2017 - CV (2) For BOS - 27jul2017
2017 - CV (2) For BOS - 27jul2017
2017 - CV (2) For BOS - 27jul2017
More than 10 years of international experience as Team Leader/Project Manager for the Engineer on behalf
of Employer for supervision of (1) the construction of the industrial project “Giresun Licensed Hazelnut
Warehouse and Spot Exchange Building” in Giresun, and (2) offices in Kayseri and Yozgat for Erciyes
University for “Technology Development Zones Project”, both projects in Turkey, co-financed by EU/ Turkey
using FIDIC Conditions of Contract. (3) Project Manager for construction of a gas distribution facility for
National Nigerian Petroleum Company in Gusau, Sokoto State, Nigeria. Also experience working overseas
in Bulgaria, Romania, and Russia and a further 8 years working on construction projects in England and
Wales as Contracts Manager.
In addition specific experience in the installation of all necessary services required including water,
sewerage and storm water pipelines, gas and electrical services, telecom and internet services.
More than 19 years of experience in Ireland as Project Manager for the Contractor for construction projects
such as an Industrial warehouse expansion project at TEVA Pharmaceutical Plant, Waterford; an extension
at Merc Sharpe and Dohme Pharmaceutical Plant in Clonmel and renovations/ expansion work in Henkel
Chemical Plant in Little Island, Cork; Also in commercial, industrial, shopping centres, residential housing
schemes and apartment blocks, schools and sports facilities. Projects include the construction of the
Shannon Aerospace Aircraft Maintenance Industrial Facility at Shannon Airport,
Extensive experience as Project Manager and Construction Manager includes successfully supervising and
completing several medium to large scale construction projects in Ireland and overseas. This includes
monitoring construction programmes and HSE controls, QA/QC procedures including non-conformance
reports, technical and financial progress reporting, dealing with any of the Contractor’s or Employer’s claims
under Standard Conditions of Contract and/or FIDIC CoC, liaising with and chairing regular meetings with
Employers, End Users, Contractors and Statutory Institutions and recording/issuing the minutes, writing and
replying to related correspondence to all parties as required, issuing Change Orders or Variation Orders as
necessary and preparing and submitting Interim Payment Certificates and agreeing the Final Account.
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13. Professional experience
Date from Location Company Ref. Position Description
– Date to Person &
2014 – to Giresun, UBM-MOTT Project Manager for Supervision in Turkey for Construction of Giresun Licensed Hazelnut Warehouse and Spot Exchange financed by EU, implemented according to
April 2017 Turkey Macdonald Engineer FIDIC Red Book Conditions of Contract. The consultant provided site supervision and contract management services (as the engineer) for the works
Consortium contract 'Construction of Giresun hazelnut licensed warehouse and spot exchange'. Value 10 million Euro.
Contract comprised of the supervision of the following components as per FIDIC: Spot exchange and administration building (4-storey cast-in-place
R/C building), with 4,090m2 construction area, Hazelnut licensed industrial warehouse (single-storey 800 ton steel structure), 10,000 m2 construction
area (including an automated hazelnut storage and control system designed and built by the contractor), 24 galvanised steel hopper silos (with 600
ton capacity: min. 1,330 m3, height 22,0 m) and ancillary structures..
2012 –2014 Kayseri and Project Project Manager for Supervision for PM in Turkey of the Works as Team Leader for “Construction of Technology Development Zones in Gaziantep, Kayseri and Elaziǧ,
Yozgat, Management Ltd. Engineer Lot 2 – Construction for Erciyes TDZ”. This was an EU/Turkish Government Funded Project in Turkey for the construction supervision of Technology
Turkey Mr. Tim Hickey Zone commercial buildings and related infrastructural works in Kayseri (5 storeys high over basement structure, 10,000m 2) and in Yozgat (2 storeys
high structure, 2,000m2); implemented according to FIDIC Red Book Conditions of Contract and constructed by a Turkish Contractor. Value: €5M.
Team Leader for PM over the Supervision Team of experts, drafted and submitted HSE Guidelines, QA/QC Manual, Supervision Management Plan
to CA (Employer) for approval; submitted monthly financial and technical progress reports to CA; Supervised construction works in terms of quality,
safety and progress in accordance FIDIC CoC; approved and monitored Contractor’s work programme and recourses; his construction plan, HSE
plan, QA/QC plan, method statements and material submittals; Held weekly meetings with Contractor and monthly progress meetings with CA and
issued minutes of meetings; Maintained financial control including preparing IPC’s and dealing with Contractor’s claims.
