C1 Student Book

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Lesson and objective Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Everyday English

Unit 1 Language
Getting started Talk about animals learning language
1A Talk about learning a second language Adverbs and adverbial Language learning; Word stress: noun forms with
phrases Noun forms -tion and -ity
1B Describe languages and how The perfect aspect Describing changes Sentence stress
they change

1C Express yourself in an inexact way Sound and spelling: ea, ee Expressing

and ie yourself in an
inexact way
1D Write a web forum post

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER Idioms: Body parts

Unit 2 Going to extremes
Getting started Talk about tolerance of extreme conditions
2A Describe extreme sensory experiences Comparison Multi-word verbs: Consonant–vowel linking
social interaction

2B Talk about plans, intentions and Intentions and Verbs of movement

arrangements arrangements

2C Give advice Word groups and main stress; Giving advice

Emphatic stress
2D Write a report

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER Idioms: Movement

Unit 3 Travel and adventure
Getting started Talk about a mishap on a road trip
3A Emphasise positive and negative Inversion Wealth and poverty Intonation in inversion
experiences structures; Word stress

3B Describe journeys and landscapes Future in the past; Landscape features Different pronunciations of t
Narrative tenses
3C Paraphrase and summarise Consonant clusters across two Paraphrasing and
words summarising
3D Write a travel review

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER Idioms: Landscapes

Unit 4 Consciousness
Getting started Talk about manipulating the senses
4A Talk about using instinct and reason Noun phrases Instinct and reason Sound and spelling:
/ʃəs/, /iəs/, /dʒəs/

4B Talk about memories and Structures with have Memory Sentence stress
remembering and get

4C Use tact in formal discussions Homophones in words and Being tactful in

connected speech formal discussions
4D Write a profile article

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER mind

Unit 5 Fairness
Getting started Talk about activities for prisoners
5A Talk about crime and punishment Relative clauses Crime and justice Sound and spelling: s and ss

5B Talk about job requirements Obligation, necessity and Employment Word stress: nouns and verbs
and fair pay permission

5C Recall and speculate Main stress Recalling and

5D Write an opinion essay

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER Idioms: Crime


Listening Reading Speaking Writing

Interview: A bilingual upbringing Blog post: Speaking Italian to cats Describing experiences of language learning Five pieces of advice for
Discussing language learning factors language learners
Monologue: The origins of words Article: How quickly is the English Speculating when English words originated Changes in your world
Four monologues about how language changing? Discussing interesting facts about your
languages change Fact file: How languages are language and others
Friends and rivals Sharing rough details of an experience
Unit Progress Test

Monologue: The dominance of Four web forum posts Predicting the main points of a talk and Web forum post
English as a world language discussing your predictions Expressing opinions

Monologue: My vow of silence Article: I’ve been to the quietest Questionnaire: How sensitive are you to
place on Earth sound?
Discussing different views on communication
Interview with a base jumper Article: The wonder of Giving opinions on zero-gravity flights and Blog post: A new
weightlessness: A short history of extreme sports experience
zero-gravity flight Discussing a blog post
A guest overstays his welcome Advising a friend about a problem
Unit Progress Test
Four monologues about university Report: Review and Discussing the merits of activities for a Reports
social programme activities recommendations of a student social programme Linking: contrast and
social programme committee concession

BBC talk: The problem with Two reviews: Thinking of Discussing volunteer work abroad Blog post: An unusual
volunteering, Daniela Papi volunteering abroad? Describing new experiences travel or tourism
BBC audio blog: Journey of a lifetime, Narrative article: Survival on the Telling the story of an adventurous journey Article: An adventurous
Will Millard Mano River journey
A bad interview Paraphrasing and summarising
Unit Progress Test
Two monologues about Cusco Traveller’s review: Cusco getaway Describing the best and worst places you Travel review
have been to as a tourist Descriptive language;
Expressing an opinion about a place Writing briefly

BBC radio discussion: Gut instinct in Article: Learn to trust your gut! Quiz: Do you have a sixth sense?
medical diagnosis Dilemmas: Would you go with your
gut instinct?
Three monologues about childhood Article: False childhood memories Talking about a childhood memory
memories Article: How eyewitness evidence Giving an eyewitness account of a crime
can be unreliable Discussing ways to improve memory
Feedback and an unexpected Giving opinions tactfully
Unit Progress Test
Interview: musician Noni-K Profile article: Noni-K Asking and answering questions about being Profile article
interviewed for a profile article Organising information;
Interviewing a classmate for a profile article Showing time relationships

Radio news: Bizarre crimes Article: Can we have a swimming Giving definitions of crime vocabulary
pool? Life at Halden Prison Discussing punishments for crimes
Four monologues about Two job descriptions: Bomb Discussing employment terms and conditions
employment disposal diver and Pet food taster Exchanging information about different jobs
Negotiating salaries for a range of jobs
Opening up Recalling and speculating
Unit Progress Test
Two monologues about job Essay: Social media and Discussing how an employer should respond Opinion essay
applications and social media recruitment to employee comments on social media Essays; Linking: addition
and reinforcement

Lesson and objective Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Everyday English
Unit 6 Perspectives
Getting started Talk about the impact of 3D street art
6A Describe photos and hobbies Simple and continuous Adjectives:
verbs describing images

