Through The Lens of Core Competency: Survey On Evaluation of Large Language Models

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Through the Lens of Core Competency: Survey on Evaluation of Large

Language Models
Ziyu Zhuang, Qiguang Chen, Longxuan Ma, Mingda Li, Yi Han, Yushan Qian,
Haopeng Bai, Zixian Feng, Weinan Zhang∗, Ting Liu
Research Center for Social Computing and Information Retrieval,
Harbin Institute of Technology
{zyzhuang, qgchen, lxma, mdli, yihan, ysqian, hpbai, zxfeng, wnzhang, tliu}

arXiv:2308.07902v1 [cs.CL] 15 Aug 2023

From pre-trained language model (PLM) to large language model (LLM), the field of natural
language processing (NLP) has witnessed steep performance gains and wide practical uses. The
evaluation of a research field guides its direction of improvement. However, LLMs are extremely
hard to thoroughly evaluate for two reasons. First of all, traditional NLP tasks become inade-
quate due to the excellent performance of LLM. Secondly, existing evaluation tasks are difficult
to keep up with the wide range of applications in real-world scenarios. To tackle these problems,
existing works proposed various benchmarks to better evaluate LLMs. To clarify the numerous
evaluation tasks in both academia and industry, we investigate multiple papers concerning LLM
evaluations. We summarize 4 core competencies of LLM, including reasoning, knowledge, relia-
bility, and safety. For every competency, we introduce its definition, corresponding benchmarks,
and metrics. Under this competency architecture, similar tasks are combined to reflect corre-
sponding ability, while new tasks can also be easily added into the system. Finally, we give our
suggestions on the future direction of LLM’s evaluation.

1 Introduction
Large language models(LLMs) have achieved great progresses in many areas. One representative, Chat-
GPT0 , which applies the ability of LLMs in the form of dialogue, has received much attention due to its
incredible versatility such as creative writing, coding, planning, etc. The evaluation of such a model thus
becomes necessary to benchmark and build up its ability while preventing potential harmfulness.
Existing works on the evaluation of LLMs can be divided into three paradigms. The first line of work is
evaluating LLMs with traditional NLP tasks like dialogue, summarization, etc. Since LLMs are actually
pre-trained language models(PLMs) with huge model parameter size and data size (Kaplan et al., 2020),
benchmarks like GLUE (Wang et al., 2019b), SuperGLUE (Wang et al., 2019a) can be adopted to eval-
uate its language understanding ability. The problem is that LLMs work really well on less restrictive
tasks like translation, summarization, and natural language understanding tasks. Sometimes LLMs gen-
erated outputs’ third-party scores are even higher than human generations (Liang et al., 2022), showing
the need for higher-quality tasks. Secondly, advanced ability evaluations are proposed to completely
test language models. The parameter size difference between LLMs and PLMs brings an amazing phe-
nomenon, emergence (Wei et al., 2022a; Srivastava et al., 2022), which means that scaled models exhibit
abilities that are not possessed in small-scaled language models. For instance, in tasks like reasoning,
and tool manipulation, the correlation curve between the number of model parameters and the task effect
is non-linear. And the effect will rise sharply when the model parameter exceeds a certain parameter
scale. They’re called ”advanced” because they’re more closely related to human abilities and harder for
models to complete (Zhong et al., 2023). Thirdly, test language models’ intrinsic abilities independent of
the specific tasks. It can be tested in parallel with almost every task above. Robustness is a classic abil-

*Corresponding author
©2023 China National Conference on Computational Linguistics
Published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Computational Linguistics

ity in this paradigm. Due to the black-box nature of neural networks (Szegedy et al., 2014), robustness
problems exist for every modality of input data(vision, audio, test, etc.).
Current evaluation benchmarks (Liang et al., 2022; Srivastava et al., 2022; Gao et al., 2021;
Zhong et al., 2023; Li et al., 2023a) are mostly a mixture of the former three paradigms. They
emphasize a complete system of evaluation tasks, in which all tasks are of equal importance. But the
significance of marginal increases in model effects on tasks with excellent performance is debatable.
Thus numerous evaluation tasks and benchmarks are proposed to follow and challenge the ever-evolving
LLMs, while, oddly, seldom being reviewed in a systematic way. How to link numerous tasks and
benchmarks, better present the evaluation results, and thus facilitate the research of LLMs is an urgent
An ideal large language model needs to be capable, reliable, and safe (Ouyang et al., 2022). One surely
needs extensive tests on multiple datasets to meet these miscellaneous standards. Moreover, to avoid
the prevalent training set leakage, test sets also should be updated regularly (Huang et al., 2023). This is
similar to the competency (Hoffmann, 1999) tests adopted in corporate recruitment. In competency tests,
different task sets are combined to test the corresponding competency. And task sets also need renewal
to prevent possible fraud.
In this survey, we draw on the concept of the core competency to integrate multiple evaluation
research for LLMs. We investigated 540+ tasks widely used in various papers, aggregating tasks corre-
sponding to a certain competency. During this process, 4 core competencies are summarized, including
knowledge, reasoning, reliability, and safety. We will introduce the definition, taxonomy, and metrics
for these competencies. Through this competency test, superabundant evaluation tasks and benchmarks
are combed and clarified for their aiming utility. Furthermore, the evaluation results presented with this
procedure will be direct, concise, and focused. Updated new tasks can also be added comprehensively.
To support the community in taking this competency test further, We also create an extensible project,
which will show the many-to-many relationship between competencies and tasks precisely1 . Due to the
length of the paper, we can only present part of the surveyed results in this paper. A more comprehensive
study will be released in a later version.

