Summary of 3 Idiots
Summary of 3 Idiots
Summary of 3 Idiots
The movie entitled 'Three Idiots is about the journey oI two men: Farhan and Raju
together with Chatur, in Iinding their lost buddy; Rancho (Phunsukh Wangdu). Their story is an
intermittent Ilash back oI their college liIe in Integral College oI Engineering (ICE). Three oI
them are living in the same room at the hostel oI the said college. Their Iirst encounter is when
there is an initiation and the head master wanted Rancho to take oII his clothes and let him put a
stamp on his buttocks. Rancho ignored the head master and went to his room; the head master
starts to challenge Rancho, and dared him that he will void everyday in Iront oI Rancho`s room iI
Rancho won`t come out oI his room. Without knowing that Rancho is preparing some kind oI
machine that will hurt him. He counted 1 to 10 but Rancho didn`t come out, so he void in Iront
oI the door, Rancho slides the simple machine and electriIied the Head master. Everyone moves
out oI Rancho`s way, including Farhan and Raju.
Viru Shahastrabuddhe aka Virus, is the head oI ICE, he pushed everyone to study harder
and harder. He wants everyone to be like him so he could pass the pen oI his old director. He
pressures everyone up to the point that they chooses to do suicide just to escape Virus. Virus is
an Obsessive Compulsive person, he doesn`t want anyone to pass him, to be on his top, or even
just close to him, Ior him; he is the best. Joy Lobo, a student that created a machine that seems a
helicopter with a camera, but Virus ignored it and called the Iather oI Joy that his son was
rusticated to the College. Joy is very disappointed to what happened and threw his machine.
Rancho picked it up and Iixed it. When they are done with the machine, they tested it and their
surprise Joy committed suicide. He leIt a suicide note in the wall oI his room 'I quit.
Chatur aka Silencer, Virus Iavorite student is trying compete with Rancho. He always
does memorizing rather than understanding the content.
Farhan, he wants to be a wildliIe photographer but his Iather won`t allow him. He wants
his son to be an engineer. Raju, he has a very poor Iamily; his Iather is paralyzed, his mother
sells something in order Ior then to live, his sister can`t marry. Rancho helped them, and he also
Iell in love with Pia (medical student daughter oI Virus). He met Pia in the wedding oI her older
sister Mona. Rancho together with his Iriends they crash Mona`s wedding in order to get Iree
meal. They insulted Virus, so they put out oI the party. Virus called Raju and Farhan, asked
them to transIer in the room oI Chartur. He pressured them like he always did with the other
student. He also called their parents about that. They are very disappointed and cursed Rancho as
the root oI that. Raju leIt Farhan and Rancho, so they think oI a plan that will make Raju go back
to their place. Chartur is the opening speech in an occasion in their College. He asked the help oI
their librarian. Farhan called Chatur and told Chatur that he will die iI he will go outside oI ICE,
and then Rancho told the librarian that he is called by Virus. They edit the speech and printed it.
On the teacher`s day as they expected, Chartur just memorize the speech without knowing that
he already insulted the head oI ministry oI education and Virus. AIter that, Raju returned to their
Rancho met Pia once again; Pia was with his boyIriend who is always telling the price oI
everything. Rancho hides the newly bought wrist watch oI Pia, then he told Pia`s boyIriend. He
gets mad and shouted in Iront oI Pia the price oI the watch. Pia returns the watch and goes away.
Rancho received a call Irom the Iamily oI Raju, Raju`s Iather needs a medical assistance. There
is no available ambulance that time so they travelled Raju`s Iather in the scooter oI Pia. On the
next day, they have an exam, and they are so late, they Iinished the exam but their proIessor
won`t accept their papers so they jumbled the papers because their proIessor doesn`t know their
names and they ran away.
On the result day, Raju and Farhar Ielt very bad because they bare the last two in the list,
without knowing that rancho passed the exam and got the number one spot. Chatur also Ielt bad
because he thought that he will be the Iirst but instead he is just second.