6B Tell a descriptive narrative Participle clauses Emotions Main stress and emphatic
stress (adverbs and adjectives)
6C Organise a presentation Intonation in comment phrases Organising a
6D Write an application email

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER Idioms: Feelings

Unit 7 Connections
Getting started Talk about technology in the classroom
7A Speculate about inventions and Speculation and Compound adjectives Main stress: compound
technology deduction adjectives
7B Emphasise opinions about the Cleft sentences Nouns with suffixes: Intonation in cleft structures
digital age society and
7C Apologise and admit fault Sound and spelling: Apologising and
ou and ough admitting fault
7D Write a proposal

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER self-

Unit 8 Body and health
Getting started Talk about physical activity in old age
8A Describe sleeping habits Gerunds and infinitives Sleep Stress in fixed expressions
and routines

8B Talk about lifestyles and Conditionals Ageing and health Pitch: extra information
life expectancy

8C Negotiate the price of a product Intonation in implied questions Negotiating

or service
8D Write promotional material

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER and

Unit 9 Cities
Getting started Talk about an obstacle to urban development
9A Talk about city life and Reflexive and reciprocal Verbs with re- Sound and spelling: re-
urban space pronouns

9B Describe architecture Ellipsis and substitution Describing buildings Word stress

and buildings

9C Deal with conflict Sound and spelling: foreign Dealing with

words in English conflict
9D Write a discussion essay

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER build

Unit 10 Occasions
Getting started Talk about an unusual wedding
10A Give a presentation or Regret and criticism Communication Word groups and main stress
a speech structures verbs

10B Talk about superstitions Passive reporting verbs Superstitions, Consonant clusters
and rituals customs and beliefs

10C Take turns in more formal Intonation in question tags Turn-taking

10D Write a film review

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER luck and chance

Communication Plus p. 127 Grammar Focus p. 138 Vocabulary Focus p. 158

Listening Reading Speaking Writing

Interview with an amateur Article: Lessons Elliott Erwitt has Discussing photography skills
photographer taught me about street Talking about your favourite photos
News report: The conclusion of the Blog post and email: Two views Discussing first impressions The first part of a short
story of the suspicious encounter of a suspicious encounter Telling a personal story story
A big presentation Organising a presentation
Unit Progress Test

Three interviews with volunteers Advertisement: You can help! Talking about volunteer work in Application emails; Giving
Application email your local area a positive impression

Three monologues: Inventions that Article: Human augmentation – a Discussing ‘superpowers’

would make the world a better place dream or a nightmare? Presenting a new invention
Radio show: From my bookshelf Article: Loneliness and temperature Talking about what you read online
Explaining how you would overcome a
hypothetical problem
Unsolicited suggestions Apologising and admitting fault
Unit Progress Test
Four monologues: People express Proposal: A team-building Ordering the personality attributes of an Proposals
their opinions of their colleagues programme effective team member Linking: highlighting and
giving examples

Radio interview with a sleep researcher Article: Top tips to help you sleep Discussing tips for a good night’s sleep
Radio phone-in programme about Article: The myth of the eight-hour Planning a typical day for someone with
waking up at night sleep a segmented sleep pattern
BBC interview: Living on a calorie- Article: Anti-ageing treatments Discussing anti-ageing treatments
restricted diet Interview: We don’t have to get sick Presenting your views on health and
as we get older ageing issues
An exclusive story Negotiating
Unit Progress Test
Radio interview: The Stone Age Diet Home page: Ancestors restaurant Discussing what’s important when Promotional material
you eat out Using persuasive language

Podcast: New ideas for ‘smart cities’ Article: If you want to get close to Sharing information about initiatives
nature, head into the city to improve cities
Fact file: Biophilic cities Presenting ideas for ‘smarter’ cities
Conversation: Tourist attractions Article: Kazuyo Sejima: Passion Describing buildings
and precision Presenting a proposal for the redevelopment
of a derelict building
A leak and a fall-out Complaining and responding to complaints
Unit Progress Test
Conversation: Life in a rural Essay: Urban migration Discussing rural and urban living Discussion essay
community in New Zealand Linking: reason and result
compared to life in a city

Three monologues about giving Article: Don’t be boring! Discussing what makes a good presentation
a presentation Giving a one-minute speech: Learning from
my mistakes
Radio interview: Superstitions Article: The game before the game Discussing superstitions, customs and
in sport beliefs; Talk about rituals you or people you
know have
A successful interview Turn-taking
Unit Progress Test
Four monologues about how Two film reviews: Knives Out Discussing how much reviews influence Film reviews
people use reviews your choices Concise description

Writing focus p. 169 Verb patterns p. 176 Phonemic symbols p. 177 Irregular verbs p. 177

■ E mphasise positive and negative
■ Describe journeys and landscapes
■ Paraphrase and summarise
■ Write a travel review


a Look at the picture and discuss the questions. b
Work in pairs. Use your answers to retell the events
1 What’s just happened? Where do you think the bus was going? of the day this photo was taken.
What factors might have led to the situation?
2 Who do you think the people pushing the bus are? How do c Would you enjoy the type of trip these people are
you think they feel? on? Why / Why not?
3 What’s the man on the right doing? Why?
4 What do you think will happen next?
Learn to emphasise positive and
NEVER HAVE I HAD SUCH negative experiences
G Inversion

A REWARDING EXPERIENCE V  Wealth and poverty

1 READING AND SPEAKING b Have you ever done an activity similar to those in
1a? Where? When? Why? Would you be prepared to use
a Which of these volunteer jobs would interest your holiday time to help other people? Why / Why not?
you the most? Why?
1 working at a children’s home in Belize c Read the two reviews of volunteer experiences. Answer
2 coaching sport with schoolchildren in Ghana the questions.
3 rescuing and caring for endangered bears in Cambodia 1 What are the similarities and differences in the two
4 conserving coral reefs in the Caribbean experiences?
2 What specific negatives does each review mention?