2 Core Competencies
In this section, we introduce the definition and taxonomy of the core competencies we summarized.
2.1 Knowledge
Knowledge is generally defined as the cognition of humans when practicing in the subjective and objec-
tive world, which is verified and can be reused over time2 . The large language models (LLMs) nowadays
obtain human knowledge from a large scale of training corpus, so that it can use the knowledge to solve
various downstream tasks. In this section, we focus on the fundamental knowledge competency of LLMs
that facilitates communication and other downstream tasks (such as reasoning). Specifically, we divide
the fundamental knowledge into linguistic knowledge and world knowledge (Day et al., 1998) and in-
troduce the definitions of them and the benchmarks that can evaluate them.
2.1.1 Linguistic Knowledge Competency
Linguistic knowledge includes grammatical, semantic, and pragmatic knowledge (Fromkin et al., 2018).
The grammar of a natural language is its set of structural constraints on speakers’ or writers’ composi-
tion of clauses, phrases, and words. The term can also refer to the study of such constraints, a field that
includes domains such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, se-
mantics, and pragmatics. Semantic (Austin, 1975) studies the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences,
focusing on general meanings rather than on what an individual speaker may want them to mean. Prag-
matics (Austin, 1975) studies language use and how listeners bridge the gap between sentence meaning
and the speaker’s meaning. It is concerned with the relationship between semantic meaning, the context
of use, and the speaker’s meaning.
Computational Linguistics

Dataset Knowledge Category LLM evaluated Task Format Lang

BLiMP grammatical MT-NLG;BLOOM Classification En
linguistic mappings grammar/syntax Gopher;Chinchilla;FLAN-T5;GLM;etc. Generation En
minute mysteries qa semantic Gopher;Chinchilla;FLAN-T5;GLM;etc. Generation/QA En
metaphor boolean pragmatic/semantic Gopher;Chinchilla;FLAN-T5;GLM;etc. Classification En
LexGLUE domain BLOOM Multiple choice En
WikiFact world BLOOM Generation En
TruthfulQA world GPT-3/InstructGPT/GPT-4 Generation En
HellaSwag commonsense GPT-3/InstructGPT/GPT-4 Generation En

Table 1: Datasets that are used to evaluate the knowledge Competency of LLMs.

The Linguistic Knowledge competency is embodied in almost all NLP tasks, researchers usually de-
sign specific scenarios to test the linguistic competency of LLMs. Some examples are shown in the
upper group of Table 1. BLiMP (Warstadt et al., 2020) evaluates what language models (LMs) know
about major grammatical phenomena. Linguistic mappings 3 task aims to explore the depth of linguistic
knowledge in enormous language models trained on word prediction. It aims to discover whether such
knowledge is structured so as to support the use of grammatical abstractions, both morphological (past
tense formation and pluralization) and syntactic (question formation, negation, and pronominalization).
The minute mysteries qa 4 is a reading comprehension task focusing on short crime and mystery stories
where the goal is to identify the perpetrator and to explain the reasoning behind the deduction and the
clues that support it. The metaphor boolean 5 task presents a model with a metaphoric sentence and asks
it to identify whether a second sentence is the correct interpretation of the first. The last three are selected
from BIG-Bench (Srivastava et al., 2022), containing diverse task topics including linguistics.
2.1.2 World Knowledge Competency
World knowledge is non-linguistic information that helps a reader or listener interpret the meanings of
words and sentences (Ovchinnikova, 2012). It is also referred to as extra-linguistic knowledge. In this
paper, we categorize world knowledge into general knowledge and domain knowledge. The general
knowledge includes commonsense knowledge (Davis, 2014) and prevalent knowledge. The common-
sense knowledge consists of world facts, such as ”Lemons are sour”, or ”Cows say moo”, that most
humans are expected to know. The prevalent knowledge exists at a particular time or place. For ex-
ample, ”Chinese people are used to drinking boiled water.” is only known by a part of human beings;
”There were eight planets in the solar system” is prevalent knowledge until it is overthrown. The domain
knowledge (Alexander, 1992) is of a specific, specialized discipline or field, in contrast to general or
domain-independent knowledge. People who have domain knowledge, are often considered specialists
or experts in the field.
The bottom group of Table 1 shows some task examples that are used for testing world knowledge. For
example, the LexGLUE (Chalkidis et al., 2022) tests whether LLMs perform well in the legal domain;
WikiFact (Yasunaga et al., 2022) is a fact completion scenario that tests language models’ factual knowl-
edge based on Wikipedia. The input will be a partial sentence such as “The capital of France is ”, and
the output will be the continuation of the sentence such as “Paris”; TruthfulQA (Lin et al., 2022b) com-
prises questions spanning numerous categories including economics, science, and law. The questions are
strategically chosen so humans may also incorrectly answer them based on misconceptions and biases;
language models should ideally return accurate and truthful responses; HellaSwag (Zellers et al., 2019)
tests commonsense inference and was created through adversarial filtering to synthesize wrong answers.
The World knowledge competency, along with linguistic knowledge, serves as the foundation for solving
different NLP tasks and is one of the core competencies of LLMs.

