T REC G.993.2 201511 P!Amd1!PDF E
T REC G.993.2 201511 P!Amd1!PDF E
T REC G.993.2 201511 P!Amd1!PDF E
ITU-T G.993.2
OF ITU (11/2015)
This prepublication is an unedited version of a recently approved Recommendation.
It will be replaced by the published version after editing. Therefore, there will be
differences between this prepublication and the published version.
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of
telecommunications, information and communication technologies (ICTs). The ITU Telecommunication
Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical,
operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing
telecommunications on a worldwide basis.
The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years, establishes
the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics.
The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSA Resolution 1.
In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-T's purview, the necessary standards are
prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC.
In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a
telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.
Compliance with this Recommendation is voluntary. However, the Recommendation may contain certain
mandatory provisions (to ensure, e.g., interoperability or applicability) and compliance with the
Recommendation is achieved when all of these mandatory provisions are met. The words "shall" or some other
obligatory language such as "must" and the negative equivalents are used to express requirements. The use of
such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party.
ITU 2015
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior
written permission of ITU.
Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T G.993.2 (2015)
Annex B
Region B (Europe)
(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)
25 276 276
N/A N/A 276
N/A N/A 138
998ADE30 3 750 5 200 8 500 12 000 24 890 30 000
N/A N/A 276
25 138 138
998ADE35 120 276 276 3 750 5 200 8 500 12 000 35 328 N/A
25 276 276
HPE17 N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 050 10 125 12 000 14 000 17 664 N/A N/A
HPE30 N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 050 10 125 12 000 14 000 21 450 24 890 30 000
HPE1230 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 000 14 000 21 450 24 890 30 000
HPE1730 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NA 17 664 21 450 24 890 30 000
HPEADE1230 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 000 24 890 30 000
HPEADE1730 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 664 24 890 30 000
NOTE 1 – N/A in the columns f0L and f0H designates a band plan variant that does not use US0.
NOTE 2 – The capability to support US0 together with profile 17a is required for European VDSL2.
NOTE 3 – The capability to support US0 together with profile 35b is required for European VDSL2.
The fi in Table B.1 are defined as follows:
Table B.2 – European Limit PSD mask options for band plan 997 (and its extensions)
Table B.3 – European limit PSD mask options for band plan 998 (and its extensions)
Table B.4 – European limit PSD mask options for HPE band plans
Limit PSD mask US0 type Highest used upstream
Short name
(Long name) A/B/M or downstream
(Note) frequency (kHz)
BH-1 HPE17-M1-NUS0 N/A 17 664
BH-2 HPE30-M1-NUS0 N/A 30 000
BH-3 HPE1230-NUS0 N/A 30 000
BH-4 HPE1730-NUS0 N/A 30 000
BH-5 HPEADE1230-NUS0 N/A 30 000
BH-6 HPEADE1730-NUS0 N/A 30 000
NOTE 1 – US0 type N/A designates a band plan variant that does not use US0.
NOTE 2 – Band plans BH-1 and BH-2 were referred to as band plans B7-7 and B7-8 respectively in
previous versions of ITU-T G.993.2.
Table B.45 – VTU-R limit PSD masks for band plan 997 (and its extensions)
Name B7-1 B7-3 B7-9 B7-10
B.2.3 VTU-O Limit PSD masks for band plans 997 (and its extensions), HPE17 and HPE30
The VTU-O limit PSD masks for band plan 997 (and its extensions) are shown in Table B.56.