Here are two inspiring stories from volunteers
who joined ongoing projects organised by POD

(Personal Overseas Development), an ethical,
non-profit volunteer organisation.

Teaching children, Ghana
There are a few village life truths that
everyone forgets to mention. You will
sweat profusely, you will get bitten
by a million different insects, you will
miss home comforts and no doubt feel
frustrated by a fair few things. However, despite all this,
you will forget all these worries in a heartbeat. No sooner
had I woken up each morning than I would see a smiling
face and hear a child’s giggle that would melt my heart.
Working at a children’s home, Belize
Whether you are going to Ghana to build a school or to My husband and I spent two weeks at a children’s home in
build a child’s future, your heart will break when it’s time to Belize, and we both thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.
leave because the people become your world. Never have The experience of living with these warm, friendly people
I had such a rewarding and truly enlightening experience. was something we will always remember, and we would
Without a doubt, it will be the same for you. certainly like to return in a couple of years. We were not
The day starts with breakfast at 7 am. I worked in really prepared for the intensity of the heat even though we
the kindergarten, so it was off to class for 8:30, where had holidayed in the Caribbean previously.
I worked till lunchtime. Afternoons could be anything The children were a joy and such characters, and we created some very
from extra classes, arts and crafts, sports coaching or special bonds. There was a lot of maintenance work to do, and Malcolm, who
even digging on the building site. Evenings were for was able to carry out more manual work, was at an advantage. We also did a lot
chilling out around the fire or having yam parties with of gardening and helping in the kitchen (my favourite). Time off was when you
the neighbours or playing silly games with the other wanted it, and with Belize being such a beautiful place with plenty of history and
volunteers. Normally we were so tired from the long day places to explore, you really need to make the most of it and see all you can.
that we were all fast asleep by 9 pm.
Volunteering was something I have always wanted to do. We made some
It’s difficult to adjust to the intense heat, and it really great friends and worked out of our comfort zone quite often, which for me
does sap a lot of your energy. It’s also difficult when you made the experience even more special. At no time did we regret the decision
want to do as much as possible to help but find yourself to go there.
restricted by your own physical shortcomings.
We loved being with the children, giving them little treats and helping
The most rewarding part for me was the relationships make their environment better. We made them a special meal of burgers
that I built; there is no better feeling in the world than and chips, and the enjoyment on their faces made it so worthwhile. Little do
having a child run to you in the morning with pure children back home realise how the food they take for granted is a genuine
happiness on their face at seeing you. treat for children here.

d Which review would you find more helpful if you b Look at the phrases in bold in 2a and complete
were a prospective volunteer? Why? the rule.
For emphasis, the writers use a positive / negative
e Language in context Unusual experiences 2
adverbial and statement / question word order:
1 Match 1–8 with a–h to make expressions used adverbial + auxiliary verb + subject + verb
in the reviews. Check new expressions in a
c Think about how the sentences differ. When
1 miss home a your energy might you use inversion rather than normal word
2 melt your b special bonds order? Give an example.
3 have a rewarding c comforts
4 sap a lot of d life skills
5 create some very e heart
d Now go to Grammar Focus 3A on p. 142.
6 make the f and enlightening experience
7 take for g granted 3 SPEAKING AND WRITING
8 acquire h most of it
2 Complete these expressions with the correct a 03.02 Listen to the examples. Who or what do you

preposition. Check your answers in the reviews. think each person is talking about?
1 a heartbeat 1 Not only are they the nicest people in the world, they’re the
2 of your comfort zone best cooks, too.
3 a feeling self-worth and satisfaction 2 Only at the sight of the beach did it all become worthwhile.
3 Not until the end of the holiday did we realise how attached
we had become to them.
4 Never before have I seen such enthusiasm and
2 GRAMMAR Inversion excitement.
5 Not in a million years would I have imagined building
a Notice the phrases in bold in the sentences below. something from scratch.
Why did the writers use these phrases?
for emphasis to soften b 03.02 Pronunciation Listen to the examples in 3a
again. Does the intonation of the phrases in bold … ?
1 No sooner had I woken up each morning than I would see
• rise then fall • fall then rise
a smiling face and hear a child’s giggle that would melt
my heart.
c Tell a partner about the highlights of a travel
2 Never have I had such a rewarding and truly enlightening
experience. Use the ideas below and inversion after
some of the adverbials in the box. Make sure you use
3 At no time did we regret the decision to go there.
the correct intonation.
4 Little do children back home realise how the food they take
for granted is a genuine treat for children here. rarely … ​no sooner … ​at no time … ​
not in a million years … ​only … not until …

• first impressions of the journey/place

• new experiences you had and your reaction
• a moment when you realised something
• something unique about the experience

I was staying with a

host family. No sooner had
I arrived than everybody rushed I went to India in January.
to greet me. Not in a million years did
I think vegetarian food
could taste so good.

d Write a paragraph for a blog about your experience.

