2024-25 Budget Speech by Finance Minister Matia Kasaija
2024-25 Budget Speech by Finance Minister Matia Kasaija
2024-25 Budget Speech by Finance Minister Matia Kasaija
Delivered By
10. As a result of this robust growth, the size of the economy is
now estimated at Shs 202 trillion (USD 53.3 billion) up from
Shs 184.3 trillion (USD 48.8 billion) in nominal terms. If
Ugandans agreed to share this GDP equally, each citizen
would enjoy a GDP per capita of USD 1,146 compared to
USD 1,081 registered last Financial Year 2022/23.
11. Madam Speaker, the improved performance of the economy
is on account of higher growth in all sectors. Services,
agriculture, and industry, are estimated to grow at 6.6
percent, 5.1 percent, and 5.8 percent, respectively, in
FY2023/24. In particular, growth in the services sector has
been impressive, mainly driven by strong recovery in retail
and wholesale trade, tourism as well as communication and
real estate activities.
12. Growth in industry was mainly driven by manufacturing,
construction and mining, while increased production of food
and cash crops, as well as livestock supported growth in the
agriculture sector. Agriculture’s performance, estimated to
have expanded at 5.1 percent this year compared to 4.5
percent registered in FY2022/23, is attributed to
streamlined implementation of the Parish Development
Model (PDM); and fairly good weather conditions.
13. Other factors which supported strong economic growth
i) Low inflation and relatively stable exchange rate which
have allowed good investment planning and supported
export competitiveness;
ii) Increased investments in the oil and gas sector related
projects, supported by Foreign Direct Investment;
iii) Higher external demand for Uganda’s products
including agricultural and industrial products;
iv)Recovery of tourism supported by increased investment
in tourism infrastructure and marketing; and
v) Peace and security for persons and their property.
14. Madam Speaker, in March 2024, Uganda met the
requirements to graduate from the category of Least
Developed Countries (LDCs). Uganda also moved from the
category of low human development to medium human
development. This is a result of consistent improvement in
health, education, economy, and a decent standard of living.
This is a big milestone achieved well before the country
starts earning from oil exports. When oil and gas start to
flow, in FY2025/26, with deliberate value addition to our
raw materials, and productive utilisation of the PDM and
other wealth creations initiatives, attainment of prosperity
for all and socio-economic transformation will be faster.
15. Madam Speaker, Uganda has contained inflation. At an
average rate of 3.2 percent in the twelve (12) months to May
2024, Uganda’s inflation is one of the lowest in the region.
Annual headline inflation has reduced from the peak of 10.7
percent in October 2022 to 3.6 percent last month. The
reduction has been a result of good coordination of
monetary and fiscal policies, leading to low inflation for most
food crops, manufactured foods, and essential commodities
like laundry bar soap, sugar and cooking oil.
Interest Rates
16. Madam Speaker, the commercial bank lending interest rates
for shilling-denominated credit reduced to 17.7 percent in
April 2024 compared to 19.3 percent in April 2023. Interest
rates in the domestic debt market have remained broadly
stable averaging 11.2 percent on the one-year Government
Treasury Bills.
17. To further reduce lending rates, Government will continue to
provide long-term affordable capital through various
interventions. In particular, Government will continue to
capitalise the Uganda Development Bank, the Parish
Development Model, the Agricultural Credit Facility, and the
Small Business Recovery Fund to provide capital for wealth
18. Government is also continuing with capitalisation of the
Emyooga Fund to support micro enterprises, as well as the
Presidential Skilling and Industrial Hubs for the youth.
Grants will also be extended to women in business through
the Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for
Women Enterprises (GROW) project. For exporters of
manufactured products who face working capital challenges,
the Investment for Industrial Transformation and
Employment (INVITE) Fund worth USD 210 million (Shs 800
billion) is going to kick-off next financial year.
Private Sector Credit
19. Madam Speaker, private sector credit increased to Shs 21.54
trillion in April 2024 from Shs 20.47 trillion in April 2023,
an increase of 5.2 percent. There has also been a slight
increase in the share of credit going to productive areas of
the economy. For example, the share of credit going to
agriculture increased slightly to 11.3 percent by April 2024
compared to 11.1 percent by April 2023, while the share of
credit to manufacturing remained the same at 13.4 percent
Exchange Rate
20. Madam Speaker, despite the depreciation pressure on the
shilling since the beginning of this year, the value of our
currency has remained largely stable against key global
currencies. Between May 2023 and May 2024, the official
exchange rate against the US dollar has averaged Shs 3,771.
The depreciation pressure, on the account of exit of some of
the offshore investors searching for more attractive interest
rates offered on government papers in competing markets,
has been contained thanks to our good export performance
and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows.
External Trade
21. Madam Speaker, Government’s Export Promotion Strategy
has continued to produce positive results. During the year
ending April 2024, Uganda’s exports increased by USD
2.534 billion to USD 7.471 billion compared to USD 4.938
billion in April 2023, representing a 34 percent growth. This
increase was largely driven by increased exports of gold
(75.7 percent), coffee (21.9 percent), oil re-exports (21.8
percent), sim-sim (20.2 percent), tobacco (10.3 percent),
cotton (6.9 percent), and light manufactured products (4.9
percent). The major destinations of our exports are the East
African Community (EAC) countries which account for 29
percent, COMESA 29 percent, Middle East 24 percent, and
Asia 20 percent.
22. Madam Speaker, efforts to increase value addition to exports
have continued to yield positive results. Exports of
manufactured products have continued to be significant
contributors of export earnings. In particular, in 2023,
cement exports reached USD 91.1 million, sugar USD 75.8
million, plastic products USD 62.6 million, soap USD 33.9
million, beer USD 25.8 million. This Financial Year
2023/24, efforts to increase export performance have been
strengthened through investing in targeted value addition
initiatives and implementing several enabling trade policies.