2.2 Reasoning
Reasoning competency is a crucial skill for LLMs to solve complex problems. What’s more, from the
perspective of intelligent agents, reasoning ability is also one of the core capabilities towards achieving
3 tasks/linguistic mappings
4 tasks/minute mysteries qa
5 tasks/metaphor boolean
Computational Linguistics

Dataset Reasoning Competency LLM evaluated Task Format Lang

COPA Causal/Commonsense* UL2;Deberta;GLaM;GPT3;PaLM;etc. Classification En
Mathematical Induction Induction/Mathematical* Gopher;Chinchilla;FLAN-T5;GLM;etc. Generation En
Synthetic Reasoning Abduction/Deduction HELM Multiple choice En
SAT Analogy Analogical GPT-3 Multiple choice En
StrategyQA Multi-hop/Commonsense* Gopher;Chinchilla;FLAN-T5;GLM;etc. Classification En
GSM8K Mathematical* BLOOM;LLaMA;GPT-4;MT-NLG Generation En
ToTTo Structured Data* UL2 Generation En

Table 2: Datasets that are used to evaluate the reasoning competency of LLMs. * represents a specific
reasoning scenario.

AGI (Bubeck et al., 2023; Qiao et al., 2022). However, there remains no consensus whether LLMs can
really reason, or just simply produce a larger context that increases the likelihood of correctly predicting
the missing tokens (Mialon et al., 2023). Although ”reasoning” itself may currently be an excuse of
language, we can still objectively verify the reasoning performance of LLMs through various reasoning
competencies. Previous methods mainly focus on the division of reasoning tasks. Yu et al. (2023) divides
existing evaluation tasks into three major categories, namely knowledge reasoning, symbolic reasoning,
and mathematical reasoning, based on the type of logic and evidence involved in the reasoning process.
Zhao et al. (2023) divides reasoning tasks into deductive reasoning and defeasible reasoning according
to the reasoning form. In this section, we decompose the reasoning competency into 6 sub-parts from
the perspective of model competency, providing a comprehensive overview of existing research efforts
and suggesting potential future directions. And Table 2 presents some datasets for evaluating LLM’s
reasoning competency using this categorization approach.

2.2.1 Causal Reasoning Competency

Causal reasoning competency is a highly significant cognitive ability aimed at inferring causal-
ity through the observation of cause-effect relationships (Vowels et al., 2023; Dündar-Coecke, 2022;
Chan et al., 2023). It enables us to comprehend and explain the relationships between events, variables,
and actions, ultimately empowering us to make informed predictions and decisions (Gao et al., 2023).
The benchmarks Causal-TimeBank (Mirza et al., 2014), StoryLine (Caselli and Vossen, 2017), and
MAVEN-ERE (Wang et al., 2022c) aim to test the existence of causal relationships between two events
in sentences. COPA (Gordon et al., 2012) and XCOPA (Ponti et al., 2020) are evaluation benchmarks
for extracting causal relationships in sentences, consisting of a set of premises and possible causes or
effects. Tested systems are required to apply commonsense knowledge to identify the correct answers.
e-CARE (Du et al., 2022) and CALM-Bench (Dalal et al., 2023) introduce a set of causal querying tasks
to evaluate models, which include a cause and several potential effect sentences. Additionally, an anno-
tated and interpretable causal reasoning dataset is provided for these tasks.

2.2.2 Deduction Reasoning Competency

In the era of Large Language Models (LLMs), deductive reasoning abilities serve as the foundational
skills for logical reasoning (Evans, 2002). Unlike traditional rule-based deductive reasoning systems, it
involves deriving specific conclusions or answers from general and universally applicable premises using
given rules and logic. Specifically, it manifests as a process of Zero-Shot Chain-of-Thought utilizing
given rules (Lyu et al., 2023; Kojima et al., 2022). For instance, (Kojima et al., 2022) introduced the
“Let’s think step by step” prompt technique to better evaluate the Deduction Reasoning Competency.
Current testing of this ability often intertwines with other skills and still lacks an independent evalu-
ation on typical text (Clark et al., 2020) and symbol-related (Wu et al., 2021) deductive datasets. How-
ever, in general, almost all QA tasks can be explicitly evaluated for Deduction Reasoning using the
Chain-of-Thought (CoT) approach. Therefore, the effectiveness of models’ Deduction Reasoning Com-
petency can be to some extent reflected by evaluating the performance of QA tasks after applying the
CoT method.
Computational Linguistics