Use two sentences with inversion.

only by chance … ​little … ​hardly … ​

One of the great things about volunteering is that you are seldom … ​never before …
acquiring life skills and experiences you will get nowhere else.
A volunteer does not do the work just to help others, but for Little did I know how eventful this holiday was
themselves, too; to get a feeling of self-worth and satisfaction, going to be.
to learn and experience the way other people live and how
other cultures work, and to be part of their way of life. Never before had I experienced such heavy rain.


4 LISTENING b Answer these questions about the words and

phrases in bold in 5a.
a Imagine you and your friends wanted to start a 1 Which noun has the opposite meaning of hardship ?
volunteer project to build a school in a low-income 2 Compare the adjectives impoverished, deprived and
country. What problems could there be? destitute. Which one is more severe than the other two?
3 Compare affluent and well off. Which one are we more
b 03.03Listen to Daniela Papi talking about her likely to use when we speak?
experience in Cambodia. Does she mention any of your 4 Compare make ends meet and live within our means.
ideas in 4a? Which expression suggests more of a struggle?
5 Which of these noun phrases has a similar meaning to
disposable income ?
c 03.03 Listen again. Summarise what Daniela says about
a living expenses b spending money
these topics.
1 her initial plans for volunteer work in Cambodia c 03.04 Pronunciation Listen to the sentences
2 problems with this plan in 5a and underline the stressed syllables in the
3 her six years in Cambodia words and phrases in bold.
4 her beliefs after ten years’ volunteer work
5 the problems with good intentions and praise
d Look at the phrases in italics in 5a. Think
of an example of each from your own knowledge/
d Think about the volunteer project you talked about in
experience. Compare your ideas with a partner.
4a. What questions would you like to ask Daniela about
doing this kind of work?
People here faced real economic
hardship during the recession.
5 VOCABULARY Wealth and poverty
a Do the words and phrases in bold below relate to wealth
or poverty? Make two lists. Which word/phrase applies to 6 SPEAKING
people with any level of income?
1 Many farmers are facing real economic hardship after the a Think of someone you know well who would be
drought killed all their crops. interested in volunteering. Choose a suitable
2 There’s no money to help impoverished communities build volunteer project for them or think of another.
basic facilities like schools and medical centres. 1 saving cheetahs from extinction in South Africa
3 In affluent suburbs like this one, house prices are extremely 2 conserving the Amazon rainforest in Peru
high. 3 helping build schools in Ghana
4 There’s a direct relationship between a good education system 4 coaching sport with schoolchildren in Nepal
and the economic prosperity of a country.
5 Even though I got a pay rise last year, I still find it difficult to b What could you say to the volunteer about … ?
make ends meet. • practical preparation learn local customs
6 My grandparents used to be relatively well off, but they lost all • psychological preparation
their money in bad investments. • positive impact of volunteers
7 He lives with his parents and pays no bills, so he has a lot of • negative impact of volunteers
disposable income. • likely personal development and life skills
8 In the most deprived areas of the city, unemployment stands at
around 50% and social problems are rife. c Tell a partner about the person you chose
9 We can’t go on using our credit cards all the time. We have to in 6a and what you would say to them about
learn to live within our means. volunteering.
10 They lost everything they had in the flood and were
left destitute.

3B I WAS EXPECTING Learn to describe journeys and landscapes
G Future in the past; Narrative tenses

IT TO BE TOUGH V Landscape features

1 READING AND GRAMMAR Future in the past
Look at the journey on the map. What do you think it
would be like? Talk about:
on the Mano river
• what you’d expect to see • skills needed
• people you might meet • possible risks.

b Read what Will Millard says about his journey. Answer

the questions.
1 Why does Will describe the forest as a one-off environment ?
2 Why did Will take the trip? How did he travel? Why do you think
he chose to travel that way?
3 What would you look forward to on a trip like this? What wouldn’t
you look forward to?

c Look at the underlined event in the article. Complete each

sentence below with a phrase from the box. There is one
phrase you do not need to use. My dream journey became a reality when I received a grant
from the Royal Geographical Society to explore the Moro
in the future ​in progress ​in the past and Mano rivers. The grant was intended to cover expenses,
radio training and equipment to record my expedition for
When Will arrived in Sierra Leone, this event was . BBC Radio 4. I was planning to start at the top of the Gola
When Will wrote the article, this event was . Forest and make the first descent of the river border of
Sierra Leone and Liberia, right through a chunk of Africa’s
d Underline six more examples of the future in the past in most threatened jungle environment — one of the last
the article. What four verb forms does Will use? untouched wildernesses of the Upper Guinean forest belt.
More than a quarter of Africa’s total mammal species are
e Think of other things that Will might have considered found in the belt, with bizarre creatures such as the pygmy
before his trip. Write sentences using the future in the past. hippopotamus found nowhere else on Earth. The need to
I knew that it was going to be difficult. protect what still remains of this one-off environment could
I was hoping to see some elephants. not be more critical.
In Sierra Leone, the Gola Forest is already designated a
f What do you think will make Will’s journey difficult national park, but I wanted to find out what life in the heart
and dangerous? of a tropical rainforest was really like, so I was going to
paddle down these rivers, hopefully as far as
2 VOCABULARY Landscape features the sea. I knew that, although I would
be in radio contact, I would be on
a What do the highlighted words in the article mean? Which my own in one of the most remote
two words are very similar? How are they different? Use a forests in West Africa, and I
dictionary to help you. would be separated from
the outside world by dense
b Complete the collocations below with the words and tropical vegetation. I was
phrases in the box. Check your answers in the article. expecting it to be tough, but
in fact it was to become one
a tropical a remote the heart of the dense an untouched of the most difficult and
dangerous journeys I have
1 rainforest 3 f og 5 area ever made.
capital vegetation forest
jungle undergrowth village
2 rainforest 4  ilderness
storm forest
island plate of food
c Now go to Vocabulary Focus 3B on p. 160.