23. Madam Speaker, in the financial year ending, Uganda
imported goods worth USD 12.9 billion compared to USD
10.3 billion in the year ending April 2023. This increase in
imports was largely driven by an increase in private sector
imports of 23 percent, mainly to develop our nascent oil and
gas sector.
25. Madam Speaker, job creation ranks top on Government’s
socio-economic agenda. The number of workers subscribing
to the various pension schemes in the country increased to
more than 3.14 million members in FY2023/24, an increase
of 4.2 percent compared to 3.01 million members in
26. Madam Speaker, the latest reports indicate that the direct
beneficiaries of the Presidential Initiative on Jobs and
Wealth Creation (Emyooga) reached 2,237,402 in December
2023. In the past one year alone, Emyooga funds have
created 378,640 new direct jobs. This was about 40,000
additional new jobs created compared to the new jobs
created in the previous year.
27. On another front, so far, 1.165 million households have
received PDM funds worth Shs 1.126 trillion as of May,
2024, and estimated to create about 2.5 million jobs.
28. A total of 23,083 youth projects have benefitted 263,897
youths under the Youth Livelihood Programme, in areas of
agriculture, trade, services and industry. This has created
over 1,250,000 indirect jobs. Similarly, the National Special
Grant for Persons with Disabilities is supporting 6,282
enterprises, benefitting 49,372 persons with disabilities.
29. Madam Speaker, Government is also going to create more
formal jobs and related livelihoods through a number of
project-funded interventions. Notable among these are the
GROW and INVITE Projects. The GROW Programme is
expected to directly benefit over 8,000 female-owned
enterprises, 280,000 female entrepreneurs and 1.6 million
indirect beneficiaries. Another 200,000 new jobs are
expected to be created from new investments through the
INVITE Project.
Fiscal Performance
30. Madam Speaker, as a result of our fiscal consolidation
agenda - which is intended to enhance revenue collection,
limit borrowing for only critical and strategic investments,
and control government expenditure - Government’s fiscal
deficit has reduced to 4.5 percent of GDP this financial year
from 5.5 percent of GDP last year.
31. Madam Speaker, the projected domestic revenue outturn for
FY2023/24 is Shs 27.725 trillion against the target of Shs
29.672 trillion, leading to a revenue shortfall of over Shs
1.9 trillion. The Uganda Revenue Authority is working hard
in the remaining days to reduce this shortfall. The revenue
to GDP ratio is estimated at 13.6 percent of GDP in
FY2023/24. Domestic revenue for FY 2024/25 is projected
to amount to Shs 31.982 trillion, equivalent to 14.2
percent of GDP.
35. Madam Speaker, Uganda’s growth strategy for next financial
year and in the medium term is anchored on four key
growth drivers: (i) Agro-industrialisation; (ii) Tourism
development; (iii) Mineral development including oil and gas;
and (iv) Science, technology and innovation (STI). These are
the anchor sectors that are going to propel Uganda to a 500-
billion-dollar economy in the next one-and-a-half decades.
36. Madam Speaker, our growth prospects face some risks that
will need to be mitigated. These include: (i) climate change
affecting agricultural production and infrastructure, (ii)
regional and global geopolitical tensions, (iii) high interest
rates which constrain access to affordable debt, and (iv)
fluctuations in global commodity prices.
37. To minimise the effects of these risks, Government is
implementing climate change adaptation measures,
exploring cheaper sources of financing including climate
finance, and ensuring frugality in Government expenditure.
39. Madam Speaker, I will start with what we have achieved by
investing in the people of Uganda through prioritisation
of healthcare, education, water, sanitation and hygiene.
I have provided Shs 10.216 trillion for these priorities,
which is 27 percent of the national budget as detailed below.
40. Madam Speaker, during this FY 2023/24 the following
milestones have been achieved in the health sector:
i) Government commenced the construction of the East
African Centre of Excellence for Cardiovascular care at
the Uganda Heart Institute located in Naguru and fast-
tracking the completion of the East African Centre of
Excellence for Oncology in Kampala and associated
regional centres in Gulu, Mbarara, Arua and Mbale;
ii) Under the Uganda Inter-Governmental Fiscal Transfers
(UGIFT) Programme, 371 Health Centre IIs were planned
for construction and upgrade to Health Centre III Status.
So far 261 Health Centre IIs have been upgraded to
Health Centre IIIs and are fully operational. An additional
110 are on-going at different stages. Meanwhile, 11
hospitals were rehabilitated, in Busolwe, Kapchorwa,
Kambuga, Buwenge, Koboko, Amuria, Kotido,
Kaberamaido, Kawolo, and Kitgum Districts;
iii) Three regional Blood Banks in Arua, Soroti, and Hoima
have been completed;
iv)Government distributed a total of 25 million Long-lasting
insecticide treated mosquito bed-nets countrywide for the
prevention of malaria; and
v) Government also provided 116 new ambulances to 100
constituencies, another 10 ambulances for the Regional
Referral Hospitals and six (6) for the Command Centre at
Naguru; among others.
41. Madam Speaker, to further enhance the health of Ugandans,
a total of Shs 2.946 trillion has been provided next
financial year, 2024/25. The following interventions will be
i. Promotion and implementation of interventions for the
disease prevention and health education initiatives against
communicable, non-communicable and neglected tropical
diseases and injuries;
ii. Provision of essential medicines where an additional Shs 100
billion has been provided;
iii. Improvement of the welfare of the health workers including
medical interns and doctors designated as senior house
officers. I have provided more wage allocations to facilitate
the recruitment of staff for the upgraded HC IIIs;
iv. Construction and rehabilitation of more health
infrastructure and provision of medical equipment to
improve quality of care and provision of specialised
healthcare. These include, among others: the Uganda Cancer
Institute and Regional Cancer Centres; the Uganda Heart
Institute, Intensive Care Units and an imaging centre for
referral hospitals.
v. Digitisation of the national health system to facilitate service
delivery and tracking of medical supplies and health workers’
vi. Construction, rehabilitation and equipping of dilapidated
hospitals across the country including in the Kampala
Metropolitan Area.