2011 –2012 Cork, Cumnor Project Manager Industrial refurbishment project for Irish Oxygen, Cork City, Ireland. Value €0.9M. Project Manager for refurbishment of manufacturing facility at Irish
Ireland Construction Oxygen (after gas explosion stopped production). Works included new structural steel, wall and roof cladding, building and M&E works. Fast track
Mr. Mick programme implemented. Supervised the works regarding progress, quality and safety; programmed the works for a fast track finish; prepared and
O’Mahoney submitted IPC’s and reports to head office; prepared claims and variations for submission to the Engineer; attended site meetings,
liaised/corresponded with the Client and Engineer re design and other issues; prepared snag lists and completed all documents for handover.
2011 Waterford, Semiton Ltd Planning co- Industrial warehouse expansion project at TEVA Pharmaceutical Plant, Waterford, Ireland. Planning co-ordinator for the Works including expansion
Ireland Mr Sean Murphy ordinator of storage facilities and production facilities, fire sprinkler system and other M&E works. Programmer for the works for a fast track finish; liaised with
subcontractors to maintain and co-ordinate their programme; attended weekly meetings with the Client and Engineer re issues affecting the
programme; assisted the project manager for supervising the works re progress, quality, safety and other issues that may affect progress; prepared
and submitted reports to Client and to Engineer regarding any potential delays and proposing solutions.
2011 Ankara, Project Senior Engineering Worked in PM offices in Turkey on the preparation of project tenders, technical proposals and financial bids to IPA Projects financed by EU & WB, for
Turkey Management Ltd. Operations and projects in Turkey resulting from previous successful short listing through procurement procedures. Carried out marketing and research trips to
Mr. Tim Hickey Marketing several cities throughout Turkey; identified new EC funded business opportunities and the prepared of EoI’s for international restricted tender service
Engineer. contracts; Assisted in preparation of service contracts and relevant administrative documents after the successful tender win notification.
2009- 2011 Bulgaria, Project Chief Engineering Worked in PM offices in Romania & Bulgaria on preparation of technical proposals and financial tenders for IPA Projects financed by EU & WB, for
Bucharest, Management Ltd. Operations projects in Kosovo and Albania resulting from previous successful short listing through procurement procedures; including marketing and research
Romania Mr. Tim Hickey Engineer trips throughout the Balkans. Assisted in preparation of service contracts and relevant administrative documents after successful tender wins.
2008– 2009 Sakhalin Kentz Russia Contracts Manager Contracts Manager for the supervision and project management of a large scale integrated social complex for Exon Mobile in 2008/2009 undertaken
Island (see Kentz by Kentz Russia in Sakhalin Island, Russia. Duties included: management and supervision, cost control, safety, quality control, appointment and
Russia below) coordination of subcontractors, planning, meetings with clients, architects, local authorities and statutory services. Value: $10.0M.
2004– 2007 Clonmel Silver Meadow Projects Director & In 2007 as Project Manager for an Extension to Clonmel Healthcare Ltd Pharmaceutical Plant to the Anti-biotic industrial facility during on-going
Ireland Construction Project Manager production. Particular emphasis on HSE procedures, daily supervision, financial management and coordination of subcontractors. Value: €1.0 M Euro.
Mr. Brian Grogan
Director In 2006/2007 as Project Manager for construction project for institutional residential complex for disabled residents, for Newgrove Housing Association
with drainage, roads, WWTP, landscaping. Responsible for site supervision, QA/QC, HSE, financial control. progress and programme, Value €3,0M.
In 2004/2005 as Project Director/Manager for 27 luxury houses including dealing with design issues and planning permissions, funding and relevant
financial matters, supervision of works, QA/QC, HSE and handover procedures to clients. Value €6.0 M
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1995– 2004 Cork, Cumnor Contracts Manager In 2003/2004 as Project Manager for the construction
Ireland Construction Ltd. & Project Manager Curriculum vitae of 115 apartments in Cork, Ireland. A multi storey high concrete frame building with pre-cast
concrete floor panels sitting on in-situ concrete beams and columns, constructed using tower cranes with special attention on site safety, scaffold
Mr. Mick inspection and other safety measures. Value €15M.
Director In 2001/2003 as Contracts Manager on a large Medi Care complex for Cope Foundation including an institutional Day Care Centre with specific focus
on facilities for disabled clients. The day centre (approx 2000m 2) with use of wide span structural components. Value €3.5M.