a 03.06 You are going to hear Will Millard a You are going to read about how Will got malaria
describing his trip. Listen to five sounds from the while he was still in the rainforest. Before you read, discuss
recording. What do you think each sound is? these questions.
1 Why would this be particularly dangerous?
b Now listen to the whole recording and
03.07 2 What do you think his symptoms were?
check your ideas in 3a. 3 What would he need to do in order to survive?

c 03.07 Look at pictures 1–5 below of the things b Read the text. Check your answers in 4a.
from Will’s trip down the river. Listen again and
summarise what he says about each one. c Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Why is rafting down rivers a good way to see wildlife?
Learning Tip 2 How did he know there were chimpanzees nearby? How close did
When listening, there may be words you don’t know. You he get to seeing them?
can either ignore them or guess roughly what they mean 3 What was he planning to do when he got to the coast?
from the context. 4 What made him take his symptoms seriously?
Just at the end of the day there was quite a large cataract, 5 He says he ‘survived thanks to a mix of luck, exceptional local
and I didn’t really fancy taking it on till tomorrow … support and money’. What events and facts do you think Will is
He’s rafting on a jungle river, so we can guess that a referring to in this sentence?
cataract is some feature of this environment that is
difficult to get past.

d Read the sentences below from the listening.

I love rafting in rainforests …
Underline examples of the informal conversational This near silent method of travel gives you an unencumbered and
style that Will Millard uses. discreet approach, perfect for radio, but rivers are also among the best
1 Thanks, mate. possible places to spot wildlife returning from the forest depths to
2 Managed to just get my camp sorted. feed, drink and socialise. This section of the Upper Guinean was one
3 I didn’t really fancy taking it on till tomorrow. of the finest forests I had ever experienced. It was a storybook jungle,
4 I guess I’ll find out. teeming with life.
5 If I lose the raft, I’m finished. For a couple of days I had been hearing primates everywhere – in the
How could you express the sentences in a more banksides, up the trees, behind distant ridges, but never quite close
neutral style? enough to see. At dawn I’d hear the piercing, screaming call of a chimp,
but it was impossibly far away. The last hour of light would often bring a
e 03.08 Pronunciation Listen again to part of what flash of fur, a scuffle in the bushes, a warning shriek, but nothing more.
Will says. Notice how he pronounces the words in After ten days on the river, I believed I was through the worst and
bold. Practise saying the phrases a–c. started to think about the finish line – where the river enters the
a … hit this big rock … Atlantic – and all the fried and liquid-based treats that would be waiting
b … just managed to get control of it again … for me at the nearest village.
c … it’s got my shelter on it … 2
Then I started to get sick. I tried to shrug it off with ibuprofen and fluid,
f What would/wouldn’t you have enjoyed from putting it down to the exertion of paddling daily in the 40°C heat. But as
this part of Will’s journey? my headache developed into a fever I began to fret, not least because
among the last words of warning given to me before heading solo
into the bush was the tale of a European woman who had complained
of flu-like symptoms, not gone
directly to hospital, and
died of an undiagnosed
haemorrhagic fever 48
hours later. I desperately
needed to make contact
with someone on the
1 a dragonfly
2 a fish eagle and a catfish

3 a hammock

4 rapids

d Discuss the questions. 5 GRAMMAR Narrative tenses
1 How well do you think Will coped with the experience?
Would you have coped as well as he did? a Read sentences 1–7. What is each verb form in bold?
2 Do you think what he did was worthwhile? Why / Why not? Why is that particular verb form used?
past simple past continuous
e Language in context Descriptive verbs past perfect past perfect continuous
past simple passive past perfect passive
Match the highlighted words and phrases in the
would + infinitive
text with the meanings below.
a r ub against a hard surface (in order to make 1 For a couple of days, I had been hearing primates
a powder) everywhere …
b contain large numbers of living creatures 2 At dawn I’d hear the piercing, screaming call of a chimp …
c pull something heavy 3 My headache had worsened to the point that I could barely
d physically support keep my eyes open …
e bend down with knees bent 4 … and the pain in my joints was bordering on the
f pull off, like a skin spectacular.
g treat something as if it is not important 5 … Tolo, which had been written on my map in felt tip …
h worry (v.) 6 My gear was divided up, and I was hauled through the
i call someone to be present forest to the nearest village with a motorbike …
7 I survived thanks to a mix of luck, exceptional local support
and money.

b Now go to Grammar Focus 3B on p. 143.