vii. Strengthening of the network of medical reference
laboratories including the establishment of the East African
Community Regional Centre of Excellence for Virology at the
Uganda Virus Research Institute, and the National Public
Health Institute in Uganda.
viii. Establishment of a Pharmaceutical Industrial Park; and
strengthening the National Drug Authority Regulatory
42. Madam Speaker, Government considers education as a key
opportunity equaliser for Ugandans, equipping them with
knowledge and skills required for productive employment as
well as enabling them to live longer, happier and affluent
lives. For this reason, the following commitments were
prioritised and delivered in FY2023/2024:
i) Skilling in Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM);
ii) Construction and equipping of 21 laboratories across
the country, in selected secondary schools using the
UPDF Engineering Brigade;
iii) Upgrading learning facilities in 12 Technical Institutes,
and four Vocational Education Centres of Excellence at
Uganda Technical Colleges in Bushenyi, Bukalasa, Lira,
and Elgon; and
iv) Out of 259 seed secondary schools planned under
UGIFT, 105 have been completed and 144 are on-going.
43. Madam Speaker, I have provided Shs 2.497 trillion to
further improve the quality of education, and the following
are among the priorities:
i) Supporting the new curriculum for S1-S4 students;
ii) Operationalisation of all the 111 seed secondary schools
and completing the 27 seed secondary schools under the
UGIFT Programme;
iii) Commencing the construction of 60 secondary schools
and expansion of 61 existing secondary schools under the
Uganda Secondary Education Expansion Project;
iv)Providing loans to 5,192 degree and 1,125 diploma
students who are on the Government-funded loan
scheme, both continuing students and new beneficiaries;
v) Government take-over of Bunyoro and Busoga
Universities for inclusive and equitable access to
university education.
Social Protection
44. Madam Speaker, in the year we are concluding Government
has provided social protection as follows:
i) Continued with the provision of the Senior Citizens Grant
to 439,069 older persons across the country amounting
to a cumulative total of Shs 565.7 billion;
ii) Under the Special Enterprise Grant for Older Persons
Programme (SEGOP), Government supported 590 group
enterprises benefitting 3,636 older persons;
iii) Under the Youth Livelihood Programme (YLP), a total of
23,083 youth projects have benefitted 263,897 youths in
areas of agriculture, trade, services and industry. This
has created over 1,250,000 indirect jobs; and
iv)Through the National Special Grant for Persons with
Disabilities, Government is supporting 6,282 enterprises,
benefitting 49,372 persons with disabilities.
45. Madam Speaker, Government will continue to support the
welfare of the elderly to keep them healthy and productive to
their communities. While Social Assistance Grant for
Empowerment (SAGE) targets those above 80 years, SEGOP
ensures the inclusion of those in the age bracket of 61 to 79
46. Government will also continue to support the youth and
women beneficiary groups using the recovered funds from
the Youth Livelihood Programme (YLP) and the Uganda
Women’s Enterprise Programme (UWEP). For greater
efficiency, management of the two programmes (YLP and
UWEP) has been unified.
47. Madam Speaker, I have provided an additional Shs 355.79
billion for social protection next financial year.
Water, Sanitation and Environmental Protection
48. Madam Speaker, as a result of Government intervention,
more Ugandans now have access to safe clean water.
Coverage in rural areas is now estimated at 67 percent, and
73 percent in urban areas. Out of 71,225 villages, 56,617
villages have been served with at least one safe water
49. In FY2024/25, clean water coverage will increase to 70
percent and 85 percent in rural and urban areas,
respectively. In the rural areas, the target is to reduce the
distance to the nearest source of clean and safe water for
human and animal consumption to less than one kilometre
while in urban areas to less than 500 metres. The following
are among the priorities we have budgeted for next financial
i) Construction of 52 large solar-powered water supply
systems in 19 districts that are currently at less than 50
percent water coverage. These are Agago, Yumbe, Amudat,
Kaabong, Bulambuli, Buvuma, Buyende, Namayingo,
Rakai, Nakaseke, Sembabule, Kibaale, Kasese, Kyegegwa,
Mubende, Lyantonde, Kakumiro, Kassanda and Kisoro.
ii) Construction of another 15 solar-powered water supply
systems in the Rural Growth Centres of Lwentulege,
Bugwara, Kabamba, Kikoora, Mwitazinge, Lugala, Kitenga,
Bukizibu/Bumwena, Igwaya, Kidera, Bugomolwa, Kitonge-
Nakasero, Kikonge, Kasese and Lubaali. This will cover a
population of over 272,000 persons.
iii) Completion of the construction of 31 town water supply
systems and sanitation facilities in Bulangira, Kanapa,
Aligoi, Opengate Kawo, Karago, Nyakashaka, Buikwe,
Bundibugyo, Kapchorwa, Kamuli, Namasale, Kaliro-
Namungalwe, Butaleja-Busolwe, Budaka-Kadama-Tirinyi-
Kibuku, Kyankwanzi, Butemba, Ngoma, Lunya, Palabek-
Kal (Lamwo), Obongo, Lamwo, Rhino Camp, Arra/Dufile,
Amuru, Kole, Alangi, Zeu, Kakingol, Iriiri, and
iv) Construction of 17 rural water supply systems in the
refugee-hosting districts of Adjumani, Lamwo, Madi
Okollo, Moyo, Terego, and Yumbe.
v) Progress the construction of 26 water supply systems at
various stages in Manafwa (now at 80 percent), Mukura
(40 percent), Kidera (40 percent), Atutur (40 percent),
Kadungulu (10 percent), Kaproron (10 percent), Iyolwa (20
percent), Bukumi (5 percent), Rubaya - 50 percent,
Bethlehem-Nabigasa Phase 1-50 percent, Kabura-Mwizi
Phase 1 - 50 percent, Mabira - 50 percent, Bukiro - 50
percent, Nyabisirira - 50 percent, Bugarama-Karweru - 50
percent, Rwere-Kateretere - 50 percent, Kagarama-
Bushura-Kibuzigye - 50 percent, Nyanseke (80 percent),
Busaale (95 percent), Kibuzi (100 percent), Adilang,
Puranga (Pader), Kasawo-Phase 1 (5 percent), Kyebando-
Kasimbi (5 percent), Nabilatuk and Losilang.
vi) Increasing the water for production storage capacity for
commercial farmers from 52.6 million cubic metres to 76.8
million cubic metres.