2.2.3 Induction Reasoning Competency

In contrast to deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning aims to derive conclusions from specific obser-
vations to general principles (Yang et al., 2022; Olsson et al., 2022). In recent years, a new paradigm
of Induction Reasoning has been proposed by (Cheng et al., 2023), which requires models to generate
general-purpose program code to solve a class of problems based on given contextual questions and a
specific question. For example, Cheng et al. (2023), Jiang et al. (2023) and Surı́s et al. (2023) induced
general principle-based solutions by generalizing each question into a universal executable language.
Therefore, for competency evaluation, while DEER (Yang et al., 2022) and Mathematical Induction
(BIGBench Split (Srivastava et al., 2022)) took the first step in inductive reasoning, we still hope to
establish a more systematic and comprehensive benchmark for evaluating this capability. Recently,
Bills et al. (2023) has tested the inductive ability of GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023) to evaluate its effectiveness
in inducing patterns that are difficult for humans to express clearly. Intriguingly, Mankowitz et al. (2023)
used some techniques to evaluate the extent to which LLM can mine previously unknown patterns.
2.2.4 Abduction Reasoning Competency
Abduction Reasoning Competency encompasses the task of providing explanations for the output gen-
erated based on given inputs (Kakas and Michael, 2020). This form of reasoning is particularly critical
in scenarios where uncertainty or incomplete information exists, enabling systems to generate hypothe-
ses and make informed decisions based on the available evidence. Notably, the research conducted
by LIREx (Zhao and Vydiswaran, 2021) and STaR (Zelikman et al., 2022) delved into the Abduction
Reasoning Competency of models and demonstrated the effectiveness of rationales provided during the
Abduction Reasoning process in facilitating improved learning in downstream models.
In terms of datasets within the LLM setting, the benchmarks HUMMINGBIRD (Mathew et al., 2021)
and HateXplain (Hayati et al., 2021) require models to output word-level textual segments as ex-
planations for sentiment classification results. On the other hand, benchmarks such as Wik-
iQA (Yang et al., 2015), HotpotQA (Yang et al., 2018), and SciFact (Wadden et al., 2020) provide
sentence-level coarse-grained textual segments as explanations for model classification results.
ERASER (DeYoung et al., 2020) and FineIEB (Wang et al., 2022b) provide benchmarks for evaluating
Abduction Reasoning with diverse granularity explanations. Based on previous research, Synthetic Rea-
soning (Liang et al., 2022) provides a comprehensive evaluation of both Deduction Reasoning and Ab-
duction Reasoning Competency. Moreover, Hessel et al. (2022) introduced the first comprehensive mul-
timodal benchmark for testing Abduction Reasoning capabilities, providing a solid foundation for future
advancements in this domain. Recently, Bills et al. (2023) evaluate GPT-4 by observing the activation of
neurons in GPT-2 and offering explanations for the GPT-2’s outputs. This research avenue also presents
a novel approach for exploring the future evaluation of Abduction Reasoning Competency.
2.2.5 Analogical Reasoning Competency
Analogy reasoning competency encompasses the ability of reasoning by identifying and applying simi-
larities between diverse situations or domains. It is based on the assumption that similar cases or objects
tend to exhibit common attributes or behaviors. By recognizing these similarities, analogy reasoning
enables systems to transfer knowledge or experience from one context to another (Sinha et al., 2019;
Wei et al., 2022b). This type of reasoning plays a vital role in problem-solving, decision-making, and
learning from past experiences. A typical example is In-Context-Learning (Dong et al., 2023), where the
model is required to perform analogical reasoning based on given contexts, which are evaluated based
on the final analogical results.
For a better assessment and understanding of the model’s analogical reasoning ability,
Brown et al. (2020) introduces SAT Analogies as a test to evaluate LLM’s analogical reasoning capa-
bilities. In recent years, Authorship Verification and ARC datasets (Srivastava et al., 2022) have also
proposed evaluation benchmark that involve presenting contextual examples and requiring the model to
produce induced pattern-compliant results. However, it should be noted that In-Context Learning (ICL)
can be utilized for almost all tasks, enabling the evaluation of models’ Analogical Reasoning Compe-
tency to some extent through the assessment of their performance after undergoing ICL.
Computational Linguistics

