23001EC01012175B Merged
23001EC01012175B Merged
23001EC01012175B Merged
Sres. HSBC
Comercio Exterior
Ref. OP 136595089 – usd 71.745.62
Ante cualquier inconveniente, por favor dirigirse a Rafael Papaleo por alguna
de las siguientes vías:
- Mail: [email protected]
- Tel: 6311 – 6527
PLANTA INDUSTRIAL: Estab #2062 - Comandante Franco 4901 (B1883GWC), Bernal Oeste, Buenos Aires, Argentina / Tel./Fax: (5411) 6311-6500
Bank account fraud warning: Our bank account details will NOT change during the course of a transaction. If you do receive any
such communication it will be a scam and fraud. Please ignore it and notify us.
Compañia Bernal S.A. will not accept liability if you transfer money to an incorrect account. Please double check - our only valid
email domain is @ciaber.com do not reply to any other account.