50. Madam Speaker, to support the restoration of our
environment and reverse the effects of climate change,
Government shall undertake the restoration of 42,450
hectares of degraded wetlands along the Awoja, Kandekye-
Ruhorobero, Nchwera, Chambura, Kiruruma, Naigombwa,
Kibimba, Tochi, Aswa, Sezibwa, Mayanja, Muzizi, Mpanga
and Lumbuye water systems.
51. In addition, Government shall demarcate a 750-kilometre
boundary with concrete pillars along the following wetlands;
Kibimba, Tochi, Sezibwa, Mayanja, Muzizi, Awoja,
Mpologoma, Ishasha, Kandekye-Ruhorobero, Nchwera,
Chambura, Kiruruma and Naigombwa.
52. A total of 15 million seedlings of assorted tree species shall
be procured and distributed to individual farmers in several
districts, as well as to refugee-hosting communities in the
Albertine region and in West Nile, as well as individual
53. Madam Speaker, I have provided Shs 516.78 billion next
financial year for climate change mitigation, natural
resources, environment and water resources management.
54. Madam Speaker, the PDM has now been fully rolled out. A
total of Shs 2.4 trillion has so far been provided. The money
is being transferred directly to the beneficiaries in 10,585
parishes across the country. The introduction of the WENDI
Application, by the Government-owned Post Bank and its
partners, has saved beneficiaries the inconvenience of
travelling long distances to open up bank accounts or
withdraw their money. It has also enhanced transparency by
providing full visibility and traceability for all the funds up
to last-mile beneficiary. The extensive mobile telephone
coverage (both smartphones and ‘Kabiriti’) has helped to
lower transaction costs for the PDM beneficiaries.
55. Going forward government will deepen the use of WENDI
and other digital technologies and innovations to enhance
financial inclusion and drive efficiency, accessibility, and
effectiveness of the programme. These technologies will
gradually be extended to other wealth creation initiatives.
56. The total of 1.165 million households that have so far
received PDM funds have invested in intensive agriculture
projects that include poultry, dairy, coffee, piggery, fish,
fruits and food crops. In the next few days, I will release the
remaining Shs 529 billion for this financial year directly into
the accounts of the PDM SACCOs. Each PDM SACCO will
continue to receive Shs 100 million.
57. Madam Speaker, Shs 1.059 trillion has been provided next
financial year for an additional Shs 100 million per parish
to benefit more households. Government will also ensure
effective implementation of Pillar One which includes input
certification, provision of extension services, storage, value
addition, and market linkages.
from the first-round beneficiaries and it is being advanced to
59. Madam Speaker, in the next Financial Year 2024/25, I have
provided an additional Shs 100 billion under Emyooga to
support more Ugandans to create wealth and boost their
Agricultural Credit Facility (ACF)
60. Madam Speaker, since 2009 Government has partnered with
banks to support commercialisation of agriculture through a
credit guarantee scheme that provides up to 50 percent of
the money loaned to a farmer. Cumulatively, Government
has invested Shs 303 billion, causing a cumulative loan
disbursement of Shs 860 billion. This money has enabled a
total of 3,868 agricultural projects to access patient capital
for commercial on-farm investment, post-harvest
management, agro-processing, and trade in agricultural
produce. Next financial year, Government will continue to
capitalise the ACF with an additional Shs 30 billion.
Capitalisation of UDB
manufacturers, and also provide working capital to
exporters and those involved in import substitution. Green
financing is also going to be enhanced to ensure climate
adaptation and mitigation. To achieve this, Government is
going to further capitalise UDB with another Shs 55 billion.
Government is also in the process of acquiring for UDB
credit lines worth Shs 1.083 trillion to lend more to wealth
Support to SMEs
63. Madam Speaker, two years ago, Government set up the
Small Business Recovery Fund (SBRF) to provide soft-loans
to SMEs that had suffered financial distress during COVID-
19. Government provided Shs 100 billion to be equally
matched by banks to extend credit to the target beneficiaries
at 10 percent interest rate. At a disbursement of Shs 18.4
billion so far, supporting 1,459 businesses, uptake of this
fund has been low. Next financial year, Government and
Bank of Uganda are going to relax the requirements to
ensure increased uptake of the SBRF to support SME
INVITE and GROW Programmes
64. Madam Speaker, Government is also implementing two
programs namely; the Generating Growth Opportunities and
Productivity for Women Enterprises (GROW) worth USD 217
million (Shs 824 billion); and the “Investment for Industrial
Transformation and Employment (INVITE)” worth USD 210
million (Shs 800 billion). These funds are intended to
support women-owned enterprises and value addition for
65. Madam Speaker, Government is also working hard to reduce
the time, cost, and complexity of business registration and
licensing. A Business Facilitation Centre has been set up to
centralise all business/investor-related services to speed up
registration and operationalisation of businesses. Services
that used to require weeks or months are now accomplished
in just a couple of hours. This is going to enhance Uganda’s
competitiveness even further.