They have a little celebration, they are all drunk, Farhan challenged Rancho to propose to
Pia and as a bet, and he will tell his Iather that he wants to be a wildliIe photographer then Raju
will remove his rings on the day beIore oI his interview. They went to Pia`s house and Rancho
proposed to Pia, while Raju and Farhan urinate in Iront oI Virus` door. They ran away, on the
next day, Virus called Raju because he saw Raju on that incident. He threatens to expel Raju
unless he squeals Rancho. Not wanting to betray his Iriend or let down his Iamily, he decided to
jumps out oI the third Iloor window and ends up in a coma. Rancho and Farhan did everything
just to help Raju to recover. AIter the recovery, Raju takes an unexpected interview and Farhan
decides to pursue his ambition to become a wildliIe photographer. Farhan tell his Iather
everything, at Iirst, his Iather is mad at him, but then he let Farhan, and the laptop that he will
give his son will be returned and exchange Ior a proIessional camera. Raju and Farhan succeed
with their tasks and this Iurther inIuriates Virus, causing him to come up with a plan that will
jeopardize Raju`s job. Pia heard it and decisides to help Farhan and Rancho by providing them
with the keys to her Iather`s oIIice. However, Virus catches them and expels them on the spot.
AIter that Pia angrily conIronts him, revealing that his son, Pia's brother, committed suicide
when he could not get into ICE, like Virus wanted him to. At the same time Viru's pregnant elder
daughter Mona goes into labor. A heavy storm cuts all power and traIIic, and Pia is in selI-
imposed exile because oI her revealing oI her brother's actions. Mona has slept in the middle oI
her labor, so Pia instructed Rancho to deliver the baby via vacuum. Rancho asked the help oI his
Iriends and they build something that will help Rancho deliver the baby. They thought that the
baby is dead, but when Raju told Mona their Iavorite phrase 'All is well, the baby suddenly
kicked Rancho. Virus reconciles with Rancho and his Iriends, and allows the trio to stay Ior their
Iinal exams. At the graduation, Rancho is ranked as the Iirst oI their class but he ran away, he
didn`t Iinish the graduation ceremony, since that day, they didn`t saw Rancho.
AIter ten long years, Farhan receives a call Irom Chatur, he knows the place oI Rancho,
Farhan called Raju and picked him up. They went to the said place but they discovered that
Rancho is not the real Rancho. Their Iriend Rancho is just the son oI the gardener oI the Iamily
oI the real Rancho. Rancho (the real one) told them the location oI their Iriend. But they Iorgot to
ask the name oI their Iriend so they called Pia, but Pia will marry his ex-boyIriend. Pia told
Farhan that her Iiance has changed but she is mistaken, so she decided to runaway and join the
journey oI Farhan and Raju. They came to the said place and looked Ior their Iriend, until they
saw millimeter (a helper in ICE) but now he grew very Iar. They saw plenty oI inventions,
simple machines that can help people in their everyday lives. They went to the sea side and saw
their Iriend. Chatur thought he won their bet, but he was wrong Chhote (|Phunsukh Wangdu| the
real name oI their Iriend Rancho) is the Iamous scientist and also the one who will talk about
business. He was horriIied he accepts his deIeat and pleads his case with Phunsukh to establish
the business relationship he was aIter he accepts his deIeat and pleads his case with Phunsukh to
establish the business relationship he was aIter.
Therapeutic and Non-therapeutic Communication:
(Label for the technique
used (T) therapeutic, (NT)
Defense and Coping Mechanism:
1. Isolation: Due to high pressure and disappointment, Joy Lobo decided to commit suicide.
AIter the incidence with Virus, he decided to be alone. We wanted to grow up once again
and prove to Virus that he could do it, more than Virus think about him. As Iar as I can
remember, Joy did his invention very hard, he won`t even attend his classes just to IulIill/
Iinish his invention.