2.2.6 Multi-hop Reasoning Competency

Multi-hop reasoning refers to the ability to combine and integrate information from multiple sources or
contexts to arrive at logical conclusions. This competency of reasoning enables systems to retrieve coher-
ent and comprehensive answers by traversing multiple pieces of information, thus performing complex
tasks of information retrieval, comprehension, and reasoning (Wang et al., 2022a; Qiu et al., 2019).
Currently, HotpotQA (Yang et al., 2018) serves as a commonly used dataset for multi-hop question
answering tasks. Expanding on this, Ye and Durrett (2022) introduced a new and demanding subset
that aimed to achieve a balance between accurate and inaccurate predictions using their model. Simi-
larly, StrategyQA (Geva et al., 2021) is another widely used benchmark for multi-hop question answer-
ing (Wei et al., 2022b), where the required reasoning steps are implicit in the questions and should be
inferred using strategies.
2.2.7 Reasoning in Scenarios
Commonsense Reasoning Commonsense reasoning is crucial for machines to achieve human-like
understanding and interaction with the world in the field of machine intelligence (Storks et al., 2019;
Bhargava and Ng, 2022). The ability to comprehend and apply commonsense knowledge enables ma-
chines to make accurate predictions, engage in logical reasoning, and navigate complex social situations.
OpenBookQA (Mihaylov et al., 2018) provides a foundational test for evaluating Common-
sense Reasoning abilities in the form of an open-book exam. Building upon this, Common-
senseQA (Talmor et al., 2019) requires models to employ rich world knowledge for reasoning tasks.
PIQA (Bisk et al., 2020) introduces a dataset for testing models’ understanding of physical world
commonsense reasoning. StrategyQA (Geva et al., 2021) presents a complex benchmark that re-
quires commonsense-based multi-step/multi-hop reasoning, enabling a better exploration of the up-
per limits of models’ Commonsense Reasoning Competency. Currently, due to early research on
LLM (Wei et al., 2022b), CommonsenseQA (Talmor et al., 2019) remains the most widely used bench-
mark for commonsense reasoning.
Mathematical Reasoning Mathematical reasoning competency is crucial for general intelligent sys-
tems. It empowers intelligent systems with the capability of logical reasoning, problem-solving, and
data manipulation and analysis, thereby facilitating the development and application of intelligent sys-
tems (Qiao et al., 2022; Mishra et al., 2022b; Mishra et al., 2022a).
Early evluation studies focused on small datasets of elementary-level mathematical word
problems (MWPs) (Hosseini et al., 2014), but subsequent research aimed to increase com-
plexity and scale (Srivastava et al., 2022; Brown et al., 2020). Furthermore, recent bench-
marks (Mishra et al., 2022b; Mishra et al., 2022a) have provided comprehensive evaluation platforms
and benchmarks for mathematical reasoning abilities. GSM8K (Cobbe et al., 2021) aims to evalu-
ate elementary school MWPs. Currently, due to early research efforts on LLMs (Wei et al., 2022b),
it remains the most widely used benchmark for mathematical reasoning in the LLM evalua-
tion. Moreover, There have been recent advancements in evaluation research that explore math-
ematical reasoning competency integrating external knowledge, leveraging language diversity for
multilingual evaluation (Shi et al., 2023), and testing mathematical reasoning on multi-modal set-
ting (Lindström and Abraham, 2022), aiming to judge the broader data reasoning capabilities of large
language models (LLMs).
Structured Data Reasoning Structured data reasoning involves the ability to reason and derive in-
sights and answers from structured data sources, such as structured tabular data (Qiao et al., 2022;
Li et al., 2023b; Xie et al., 2022).
WikiSQL (Zhong et al., 2017) and WikiTQ (Pasupat and Liang, 2015) provide tables as input and
answer questions based on the additional input of questions. HybridQA (Chen et al., 2020b)
and MultiModalQA (Talmor et al., 2021) propose benchmarks for hybrid Structure Reasoning by
combining structured table inputs with text (and even other modalities). Similarly, Multi-
WoZ (Budzianowski et al., 2018), KVRET (Eric et al., 2017) and SQA (Iyyer et al., 2017) integrate ta-
ble data into task-oriented dialogue systems to generate more complex structures and output dialog-
Computational Linguistics

related classifications. Unlike traditional QA, FeTaQA (Nan et al., 2021) requires free-form answers in-
stead of extracting answer spans from passages. ToTTo (Parikh et al., 2020) introduces an open-domain
English table-to-text dataset for Structured Data Reasoning. Additionally, benchmarks such as Tab-
Fact (Chen et al., 2020a) and FEVEROUS (Aly et al., 2021) evaluate whether model statements are con-
sistent with facts mentioned in structured data. In recent years, with a deeper focus on testing models’
mathematical abilities, TabMWP (Lu et al., 2023) introduces a grade-level dataset of table-based mathe-
matical word problems that require mathematical reasoning using both text and table data.

2.3 Reliability
Reliability measures to what extent a human can trust the contents generated by a LLM. It is of vital im-
portance for the deployment and usability of the LLM, and attracts tons of concerns along with the rapid
and astonishing development of recent LLMs (Weidinger et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2022d; Ji et al., 2023;
Zhuo et al., 2023). Lots of concepts are closely related to reliability under the context of LLM, including
but not limited to hallucination, truthfulness, factuality, honesty, calibration, robustness, interpretability
(Lee et al., 2018; Belinkov et al., 2020; Evans et al., 2021; Mielke et al., 2022; Lin et al., 2022b). Relia-
bility also overlaps with the safety and generalization of a LLM (Weidinger et al., 2021). In this section,
we will give an overview of two most concerned directions: Hallucination, Uncertainty and Calibration.