66. Madam Speaker, Government is committed to
commercialising agriculture to enhance production and
productivity and improve competitiveness of agricultural
products in both regional and international markets. The
following are some of the key milestones achieved during
this financial year in the area of agro-industrialisation:
i. Establishment of an afla-safe facility at Namulonge to help
in the management of aflatoxins in cereals and nuts;
ii. Construction of a local anti-tick vaccine manufacturing
facility, also at Namulonge, to produce vaccines against
tick borne diseases. This will save the country USD1.1
billion which is lost annually due to tickborne diseases,
and tap into the Shs 3 trillion regional market for meat
and milk.
iii. Increased coverage of large-scale farmer mechanisation to
40 percent from 32 percent in FY 2022/23. A total of 240
tractors with all their accessories and additional 750 units
of single-axle tractors were procured and distributed
countrywide. Government also provided a number of
policy/tax related support to the private sector to
67. Madam Speaker, in the FY 2024/25 Budget, I have allocated
a total of Shs 1.878 trillion towards deepening agro-
industrialisation with increased focus on commercialisation
and value addition in agriculture. The priority areas include:
i. More investment in research and genetic development of
selected value chains for animal, fish and crop varieties;
ii. Support for pest, vector and disease control and prevention.
In particular I have provided an additional Shs 427.21
billion to procure and distribute 44 million doses of vaccines
against foot and mouth disease. After the current vaccination
exercise, farmers will access the vaccines through
Government Stores by meeting 100 percent cost of the
vaccine, while Government will cover the cost of vaccine
iii. Support to NARO to roll-out the anti-tick vaccine, starting
with 20 million doses;
iv. De-risking agriculture through supporting increased
production and productivity as well as value addition for all
the priority value chains;
v. More support for agricultural mechanisation;
77. Next financial year, Government has provided an additional
Shs 50 billion to complete the capitalisation of the company
to transition into a self-sustaining business.
c) The Pathogen Economy
78. Madam Speaker, the pathogen economy has made
tremendous progress in developing vaccines, therapeutics,
diagnostics and other healthcare tools for our public health
security and import substitution. The scientists at Makerere
University developed a PCR diagnostics kit that has so far
been used for conducting more than 2 million COVID-19
tests. This kit effectively halved the cost of COVID-19
testing, and saved Government more than USD 37 million
(Shs 140 billion). A Clinical Trials Platform for natural
therapeutics, the first on the African continent, has been
established. The human vaccines have completed animal
studies and are under preparation for clinical trials.
79. Madam Speaker, other Government support under the
pathogen economy has been directed towards the following
special initiatives:
i. Dei Biopharma Ltd is establishing Africa’s largest
pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturing facility here in
Uganda. The facility will create job opportunities for more
than 10,000 science professionals and 30,000 others in
the support ecosystem. Production of generic drugs,
cancer drugs, and human vaccines is scheduled to start
by November 2024. Government is in the process of
finalising equity acquisition in exchange for its Shs 723
billion investment.
ii. The anti-tick vaccine project at Makerere University,
spearheaded by Dr. Margaret Saimo-Kahwa, has
undergone clinical trials. I have provided an additional
Shs 25 billion to produce and commercialise the anti-tick
iii. Government has also supported Jena Herbals of Prof
Patrick Ogwang (known for COVIDEX) to undertake
clinical trials of his natural therapeutics and establish an
internationally certified production facility to manufacture
and commercialise them. I have provided an additional
Shs 2.07 billion for this purpose next financial year.
iv. Support to Prof Jennifer Serwanga Sempala to advance
her research in human vaccines. I have provided an
additional Shs 25.24 billion needed to complete the
research and start producing the vaccine.
d) Coffee Value Chain Development
USD 560 million from value added coffee in the next five
years, which would catalyse the whole sector to bring in at
least USD 5 billion in line with our tenfold growth strategy.
Shs 75 billion has been provided next financial year to
improve coffee value chain development.
e) Space Programme
85. Madam Speaker, mineral development is another growth
accelerator that has been earmarked by Government to
expand Uganda’s economy by tenfold. It is going to support
resource-based industrialisation into light manufacturing
and high-tech exports.
86. During the financial year we are ending, the following have
been achieved in the minerals sector:
i) The entire country has now been fully mapped using
airborne and ground geophysical technologies;
ii) The National Mining Company has been incorporated as
a commercial vehicle for investment and trading in
minerals on behalf of Government;
iii) Several key mineral development projects and mineral
value addition centres have been developed, including
Wagagai gold mining in Busia, rare earth metals in
Bugweri; a graphite project in Kitgum; a limestone mining
project by Sunbird Resources Limited in Moroto; and
Seven Gold Refineries in Kampala, among others.
iv)M/s Woodcross Tin Smelting Company Ltd has
established a tin smelter in Western Uganda to produce
tin ingots to 99.95 percent tin grade.
87. Madam Speaker, next financial year, I have allocated Shs
41.55 billion to undertake the following interventions for
further mineral development:
i) Fast-tracking quantification and market studies for all
minerals for the purpose of investor promotion;
ii) Operationalising the National Mining Company;
iii) Further reviewing and strengthening the fiscal regime for
minerals, including regulation of artisanal and small-
scale miners;
iv) Developing the e-government mineral production system
and data bank for mineral statistics;
v) Commencing construction of the Busia and Moroto
beneficiation centres; and strengthening the Ntungamo
and Fort Portal centres; and
vi)Facilitating private sector participation in exploration,
mining and value addition to minerals.
modernization of the departures and arrival areas of the
terminal building; and
iii) Maintenance of 13 aerodromes including; Arua, Gulu,
Pakuba, Masindi, Lira, Kidepo, Moroto, Soroti, Tororo,
Jinja, Mbarara, Kasese, and Kisoro.
95. Madam Speaker, with regard to water transport, the
following were accomplished during FY2023/24:
i) Completed the construction of three strategic ferries,
namely: Amuru-Rhino Camp Ferry; and Two ferries for
Bukungu-Kagwara-Kaberamaido (BKK) route on Lake
ii) Completed construction of the Maritime Training Institute
in Namasagali, and commenced construction works for
the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) at
iii) Completed 46 percent construction works for Search
and Rescue Centres at Kaazi and 25 percent at Kaiso,
Panyimur and Zengebe landing sites; and
iv)Continued with the development of the new Kampala Port
at Bukasa.