2. Displacement: Also because oI disappointment to himselI, Joy threw his invention.
3. Compensation: When Virus threatens to expel Raju unless he squeals Rancho. Not
wanting to betray his Iriend or let down his Iamily, he decided to jumps out oI the third
Iloor window and ends up in a coma. Raju remembers everything he has done with
Rancho, the things that Rancho did Ior him and Ior his Iamily.
4. Denial: This coping mechanism is applicable to Virus; he denies to himselI that someone
will be on top oI him, that someone could replace his position, that someone could be
better above him. He also denies that he is the cause oI the suicide oI Joy.
Maternal and Child
Vacuum Assisted- Vaginal Delivery
Ventouse is a vacuum device used to assist the delivery oI a baby when labour has not
progressed adequately. It is an alternative to a Iorceps delivery and caesarean section. It is not
usually used when the baby is in the breech position or Ior premature births. This technique is
also called vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery or vacuum extraction (VE). The use oI VE is
generally very saIe, but can rarely have negative eIIects on both the mother and the child.
The woman is placed in the lithotomy position and assists throughout the process by pushing.
A suction cup is placed onto the head oI the baby and the suction draws the skin Irom the scalp
into the cup. Proper placement is critical to keep the head Ilexed, thus the cup is placed on
the Ilexion point, about 3 cm anterior Irom the occipital (posterior) Iontanelle. Ventouse devices
have handles to allow Ior traction. When the head is Iully out, the device is detached, allowing
the woman to complete the delivery oI her child.
In general, to allow Ior a proper use oI the ventouse, the cervix has to be Iully dilated, the head
engaged in the birth canal, and the head position known. II the ventouse attempt Iails, it may be
necessary to deliver the inIant by Iorceps or caesarean section.
Indications for use of vacuum
There are several indications to use a ventouse to aid delivery:
Maternal exhaustion
Prolonged second stage oI labor
Foetal distress in the second stage oI labor, generally indicated by changes in the Ioetal
heart-rate (usually measured on a CTG)
Maternal illness where "bearing down" or pushing eIIorts would be risky (e.g. cardiac
conditions, blood pressure, aneurysm, glaucoma). II these conditions are known about beIore
the birth, or are severe, then an elective caesarean section may be perIormed.
Comparisons to other Iorms oI assisted delivery
Positive aspects
An episiotomy is not usually required and there is little internal bruising.
The mother still takes an active role in the birth.
No special anesthesia required.
The Iorce applied to the baby can be less than that oI a Iorceps delivery, leaving no marking
on the Iace.
There is less potential Ior maternal trauma compared to Iorceps and cesarean section.
Negative aspects
The baby may be leIt with a temporary lump on its head, known as a chignon.
A possible cephalohematoma Iormation, or subgaleal hemorrhage.
In the movie, at the middle oI the heavy rains, the water bag oI Mona (Pia`s sister) burst out.
The baby must be delivered immediately. Rancho together with his Iriends, they will deliver the
baby, also with the instruction oI Pia. Mona is exhausted and wasn`t able to deliver the baby
normally so Rancho must deliver the baby with the help oI Vacuum. They built the instrument
and used the house-hold vacuum (they have replace the tip oI the vacuum cleaner into a small
one Rancho controlled the pressure. AIter the much tensed moment, the baby was out but
unluckily, he is not crying. Rancho has tried everything to save the baby, but he Iailed. But
suddenly, when Raju says the phrase 'All is well the baby kicked Rancho, and then revived.
What is suicide?
Suicide is the process oI purposely ending one's own liIe. The way societies view suicide varies
widely according to culture and religion. For example, many Western cultures, as well as
mainstream Judaism, Islam, and Christianity tend to view killing oneselI as quite negative. One
myth about suicide that may be the result oI this view is considering suicide to always be the
result oI a mental illness. Some societies also treat a suicide attempt as iI it were a crime.