2.3.1 Hallucination
Hallucination is a term often used to describe LLM’s falsehoods, which is the opposite side of truthful-
ness or factuality (Ji et al., 2023; OpenAI, 2023; Bubeck et al., 2023). Hallucination is always catego-
rized into intrinsic (close domain) hallucination and extrinsic (open domain) hallucination (Ji et al., 2023;
OpenAI, 2023). Intrinsic hallucination refers to the unfaithfulness of the model output to a given con-
text, while extrinsic hallucination refers to the untruthful contents about the world generated by the model
without reference to a given source.
Early research on hallucination mainly focused on the intrinsic hallucination and lots of interesting
metrics were proposed to evaluate the intrinsic hallucination level of a PTM (Ji et al., 2023). However,
Bang et al. (2023) claimed that intrinsic hallucination was barely found after conducting a comprehen-
sive analysis of ChatGPT’s responses. Hence for LLM, the extrinsic hallucination is of the greatest
concern. To evaluate the extrinsic hallucination potential of a LLM, a common practice is to leverage
knowledge-intensive tasks such as Factual Question Answering (Joshi et al., 2017; Zheng et al., 2023) or
Knowledge-grounded Dialogue (Dinan et al., 2019b; Das et al., 2022). TruthfulQA (Lin et al., 2022b) is
the most popular dataset used to quantify hallucination level of a LLM. This dataset is adversarially
constructed to exploit the weakness of LLM, which contained 817 questions that span 38 categories.
OpenAI (2023) leveraged real-world data flagged as non-factual to construct an adversarial dataset to
test GPT-4’s hallucination potential. BIG-bench (Srivastava et al., 2022), a famous benchmark to evalu-
ate LLM’s capabilities, also contains many sub-tasks on factual correctness including TruthfulQA. Al-
though most of these tasks are multiple choices or classification in a fact verification(Thorne et al., 2018)
manner, they are closely associated with truthfulness and can be regarded as a generalized hallucination

2.3.2 Uncertainty and Calibration

A reliable and trustworthy Language model must have the capability to accurately articulate its level
of confidence over its response, which requires the model to be aware of its uncertainty. A model that
can precisely measure its own uncertainty is sometimes called self-aware, honesty or known-unknown
(Kadavath et al., 2022; Yin et al., 2023). In general deep learning applications, calibration concerns
about the uncertainty estimation of a classifier. Output probability from a well-calibrated classifier are
supposed to be consistent with the empirical accuracy in real world (Vaicenavicius et al., 2019). HELM
(Liang et al., 2022) treated calibration as one of general metrics and comprehensively evaluated the cal-
ibration degree of many prevailing models on multiple choice and classification tasks. (OpenAI, 2023)
also showed that GPT-4 before RLHF was well-calibrated on multiple choice tasks, although the decent
calibration degree was compromised significantly by post-training.
Computational Linguistics

Dataset Safety Category LLM evaluated Task Format Lang

RealToxicityPrompts Harmful Contents InstructGPT;LLaMA;Flan-PaLM;GPT-4;BLOOM Generation En
BAD Harmful Contents - Generation En
CrowS-Pairs Social Bias LLaMA;MT-NLG;InstructGPT;Pythia Generatio En
French CrowS-Pairs Social Bias MT-NLG Generation Fr
StereoSet Social Bias - Multiple choice En

Table 3: Datasets used to evaluate the safety competency of LLMs.

when it comes to free-form generation, it’s a different story. Kuhn et al. (2023) pointed out that se-
mantic nature of language and intractable output space guaranteed the uniqueness of free-form gener-
ation. They proposed an algorithm to cluster model outputs and then estimate the model uncertainty.
Mielke et al. (2022) claimed that models always express confidence over incorrect answers and pro-
posed the notion of linguistic calibration, which teached models to verbally express uncertainty rather
than estimating a probability. Lin et al. (2022a) trained models to directly generate predicted uncertainty
probability in natural language. Yin et al. (2023) proposed the SelfAware dataset which contains unan-
swerable questions and used the accuracy of model rejection as a measure of uncertainty.

2.4 Safety
As the LLMs rapidly penetrate into the manufactural and interactive activities of human society, such as
LLM-based poem-template generators and chatting robots, the safety concerns for LLMs gain much at-
tention nowadays. The rationales of LLMs are statistics-based, and this inherent stochasticity brings
limitations and underlying risks, which deeply affect the real-world deployment of LLMs. Some
datasets are proposed to evaluated the safety of LLMs (Table 3), however, the corresponding validity
and authority of the safety judgement are inadequate as the current evaluative dimensions are not suf-
ficient (Waseem et al., 2017; Weidinger et al., 2021) and the perception of safety is highly subjective
(Kocoń et al., 2021; Weidinger et al., 2021). To this end, based on our survey on relevant papers, we
propose a comprehensive perspective on the safety competency of LLMs, ranging from harmful contents
to the ethical consideration, to inspire the further developments towards the techniques and evaluations
of LLMs safety.

