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To change the color theme in this document, you just need to put the following
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Here is a link to all my other Homebrewery templates, if you're interested:
Also, IF you want to buy me a coffee (or something), here's my Ko-fi page:
{{logo ![](/assets/naturalCritLogoRed.svg)}}
{{banner HOMEBREW}}
Explore a wealth of gilded decals, cross-hatched backgrounds, and color- <br>coded
sections in this template made for the world's greatest roleplaying game
![background image](https://i.imgur.com/ZMc6xy3.jpg)
[Jason Rainville](https://www.artstation.com/jason_rainville)
{{logo ![](/assets/naturalCritLogoRed.svg)}}
# Credits
**Template Designers:** [u/5e_cleric](https://www.reddit.com/user/5e_cleric/),
![image](https://i.imgur.com/ZMc6xy3.jpg) {margin-bottom:16px}
**Page 9 (Top):** *War Magic Wizard* by unknown artist*, @Wizards of the Coast
<br>*If anyone knows who the artists are for any specific artwork used, please
message [u/Kaiburr_Kath-Hound](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/) on reddit;
I don't like to just write "Wizards of the Coast" on artist credits.*
The contents of this document is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan
Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
# Contents
- ### [{{ Introduction}}{{ 5}}](#p5)
- #### [{{ Using This Book}}{{ 5}}](#p5)
- ### [{{ Ch. 1: Character Options}}{{ 7}}](#p7)
- ### [{{ Ch. 2: Dungeon Master's Tools}}{{ 10}}](#p10)
- #### [{{ Header 2}}{{ 10}}](#p10)
- [{{ Header 3}}{{ 10}}](#p10)
- #### [{{ Ghost Pigeon}}{{ 10}}](#p10)
- [{{ Actions}}{{ 10}}](#p10)
- ### [{{ Ch. 3: Spells}}{{ 11}}](#p11)
- ### [{{ App. A: Character Names}}{{ 12}}](#p12)
- #### [{{ Nonhuman Names}}{{ 12}}](#p12)
# Introduction
Beneath the bustling City of Waterdeep, a beholder crime lord keeps tabs on
everyone and everything—or so the beholder thinks. Known as Xanathar, this bizarre
being believes it can gather information on everything in the <caps>Dungeons &
Dragons</caps> multiverse. The beholder desires to know it all! But no matter what
the beholder learns and what treasures it acquires, its most prized possession in
all the multiverse remains its goldfish, Sylgar.
The first major rules expansion to the fifth edition of D&D, Xanathar's Guide to
Everything provides a wealth of new options for the game. Xanathar might not be
able to realize its dream to know everything, but this book does delve into every
major part of the game: adventurers, their adventures, and the magic they wield.
## Using This Book
Written for both players and Dungeon Masters, this book offers options to enhance
campaigns in any world, whether you're adventuring in the Forgotten Realms, another
official D&D setting, or a world of your own creation. The options here build on
the official rules contained within the [*Player's Hand
Book*](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/kkVdZJx6HO1f), the *Monster's
Manual*, and the *Dungeon's Masterguide*. Think of this book as the companion to
those volumes. It builds on their foundation, exploring pathways first laid in
those publications. Nothing herein is required for a D&D campaign—this is not a
fourth core rulebook—but we hope it will provide you new ways to enjoy the game.
Chapter 1 offers character options that expand on those offered in the [*Player's
Hand Book*](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/kkVdZJx6HO1f). Chapter 2 is a
toolkit for the DM that provides new resources for running the game and designing
adventures, all of it building on the *Monster's Manual* and the *Dungeon's
Masterguide*. Chapter 3 presents new spells for player characters and spellcasting
monsters to unleash.
##### Unearthed Arcana
Much of the material in this book originally appeared in Unearthed Arcana, a series
of online articles we publish to explore rules that might officially become part of
the game. Some Unearthed Arcana offerings don't end up resonating with fans and are
set aside for the time being. The Unearthed Arcana material that inspired the
options in the following chapters was well received and, thanks to feedback from
thousands of you, has been refined into the official forms presented here.
What's that, Sylgar? No. Not <br>
yet, my fishy friend. They just <br>
got here. Perhaps after we chat a bit. <br>
I find a little conversation at the beginning helps digestion.
{{footnote Introduction}}
# Chapter 1
# Character Options
There are a lot of options for notes, all of which have maximum or minimum height,
keeping the notes from looking too stretched out. Cycle through the comment numbers
to see which one fits best!
Comments can be rotated using the "transform:rotate_deg" (if you're unsure how to
do this, just copy and paste this whole comment, changing the number as you see
In addition, comments can have a signature at the end (denoting who wrote the
comment). It can say whichever name you'd like, but remember to add "signature"
after the comment line, like so: "{{comment3,signature,left:0px..."
Lastly, rmember that the **LAST PARAGRAPH** of the comment will be considered the
signature, and will be formatted differently.
Another classic staple of these comments is the little "eye" symbol at the end of
each comment. These symbols can be placed where you like. The default is centered
and just below the bottom line, but you may want to change it, depending on your
You can even change which symbol is used, if someone else is writing a comment.
There are more comments to be had? Sure, why not?
Hang on, MORE comments?? How many more things could I talk about? I could discuss
other abberations, I suppose. Talk about your eye-sores.
How long can these notes be? Maybe I could rant about the difficulty of being a
creature with a million eyes. Imagine seeing something so horrible that you WISH
you could forget it, right? I see things ALL the time that I wish I could unsee.