In 2001 as Project Manager for the construction of a commercial shopping mall in Clonakilty, Ireland. Supervised the construction of the works. Value
€4.5M with Structural Steel frame and roof building.
In 2000/2001 as Project Manager for the construction of a large integrated commercial & residential complex at Youghal, Ireland. As Project Manager
supervised site management team. Construction works included a restaurant with a commercial kitchen and a large leisure facility with swimming
pool. Supervised and managed of work forces and inspected quality of work, co-ordination of subcontractors, monitored and reported progress,
programmed and scheduled of works, purchase and testing of materials. Value €30M.
In 1997/1998 as Project Manager for the construction of a high school complex in Charleville, Ireland financed by the Ministry of Education. 5,000 m2
extensions to the existing school and included a new purpose built sports gym. Value €3.5M.
In 1995 /1997 as Project Manager on the construction of an extension, alterations and environmental works to the industrial Henkel Chemical Factory,
Cork, Ireland. Due to the hazardous nature of production materials and processes strict safety and work procedures implemented with a “licence to
excavate” and “work (hot & cold) permits” systems, Value €3.0M.
03 –1994 Clonmel Jacobs Assistant Project Merck Sharpe & Dohme Pharmaceutical Plant, Co Tipperary, Ireland, Value €10M. Construction of a new control room and process control equipment
Ireland International Manager installation and electrical (carried out by ABB specialist subcontractor). Undertaken works during on-going production and involved close liaison with
production management and the control operators, including implementing detailed procedures of work and carefully planned handover and switch
over dates. Scheduled, programmed, planned and co-ordinated all aspects of the project, supervised the quality and safety of the works.
1992- 1994 Guseau MF Kent West Project Manager Construction of an industrial gas distribution depot on a green field site for National Nigerian Petroleum Company in Nigeria. Value $10M.
Nigeria Africa
Ms Mary McGrath Project manager over a team of international civil engineers, mechanical and electrical engineers and local engineers and technicians. Established
camp facilities supervised and managed of the workforce, appointment and co-ordination of sub-contractors, programming and progress reports,
QA/QC, HSE measures. In difficult conditions with high daytime temperatures QA/QC and HSE were paramount, in particular the pouring and curing
of concrete with procedures in place for sourcing and testing materials and concrete strengths.
1991– 1992 Shannon Kentz Ireland Project Manager Shannon Aerospace Aircraft Maintenance industrial Facility at Shannon Airport. Value €40M. Project Manager under the overall Project Leader on
Airport Ms Mary Mc this project for the construction of an aircraft maintenance hanger, offices and workshops of 32,000 m 2.
Ireland Grath
The clients included Guinness Peat Aviation, Lufthansa and Swissair. The hanger could house 6 narrow body jets simultaneously. Supervised the
civil and building works contracts awarded and in charge of the phased handover procedures with the client including commissioning procedures for
M&E services. There was no separate Supervisor Engineer company, KENTZ were responsible for all supervision.
1984 Cahir, Semiton Ltd Project Manager AIBP (Allied Irish Beef Processors) meat plant in Cahir, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Project Manager on an Agri-industrial project for AIBP to construct a
Ireland Mr Sean Murphy new store for the curing of cattle hides by salting process, installation of a new production line and installation of a new rotating killing box (installed to
face Mecca in line with halal requirements for export of beef products to Iraq).
1973- 1991 Ireland and In Ireland: Site Engineer; Project managed and supervised with Sulman Contractors from 1980 – 1990 in Ireland and UK a variety of construction projects including Residential
Southern 1. Sulman Project Manager; Projects in Southern Ireland; industrial buildings in Crawley, and Gatwick in South East UK; Refurbishment contract for new offices in Cardiff, Wales
UK incl. Contractors Ltd. Contracts Manager. in an existing high rise building under John Lelliot Project Management.
Engand In UK:
and Wales 1. Sulman From 1974 to 1979 project managed and supervised for Coleman Contractors as Project Manager in Cowley, Oxford, UK the refurbishment of
Contractor Ltd: existing industrial buildings; Project Manager in Hay-on-Wye, Wales for construction of new housing units and Project Manager in Swindon, UK for
2. Coleman the construction of new housing units and Residential Care Centre.
Contractors Ltd
3. J Murphy and From 1973 to 1974 as Site Engineer in Brent, London, UK for the construction of new housing units for J. Murphy and Sons.
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