In The United States District Court For The Western District of Tennessee
In The United States District Court For The Western District of Tennessee
In The United States District Court For The Western District of Tennessee
“Shelby County” or “Plaintiff”), by and through counsel of record, and files this
Complaint for Damages against Archon Information Systems, L.L.C., D/B/A Civic
Source (hereinafter “Defendant”), and for cause of action would show this Honorable
This is an action for the return of funds owed to Shelby County, Tennessee by
Defendant. Shelby County, via its Chancery Court Clerk and Master and via its
properties in October 2023. Defendant facilitated the sale, sold properties for the
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benefit of Shelby County, but ever since that date has not returned the proceeds of
those sales to Shelby County. After continuous demands from Shelby County, and
after repeated assurances by Defendant that the funds would be repaid by dates-
certain that have since come and gone, Shelby County is now left with no choice but
3. Archon provides services for local municipalities via the collection and
management of taxes.
5. This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332 as the
matter in controversy in this civil action exceeds the sum or value of $75,000
1391 as this is the judicial district in which a substantial part of the events or
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omissions giving rise to the claims occurred, and a substantial part of property
appropriate procedural steps are taken, the Shelby County Chancery Court
Clerk and Master, in conjunction with the Shelby County Trustee, facilitates
recuperate as much of the delinquent tax debts as possible for the benefit of
9. Under the terms of this contract, CivicSource would facilitate online auctions
for Shelby County at times when Shelby County was in a position to sell
entitled to an agreed-upon monetary fee (paid per parcel sold at the auction),
10. That contract has been informally continued between CivicSource and Shelby
County each year since 2015, and Shelby County has continued to rely on
CivicSource and to pay CivicSource an agreed-upon fee for its online auction
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11. On September 5, 2023, on the motion of the Shelby County Trustee, the Shelby
County Chancery Court Part III entered a Decree confirming the Report of the
Shelby County Clerk and Master and Ordering Sale for Tax Sale # 2001
(hereinafter “TS2001”).
12. As had been done in the past, Shelby County relied on CivicSource to facilitate
13. On October 24, 2023, the electronic auction for TS2001 opened on
14. However, on or about October 24 and October 25, 2023, staff for the Shelby
County Chancery Court discovered that inaccurate tax delinquency data had
City of Memphis taxes. Thus, those thirty-six (36) properties were not
15. On or about October 25, 2023, the Shelby County Trustee filed a Notice of
16. The same day, Chancery Court staff alerted CivicSource Director of Operations
Garrett Staples of the issue, and specifically about the need for the removal of
the thirty-six (36) properties from the electronic auction once a new Chancery
17. On October 26, 2023, at the request of the Shelby County Trustee, the Shelby
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18. Later, on October 26, 2023, Chancery Court staff forwarded a copy of the
Court’s Order to Garrett Staples and directed him to remove the thirty-six (36)
properties from the sale and from the auction, directed him to refuse to take
any bids on them, and directed him to return any bid funds already produced
19. Mr. Staples was also asked when Shelby County could expect the return of the
tax proceeds for the correctly-calculated delinquent tax properties that were
20. The sale proceeds for the correctly-calculated delinquent tax properties sold
21. It was also later determined that four (4) of the thirty-six (36) properties not
to be sold were also sold in the auction for the respective amounts of
22. On November 16, 2023, Chancery Court personnel emailed Mr. Staples and
requested an update as to the results of the sale and an expected arrival of the
funds from the auction. CivicSource was also to refund the respective amounts
owed for the four (4) properties that should not have been put up for auction.
23. On November 20, 2023, Mr. Staples responded to the November 16, 2023
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request an update on the auction funds. Mr. Rebeor responded, stating that
CivicSource would provide the results of the sale on December 1, 2023, and
25. On December 1, 2023, although Mr. Staples did produce the results of the sale,
he advised that COO Rebeor was needed in order to verify the status of the
wire transfer of the funds, but that Mr. Rebeor is out with an illness.
26. After more requests by Chancery Court personnel and Trustee personnel over
the next several days, on or about December 12 and /or 13, 2023, Mr. Rebeor
advised the Trustee that checks to Shelby County and all bidders entitled to
27. On December 13, 2023, the Trustee received a check via FedEx for the tax sale
amounts. The Trustee forwarded the check to the Chancery Court Clerk and
Master. The check was from CivicSource and made payable to Shelby County,
was for the amount of $1,233,818, and in the memo line stated “10/24/23 Tax
Sale Proceeds.”
28. However, on December 18, 2023, CivicSource Chief Operating Officer Bryan
Ms. Newman
I am writing in regard to the funds due to Shelby County from the sale
conducted in late October, which I was briefed on earlier today.
The funds due the County are $1,233,818.03 and a check in this amount
was sent last week. Unfortunately, due to an accounting error, the funds
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were not placed in the proper clearing account before the check was
presented. Our bank brought the mistake to our attention this morning,
and we placed a stop payment on the check. Our accounting team is
working with our bank to rectify this matter, and as such, we anticipate
transmitting payment mid-week, but no later than week’s end.
29. Contrary to his assertion that payment would be transmitted by no later than
30. Upon information and belief, the checks for the bidders to whom refunds were
owed were also either not issued, or those bidders were issued refund checks
31. Over the next several weeks, personnel from the Trustee’s Office and Chancery
Court continued to contact Mr. Barrios and CivicSource regarding the funds,
32. As of the date of this filing, neither Archon nor CivicSource has transmitted to
Shelby County Government the funds owed to Shelby County in the amount of
33. As of the date of this filing, neither Archon nor CivicSource has transmitted
to Shelby County Government the refunds owed for the four (4)
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34. Upon information and belief, as of the date of this filing, neither Archon nor
CivicSource has transmitted the refunds owed for the four (4) inadvertently-
36. A valid and enforceable informal contract existed between Plaintiff and
of Plaintiff in exchange for a fee, and then transmit the proceeds from that sale
to Plaintiff.
37. Defendant breached the contract by selling those delinquent tax properties for
Plaintiff was entitled in the amount of $1,233,818.03, and then not producing
38. Defendant admitted, via CEO Barrios, that Shelby County is entitled to the
39. Defendant further breached the contract by receiving funds from the four (4)
bidders to whom properties should not have been sold in the respective
returning those funds to those four (4) respective bidders nor transmitting
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those funds to Plaintiff so that Plaintiff can return them to those four (4)
respective bidders.
40. Plaintiff suffered, and continues to suffer, pecuniary harm as the result of
Defendant’s breach.
41. It would be unjust for Defendant to retain these funds, to which Plaintiff is
monetary sums.
44. Defendant realized and appreciated these benefits by implementing that sale
45. Defendant has retained these benefits, which are above and beyond the
Plaintiff for Defendant’s services, and which are in fact benefits to which
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47. Defendant received the funds from the tax sale and had a duty to protect and
48. Defendant breached its duty of care as to those funds, and now cannot and/or
49. Defendant’s breach of this duty of care was the direct and proximate cause of
50. Alternatively, Defendant is liable under the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur for its
the payments for those sales, protecting and returning to Plaintiff those
53. Defendant breached its fiduciary duty to Plaintiff by failing to protect or return
54. Plaintiff has suffered, and continues to suffer, monetary injury as a result of
Defendant’s breach.
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1. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s breach, Plaintiff seeks
general damages from the Defendant for the losses sustained by Plaintiff as a result
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff requests that the Court and/or a Jury, as appropriate, find:
6. Any that Plaintiff receive any other interest, expenses, and further relief
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Respectfully submitted,