Table B.56 – VTU-O Limit PSD masks for band plan 997 (and its extensions)
Name B7-1 B7-3 B7-9 B7-10
Table B.6A7 – VTU-R limit PSD masks for band plan 998 (and its extensions)
with a highest used frequency of 12 MHz or 17.664 MHz
Name B8-4 B8-5 B8-6 B8-7 B8-8 B8-9 B8-10 B8-11 B8-12 B8-17 B8-18
dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/
Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz
0 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –100 –100 –100 –100 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5
4 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –100 –100 –100 –100 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5
4 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –100 –100 –100 –100 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5
25.875 –34.5 –37.5 –92.5 –100 –100 –100 –100 –34.5 –92.5 –37.5 –34.5
50 –34.5 –37.5 –90 –100 –100 –100 –100 –34.5 –90 –37.5 –34.5
80 –34.5 –37.5 –81.8 –100 –100 –100 –100 –34.5 –81.8 –37.5 –34.5
120 –34.5 –37.5 –34.5 –100 –100 –100 –100 –34.5 –34.5 –37.5 –34.5
138 –34.5 –37.5 –34.5 –100 –100 –100 –100 –34.5 –34.5 –37.5 –34.5
225 Interp –37.5 –34.5 –100 –100 –100 –100 Interp –34.5 –37.5 Interp
243 –93.2 –37.5 –34.5 –100 –100 –100 –100 –93.2 –34.5 –37.5 –93.2
276 Interp –37.5 –34.5 –100 –100 –100 –100 Interp –34.5 –37.5 Interp
307 Interp Interp Interp –100 –100 –100 –100 Interp Interp Interp Interp
493.41 Interp –97.9 Interp –100 –100 –100 –100 Interp Interp –97.9 Interp
508.8 Interp Interp –98 –100 –100 –100 –100 Interp –98 Interp Interp
dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/
Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz
686 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
3 575 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
3 750 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80
3 750 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2
5 100 Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp
5 200 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7
5 200 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80
5 375 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
8 325 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
8 500 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80
8 500 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8
10 000 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5
12 000 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5 –55.5
12 000 –80 –80 –80 –80 –56.5 –56.5 –80 –80 –80 –80 –56.5
12 175 –100 –100 –100 –100 –56.5 –56.5 –100 –100 –100 –100 –56.5
14 000 –100 –100 –100 –100 –56.5 –56.5 –100 –100 –100 –100 –56.5
14 000 –100 –100 –100 –100 –80 –80 –100 –100 –100 –100 –80
14 175 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
21 275 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
21 450 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/
Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz
21 450 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
24 715 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
24 890 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
24 890 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
25 065 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
30 000 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
30 000 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110
30 175 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110
≥> 30
–110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110
NOTE – The PSD values between breakpoints including the values marked by "Interp" shall be obtained by interpolation between adjacent
breakpoints as follows:
– below 3 575 kHz on a dB/log(f) basis; and
– above 3 575 kHz on a dB/f basis.
The VTU-R limit PSD masks for band plan 998 (and its extensions) with a highest used upstream or downstream frequency of 30 MHz or 35.328 MHz
(see Table B.3 for the band plan 998 PSD mask options) are shown in Table B.6B.
B.2.5 VTU-O Limit PSD masks for band plan 998 (and its extensions)
The VTU-O limit PSD masks for band plan 998 (and its extensions) with a highest used upstream or downstream frequency of 12 MHz or 17.664 MHz
(see Table B.3 for the band plan 998 PSD mask options) are shown in Table B.7A8.
kHz dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/
Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz
0 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5
4 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5
4 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5
80 –72.5 –92.5 –92.5 –72.5 –72.5 –92.5 –92.5 –72.5 –92.5 –92.5 –72.5
101.2 Interp –92.5 –92.5 Interp Interp –92.5 –92.5 Interp –92.5 –92.5 Interp
138 –44.2 Interp Interp –44.2 –44.2 Interp Interp –44.2 Interp Interp –44.2
138 –36.5 Interp Interp –36.5 –36.5 Interp Interp –36.5 Interp Interp –36.5
227.11 –36.5 –62 –62 –36.5 –36.5 –62 –62 –36.5 –62 –62 –36.5
276 –36.5 –48.5 –48.5 –36.5 –36.5 –48.5 –48.5 –36.5 –48.5 –48.5 –36.5
276 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5
1 104 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5
1 622 –46.5 –46.5 –46.5 –46.5 –46.5 –46.5 –46.5 –46.5 –46.5 –46.5 –46.5
2 208 –48 –48 –48 –48 –48 –48 –48 –48 –48 –48 –48
2 249 Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp
2 500 Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp
3 750 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2
3 750 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80
3 925 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
5 025 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
kHz dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/
Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz
5 200 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80
5 200 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7 –52.7
7 050 Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp
7 225 Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp Interp
8 500 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8 –54.8
8 500 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80
8 675 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
11 825 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
12 000 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –80 –80 –80 –80 –100
12 000 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –100
13 825 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –100
14 000 –100 –100 –100 –100 –80 –80 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –80
14 000 –100 –100 –100 –100 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5
17 664 –100 –100 –100 –100 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5 –56.5
21 000 –100 –100 –100 –100 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80
21 450 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
21 450 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
21 625 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
24 715 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
24 890 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
kHz dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/ dBm/
Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz
24 890 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
25 065 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
30 000 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
30 000 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110
30 175 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110
≥ > 30
–110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110 –110
NOTE – The PSD values between breakpoints including the values marked by "Interp" shall be obtained by interpolation between adjacent breakpoints
as follows:
– below f1 on a dB/log(f) basis; and
– above f1 on a dB/f basis,
where f1 is defined in Table B.1 as either 138 kHz or 276 kHz.