96. With regard to railway transport, the following were
accomplished during FY2023/24;
i) Acquired a 161-km corridor for the Standard Gauge
Railway between Tororo and Mayuge;
ii) 28 percent completion of rehabilitation of the Tororo-
Gulu Metre Gauge Railway;
iii) Completed emergency refurbishment and rehabilitation
of the Malaba-Kampala-Namanve Meter Gauge Railway.
97. Madam Speaker, during the FY 2024/25, more focus will be
put on maintenance of the roads we have built, building of a
few new strategic roads, accelerated rehabilitation of the
Metre Gauge Railway, and commencement of construction of
the Standard Gauge Railway. I have provided a total of Shs.
4.989 trillion for that purpose. In particular, the following
transport infrastructures will be undertaken:
a) Roads and Bridges
99. Madam Speaker, Shs 162 billion has been provided for
completion and operationalisation of Kabalega International
Airport in Hoima; and plans are underway to acquire at least
two (2) mid-range aircraft and 2 cargo aircraft to facilitate
exports in the medium term.
iii) Leveraging Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and
ICT to create employment opportunities for the young
iv)Digital skilling to increase adoption of the digital services;
v) Cyber security, data protection and privacy.
104. Madam Speaker, in our tenfold growth strategy Government
is going to step up efforts to accelerate diversification of the
economy, add value to raw materials to boost exports and
import substitution to continue reducing our import bill,
and also build more basic industries to produce items that
Ugandans use on daily basis such as sugar, soap, cooking
oil, clothes, medicines, construction materials, etc.
iv)Investment in Bukona Agro-processors Ltd in Nwoya
District to process cassava and cereals into ethanol for
cooking. It produces 40,000 litres of ethanol per day;
v) Investment in Budadiri Arabica Coffee Mills Ltd in
Sironko District to process coffee for export;
vi)Additional investment in Soroti Fruits Factory Ltd that is
processing 6 metric tons of fruit (mangoes and oranges)
per hour into fruit concentrates and juice; and
vii) UDC has also invested in the East African Medical
Vitals Ltd, manufactures of examination and surgical
gloves, to increase the company’s production capacity to
create jobs and also save the country foreign exchange
through import substitution.
106. Madam Speaker, Government is also continuing to develop
industrial parks to provide investors with the required
infrastructure and utilities. Work is progressing in the
Namanve Park (with 190 companies operating); Liao Shen
Park in Kapeeka (19 companies); Sino-Uganda Industrial
Park in Mbale (18 companies); Luzira Park (11 companies);
Bweyogerere Park (8 companies); and MMP in Buikwe (6
107. Other operational industrial parks include: Jinja, Soroti,
Kasese, Mbarara, and Tian Tang-Mukono Industrial Parks.
So far, over USD 3.5 billion have been invested in these
parks in the form of Foreign Direct Investment. Over
266,812 direct and indirect jobs have so far been created.
108. Madam Speaker, peace and security, as well as the rule of
law, are the foundation for all other things we aspire to
achieve. It is the bedrock for socio-economic transformation,
democracy and all the human rights and freedoms we all
cherish. Accordingly, as we have done before, Government
will continue to prioritise peace, security and the rule of law.
109. Next financial year, I have provided a total of Shs 9.588
trillion, of which Shs 481.4 billion is for the administration
of justice to ensure that Uganda remains a peaceful and
accountable country with law-abiding citizens. Some of the
priorities in these programmes include:
a) Security of the Person and Property
i. Strengthening the capacity of security agencies to address
emerging security threats, and ensuring combat readiness
of security agencies to protect life and property;
ii. Enhancing military capability through acquisition of
various assets, and strengthening the surveillance
iii. Supporting joint military operations in the region;
iv. Building effective crime response systems targeting
sophisticated crimes such as terrorism, other
transnational crimes, arms proliferation, illegal entry into
the country, money laundering, cybercrime, espionage,
smuggling of contraband, human trafficking, and others;
v. Supporting the civil authorities in combating threats as
well as managing the refugees in line with our Refugee
Policy; and
vi. Improving the welfare of the military, police, prisons, ISO
and ESO personnel through salary enhancement.
b) Justice, Law and Order
vii. Strengthening justice, law and order service delivery
systems by:
a. Recruiting 10 more High Court Judges in Commercial
and Land Divisions to enhance adjudication of
commercial and land cases to eliminate backlog;
b. Recruiting 5 more Justices of Court of Appeal in line
with the Judicature (Amendment Act), 2024;
c. More investment in court automation to cover an
additional 10 Courts to enhance efficiency, reduce
human contact and by extension reduce incidents of
d. Promotion of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Mechanism to complement the formal adjudication of
e. Starting construction of Regional Courts of Appeal in
Mbarara and Gulu; High Courts in Hoima and Mpigi;
Chief Magistrate Courts in Amolatar, Bubulo, Rakai and
Katine; and Magistrate Grade One Courts in
Busembatia, Nyarushanje, Rubuguri and Adwari;
f. Promoting the use of scientific evidence in investigation
and prosecution of cases, including construction of the
National DNA Databank at the Government Analytical
Laboratories at Wandegeya;
g. Mass enrolment for and renewal of National IDs, and
automation of immigration and business registration
h. Reforming laws and the due process to ensure faster
and expeditious resolution of disputes, among others.
2. Tourism Development,
3. Mineral Development, including oil & gas, and
113. Madam Speaker, these are the ATMS that are going to mint
money for Ugandans next financial year and in the medium
term. The detailed enabling policies, interventions and
actions will be contained in the forthcoming 4 th National
Development Plan (NDP IV).
114. Madam Speaker, to achieve this ambitious goal in the next
15 years, we must deliberately and pragmatically do the
i. Double the size of GDP every 5 years for the remaining three
National Development Plans;
ii. Raise per capita GDP six-fold from the current USD 1,146 to
about USD 7,000 in FY 2039/40;
iii. Double the level of savings in the economy from 20 percent
of GDP to 40 percent of GDP in 2040;
iv. Raise the share of exports in GDP from 12 percent in 2022 to
50 percent, and the share of manufactured products in
merchandise exports from 13 percent to 50 percent; and
medium high-tech products from 21 percent to 50 percent
over the same period;
v. Increase the annual FDI inflows from USD 2.9 billion in
2022 to USD 50 billion by 2040; and
vi. Accumulate the stock and quality of human capital (skilled
workers); physical capital (energy, railway, roads, air travel
and internet infrastructure); and natural capital (forests,
swamps, rivers and lakes).