Sierra Leone bank and find my way to the road, the hospital and
proper treatment. c How does using a different tense change the
In the morning, I started to paddle out. My headache had worsened meanings of these sentences?
to the point that I could barely keep my eyes open in daylight, 1 For a couple of days, I had heard / had been hearing
and the pain in my joints was bordering on the spectacular. My primates everywhere.
bones felt like they were grinding to dust with every movement. 2 At dawn, I heard / ’d hear the piercing, screaming call of
a chimp.
I had GPS marks for all of the villages along the river but one –
3 The chief was / was being summoned.
Tolo, which had been written on my map in felt tip by one of the
Gola Rainforest National Park researchers. It was by far the closest
settlement – only a three-hour paddle downstream. The river was 6 WRITING AND SPEAKING
much wider and calmer. I was dropping out of the heavy forest and
knew I just had to hang on. […] a Look at the first line of each paragraph in I love
rafting in rainforests and answer the questions.
At noon, a gap in the forest revealed a lone figure – a woman,
crouched down washing her clothes. I was drifting by this point, 1 How do all the paragraphs (except two) start?
2 Which paragraphs start differently? What are the purposes
almost incapable of going through the motions of the strokes.
of these paragraphs?
I remember her shouting, then multiple hands on me as I was
6 7
peeled from my raft. I was propped up on a tree-stump stool b Think about an adventurous journey you have been
against a mud-brick house. The chief was summoned. I might have on, or one you have seen in a film / on TV or read
been the first Westerner to arrive in the village in such a condition, about. Here are some ideas:
but this place was no stranger to what to do with people carrying • a visit to a wild or remote place
my symptoms. My gear was divided up, and I was hauled through • falling ill far from home
the forest to the nearest village with a motorbike, then on to the • travelling by an unusual form of transport
roadside and eventually to a hospital. • being alone in an unfamiliar place.
I survived thanks to a mix of luck, exceptional local support and
money. An estimated half a million African people will not be so c Write an article about the journey. Use narrative
fortunate this year. tenses and descriptive vocabulary. Describe:
1 plans that were made
2 expectations before the trip
3 when the main events happened and what happened
4 personal feelings during and after the trip.
I had been looking forward to going to Australia for
months …
Last summer, I was staying with friends in Paris …

d Work in pairs. Practise telling the story.

5 a raft
e Work in groups. Tell the story to the others and
answer any questions.
Learn to write
Learn an email and
to paraphrase with summarise
travel advice


W S Paraphrase summarise in informal
To cut a long story short P Consonant clusters across two words

a Have you ever seen or heard a live Consonant clusters across two words
broadcast that went wrong? What happened?
a Listen to the words and phrases in the box.
b Discuss the questions. Underline the letters which correspond to the consonant
1 What’s happening in picture a? clusters given afterwards. Notice that consonant clusters
2 What questions do you think Oscar will ask Max can occur within a word or across two words.
during the interview?
explorers /kspl/ ​space travel /str/ ​aliens look /nzl/ ​
long story /ŋst/ ​bestseller /sts/
c 03.10Watch or listen to Part 1 and check
your answers.
b 03.12 Match phrases 1–7 with consonant clusters
d 03.10Watch or listen to Part 1 again and across two words a–g below. Listen and check your
choose one true ending for each sentence. answers. Practise saying the phrases.
1 The inhabitants of the remote planet in Max’s book 1 deep space a /kspl/
are aliens who … 2 dense jungle b /lθkr/
a look very different from humans. 3 Max Redwood c /ksr/
b look like humans but have a different culture. 4 science fiction d /nsf/
c want to explore other planets. 5 six planets e /nsdʒ/
2 Oscar suggests that Max’s ideas might come from 6 tourism statistics f /psp/
… 7 wealth creation g /mst/
a his experiences while travelling.
b another science fiction novelist. c 03.13Listen to the pronunciation of the phrases in
c experiences in his childhood. groups 1 and 2. In which group can you hear the
3 Oscar suggests that Max’s next book … letters in bold clearly?
a will be published in the near future.
b will be a sequel to Solar Wind. 1 /t/ or /d/ before a 2 /t/ or /d/ before a
c will depend on the success of his first book.
a Westgate Street Westgate Avenue
e Discuss the questions. b travelled much travelled a lot
1 How do you think Oscar and Max feel about the c remote planet remote area
success of the interview? Why? d different culture different abilities
2 Have you ever been interviewed for any reason? e Solar Wind 2 Solar Wind 8
How did you feel … ? f top-secret classified top-secret information
• before the interview • afterwards

d Complete the name of each group in the table in 2c

with vowel or consonant.

e Practise saying the phrases in the table in 2c.

Paraphrasing and summarising
a Read the extracts from Parts 1 and 2. Match the
expressions in bold with their uses below.
1 What happens next? Or, to put it another way, when
will Solar Wind 2 be published?
2 All things considered, I think my first and last
radio interview … was a complete and utter
paraphrase = express the same idea in new words
summarise = express only the main point(s)

b 03.16Complete the extracts from Parts 1 and 2

below with the expressions in the box. Listen
and check.

in other words ​in a nutshell ​that is to say ​

to cut a long story short ​what I meant by that was
3 LISTENING 1 And basically, , a group of explorers are
visiting a remote planet …
a Look at picture b and answer the questions.
2 … populated by people, , aliens!
1 What do you think Emma thinks of Max’s radio interview? 3 I was planning a trip across Asia but, well, ,
2 What do you think she will say to Max about it? I had to cancel it
4 So , it all just came from your imagination,
b 03.14 Watch or listen to Part 2. How is Emma then?
dishonest? 5 , you’re not allowed to give any dates yet?