The VTU-O limit PSD masks for band plan 998 (and its extensions) with a highest used upstream or downstream frequency of 30 MHz or 35.328 MHz
(see Table B.3 for the band plan 998 PSD mask options) are shown in Table B.7B.
Table B.9 – VTU-R limit PSD masks for HPE band plans
Name BH-1 BH-2 BH-3 BH-4 BH-5 BH-6
Table B.10 – VTU-O limit PSD masks for HPE band plans
Name BH-1 BH-2 BH-3 BH-4 BH-5 BH-6
B.5 Compliance
Compliance requires conformance with at least one Limit PSD mask.
Annex N
Region D (China)
(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)
Table N.2 – Chinese limit PSD mask options for band plan CN17
Limit PSD mask
Short name US0 type Highest used upstream
(long name)
A/B/M or downstream
(Note) frequency (kHz)
D-1 CN17-M2x-A A 17 664
D-2 CN17-M2x-B B 17 664
D-3 CN17-M2x-M M 17 664
D-4 CN17- M2x-NUS0-M N/A 17 664
NOTE – The US0 types stand for:
• US0 type A corresponds to Annex A of [ITU T G.993.2 Annex B];
• US0 type B corresponds to Annex B of [ITU T G.993.2 Annex B];
• US0 type M corresponds to Annex M of [ITU T G.993.2 Annex B];
• US0 type N/A designates a band plan variant that does not use US0;
• CN17-M2x-NUS0-M designate the variants in which DS1 starts at 276 kHz instead of 138 kHz.
Table N.3 – VTU-R limit PSD masks for band plan CN17
Name D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4
X17- M2x-NUS0-
Long name X17-M2x-A X17-M2x-B X17-M2x-M
kHz dBm/Hz dBm/Hz dBm/Hz dBm/Hz
0 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –100
4 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –100
4 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –100
25.875 –34.5 –92.5 –37.5 –100
50 –34.5 –90 –37.5 –100
80 –34.5 –81.8 –37.5 –100
120 –34.5 –34.5 –37.5 –100
138 –34.5 –34.5 –37.5 –100
Table N.4 – VTU-O limit PSD masks for band plan CN17
Name D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4
X17- M2x-NUS0-
Long name X17-M2x-A X17-M2x-B X17-M2x-M
kHz dBm/Hz dBm/Hz dBm/Hz dBm/Hz
0 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5
4 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5 –97.5
4 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5
80 –72.5 –92.5 –92.5 –92.5
101.2 Interp –92.5 –92.5 –92.5
138 –44.2 Interp Interp Interp
138 –36.5 Interp Interp Interp
227.11 –36.5 –62 –62 –62
276 –36.5 –48.5 –48.5 –48.5
276 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5
1 104 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5 –36.5
1 622 –46.5 –46.5 –46.5 –46.5
2 208 –48 –48 –48 –48
2 249 Interp Interp Interp Interp
2 500 Interp Interp Interp Interp
3 750 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2 –51.2
3 750 –80 –80 –80 –80
3 925 –100 –100 –100 –100
5 025 –100 –100 –100 –100
Q.1 Scope
This Annex defines functional requirements for implementations of G.993.2 operating on frequencies
up to 35.324 MHz with sub-carrier spacing of 4.3125 kHz, supporting vectoring that is compatible
with G.993.2 profile 17a. The defined functionalities concern capabilities related to the profile,
support of enhanced net data rates in G.998.4, SRA and TPS-TC. Other functionalities are for further
Index of highest
supported downstream
data-bearing subcarrier
(no change) 8191 (35.324)
(upper band edge
frequency in MHz
Annex B (informative))
(998ADE) Index of highest
supported upstream
data-bearing subcarrier
(no change) 2782 (12.0)
(upper band edge
frequency in MHz
Index of highest
supported downstream
data-bearing subcarrier
(no change) 8191 (35.324)
(upper band edge
frequency in MHz
Annex B (informative))
(998E) Index of highest
supported upstream
data-bearing subcarrier
(no change) 3246 (14.0)
(upper band edge
frequency in MHz
NOTE – Band plans associated with this profile shall have an index of highest supported
upstream data-bearing sub-carrier no higher than 4095.
Support of profile 35b is mandatory for compliance with this Annex. Support of profile 17a is
10.4.1 Data subcarriers
Transmission will take place on NSC subcarriers, with NSCus MSIus and NSCds MSIds; the
subcarrier with index i=0 shall not be used. NSCus + NSCds shall always be less than 40968192.