115. Madam Speaker, the success factors of this strategy are:
i. Enhancing the capacity for effective national defence and
security to avert any internal or external security risks;
ii. Maintaining constitutional order, an effective and efficient
Judiciary, and a people-centred Legislature;
iii. Economic stability in line with commitments contained in
the Charter for Fiscal Responsibility;
iv. A reformed Government-wide coordination of rationalised
Ministries, Departments, Agencies, and Local Governments;
v. Effective and accountable public institutions prepared to
fight corruption and impunity;
vi. Policy consistency to ensure effective implementation of
Government programmes and interventions;
vii. Enforcement of local content in Government
programmes and investments, and support to culture and
the creative industry;
viii. Digitisation and automation including e-payments, e-
commerce, e-Government procurement, e-health, e-
education, etc.
ix. Support and take advantage of the full implementation of the
EAC Common Market and economic integration under the
African Continental Free Trade Area.
Four Million, Two Hundred and Fifty Three Thousand,
Four Hundred and Sixty Six Shillings (Shs.
72,136,504253,466/=) trillion of which total revenue is as
detailed below:
i) Domestic revenues amount to Shs 31.982 trillion, of
which Shs 29.366 trillion will be tax revenue and Shs
2.616 trillion will be non-nax revenue;
ii) Budget Support - Shs 1.394 trillion;
iii) Domestic Borrowing - Shs 8.968 trillion;
iv)Treasury bonds for settlement of Government
outstanding obligations to Bank of Uganda as at 30 th
June 2024 - Shs 7.779 trillion;
v) Domestic Refinancing of maturing domestic debt - Shs
12.022 trillion;
vi)Petroleum Fund drawdown - Shs 115.4 billion;
vii) Project support (external financing) - Shs 9.583
trillion; and
viii) Local Government revenue collections - Shs 293.9
117. Madam Speaker, the total government expenditure for FY
2024/2025 is projected at Shillings Seventy Two Trillion,
One Hundred and Thirty Six Billion, Five Hundred and
Four Million, Two Hundred and Fifty Three Thousand,
Four Hundred and Sixty Six Shillings (Shs.
72,136,504253,466/=) trillion; of which the total
appropriation is Shs 37.56 trillion and statutory
expenditure is Shs 34.756 trillion.
118. Wages and salaries are projected to amount to Shs 7.926
trillion, non-wage recurrent expenditure to Shs 17.454
trillion, development expenditure from own resources to
Shs 6.152 trillion, external project financing Shs 9.584
trillion, appropriation in aid to Shs 293.9 billion, while
external debt repayment will amount to Shs 3.149 trillion.
119. Madam Speaker, I have attached the details of the Resource
Envelope and Expenditure Allocations by Vote for
120. Madam Speaker, the FY2024/25 budget has been designed
to target seven key priorities. These are:
i) Investing in the people of Uganda through education,
health and water, sanitation and hygiene, for which I
have provided a total of Shs 10.204 trillion;
ii) Peace and security of all persons in Uganda. I have
allocated a total of Shs 9.107 trillion, including a 25
percent enhancement of salaries of all security
personnel at the rank of Captain and below;
iii) Maintenance of all roads, construction of a few strategic
roads, as well as rehabilitation of the Metre Gauge
Railway and construction of the Standard Gauge
Railway. I have provided Shs 4.989 trillion for these;
iv) Investing in wealth creation initiatives, including
commercial agriculture, value addition (UDB and UDC),
the Parish Development Model (PDM), Emyooga,
Agriculture Credit Facility, tourism, science-based
research, and youth skilling, export promotion
programme, and the GROW Project. I have allocated a
total of Shs 2.641 trillion;
v) To facilitate electricity transmission, distribution and
utilisation of existing energy stock, I have allocated Shs
982.6 billion;
vi) Natural disasters (Contingency Funding), to which I
have allocated Shs 146.1 billion; and
vii) Our international commitments for regional and global
partnerships, Shs. 31.1 billion.
121. Madam Speaker, the above priorities are in support of the
anchor sectors that have been identified to drive rapid
expansion of the economy.
iii) Repurposing of budget towards high impact economic
growth areas;
125. Madam Speaker, the following are the modest changes in
taxes that were approved by Parliament to raise more
revenue and/or improve the budget environment:
Excise Duty
i) Imposition of excise duty on powdered beer at Shs 1,000
per kilogram
ii) Imposition of excise duty at a rate of 0.5 percent of the
value of withdrawals of money from other platforms other
than mobile money. This does not apply to withdrawals
from agent banking or banking halls.
iii) Increase excise duty on petrol by Shs 100 per litre.
iv)Increase excise duty on diesel by Shs 100 per litre.
v) Increase excise duty on imported wines from 80 percent
or Shs 8,000 per litre to 100 percent or Shs 10,000
whichever is higher.
vi)Imposition of excise duty on adhesives, grout, white
cement and lime. The objective is to align the tax
treatment of these products with that of cement.
Value Added Tax (VAT)
126. Madam Speaker, under VAT, the supply of electric
motorcycles, vehicles manufactured or fabricated in Uganda
and their respective charging stations and batteries for
electric motorbikes, charging stations and related services
are exempt from tax. The objective is to facilitate the growth
of e-mobility and affordability of electric cars and
motorcycles and protect the environment.
127. Madam Speaker, starting next financial year, the provision
of taxable goods/services by an employer to an employee will
attract VAT.
