged or dismissed or quits his

employment or is superannuated or dies while in service, he or his heirs or his
nominees is entitled to wages in lieu of leave due, if he has put in the
minimum number of attendances prescribed in sub-section 52 of the Act.
Explanation :- For the purpose of sub-clause 2(1) (3) and 10) any fraction of
leave of half a day or more shall be treated as one full day and fraction of less
than half a day shall be omitted (Section 52).

1. Inserted vide Notification No. GSR 316, dated 14.4.86.

2. Substituted for the brackets, words and figures (1) and (3) vide ibid.

28. For the leave allowed to a person, he shall be paid at a rate equal to the
daily average of his total full-time earnings during the month immediately
preceding his leave, exclusive of overtime wages and bonus, but inclusive of
any dearness allowance and compensation in cash including such
compensation, if any, accruing through the free issue of food grains, and other
articles as persons employed in the mine may, for thee time being be entitled
to. If figures for his average earnings are not available, the average shall be
computed on the basis of the daily average of the total full time earnings of all
persons similarly employed for that month. (Section 53).

29. Any person who has been allowed leave for not less than four days shall
be paid wages due for the period of leave allowed before his leave beings.
(Section 54).


30, Any person obstructing an Inspector in the execution of his duties may be
punished with imprisonment up to three months or fine up to Rs. 500 or both
(Section 63.)

30. Whoever makes, give or delivers any plan return, notice record or report
containing a statement, entry or detail which is not to the best of his
knowledge or belief true may be punished with imprisonment up to three
months or a fine up to Rs.1,000 or both (Section 64).

31. Whoever knowingly uses for himself a certificate of fitness granted (under
section 43) to some other person or allows a certificate of fitness granted to
him to be used by any other person, may be punished with imprisonment up to
one month or a fine up to Rs. 200 or both (Section 65).

(“33 if any person below 18 years of age is employed in a mine except as an

apprentice or trainee, the owner, agent or manager of such mine shall be
punishable with a fine up to Rs. 500/- (Section 68”).
32. If any mine is run without a manager the owner or agent may be punished
with imprisonment up to three months or with a fine up to Rs. 2,500/- or both.
(Section 69.)

1. Substituted for the words and figures “ under section 40” vide Notification No.
GSR 316 date 14.4.86

2. Substituted vide No. GSR 316, dated 14.4.86

35. Whoever fails to give notice of any accidental occurrence or to post a copy of
the notice on a special notice board, may be punished with imprisonment up to
three months or a fine up to Rs. 500 or both (Section 70).

36. No person shall interfere with, misuse or wilful neglect to make use of any
appliance provided for the purpose of health, safety of welfare of the workers or
wilfully do any thing likely to endanger himself or others. (Section 2)

37. Whoever contravenes any provision of any regulation or bye-law or of any

order made there under relating to matters specified in clauses (d), (i), (m), (n),
(o), (p), ®, (s), and (u) of section 57 shall be punished with imprisonment which
may extend to Rs. 2.000 or with both. (Section 72A.)

37. Whoever contravenes any order issued under sub-section (IA), or sub-
section (2) or sub-section (3) of section 22 (“or under sub-section (2) of
section 22A”) shall be punished with imprisonment up to two years and fine up
to Rs. 5,000 (Section 72B).

38. Whoever contravenes any provision of the Act or of any regulation rule or
bye-law or of any order made thereunder (other than an order made under
sub-section (IA) or sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) of section 22 (“or under
sub-section (2) of section 22A”) shall be punishable.

(a) If such contravention results in loss of life, with imprisonment which may
extent to two years, or with fine which may extend to Rs. 5,000 or with
both or

(b) If such contravention results in serious bodily injury, with imprisonment

which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to Rs. 3,000
or with both, or

(c) If such contravention otherwise causes injury or danger to persons

employed in the mine or others persons in or about the mine, with
imprisonment which may extend to three months or with fine which may
extend to Rs. 1,000 or with both (Section 72C).
40. Whoever contravenes any provision of this Act or of any regulation rule or
bye-law or of any order made there under, for which no penalty is expressly
provided may be punished with imprisonment up to three months, or a fine up
to Rs. 1,000 or both (Section 73).

41. If any person who has been convicted for any offence other than an
offence mentioned in clause 38 or 39 is again convicted for the same offence
within two years of the previous conviction, he shall be punished, for each
subsequent conviction, with double the punishment to which he would have
been liable for the first contravention of such provisions. (Section 74.)

41. No fee or charge shall be realised from any person employed in a mine in
respect of any protective arrangements or facilities to be provided or any
equipment or appliance to be supplied under the Act. (Section 85 C)


All mines situated in the District of An hour in advance of Indian Standard

Lakhimpur in the state of Assam. Time.