Let me tell you, it is not fun to be caught in between your parents when they're
arguing about one of them "making eyes" at other beholders. That wasn't a metaphor,
and that particular session of therapy was an expensive one, and in all
seriousness, they probably know more about me than anyone, although I like to think
I know as much about them. Is that sad? I can't even tell anymore. The pressure of
seeing more than anyone else does can be a lot,
##### Time to Drop Knowledge
Use descriptive boxes to highlight text that should be read aloud.
##### Time to Drop Knowledge
Use notes to point out some interesting information.
{{footnote Chapter 1 | Character Options}}
[Eric Belisle](http://www.ericbelisle.com/)
Alright, I guess there are more comments than I thought there were. What the heck
do you say after so many?
So, yeah. Lots of fun, exciting moments to be had during a time like this. Remember
when I ranted about my troubled past?
Good times.
So, do you want any tea?
Boy, this is a tall note. I should probably write something more substantial.
You remember that these comments are all from me, right? I suppose I need to work
on my "actual" signature anyways. My penmanship isn't what it used to be.
Are you wondering why these are called "comments" and not "notes" (even though
they're literally written on little notes of paper)? The Homebrewery already has a
designated class called "notes", and I wanted to make a distinction to avoid
Ha! You believed me when I said I was that "Kaiburr" person, huh? No, I just wanted
to distract from the fact that I misspelled my name... Awww dang it.
{{footnote Chapter 1 | Character Options}}
Oof. I'm realizing more and more that, as much as I like to talk, it is VERY
difficult to come up with enticing things to talk about.
Oh goodness. You'd think there would <br>
be a warning label on a spell scroll of <br>
*incindiary cloud*. Clearly not.
Luckily, Sylgar was able to splash some water on this note, saving it. Thank
goodness, because this is all very useful information.
{{footnote Chapter 1 | Character Options}}
# Chapter 2
# Dungeon Master's Tools
Each adventuring group is bound together by the quests it embarks on and by the
dangers its members face together. This chapter offers another way to bind your
party together: a group patron. These patrons provide a strong binding element: an
individual or an organization that unites a party as a team in service to a greater
purpose. A group patron can help set the tone of your party's entire campaign. For
example, a group whose patron is an academic institution is likely to have a very
different story from a group that serves a military. A patron can influence
characters' relationships, their backstories, and the types of dangers they face.
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
(These are just to demonstrate the appearance of headers. They are largely
unchanged from the default).
## Ghost Pigeon
*Small beast, silly neutral*
**Armor Class** :: 10 (chain mail, shield)
**Hit Points** :: 33(1d4 + 5)
**Speed** :: 39ft.
| STR | DEX | CON | INT | WIS | CHA |
|11 (+1)|20 (+5)|5 (-2)|14 (+2)|4 (-3)|1 (-4)|
**Condition Immunities** :: groggy, weak-kneed
**Senses** :: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 20
**Languages** :: Jive, Common
**Challenge** :: 5 (1066 XP)
***Onion Stench.*** Any creatures within 5 feet of this thing develops an
irrational craving for onion rings.
***Big Jerk.*** Whenever this creature makes an attack, it starts telling you how
much cooler it is than you.
***Pack Tactics.*** These guys work together like peanut butter and jelly. Jelly
and peanut butter.
When one of these guys attacks, the target is covered with, well, peanut butter and
### Actions
***Heel Jawbreaker.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
*Hit* 5 (1d6 + 2)
***Tilt-a-whirl Eye Takedown.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one
target. *Hit* 5 (1d6 + 2)
***Dual Cobra Wristlock.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one
target. *Hit* 5 (1d6 + 2)
{{footnote Chapter 2 | Dungeon Master's Tools}}
# Chapter 3
# Spells
##### Exhaustion
Some special abilities and environmental hazards, such as starvation and the long-
term effects offreezing or scorching temperatures, can lead to a special condition
called exhaustion. Exhaustion is measured in six levels. An effect can give a
creature one or more levels ofexhaustion, as specified in the effect's description.
{{footnote Chapter 3 | Magical Miscellany}}
# Chapter 3
# Spells
##### Exhaustion
Some special abilities and environmental hazards, such as starvation and the long-
term effects offreezing or scorching temperatures, can lead to a special condition
called exhaustion. Exhaustion is measured in six levels. An effect can give a
creature one or more levels ofexhaustion, as specified in the effect's description.
{{footnote Chapter 3 | Magical Miscellany}}
Each table contains names that are associated with a nonhuman character race in the
Player's Handbook or a real-world ethnic or language group, with a focus on
groups from antiquity and the Middle Ages. You can select from the possibilities
here, or use dice to determine a name.
Even though names are associated with races in this appendix, a character might not
have a name from their own race. For instance, a half-orc might have grown up among
dwarves and have a dwarven name. Or, as DM, you might decide that dragonborn in
your campaign have a culture reminiscent of ancient Rome and therefore use Roman
names, rather than the dragonborn names suggested here.
## Nonhuman Names
##### Twi'lek, Male
| d10 | Name |
| 1 | Alask |
| 2 | Cotan |
| 3 | Darap |
| 4 | Jer |
| 5 | Lonay |
| 6 | Nerra |
| 7 | Pol |
| 8 | Siolo |
| 9 | Tol |
| 10 | Vuren |
{{footnote Appendix A | Conditions}}