However, suicides are sometimes seen as understandable or even honorable in certain
circumstances, such as in protest to persecution (Ior example, hunger strike), as part oI battle or
resistance (Ior example, suicide pilots oI World War II; suicide bombers) or as a way oI
preserving the honor oI a dishonored person (Ior example, killing oneselI to preserve the honor
or saIety oI Iamily members).
Nearly 1 million people worldwide commit suicide each year, with anywhere Irom 10 million to
20 million suicide attempts annually. About 30,000 people reportedly kill themselves each year
in the United States. The true number oI suicides is likely higher because some deaths that were
thought to be an accident, like a single-car accident, overdose, or shooting, are not recognized as
being a suicide. Suicide is the eighth leading cause oI death in males and the 16th leading cause
oI death in Iemales. The higher Irequency oI completed suicides in males versus Iemales is
consistent across the liIe span. In the United States, boys 10-14 years oI age commit suicide
twice as oIten as their Iemale peers. Teenage boys 15-19 years oI age complete suicide Iive times
as oIten as girls their age, and men 20-24 years oI age commit suicide 10 times as oIten as
women their age. Gay, lesbian, and other sexual minority youth are more at risk Ior thinking
about and attempting suicide than heterosexual teens.
Suicide is the third leading cause oI death Ior people 10-24 years oI age. Teen suicide statistics
Ior youths 15-19 years oI age indicate that Irom 1950-1990, the Irequency oI suicides increased
by 300 and Irom 1990-2003, that rate decreased by 35. However, Irom 2000-2006, the rate
oI suicide has gradually increased, both in the 10-24 years and the 25-64 years old age groups.
While the rate oI murder-suicide remains low at 0.0001, the devastation it creates makes it a
concerning public-health issue.
The rate oI suicide can vary with the time oI year, as wells as with the time oI day. For example,
the number oI suicides by train tends to peak soon aIter sunset and about 10 hours earlier each
day. Although proIessionals like police oIIicers and dentists are thought to be more vulnerable to
suicide than others, important Ilaws have been Iound in the research upon which those claims are
As opposed to suicidal behavior, selI-mutilation is deIined as deliberately hurting oneselI
without meaning to cause one's own death. Examples oI selI-mutilating behaviors include cutting
any part oI the body, usually oI the wrists. SelI-tattooing is also considered selI-mutilation. Other
selI-injurious behaviors include selI-burning, head banging, pinching, and scratching.
Physician-assisted suicide is deIined as ending the liIe oI a person who is terminally ill in a way
that is either painless or minimally painIul Ior the purpose oI ending suIIering oI the individual.
It is also called euthanasia and mercy killing. In 1997, the United States Supreme Court ruled
against endorsing physician-assisted suicide as a constitutional right but allowed Ior individual
states to enact laws that permit it to be done. As oI 2009, Oregon and Washington were the only
states with laws in eIIect that authorized physician-assisted suicide. Physician-assisted suicide
seems to be less oIIensive to people compared to assisted suicide that is done by a non-physician,
although the acceptability oI both means to end liIe tends to increase as people age and with the
number oI times the person who desires their own death repeatedly asks Ior such assistance.
What are the effects of suicide?
The eIIects oI suicidal behavior or completed suicide on Iriends and Iamily members are oIten
devastating. Individuals who lose a loved one to suicide (suicide survivors) are more at risk Ior
becoming preoccupied with the reason Ior the suicide while wanting to deny or hide the cause oI
death, wondering iI they could have prevented it, Ieeling blamed Ior the problems that preceded
the suicide, Ieeling rejected by their loved one, and stigmatized by others. Survivors may
experience a great range oI conIlicting emotions about the deceased, Ieeling everything Irom
intense emotional pain and sadness about the loss, helpless to prevent it, longing Ior the person
they lost, and anger at the deceased Ior taking their own liIe to relieI iI the suicide took place
aIter years oI physical or mental illness in their loved one. This is quite understandable given that
the person they are grieving is at the same time the victim and the perpetrator oI the Iatal act.