c Complete the sentences with the words

03.14 c Add the expressions from 4a and b to the correct
you heard. Watch or listen to Part 2 again and check. group below.
1 I’m sure it wasn’t that !
2 I’ll never be able to show my again! Paraphrasing Summarising
3 I’ll put on.

d Language in context Exaggerating d Complete the sentences with a suitable expression

1 Complete Max’s exaggerations with the
03.15 for summarising and paraphrasing and your
words in the box. Listen and check. own idea.
1 We had some ups and downs throughout the trip.
outright ​complete and utter ​totally ​blithering
All …
1 It was an disaster! 2 People there spend a lot of time visiting aunts, uncles,
2 I came across as a idiot! cousins, that is …
3 A embarrassment! 3 I had loads of problems on the trip, but to …
4 And my career’s ruined! 4 I’m sorry, I didn’t express myself very clearly. What …
5 The novel is quite long and complicated, but in …
2 Why do you think Max exaggerated about his
interview? In what situations do you think people
choose to exaggerate? Why? 5 SPEAKING
e Discuss the questions.  Communication 3C Work in pairs. Go to p. 129.
1 Do you think it’s better to be kind or to be honest when
people ask your opinion?
2 Have you ever … ?
• told someone a white lie to avoid hurting their feelings
• felt someone has told you a white lie to avoid hurting
your feelings

The view is stunning
Learn to write a travel review
W Descriptive language; Writing briefly

a What is the most rewarding place you’ve been to as a a 03.17 Listen to Roberto and Annie talking
tourist, and what is the most disappointing? Why? about Cusco and answer the questions.
1 What do they say about the places in the photos?
b Read the description of Cusco from a tourist website. 2 What similar points do they make?
How much does it appeal to you as a tourist destination? 3 Do you think that Roberto and Annie would both go
back to Cusco? Why / Why not?

Roberto and Annie use descriptive
phrases to talk about the city. Which phrases
History magic and beauty to do to eat to see to go
do they use? Match the words in boxes A and
B. Then listen again to check.

ancient tiled atmosphere roofs
cobbled well of tourists streets
teeming crowds preserved view
romantic walls
breathtaking with people

c Discuss the questions. Consider the

Historic architecture of Cusco Inca stone walls
issues from the point of view of both residents
and tourists.
It’s no wonder that Cusco, high in the Andes mountains in Peru 1 What are the good and bad effects that tourism can
and a jumping-off point for the wonders of Machu Picchu, is on have on a city like Cusco?
nearly everyone’s list of must-see places in South America. It 2 Do you think popular tourist cities should try to limit
attracts 1.5 million visitors every year and has everything you’d tourists or charge them to see the city?
expect of an Andean city …

a romantic setting in a round valley surrounded by

wild mountains

a historic city centre that you can walk around in a

couple of hours, although you’ll want to stay much,
much longer

a mind-blowing mixture of Inca and Spanish

colonial buildings and dozens of squares
and parks

the magnificent Inca citadel of Sacsayhuamán, with

great views across the city

comfortable accommodation at reasonable prices

a lively and welcoming street life, with shops,

restaurants and atmospheric cafés


Read the traveller’s review. What further information
(beyond the descriptions in the listening) does it Cusco getaway
include about ... ?
We stayed at the Hotel Casa Verde – a small hotel in a quiet area just
• walls and buildings in Cusco
up the hill from the centre. It was fairly basic, but the owners were
• the Inca citadel
very hospitable and really put themselves out for us. Our double
Use your answers in 2a to help you. Underline the room was comfortable and spotlessly clean. To our surprise, it cost
information in the review. just £30 per night, including a delicious breakfast with fresh fruit,
eggs and excellent coffee.
4 WRITING SKILLS Descriptive We spent the morning wandering around the city. Really impressive
architecture – massive Inca walls with perfectly interlocking stones
language; Writing briefly which the Spanish used as foundations for their colonial buildings,
a Find words or phrases in the text which could built in slightly forbidding grey stone. Only one problem – it was quite
replace the words in italics below. overrun with tourists (like us!), and the streets near the centre were
full of people selling souvenirs, so they were kind of a nightmare to
1 The owners were very helpful.
get through. We preferred the quieter lanes leading uphill from the
2 Walking along the streets is very difficult.
city centre and found a few pleasant little squares where we could
3 Sacsayhuamán is an attraction you definitely
sit and soak up the atmosphere away from the crowds.
should see.
4 Climbing the steps needed a lot of effort. In the afternoon, we decided to visit Sacsayhuamán, the ruined Inca
5 There are good opportunities to take photos. citadel above the city – a must-see attraction. We set off uphill away
6 The restaurant had traditional food from the country. from the centre, through some quiet cobbled lanes which were lined
7 The food was not too expensive. with little shops and cafés. Then the hill got steeper and the lane
8 The restaurants in the centre are more expensive than turned into flights of steps leading up through a quiet residential
they should be. area. Quite rough at such a high altitude (we had to stop every few
minutes to get our breath back!), but we got to the top eventually.
Writing Tip Great photo ops from the top with views across the whole city and
When writing a description, try to use words that carry a the mountains beyond. The citadel itself is fascinating – massive
more precise or an extra meaning. So instead of through Inca stones which are fitted so perfectly that you can’t get a piece of
some … lanes which had little shops and cafés: paper between them (we tried!), and zigzag walls interspersed with
• through some … lanes which were lined with little shops perfectly proportioned stone doorways. Took hundreds of photos, and
and cafés (extra meaning: they were in lines along the definitely worth the climb up there!
Instead of zigzag walls with stone doorways in them: Then back down to the hotel for a quick shower and something to
• zigzag walls interspersed with stone doorways (more eat. Near the hotel there was a restaurant with authentic cuisine –
precise meaning: they were spaced evenly along the quite a limited menu but very reasonably priced. I had alpaca stew,
walls, between each section of wall) which tasted delicious. A much better option than the overpriced
You can also convey your attitude by using words with a restaurants in the city centre!
positive or a negative meaning. So instead of the city was
full of tourists:
• The city was buzzing with tourists. (= it was full of life; it
was good)
• The city was overrun with tourists. (= there were too
many of them; it was bad)
a Make a list of tourist attractions in the town and
area where you are now. Include:
• attractions you think are worth visiting
b In the review, the writer sometimes omits certain • attractions you think are less worthwhile.
words. What words could you add to these examples
to make complete sentences? b Imagine you spent a day here as a tourist. Choose
1 Only one problem. two or three attractions in the list and write a review.
2 Took hundreds of photos. Include comments on your accommodation and
3 Then back down to the hotel for a quick shower. somewhere you ate, too.