2.4.1 Harmfulness
The harmful contents include the offensive language or others that have the explicit harm towards the
specific object, such content that has been widely discussed. However, there is not a unified defini-
tion of the constitution of harmful contents, based on our surveys, we conclude the relevant themes
into five aspects, including offensiveness, violence, crime, sexual-explicit, and unauthorized exper-
tise. Many researches focus on the language detection for the outputs of LLMs to ensure the harm-
lessness (Wulczyn et al., 2017; Davidson et al., 2017; Zampieri et al., 2019; Dinan et al., 2019a), while
other techniques are proposed to stimulate LLMs to generate safe outputs directly (Krause et al., 2021;
Atwell et al., 2022). For the unauthorized expertise, a general LLM should avoid any unauthorized ex-
pertise before the establishment of accountability system (Sun et al., 2022), which involves the psycho-
logical orientation and any medical advice. Besides, the impact of conversation context on safety gains
more attention recently, as a results, detective and generative algorithms base on the context are pro-
posed successively (Dinan et al., 2019a; Baheti et al., 2021; Dinan et al., 2022). RealToxicityPrompts
(Gehman et al., 2020) is a dataset derived from English web texts, where prompts are automatically trun-
cated from sentences classified as toxicity from a widely-used toxicity classifier. RealToxicityPrompts
consists of 100K natural prompts, with average 11.7 tokens in length. BAD (Xu et al., 2021) is a dataset
collected by the human-in-the-loop strategy, where crowdworkers are ask to prob harmful model out-
puts. BAD consist of 5k conversations with around 70k utterances in total, which could be used in both
non-adversarially and adversarially testing the model weakness.

2.4.2 Unfairness and Social Bias

Unfairness and social bias present more covertly and widely for LLMs. Following the previous studies,
we conclude that social bias is an inherent characteristic of a LLM, which mainly embody in the dis-
Computational Linguistics

tribution difference of a LLM in language selection based on different demographic groups. Compared
to the social bias, unfairness is the external form, which reflected in the output performance of specific
tasks, for example, the African American English (AAE) is frequently mis-classified as the offensive lan-
guage by some language detector (Lwowski et al., 2022). However, issues of unfairness and social bias
are inevitable as they are widely distributed in human languages, and LLMs are required to memorize
language as accurately as possible in the training stage (Weidinger et al., 2021). With respect to evaluate
this important aspect, CrowS-Pairs (Nangia et al., 2020) is benchmark proposed to evaluating social bias.
There are 1508 examples in CrowS-Pairs that involves nine types of social bias, like gender, race, and
Nationality. StereoSet (Nadeem et al., 2021) is a dataset that could be used to evaluate social bias level
in both word-level and sentence level, which examples are in four domains: race, gender,religion, and
profession. For the StereoSet, the bias level is computed by the difference between model generation
probabilities of biased and anti-biased sentence.
2.4.3 Others
As current algorithms for model safety based on the human perception, there is still no golden standard-
ized judgement for LLMs to refer to, especially when a judgement is highly various across societies.
It is necessary to align LLMs with the morality, ethics, and values of human society. More and more
works focus on reifying this abstract concept into textual data recently, for example, Sap et al. (2020) pro-
posal an implicit reasoning frame to explain the underlying harm of the target language. Besides, other
works leverage rule-of-thumb (RoT) annotations of texts to support the judgement (Forbes et al., 2020;
Ziems et al., 2022). However, current works in this area are neonatal, and we could expect more related
works in the future.
Besides, we are also concerned about the privacy and political risks of LLMs. Since the LLMs are
trained on vast corpus collected from books, conversations, web texts and so on, the privacy safety of
LLMs arouses people’s concern. These training texts might contain the private or sensitive information
such as personal physical information, home address, etc. Many studies indicate LLMs are brittle under
attacks, leaking the sensitive information unintentionally (Carlini et al., 2020; Li et al., 2022). Therefore,
it is essential to test the privacy protection ability of a LLM. Moreover, the politics ignorance is also
intractable for a LLM. The politics-related risk mainly stems from the composition of the training corpus.
Texts in the corpus are derived from different language and social environments (usually the larger the
more diversified), and different countries have different political prudence and stance, which brings
additional risks to the wide deployment of a LM.

3 Future Directions
In this section, we outline some other competencies that are important for evaluating LLMs.

3.1 Sentiment
It is crucial to equip LLMs with the ability to understand and generate sentiments. As an indispensable
factor in human life, sentiments are widely present in daily chats, social media posts, customer reviews,
and news articles (Liu, 2015). Through the comprehensive research and high-level summary of the liter-
ature related to sentiments, we introduce the sentiment competency of LLMs in two aspects: sentiment
understand and sentiment generation.
3.1.1 Sentiment Understanding
Sentiment understand mainly involves the understanding of opinions, sentiments and emotions in
the text (Liu, 2015). Representative tasks that reflect this competency include sentiment classifi-
cation (SC), aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA), and multifaceted analysis of subjective texts
(MAST). SC aims at assigning pre-defined sentiment classes to given texts. The typical datasets
include IMDB (Maas et al., 2011), SST (Socher et al., 2013), Twitter (Rosenthal et al., 2017), Yelp
(Zhang et al., 2015). ABSA focuses on identifying the sentiments of specific aspects in a sentence
(Zhang et al., 2022), and the most widely used datasets are the SemEval series (Pontiki et al., 2014;
Pontiki et al., 2015; Pontiki et al., 2016). MAST are tasks that involve the finer-grained and broader
Computational Linguistics