Individuals leIt behind by the suicide oI a loved one tend to experience complicated grieI in
reaction to that loss. Symptoms oI grieI that may be experienced by suicide survivors include
intense emotion and longings Ior the deceased, severely intrusive thoughts about the lost loved
one, extreme Ieelings oI isolation and emptiness, avoiding doing things that bring back memories
oI the departed, new or worsened sleeping problems, and having no interest in activities that the
suIIerer used to enjoy.
What are some possible causes of suicide?
Although the reasons why people commit suicide are multiIaceted and complex, liIe
circumstances that may immediately precede someone committing suicide include the time
period oI at least a week aIter discharge Irom a psychiatric hospital or a sudden change in how
the person appears to Ieel (Ior example, much worse or much better). Examples oI possible
triggers (precipitants) Ior suicide are real or imagined losses, like the breakup oI a romantic
relationship, moving, loss (especially iI by suicide) oI a Iriend, loss oI Ireedom, or loss oI other
Firearms are by Iar the most common methods by which people take their liIe, accounting Ior
nearly 60 oI suicide deaths per year. Older people are more likely to kill themselves using a
Iirearm compared to younger people. Another suicide method used by some individuals is by
threatening police oIIicers, sometimes even with an unloaded gun or a Iake weapon. That is
commonly reIerred to as "suicide by cop." Although Iirearms are the most common way people
complete suicide, trying to overdose on medication is the most common means by which people
attempt to kill themselves.
What are the risk factors and protective factors for suicide?
Ethnically, the highest suicide rates in the United States occur in non-Hispanic whites and in
Native Americans. The lowest rates are in non-Hispanic blacks, Asians, PaciIic Islanders, and
Hispanics. Former Eastern Bloc countries currently have the highest suicide rates worldwide,
while South America has the lowest. Geographical patterns oI suicides are such that individuals
who live in a rural area versus urban area and the western United States versus the eastern United
States are at higher risk Ior killing themselves. The majority oI suicide completions take place
during the spring.
In most countries, women continue to attempt suicide more oIten, but men tend to complete
suicide more oIten. Although the Irequency oI suicides Ior young adults has been increasing in
recent years, elderly Caucasian males continue to have the highest suicide rate. Other risk Iactors
Ior taking one's liIe include single marital status, unemployment, low income, mental illness, a
history oI being physically or sexually abused, a personal history oI suicidal thoughts, threats or
behaviors, or a Iamily history oI attempting suicide.
Data regarding mental illnesses as risk Iactors indicate that depression,manic
depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse, eating disorders, and severe anxiety increase the
probability oI suicide attempts and completions. Nine out oI 10 people who commit suicide have
a diagnosable mental-health problem and up to three out oI Iour individuals who take their own
liIe had a physical illness when they committed suicide. Behaviors that tend to be linked with
suicide attempts and completions include violence against others and selI-mutilation, like slitting
one's wrists or other body parts, or burning oneselI.
Risk Iactors Ior adults who commit murder-suicide include male gender, older caregiver, access
to Iirearms, separation or divorce, depression, and substance abuse. In children and adolescents,
bullying and being bullied seem to be associated with an increased risk oI suicidal behaviors.
SpeciIically regarding male teens who ultimately commit murder-suicide by school shootings,
being bullied may play a signiIicant role in putting them at risk Ior this outcome. Another risk
Iactor which renders children and teens more at risk Ior suicide compared to adults is that oI
having someone they know commit suicide, which is called contagion or cluster Iormation.
Generally, the absence oI mental illness and substance abuse, as well as the presence oI a strong
social support system, decrease the likelihood that a person will kill him- or herselI. Having
children who are younger than 18 years oI age also tends to be a protective Iactor against
mothers committing suicide.
What are the signs and symptoms for suicide?