1. Inserted vide Notification No. GSR 316, dated 14.4.1986

Qn. What are the Salient features of the Mines (Amendment) Rules, 1986 ?

Ans : The Salient features of the Mines (Amendment) Rules, 1986 are –

Chapter – I

The following clause has been inserted ----(i) “Officer in charge” means a person
(other than the manager) whom the owner or agent may appoint for securing
compliance with the provisions in respect of canteens.

Chapter – II
(i) For the heading “Mining Board” the heading committee” has been substituted
(ii) Rule 4 has been substituted by the following rule ;-

“ Secretary of the Committee – An Inspector of mines nominated in this behalf by

the C.I.M. shall act as the Secretary to the Committee” (iii) In rule 14 of the said
rules for thee words “four members” the words” four members including the
Chairman” has been substituted.

Chapter -IV

Rules 25 (Certificate of fitness), Rule 26 (Duplicate Certificate), Rule 27 (Re-

examination) and Rule 29 (metal token) have been omitted.

Chapter –IV B

A new rule 29 Q – (Workmen’s inspector and safety committee) has been


(i) For every mine wherein 500 or more persons are ordinarily employed, is
required to designate three suitably qualified mine employees, one each for
mining operations, mechanical and electrical installations to inspect the mine on
behalf of the mine workers. Where the number of persons employed in a mine
exceeds 1500, the workmen’s inspector shall be assisted by one additional
workmen’s inspector in mining discipline for every additional 1000 persons or
part thereof. A workmen’s inspector may ordinarily hold office for 3 years and is
eligible for one re-nomination.

(ii) No person shall act as a workmen’s inspector of a mine unless he posses

overman’s or foreman’s or electrical supervisor’s certificate and in case of
mechanical appliances such persons have to be of equivalent status of an

(ii) A workmen’s Inspector has also to have 5 years experience in mines

including atleast two years in workings of the mines for which he is nominated.

(iii) The workmen’s Inspector shall perform these duties for two days in every
week. On remaining days off the week, he shall perform his normal duties.

(iv) When there occurs an accident or dangerous occurrence in or about a mine,

the owner, agent or manager shall forthwith inform the concerned workmen’s
inspector about the accident or the occurrence.

29 R – Duties of workman’s Inspector

(1) The duties of the workmen’s inspector shall be -

(a) Inspection of all workings, equipments, machines etc.

(b) To inform the manager and Inspector about the same.

(c) To suggest remedial measures necessary to avoid danger.

(d) To accompany the inspector in Course of complete inspection of the


(1) The workmen’s inspector shall record a full report of the observations
made during his inspections in a bound paged register kept for the
purpose and the management is required to enter therein the remedial
measures taken within a period of 15 days from the date of entry in the

28. T Safety Committee

(e) For every mine wherein more than 100 persons are ordinarily
employed, a safety committee is required to be constituted.

The safety committee shall consist of

(1) The manager (Chairman)

(2) 5 Officials or competent persons nominated by the chairman

(3) 5 Officials or competent persons nominated by the workmen.

(4) Workmen’s Inspector

(5) Safety Officer.

22V- Functions of Safety Committee

(6) To discuss the remedial measures against unsafe conditions and

practices in the mien as pointed out in the report of workmen’s
Inspector and made appropriate recommendations.

(7) To consider, before commencement of operations in any district of

the mine or commissioning of any new installation, the proposed
safety and health measures and to make appropriate

(8) To discuss the report of enquiry into accident an make appropriate


(9) To formulate and implement appropriate safety campaigns based

on this analysis of accidents
(10) To meet at least once in 30 days to consider the matters placed
before it and any other matter that may be raised by the members
and such recommendations as it may deem fit.

(11) To serve as a forum for communication on safety and

occupational health matters.

29W – Implementation of recommendations.

The management is required to indicate to the Secretary the action taken to

implement the recommendation of safety committee within 15 days of the date of
receipt of the recommendations.

Chapter – VII

Rule 52 (Employment of apprentices and trainees)-

The rule has been modified in respect of safe-guards for protection of

apprentices/trainees employed in a mine.

Chapter - X

Rule 77 – (Register of reportable and Minor accidents).

This has been amended.

The register required to be maintained for the purpose of reportable accidents

under the Mines (Amendment) Act in form (j) and (k) and copy thereof shall be
sent to the concerned inspector of Mines.

Chapter – Xi

A new rule 82A (Disability and compensation of occupational diseases) has been
inserted. The disability allowance shall be at the rate fifty percent of the monthly
wages and lump sum compensation as admissible under the workmen’s
compensation Act.

Fifth Schedule (Abstracts of the Act)

This has been modified to suit the amended Mines Act, 1983.


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