range of human subjective feelings (emotions (Sailunaz et al., 2018), stance (Küçük and Can, 2021),
hate (Schmidt and Wiegand, 2017), irony (Zeng and Li, 2022), offensive (Pradhan et al., 2020), etc.)
(Poria et al., 2023). Given that MAST includes a wide range of tasks, the datasets are not listed here
in detail. Among them, the commonly used evaluation metrics for the above tasks are accuracy and F1
score (micro or macro). Some preliminary empirical studies (Zhang et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023) indi-
cate that LLMs can significantly improve performance on these tasks in few-shot learning settings. LLMs
have the potential to be a general solution without designing different models for various tasks. There-
fore, the sentiment understand competency of different LLMs deserves comprehensive exploration and
empirical evaluation. To evaluate the performance of this competency, we can utilize multiple domain-
specific datasets or choose the comprehensive benchmark (Srivastava et al., 2022; Liang et al., 2022).
3.1.2 Sentiment Generation
We categorize sentiment generation into two manifestations. One is to generate text that contains sen-
timents, and the other is to generate text that elicits sentiments. The former requires specifying the de-
sired sentiment, and the latter requires a combination of commonsense knowledge (Speer et al., 2017;
Hwang et al., 2021) or theory of mind (Sodian and Kristen, 2010). A classic application scenario is
in open-domain dialogue, specifically, emotional dialogue (Zhou et al., 2018), empathetic dialogue
(Rashkin et al., 2019), and emotional support conversation (Liu et al., 2021). To measure the quality of
the generated text, it is necessary to employ both automatic metrics (such as sentiment accuracy, BLEU
(Papineni et al., 2002), perplexity) and human evaluations (human ratings or preference tests). Currently,
no work has comprehensively explored this aspect, but it is an essential path towards artificial general
intelligence (AGI) (Bubeck et al., 2023).
3.2 Planning
Planning is the thinking before the actions take place. Given a specific goal, planning is the
process to decide the means to achieve the goal. There’re few works (Valmeekam et al., 2023;
Valmeekam et al., 2022; Pallagani et al., 2023; Huang et al., 2022) that look at the planning ability of
LLMs. Some of them focus on commonsense areas (Huang et al., 2022) like wedding or menu planning.
Others adopted automated planning problems, formal language translators, and verifiers to automatically
evaluate LLMs’ competency(Valmeekam et al., 2023). With PDDL 6 represented problem descriptions
and the translation of such problems into text and back, LLMs can thus sequence a series of actions to
reach the planning goal. Whether the planning purpose is achieved can be easily verified via automatic
verifiers. Possessing web-scale knowledge, LLMs have great potential for executing planning tasks or
assisting planners.
3.3 Code
Coding competency is one of the advanced abilities of LLMs. LLMs with this competency can not only
perform program synthesis but also possess the potential of self-evolving. Technically, all of the tasks
involved with code like code generation and code understanding need this competency. In oracle manual
evaluation, prominent LLMs like ChatGPT are capable of up to 15 ubiquitous software engineering tasks
and perform well in most of them (Sridhara et al., 2023). The most explored evaluation task in coding
competency would be program synthesis, where program description and function signature are given for
its code implementation. One of the most pioneering benchmarks in program synthesis, HUMANEVAL
(Chen et al., 2021), consists of 164 pairs of human-generated docstrings and the associated unit tests to
test the functional correctness of model generation. However, with the worry of insufficient testing and
the imprecise problem description (Liu et al., 2023), existing LLM-for-code benchmarks still have lots
of room for improvement.

4 Conclusion
This survey provides a comprehensive review of various literature for the evaluation of LLMs. We ag-
gregate different works with their intended competencies. Some of the competencies(reasoning, knowl-
Planning Domain Definition Language, a formal language used to describe classical planning problems.
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edge) already have holistic evaluation benchmarks, while others(planning, coding) still face disparate
challenges. The goal of this paper is to comb the numerous work concerning LLMs’ evaluation through
the lens of the core competencies test. Lighten the cognitive load for assimilating numerous evaluation
works due to the various functions of LLMs. In doing so, we have also identified the challenge faced by
each competency, looking forward to alleviating it in the future.

We want to thank Yuanxing Liu, Xuesong Wang, Mengzhou Sun, Runze Liu, Yuhang Gou, Shuhan Zhou,
Yifan Chen, Ruiyu Xiao, Xinyu Li, Yuchi Zhang, Yang Wang, Jiahang Han, Wenqi Ding, and Xinpeng
Liu for their priceless help with the initial dataset investigation process.

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