Warning signs that an individual is imminently planning to kill themselves may include the
person making a will, getting his or her aIIairs in order, suddenly visiting Iriends or Iamily
members (one last time), buying instruments oI suicide like a gun, hose, rope, pills or other
Iorms oI medications, a sudden and signiIicant decline or improvement in mood, or writing a
suicide note. Contrary to popular belieI, many people who complete suicide do not tell their
therapist or any other mental-health proIessional they plan to kill themselves in the months
beIore they do so. II they communicate their plan to anyone, it is more likely to be someone with
whom they are personally close, like a Iriend or Iamily member.
Individuals who take their lives tend to suIIer Irom severe anxiety or depression, symptoms oI
which may include moderate alcohol abuse, insomnia, severe agitation, loss oI interest in
activities they used to enjoy (anhedonia), hopelessness, and persistent thoughts about the
possibility oI something bad happening. Since suicidal behaviors are oIten quite impulsive,
removing guns, medications, knives, and other instruments people oIten use to kill themselves
Irom the immediate environment can allow the individual time to think more clearly and perhaps
choose a more rational way oI coping with their pain.
How are suicidal thoughts and behaviors assessed?
The risk assessment Ior suicidal thoughts and behaviors perIormed by mental-health
proIessionals oIten involves an evaluation oI the presence, severity, and duration oI suicidal
Ieelings in the individuals they treat as part oI a comprehensive evaluation oI the person's mental
health. ThereIore, in addition to asking questions about Iamily mental-health history and about
the symptoms oI a variety oI emotional problems (Ior example, anxiety, depression, mood
swings, bizarre thoughts, substance abuse, eating disorders, and any history oI being
traumatized), practitioners Irequently ask the people they evaluate about any past or present
suicidal thoughts, dreams, intent, and plans. II the individual has ever attempted suicide,
inIormation about the circumstances surrounding the attempt, as well as the level oI
dangerousness oI the method and the outcome oI the attempt, may be explored. Any other
history oI violent behavior might be evaluated. The person's current circumstances, like recent
stressors (Ior example, end oI a relationship, Iamily problems), sources oI support, and
accessibility oI weapons are oIten probed. What treatment the person may be receiving and how
he or she has responded to treatment recently and in the past, are other issues mental-health
proIessionals tend to explore during an evaluation.
Sometimes proIessionals assess suicide risk by using an assessment scale. One such scale is
called the SAD PERSONS Scale, which identiIies risk Iactors Ior suicide as Iollows:
O Sex (male)
O Age younger than 19 or older than 45 years oI age
O Depression (severe enough to be considered clinically signiIicant)
O Previous suicide attempt or received mental-health services oI any kind
O Excessive alcohol or other drug use
O Rational thinking lost
O Separated, divorced, or widowed (or other ending oI signiIicant relationship)
O Organized suicide plan or serious attempt
O No or little social support
O Sickness or chronic medical illness
What is the treatment for suicidal thoughts and behaviors?
Those who treat people who attempt suicide tend to adapt immediate treatment to the person's
individual needs. Those who have a responsive and intact Iamily, good Iriendships, generally
good social supports, and who have a history oI being hopeIul and have a desire to resolve
conIlicts may need only a brieI crisis-oriented intervention. However, those who have made
previous suicide attempts, have shown a high degree oI intent to kill themselves, seem to be
suIIering Irom either severe depression or other mental illness, are abusing alcohol or other
drugs, have trouble controlling their impulses, or have Iamilies who are unwilling to commit to
counseling are at higher risk and may need psychiatric hospitalization and long-term outpatient
mental-health services.
Suicide-prevention measures that are put in place Iollowing a psychiatric hospitalization usually
involve mental-health proIessionals trying to implement a comprehensive outpatient treatment
plan prior to the individual being discharged. This is all the more important since many people
Iail to comply with outpatient therapy aIter leaving the hospital. It is oIten recommended that all
Iirearms and other weapons be removed Irom the home, because the individual may still Iind
access to guns and other dangerous objects stored in their home, even iI locked. It is Iurther oIten
recommended that sharp objects and potentially lethal medications be locked up as a result oI the
Vigorous treatment oI the underlying psychiatric disorder is important in decreasing short-term
and long-term risk. Contracting with the person against suicide has not been shown to be
especially eIIective in preventing suicidal behavior, but the technique may still be helpIul in
assessing risk, since reIusal to agree to reIrain Irom harming oneselI or to Iail to agree to tell a
speciIied person may indicate intent to harm oneselI. Contracting might also help the individual
identiIy sources oI support he or she can call upon in the event that suicidal thoughts recur.