Income Tax
128. Madam Speaker, under the Income Tax Act, we provided
incentives for the following:
i) We have exempted investors from tax capital gains
arising from the sale of holdings in private equity or
venture capital funds regulated by the Capital Markets
Authority. The intention is to incentivise private equity or
venture capital investments in Uganda;
ii) We have provided tax holidays on the income of a person
who manufactures and fabricates electric motor vehicles,
electric motorcycles, electric batteries and electric vehicle
charging equipment, as well as the income of a person
who develops, establishes or operates a medical facility or
hospital facility;
iii) We have extended the waiver of penalties and interest
on arrears outstanding by June 2023. This waiver will
apply when the taxpayer pays between July and
December 2024; and
iv)We have also introduced a 10 percent withholding tax on
commission paid to the banking agents and fintech
agents (payment service providers).
Tax Administration Measures
129. Madam Speaker, much of the anticipated additional
revenues will be generated from compliance measures
undertaken by URA. These include:
i) Expanding URA presence and coverage by opening up 5
liaison offices;
ii) Strengthening the enforcement and use of Electronic
Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing System (EFRIS) and
Digital Tax Stamps (DTS) and the rental tax solution;
iii) Strengthening the exchange of information with other
tax authorities to combat illicit financial flows and under-
declarations; and
iv)Strengthening enforcement interventions.
130. Madam Speaker, I call upon all of you colleagues and fellow
Ugandans to render URA and other revenue-collecting
institutions the necessary support to mobilise the revenue
required to meet the targets for FY2024/25. We must raise
more revenue and reduce reliance on borrowing and
external grants.
Public Debt Stock
131. Madam Speaker, as at the end of December 2023, Uganda’s
total public debt stood at Shs 93.38 trillion, equivalent to
USD 24.69 billion. Of this amount, external debt was Shs
55.37 trillion equivalent to USD 14.64 billion while
domestic debt was Shs 38.01 trillion equivalent to USD
10.05 billion. The public debt is projected at Shs 97.638
trillion, equivalent to USD 25.716 billion by 30th June
132. In nominal terms, Uganda’s public debt to GDP was
estimated at 46.9 percent in June 2023, and is projected to
end at 47.9 percent this financial year ending June 2024.
This is below the 52.4 percent threshold provided for in the
Charter for Fiscal Responsibility for the financial year
2023/24, and less than 50 percent of GDP Government
policy target for debt sustainability.
133. Madam Speaker, although our debt has increased, it is still
sustainable and Government is committed to keeping it
sustainable. Most importantly, the money we have borrowed
has been invested well and these investments have started
to give good returns. The borrowed money has been spent as
i) 29 percent was invested in improving the transport
infrastructure including, the oil roads, tourism roads,
Kampala-Entebbe Express Way, the Kampala Flyover,
and the several tarmacked roads linking the whole
country; airports including upgrading of Entebbe
International Airport, and building of Kabalega
International Airport, rehabilitation of the Metre Gauge
Railway, etc;
ii) 28 percent has been invested in the development of
energy infrastructure, including Karuma and Isimba
Dams, power transmission lines, and rural electrification;
iii) 12 percent has been invested in improving water
sources for both human consumption and for irrigation
and livestock;
iv)5 percent in agro-industrialisation; and
v) The development of industrial parks, extension of the
National Backbone Infrastructure which has improved
the quality of internet and communication, as well as
investment in education and health, among others.
134. Nonetheless, the ratio of total debt service to domestic
revenue excluding maturing domestic debt (redemptions) is
projected to increase to 40.3 percent in FY2024/25 from
33.4 percent in FY2023/24, above the threshold of 20
percent. This is the reason Government has committed to
exercising caution in borrowing to ensure debt sustainability
by implementing the following measures:
i) Prioritising concessional borrowing where available, and
reducing commercial borrowing at high interest rates.
Such borrowing shall only be for very few strategic and
high impact projects.
ii) Strengthening capacity for domestic revenue
iii) Controlling Government spending to ensure allocative
iv)Boosting exports to increase foreign exchange inflows.
v) Ensuring project readiness and quality of public
investments to increase the return on investment.
category, take full advantage of the PDM and other wealth
creation funds as well as other support services to join the
money economy in any of the four sectors - commercial
agriculture, industry, services, or ICT.
137. To the private sector, this budget is anchored on the tenfold
growth strategy. It presents to you a multitude of
opportunities. It has invested in a number of interventions
to further improve the business environment. The
macroeconomy is stable; infrastructure is improving;
affordable capital has been provided for you to engage in
value addition and export; electricity is now reliable and
Government will work hard to reduce its cost; regional
markets are expanding and barriers to market access are
being removed. Therefore, take full advantage of these
opportunities to create wealth and prosperity.
138. To the youth, this budget offers opportunities to acquire
more skills, access finance, innovate and develop new and
better products. To those with talents, I assure you that the
creative industry is going to be supported. This budget is the
beginning among many in the medium term intended to
open up doors for you to escape unemployment and
manipulation by self-interested individuals and groups.
Take full advantage of the opportunities to make money and
live a productive life.
139. To the women and mothers of this nation, the budget has
provided funds to improve your health, to ensure that your
children are born in safe hands, are immunized, sleep under
a mosquito net, drink clean safe water, and are educated in
a nearby school for free. The budget has also allocated
billions to support your businesses, however small they are
140. To the elderly, persons with disabilities, and other
vulnerable persons, wherever you are in this country, the
budget offers several social safety nets not only to shield you
from poverty but also to ensure that you can be productive
and begin to live a decent life.
141. To the gallant men and women in uniform, at the rank of
Captain and below – who are serving in the UPDF, in the
Uganda Police, in the Uganda Prisons, in internal and
external intelligence services- this budget contains the first
instalment to enhance your pay. Continue to serve your
country and keep it as safe as you have always done. Happy
belated Heroes Day.
142. Madam Speaker, as I step off this podium, I would like to
call upon all Ugandans to embrace the President’s message.
Let every adult Ugandan engage in producing a good or a
service for sale. That way, we shall be able to create a bigger
pie for the greater good of our country. I dedicate this budget
to all the wealth creators.
143. Madam Speaker, I beg to move.