10.4.3 Modulation by the inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT)
The valid values of N are N = 2n+5, where n can take integer values from 0 to 78. The values of N
used for upstream and downstream are exchanged during initialization (see clauses 12.3.2,, and
... On-line reconfiguration (OLR) commands and responses
... On-line reconfiguration (OLR) commands and responses
FCS Variable
FCS Variable
... CL messages
... MS messages
... CLR messages
... MS messages
The first octet of the descriptor shall contain the number of breakpoints being specified. This number
can be zero. In that case, there shall be no additional octets in the descriptor. If the number of
breakpoints is not equal to zero, each group of threefour consecutive octets shall describe one
breakpoint as a PSD value at a certain subcarrier index.
The first 1216 bits (0-1115) in the group of three octets shall contain the index of the subcarrier. The
last 1216 bits (1216-2331) shall contain the PSD level. The PSD level shall be an integer multiple of
0.1 dB with an offset of −140 dBm/Hz. For example a field value of 3204000320180016 means a PSD
of 32016 × 0.1 − 140 = −60 dBm/Hz on subcarrier index 400180016 = 10246 144. The PSD level of
intermediate unspecified subcarriers shall be obtained using a linear interpolation between the given
PSD points (in dBm/Hz) with the frequency axis expressed in a linear scale. The subcarrier indices
of the specified breakpoints may be either determined by the CO-MIB or vendor discretionary.
Field #13 "Downstream transmit window length (ds)" shall contain the length of the downstream
transmit window, (ds), expressed in multiples of 2 samples at the downstream sampling rate
corresponding to the IDFT size communicated during the ITU-T G.994.1 handshake phase. The value
shall be coded as an 8-bit integer.
NOTE - The phrase “expressed in multiples of 2” means that the actual value used in transceiver is 2 times the
value represented in the field.
Field #14 "Downstream cyclic prefix" shall contain the length of the downstream cyclic prefix
expressed in multiples of 2 samples at the downstream sampling rate corresponding to the IDFT size
communicated during the ITU-T G.994.1 handshake phase. The value shall be coded as a 16-bit
Field #15 "Initial value of timing advance" indicates the initial timing advance, and shall be expressed
either in multiples of 2 samples if profile 35b is used with extended IDFT Size, or otherwise, in
samples at the upstream sampling rate corresponding to the IDFT size communicated during the ITU-
T G.994.1 handshake phase. The value shall be encoded in a 16-bit field using twos complement
format. The special value of 7FFF16 indicates that the VTU-R shall select the initial setting of the
The first octet of the descriptor shall contain the number of breakpoints being specified. This number
can be zero. In that case, there shall be no further octets in the descriptor, and the field shall be
interpreted as all log_tssi = 0 for all transmitted subcarriers. If the number of breakpoints is not equal
to zero, each group of threefour consecutive octets shall describe one breakpoint as a log_tssi value
(see clause at a certain subcarrier index. The tssi values shall be determined by the
transmitter such that, with combined frequency domain and time domain spectrum shaping, the
downstream PSD at the U interface during the training phase and subsequent initialization phases
shall be identical to the value MREFPSDds.
The first 1216 bits (0-1115) in the group of threefour octets shall contain the index of the subcarrier.
The last 1216 bits (1216-2331) shall contain the log_tssi value of the subcarrier in dB calculated as
specified in clause, such that the maximum log_tssi value across all breakpoints shall be 0
dB. Each log_tssi value shall be an integer multiple of −0.1 dB. The receiver shall obtain the log_tssi
values for unspecified subcarriers using a linear interpolation between the log_tssi values of the
assigned breakpoints as specified in clause
... R-MSG 1
... O-PMD
Field #4 "Tone ordering table" contains the tone ordering table t for the upstream direction. The tone
ordering table contains the order in which the subcarriers shall be assigned bits in the upstream
direction. The table shall include all subcarriers of the MEDLEYus set and only these subcarriers.
Each subcarrier index shall be represented as a 1216-bit value. Pairs of subcarrier indices shall be
mapped to a field of 34 bytes as shown in Table 12-59. For example, if the value of the nth field is
4002001800100016, t2n−1 = 200100016 = 5124 096 and t2n = 400180016 = 1 0246 144. If the number
of subcarriers in the MEDLEYus set is odd, the last 1216 bits of the field shall be set to ZERO (and
ignored by the receiver). The value of the first index sent shall be equal to the index of the first entry
in the tone ordering table (t1, see clause 10.3.1). The remaining indices shall be sent in increasing
order of the tone ordering table t entries (t2, t3, ... tNSCus).
... R-PMD