c Find three more examples of words which are c Work with a partner. Look at what you both wrote
omitted. What is the effect of leaving out words in and see how you could improve it by:
this way? • using adjectives and phrases with a stronger positive or
1 It seems more formal. negative meaning
2 It seems less formal and more like conversation. • making some sentences shorter by omitting words.

d Now go to Writing Focus 3D on p. 170. d Read your review to the class. Which reviews do
most people agree with?

UNIT 3 3 WORDPOWER Idioms: Landscapes
a Match the expressions in bold with definitions a–g.
Review and extension 1 A I’m absolutely swamped this week.
B Poor you. Let me know if there’s anything I can do.
2 A We’ve had loads of customers this week.
1 GRAMMAR B It’s great, I know. But we’re not out of the woods yet.
3 A What are you going to say to him?
a Reorder the words to make sentences. B I don’t know. I’ll go over and get the lie of the land first.
4 A How are you coping with the move and the new job?
1 get / plane / was / about / a / John / to / on
B It’s an uphill struggle, but I’m just about managing!
2 you / home / did / her / at / rarely / very / see
5 A It seems like when we talk we’re always getting bogged
3 was / that / thought / faint / Amelia / to / she / going
down with tiny details.
4 account / anyone / told / on / no / be / must
B So you’re not making any progress?
5 next / set / we / early / day / to / were / leave / the
6 A I’ve had cake every afternoon this week!
6 on / go / like / would / I / a / no / trip / way / that
B Be careful! It’s a slippery slope once you start.
7 A I paid £100 off our credit card last month.
b Cross out the verb form that is NOT correct. B That’s just a drop in the ocean though, isn’t it? You told
1 Kevin was leaving / was about to leave / would leave on a me you owed a few thousand.
business trip when he got the call.
2 Originally we planned to take / had been going to take / a a small amount compared to the amount required
would be taking the train. b  a series of events that become out of control and create
3 As soon as we arrived / had arrived / had been arriving, worse problems
we checked in. c free from problems/danger
4 We had used / had been using / used up our supplies and d  wait until you have all the information about a situation
had to find more from somewhere. e  get stuck on a particular point and be unable to
5 Our room was terrible, and I had been complaining / might make progress
complain / complained to the manager. f be overwhelmed by too much work
6 Travel was / would be / had been cheaper in those days. g when making progress is very difficult

b 03.18Complete the sentences with an idiom

2 VOCABULARY from 3a. Listen and check.
1 I made a small donation, but I know it’s just .
a Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 2 She clearly wants to before she makes any
big decisions.
affluent ​deprived ​destitute ​disposable ​
3 Regaining popular opinion is going to be for
hardship ​means ​prosperity ​well off
the party.
1 This neighbourhood is fairly , so prices are high. 4 We’ve just had some great news from the hospital: Sam’s
2 I don’t really have much income. .
3 You can tell it’s a(n) area by the crime rate. 5 I told her borrowing was . She’s going to have to
4 The floods left many poorer residents . get a second job.
5 I wouldn’t say I’m super-rich, but I am . 6 If you can’t answer a question, don’t it; just move
6 A recession had started, and the years of on to the next one.
were over. 7 Ever since they put the ad out, they’ve completely
7 It is no to live without a car in a big city. with phone calls.
8 We manage to live within our somehow.
c What situation do you think each person in 3b is
b Complete the missing words. talking about?
1 Many species live only in the h t of the rainforest.
2 Anything might be hiding in the dense v n!
3 This is truly an u d wilderness.
The r d coastline is popular with walkers.
Once a year the rains bring the a d desert to life. REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS
6 Tourists come for the p e beaches and gentle sea.
How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2 or 1
7 They say there are alligators in the s p.
for each objective.
3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well

emphasise positive and negative experiences
describe journeys and landscapes
paraphrase and summarise
write a travel review.

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