Talk therapy that Iocuses on helping the person understand how their thoughts and behaviors
aIIect each other (cognitive behavioral therapy) has been Iound to be an eIIective treatment Ior
many people who struggle with thoughts oI harming themselves. School intervention programs
in which teens are given support and educated about the risk Iactors, symptoms, and ways to
manage suicidal thoughts in themselves and how to engage adults when they or a peer expresses
suicidal thinking have been Iound to decrease the number oI times adolescents report attempting
Although concerns have been raised about the possibility that antidepressant medications
increase the Irequency oI suicide attempts, mental-health proIessionals try to put those concerns
in the context oI the need to treat the severe emotional problems that are usually associated with
attempting suicide and the Iact that the number oI suicides that are completed by mentally ill
individuals seems to decrease with treatment. The eIIectiveness oI medication treatment
Ior depression in teens is supported by the research, particularly when medication is combined
with psychotherapy. In Iact, concern has been expressed that the reduction oI antidepressant
prescribing since the Food and Drug Administration required that warning labels be placed on
these medications may be related to the 18.2 increase in U.S. youth suicides Irom 2003-2004
aIter a decade oI steady decrease. Also, the use oI speciIic antidepressants has been associated
with lower suicide rates in adolescents. Mood-stabilizing medications like lithium (Lithobid) --
as well as medications that address bizarre thinking and/or severe anxiety,
like clozapine (Clozaril), risperidone(Risperdal), and aripiprazole (AbiliIy) -- have also been
Iound to decrease the likelihood oI individuals killing themselves.
How can people cope with suicidal thoughts?
In the eIIort to cope with suicidal thoughts, silence is the enemy. Suggestions Ior helping people
survive suicidal thinking include engaging the help oI a doctor or other health proIessional, a
spiritual advisor, or by immediately calling a suicide hotline or going to the closest emergency
room or mental-health crisis center. In order to prevent acting on thoughts oI suicide, it is oIten
suggested that individuals who have experienced suicidal thinking keep a written or mental list
oI people to call in the event that suicidal thoughts come back. Other strategies include having
someone hold all medications to prevent overdose, removing knives, guns, and other weapons
Irom the home, scheduling stress-relieving activities every day, getting together with others to
prevent isolation, writing down Ieelings, including positive ones, and avoiding the use oI alcohol
or other drugs.
According to the suicidal rate given in the movie, India is one oI the countries having a
high rate oI people who died because oI suicide. In the movie, you will see that one oI the
contributing Iactors oI committing suicide is the pressure they have received Irom Virus. The
close Iamily ties, also contribute to this incidence. They are aIraid to disappoint their Iamily;
they don`t also want to let down their Iriends. Rancho tried to teach in Iront oI Virus, so Virus
could see the exact way he teaches. The brain and understanding won`t work because oI
pressure. Joy Lobo committed suicide because Virus doesn`t accept his invention, because oI the
pressure and disappointment. II you will look at the situation oI Joy, we may consider murder
other than suicide. At the case oI Raju, he attempted suicide, just to avoid disappointment Irom
his Iamily and he doesn`t want to let his Iriend (Rancho) down. Support group is very important
in suicide, Ior the client it is important to know that there is someone they can talk to and
someone they can lean on.
Republic oI the Philippines
Don Severino De Las Alas Campus
Cavite, Philippines
College of Nursing
A Movie Analysis
Submitted by:
Sumaya, Ana Faye T.
IV- BSN - 3
Submitted to:
Prof. Ederlyn C. Papa, RN
September 2011